Far out in the reaches of space, light-years away from our own quadrant of the galaxy, a war raged, a war of Gods against Gods and mortals against mortals. Right now, one mortal ship was engaged with another. The ship of heroes was the Mobian ship, the Blue Typhoon, under the command of Miles “Tails” Prower, the best friend of Sonic the Hedgehog, Crown Prince of Mobius. Its enemy was Starscream’s War-world. Right now, the Blue Typhoon wasn’t faring all that well, even with the crew and ship using the energies of the new Chaos Emeralds. “Status report!” called Tails.
“Aft shields down!” replied Knuckles.
“Warp nacelles damaged!” reported Amy.
“Starscream’s Trine just left the War-world!” Cliffjumper reported to Optimus. “They’re giving the Typhoon no end of grief!”
“Send a signal to any ships near them!” ordered Optimus. “They need help!”
“…The Fang’s acknowledged and are on their way!” reported Prowl.
“Thank you, Grimlock,” sighed Optimus. “Status of Tornedron!”
“His atomic structure’s weakening, but not dissipating yet!”
The War-world fired a torpedo once Starscream and his buddies cleared the area. The torpedo drained the Typhoon’s port shields. “Any ships within range?!” called Tails.
“The Fang’s on its way here!” called Sonic.
“We better hold out for that long, then! Impulse engines!”
“Impulse engines are unresponsive!” reported Cosmo. The War-world fired another torpedo, knocking a few crew members out of their seats. Shadow took over a station.
“Engage emergency override!” Tails ordered him. Shadow keyed in a command.
“Override engaged! Laser cannons still not responding!”
“Port shields are recycling, but not fast enough!” called Sira.
“Laser cannons are online again!” said Shadow.
“Lock on War-world!” ordered Tails.
“Not yet!” Tails looked at Shadow as if he lost his mind. “Their sensors will detect the weapons lock! If they think we’re helpless, they can try to board the ship! I can then aim and fire the laser cannons manually when they drop their shields to board!” Tails considered the options.
“…You’ll have to wait until they’re within transporter range,” remarked Tails.
“Just say the word when they are.” Tails nodded.
“Do it!”
“They’re not moving,” remarked Skywarp.
“They’re helpless!” chuckled Starscream. “War-world, come about! Get to transporter range and board the ship!” The War-world obeyed and closed in on the Typhoon.
“35,000 kilometers,” reported Shadow. “…20,000 kilometers…now within transporter range!”
“Aim weapons,” ordered Tails.
“…They’re dropping shields!”
“FIRE!” Shadow fired.
“GANGWAY!” yelped Sunstorm. The Trine moved out of the way of the laser shots as they hit the War-world. The lights on the War-world then flickered.
“Shields are down!” called a soldier to Deathsaurus.
“They’re charging weapons again!” reported another.
“All power to shield recyclers!” ordered Deathsaurus.
“Starscream and his Trine are still out there! They’re ordering us to keep them lowered!”
“We can’t do that if we want to keep the Chaos Emeralds! All power to-!” Deathsaurus’ repeat of his order was interrupted as the ship rocked again.
“The shots came from the Fang!” cheered Amy. “Grimlock’s calling us!”
“On screen!” ordered Tails. Grimlock’s face appeared on screen. “That’s two I owe you, Grimlock!”
“No, just one, little buddy!” replied Grimlock. “You helped fix our t-cogs and I saved your bacon during the Metarex affair! It’s just one you owe me!”
“We’ll discuss that later. Let’s take care of the War-world!”
“One smashed War-world, coming up!”
“They’re closing in on us!” called Skywarp once he and his Trine made it to the War-world’s bridge.
“Come about and join Tornedron!” ordered Starscream. “We need to carve into the fleet!”
“Lord Starscream, primary cannon is fully charged!” called Deathsaurus.
“Finally, some good news! Target the fleet!”
“Optimus, the War-world’s aiming its primary cannon!” called Prowl.
“And it’s charged with the Chaos Emeralds!” gulped Optimus. “All ships, scatter!”
The fleet moved away as the lens of the War-world glowed gold. Once it built enough charge, it fired a destructive laser that tore through half the fleet. The luckless ships were vaporized in an instant!
“Judge Commodore Brinn on a secure channel!” called Prowl once the Ark was okay.
“On screen!” replied Optimus. Brinn appeared on the screen wearing his face of death.
“Optimus Prime, forgive me,” he began, “but we must pull back!”
“No, we need to provoke Tornedron into attacking the War-world,” replied Optimus. “All ships, fire on Tornedron and herd it to the War-world!”
“What are they doing?!” demanded Starscream.
“They’re herding Tornedron to us!” reported Deathsaurus. Starscream grabbed a communicator.
“Tornedron, break off and continue the assault!”
“Don’t you think I’m doing that?!” snarled Tornedron. “Their Chaos energies are forcing me on the backfoot, and your own energies aren’t helping matters!”
“Well, we can’t retreat now!”
“Guys, Primus and Unicron aren’t doing so hot!” called Skywarp.
Unicron swung a fist at his opponent, Lux in her pure energy state. Lux caught it and drove a portion of her being into Unicron’s chest. Though sound can’t travel in space, Unicron clearly gasped in pain. It was similar to the pain the Thirteen Primes inflicted onto him. Lux struck again, and again, and again!
Primus was faring no better. Umbra had managed to scratch his face. After that, she continued slamming portions of her being into his torso. Primus then slammed his head into Umbra’s being, forcing her to let go. Something then grew from Primus’ back and sent four streams of light. One of the streams struck the Nemesis and pulled the Xitran Omega Key from the storage vault. The streams then pulled all four Omega Keys into the thing on Primus’ back. They turned and cannons sprouted from Primus’ planet-shell wings and rested on his shoulders while other cannons sprouted from his forearms. He then leveled his guns at Umbra and fired! Umbra spasmed in pain, then shook it off as she tore the guns off him, making him silently roar in pain.
Gaia kept firing blasts of energy at her mothers’ opponents. She was told to simply assist until Primus and Unicron were severely weakened. Lux and Umbra then backed off as Primus and Unicron held themselves in pain. The three Goddesses then achieved their corporeal forms, staying the size of Primus and Unicron. Lux then fired a stream of light at Primus. Umbra fired a stream of darkness at Unicron. The two gods then froze in place once the beams made contact. Gaia then fired a stream of energy from each towards each god. She then rapidly changed from green to red to purple to blue, as did the energy streams. The three women then clapped their hands together and drew Primus’ Spark and Unicron’s Anti-spark out of their shells. As their former bodies floated in space and faded to gunmetal gray, the Spark and Anti-spark came together, and the energies mixed. The three ladies then pointed their hands to Voksphere, and the combined energy fell towards the planet.