cast Journey Through Wonder

CRS-4987 Glanthelantir

The Glanthelantir is a Marianes-class skyship that measures at 600 meters by 500 meters by 300 meters. Its primary function is a military cargo transport vessel. Its crew complement is 300 and its current Captain is its Mechanica extension, Glanthel. It’s quite the robust ship.

cast Journey Through Wonder

Intrag Emboramii

Intrag is Malnar’s first ancestor. Known as Intrag the Savage, Intrag the Conqueror, Intrag the Tyrant, and other titles of such similar natures, Intrag was the last Under-King of the Savage Age. He led the Under-realm in the War of the Realms and made a deal with Oyed for power in exchange for service. He was every bit a ruthless tyrant. He ravished “worthy” women and discarded them when they were no longer beautiful, tortured his victims and only killed them when they were broken, empty shells of their former selves, and held the most horrific of gladiatorial games where he was the unconquered champion. When the Realms all discovered the Message from the Divine Ones, Intrag called it a lie and tried to slay his Out-realm rivals. His son cut him down and slew him. Oyed intercepted his soul and put it into stasis to be used for a later date. He was then deployed during the Third Age of Unity as a Wraith, a ghost that is fueled by hate and wrath and could harm others. He briefly joined Dr. Borg’s group and tried to protect a chapel they were using as a base. The chapel fell and Oyed cast Intrag down to the Depths. The Depths turned out to be one area of Hell and he spent the rest of his days languishing with the damned. That all changed when the Author decided he needed his strength, so he restored him to life and offered him godhood with power greater than Oyed and the Divine Ones combined. He accepted and is ready to rule a new multiverse.

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Femfaf is a Golem of Dr. Borg’s design after she stole Splitter secrets concerning the creation of their Golems. She was the first of Borg Golems and the first female Golem. Physically speaking, she is the strongest of the Realm Trinity Empire’s Ruling Council and is a great commander. She has won many battles and slain many enemies. She was ready to take up her duties as a new god. Arsha and her lovers put a stop to that and finally killed her and the rest of the Council. She found herself in Hell and spent her days there. After a time, the Author brought her back to life. Now, she’s ready to break Arsha and her precious Realms.

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Scorpo is the living extension of Dr. Borg’s ship, the Scorpion. He was made the Captain of himself when he came into existence. His first bout was when a Realmfleet task force sent Oyed back to the Depths and made everyone scatter. Dr. Borg shored up his design flaws and made him better. He was known as the Scourge of the Skies during the Final War, with no one able to bring him down. He and his fellow Councilors then betrayed Oyed and took up positions as gods. That godhood didn’t last long as Arsha and her lovers took it away from them all. When he was killed, the Scorpion was rendered inoperable. After it was scrapped, he found himself in Hell along with his colleagues. He rotted there until the Author brought the Scorpion back and restored him to life. Now he’s back and ready to prove he’s the most powerful ship to ever dominate the skies.

cast Journey Through Wonder

Tormo Dweksha

Tormo was once a nobody, an uncle to Bashoon and an unscrupulous one at that. He tried to run a scam betting operation for the Regatim Oasis’ Great Camel Race, spreading rumors that former Queen Drenii was too old and tired to race alongside the camels. The scheme was upended, but he still made enough money to pay off his debt to Dr. Borg and eventually join her side. He knew how to make Realmfleet’s victories costly. He then made the biggest gamble along with his fellow Councilors and became a god. It was a gamble that didn’t pay off. Arsha and her lovers got rid of their godly status and executed them all. He wound up in Hell and suffered there until the Author got him out. Now he’s ready to make Arsha and Bashoon pay, both fiscally…and physically!

