The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


Knighted for her service to Railways during the Final War, Dame Galya Gronsar is the 10,093 business-orc that runs the Galdredan Standard Railway as Controller. Initially against Mechanica rights, she changed her tune when Mechanicas that are well-treated turn a profit. She now considers her engines as part of her family. Her wives (Gremla, Nurfath, and Neeka) and their Parlor Maid Harem have become the richest Orc family in the Realms thanks to her business acumen. Sadly, thanks to the Final War and a fatal railway accident, she and her cousin Bulshnak are the only survivors of the family. However, she’s got friends in high and low places, so she has a support network ready to help her at a moment’s notice.

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


Constructed 4,097 years ago and gaining Mechanica status during the Final War, Officer Furnaf is enjoying the peace he spent the first years of his sentient life fighting for. He’s an officer of the Galdredan Standard Division of the Under-realm Branch of the Railway Investigations Agency and is one of the best officers of the organization. Upholding the law with his sister, Durgu, his investigations always get whatever criminal is guilty of a crime. He’s married to three Rail-type Mechanica ladies, (Tranfii the Tram, Lurdan the Narrow Standard Tank, and Eldram the Maximum Tender) and a Rail-type Mechanica man (Rutur the Minimum Tank).

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


Built 2,004 years ago in the engine workshops of the Under-realm’s Galdredan Lava Kingdom for its railway, Lushar became a Rail-type Mechanica two months after the Mechanica Trial near the end of the previous Age of Unity. Like her brother Dreshel and her sister Murmath, Lushar’s a shunter and goods engine. She works at the Drapnar Quarry arranging stone trains and bringing them across the railway. She’s married to Sandu, the Ship-type Mechanica extension of the Sand Dune. She’s a bit cheeky, a bit vain when it comes to her paint and clothes, and has a great work ethic.

(I’ve been wanting to draw a Rail-type Mechanica since I first wrote about them in the second book. She’s inspired by a few of my favorite engines from the Thomas the Tank Engine franchise. She’s got Thomas’ cheekiness, James’ vanity, and Duck’s work ethic.)

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast

The Three Maidens

Like our world, the Realms have their own comedy slapstick trio. Available in black-and-white or color, the Three Maidens always earn a good guffaw out of their antics. While they play idiots, these Elves are actually comic geniuses. Even then, they’re willing to do their bit for the Realms when it comes to combat. They all hail from the Mid-realm’s Elf capital of Galthar. Let’s go through them from left to right!

Moru Hanorfal is the second youngest of the Hanorfal daughters with Curlandii being the youngest and their sister Shemdral being the eldest. The 80,479-year-old Sea Elf is the leader of the trio and is married to fellow actress Crisnatainiyer and fellow actor Vernadrent.

Curlandii Hanorfal is a 79,946-year-old Sky Elf and is the funny girl of the act. She does a fair bit of improv and is known for her trademark squeaky voice as well as her funny vocalizations such as “Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!” or “Woo woo woo!” She’s happily married to Madam Marainslii and Sir Bujamiso, also fellow actors.

Larima Finbragill is the 80,039-year-old Wind Elf that plays the straight girl of the act. While Moru and Curlandii usually mime playing instruments, she actually plays them as a result of her musical training since her childhood accident. She’s married to fellow actors Dame Dorathebly and Mr. Emillzika.

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


Once a member of the Realm Trinity Empire, Markulak: Model 7 defected to Realmfleet once he learned how rotten the Empire was. The Markulak line of robots was designed for combat, but after watching some Three Maidens sketches, he became enamoured with acting, hoping he could work alongside them. The Markulak line was created halfway into the Final War, but Markulak: Model 7 was created only twelve months before he defected.

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast

Princess Arsha Royana in Full Armor

Arsha has returned and is ready to tear Oyed a new one! Her armor’s mail is made of mithril mesh and her plating and helmet are made of arcanium, both very durable metals.

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


The pride of the Under-realm’s Greshkagh Mountains, Aldarval Naltomak has served Realmfleet for most of her 42,197 year life. This Troll has had the honor of being not only the first Troll to reach the position of Supreme Admiral, the highest rank of Realmfleet, but also the oldest woman. In her personal life, she is honored to be called a wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. Her Fairy and Elf husbands and her Mermaid wife are honored to be her spouses and parents to 22 children, grandparents to 97 grandchildren, and great-grandparents to 209 great-grandchildren. Her brother and sister, of course, have Views about galivanting around Realmfleet, but Aldarval likes her life so far.

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast

Privateers Reb and Melgem

As mentioned, Reb’s legs were consumed by the slime she has on her person. This is a common danger for those who have symbiotic slimes and a variety of people have a variety of reactions. Reb, she views it as a minor inconvenience as it only took the legs, leaving the rest of her, even her privates, intact. Symbiote slimes only take the legs, leaving the rest of its host alone. Now, she’s got more abilities to work with. As for the man behind her, well, let’s get his bio going.

Originally hailing from the Mid-realm’s Varshenta beach, Melgem joined Realmfleet as part of a top-secret super soldier program. His own affinity for water was enhanced…but he never felt tested. That all changed once the 400-year-old Sea Elf met Reb Rojam. He found the pirate’s life much more enjoyable and took a liking to the woman. Now, he’s her husband and they once commanded a vast pirate fleet. Unfortunately, after a setback in Galthar, the first of Dr. Borg’s Revenants, Yulduk, wanted revenge and so took his limbs and eye all down the left side. After being given cybernetic prosthesis and rescued by Arsha’s ship, they were put into Realmfleet Max, only breaking out when Remsu staged a jailbreak. They soon…”parted company” with Remsu and wandered the Realms with Jargoon. It all ended when Jargoon lost his life during the Siege of Realmgate City. They made a deal with Arsha’s parents and their royal colleagues. They would work off their time as Privateers, Protectorate Pirates, and the Royals would grant them amnesty. It seemed like a sweet deal and they both felt they were getting richer at a faster rate than their old pirate ways. Melgem even got better cybernetics out of the deal.

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast

Arsha and her Lovers Height Comparison

I was fiddling around and discovered how to remove backgrounds in Word one time, then I layered the images, altered the heights, and combined them into one. So, from shortest to tallest, we have Malnar, Falnii, Lardeth, Arsha and Foresna at roughly the same height, and Gorfanth.

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


Dr. Delselii Vorsholstein is an excitable 320-year-old Homunculus living on the Vorsholstein estate on the eastern edge of the Galdredan Lava Kingdom. That excitability has helped him and hindered him in his career as an officially licensed Mad Scientist, in fact, he’s the one who created Bremfo. He always thanks his parents for putting him together the right way and he’s been online-dating Bashoon for a bit, so it was quite a surprise that he met her in person during the Final War.