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Yulduk Elzemar

Yulduk was once a donation collector for the Elven city of Galthar. He was a greedy man and was skimming off the top to help fund Reb Rojam’s pirates. The plot was discovered and Reb killed him to tie up loose ends. He was then brought back to life as Dr. Borg’s first Revenant. He then got his revenge on Reb and her husband, Melgem, by bringing the original Scarlet Stream Pirates to the Realm Trinity Empire’s side. Given his undead status, he couldn’t be killed in the early years of the Final War. That is until the Revenant killing spell was discovered by accident. His life was now in danger like any other soldier. Luckily, Dr. Borg had a solution that required him becoming a god. He tasted it, but Arsha and her lovers snatched it away. He became the first of the Ruling Council to fall and enter Hell. There he spent his days until the Author brought him back to his Revenant State. Now he’s gonna enjoy breaking Arsha.

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Yamta Velonar

Yamta started life as a member of the Crimson Diamonds, an Assassin group. She was excommunicated when she voiced that the Diamonds should accept contracts to kill corrupt high-society members. She then went on to kill Andwayla Narven, the Queen of the Under-realm’s Galdredan Lava Kingdom. That was the first shot that prompted the declaration of the Final War. She’s a little too eager to kill and has slain many Realmfleet officers. She became part of the Realm Trinity Empire’s Ruling Council before the War. It was her end as well as the end of her fellow Councilors that resulted in the destruction of the Empire and the end of the Final War. She briefly tasted godhood when she was infused with Divine Mana, but it was taken from her by Arsha and her lovers. When she was slain, she wound up in Hell. She went about her boring business until the Author brought her and her colleagues back to life. Now that she’s back, she’s got a few issues to work out. Sadly for our heroes, her chosen form of therapy is to kill those who killed her.

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Jansha Borg

X5272-Jansha isn’t a creation of Dr. Borg’s. She was actually built by the roboticist, Dr. Ganshar. Unfortunately, Dr. Ganshar proved to be an abusive creator. Dr. Borg offered Jansha a way out of the abuse and she accepted. Under Dr. Borg’s care, she was treated as a well-loved daughter, so she took to calling Dr. Borg and her spouses her parents. She assisted her new family in their actions against the Realms and became a councilor for the Realm Trinity Empire. She is also the first robot to taste godhood. Sadly for her, Arsha and her lovers ripped her godhood away from her and her fellow Councilors. She was then killed and became the first robot to see Hell itself. There she and her parents and fellow councilors languished until the Author brought them all back to life. Now she’s got a new directive: destroy Arsha’s life at all costs!

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Tensam Borg

Tensam Borg is the only one of Dr. Borg’s spouses who didn’t have a public criminal record until he sided with Oyed. He was once a member of Cecaelian high society and a former Knight of The Current, a Cecaelian religious order dedicated to the Divine Ones of Water and charged with keeping water pollution down, both born from the land or from the sea itself. He dated Dr. Borg for a while and became her first spouse after two years of courtship. He used his considerable wealth to fund Dr. Borg’s experiments, then publicly announced his support of Oyed. He was excommunicated from the Knights of the Current and his assets were seized, his accounts frozen, and he was disowned. It didn’t matter to him, he had other plans in mind. He and his fellow councilors became gods for a minute after betraying Oyed and draining him and the Divine Ones of their Divine Mana, but Arsha always had a plan. She successfully enacted it and he was cut down once he was mortal again. He ended up in Hell and dwelt there for years until the Author brought him and his fellow Councilors back. Now he’s up to reclaim the power that was rightfully his!

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Shefarn Borg

Shefarn was once a lowly orphan thief. He lost his thumb in a brawl and was hunted by rival gangs. That was when Dr. Borg met him when he was hiding out on a deserted island. After a few more meetings, Dr. Borg made a new thumb for him, one that would allow him to swim through the air without dehydrating. Thanks to that invention, he didn’t need to use mana to continually cast a hydration spell to hide on the surface. He then married her and joined with her and her other spouses on a campaign to remake the Realms in their image. He became a part of the Realm Trinity Empire’s Ruling Council and joined them in brief godhood before Arsha and her lovers took that away. He was cut down and wound up in Hell. There he languished until the Author gave him a chance for ruling a new multiverse. Like his fellows and lovers, he accepted and is ready to take revenge.