The Three Realms The Three Realms World Building

Realm Railway Gauges

Like us, the Realms have their railways and have different gauges for different types of jobs, tourism being chief among them. There are fifteen gauges throughout the Realms, and each has their own name. Just to clarify for those that may not know, a railway’s gauge is the distance between the two rails of a railway track.

  1. 15.25 Zarruks (Minimum)
  2. 24 Zarruks (Cirrus)
  3. 24.4 Zarruks (Pebble)
  4. 1.2 Smargs (Narrow Standard, used in Mountain Railways)
  5. 1.4 Smargs (Mine)
  6. 1.6 Smargs (Ballast)
  7. 1.7 Smargs (Light)
  8. 1.9 Smargs (Harbor)
  9. 2.2 Smargs (Medium)
  10. 2.3 Smargs (Standard, also used in Mountain Railways)
  11. 2.4 Smargs (Iron)
  12. 2.5 Smargs (Boulder)
  13. 2.6 Smargs (Heavy)
  14. 2.7 Smargs (Kingdom)
  15. 3 Smargs (Maximum)

Lushar, pictured above, is a Standard Gauge engine.

The Three Realms The Three Realms World Building

The Realmgates

Built during the Savage Age, the Realmgates have become the backbone of trade and travel between Realms. Each Realm has two Realmgates, one connecting to another in a different Realm. The metal’s color and writing characters tell a person where the Realmgate is located and the color of the vortex tells one which Realm is on the other side, if the single letter on top does not clue a person in for some odd reason. The blue Realmgates are Over-realm based ones with the green vortex set to the Mid-realm and the red one set to the Under-realm. The green Realmgates are Mid-realm based ones with the blue vortex set to the Over-realm and the red one set to the Under-realm. Last, but not least, the red Realmgates are Under-realm based ones with the blue vortex set to the Over-realm and the green one sed to the Mid-realm. If anything were to happen to them, like, say, some mad scientist blows them up, trade would be stop and travel would grind to a halt, so defending the Realmgates is very important to Realmfleet.

The Three Realms The Three Realms World Building

Final War Shanty

There once was a ship flying through the skies

Bringing hope to war-weary eyes.

The war raged on, her weapons did fly

Fight, ye warriors, fight!

Soon may the Endeavor come

To foil the last of Dr. Borg’s fun!

One day, when the fighting is done

We’ll take our leave and go!

She had not been two years in war

When from the Depths, evil did roar!

The Princess called all hands and swore

Evil would sink below!

Soon may the Endeavor come

To foil the last of Dr. Borg’s fun!

One day, when the fighting is done

We’ll take our leave and go!

Before the ship had left a Realm,

A vile villain tried to smash her helm!

But then the enemy became overwhelmed,

When Arsha fired down low!

Soon may the Endeavor come

To foil the last of Dr. Borg’s fun!

One day, when the fighting is done

We’ll take our leave and go!

No quarter given, no enemy spared

Arsha’s skill can’t be compared!

Dr. Borg had best be prepared,

For the Depths is where she’ll go!

Soon may the Endeavor come

To foil the last of Dr. Borg’s fun!

One day, when the fighting is done

We’ll take our leave and go!

For forty months or even more,

The cannons were silenced, then roared once more!

All escape pods lost, there were only four,

And still that ship did go!

Soon may the Endeavor come

To foil the last of Dr. Borg’s fun!

One day, when the fighting is done

We’ll take our leave and go!

As far as I’ve heard, the war’s still on

The ship’s not lost and Borg’s not gone!

The Endeavor makes her regular call

To encourage our soldiers, navy, and all!

Soon may the Endeavor come

To foil the last of Dr. Borg’s fun!

One day, when the fighting is done

We’ll take our leave and go!

Soon may the Endeavor come

To foil the last of Dr. Borg’s fun!

One day, when the fighting is done

We’ll take our leave and go!

The Three Realms The Three Realms World Building

Realmfleet Flag

The main symbol of Realmfleet, it displays the native colors and writing characters of each Realm. The colors directly between the circles (representing the Realms) show how each Realm benefits from one another. The Central circle represents the combined goals of the Realms and displays that they all benefit from one another. It has become a symbol of unity and brotherhood across the Realms.

The Three Realms The Three Realms World Building


Dragons, easily one of the most powerful of races in the Realms. Most connected to the elements of the Realms, they once started as mindless beasts. Elves then taught them how to speak and think. After that, they became some of the most advanced species in all the Realms. Unlike Elves, Dragons DO have different species. There are 10 species among Dragons, all of which have different characteristics.


  • Two legs in back
  • No tail
  • Wings for arms
  • One horn on forehead


  • No wings.
  • Serpentine body
  • Two grasping hands in front
  • Fins for propulsion through water
  • No horns


  • Pair of stag-like horns
  • Turtle-like
  • No wings
  • Four legs


  • No legs
  • Wings
  • No horns
  • Long whiskers


  • Fluffy
  • No horns
  • Moth antennae
  • Paws with claws
  • Long ears


  • Pair of curved horns joined in middle of forehead
  • Serpentine
  • Four taloned feet
  • Wings
  • Crocodile mouth


  • Beak
  • Feathered
  • Two legs
  • No wings
  • No horns
  • Peacock tail feathers


  • No horns
  • Wings line front legs
  • Four horns
  • Tail for locomotion


  • Small horns
  • Dog-like muzzle
  • Serpentine
  • No legs

Shadow (Recently rediscovered)

  • Branched horns
  • Horn on nose
  • Wings
  • Tail for locomotion
  • Grasping hands

The Three Realms The Three Realms World Building

Elf Affinities

Elves are some of the most well-known species across the Realms. They usually give themselves an air of mystery by occupying their time in contemplation. However, there is one thing they don’t want to be a mystery, and that’s what makes a certain Elf a Wood Elf or a Sea Elf. Despite what people think, there AREN’T exactly species of Elves, much like there aren’t species of humans. They have varying skin tones as well as varying affinities of the elements that make up the Realms. They always address themselves by their name and what affinity of Elf they are. For example, Elmar would say “I am Elmar Narven, Wood Elf”. Below are the various types of affinities available to Elves.

Earth types

  • Wood
  • Stone
  • Sand

Fire types

  • Blaze
  • Magma
  • Inferno

Water types

  • Sea
  • Ice

Air types

  • Wind
  • Sky

Lightning types

  • Electric
  • Thunder

Love types

  • Lust
  • Romance

Magic types

  • Light
  • Middle
  • Dark

Death types

  • Necro

Balance types

  • Eternity

Life types

  • Health

Drows are considered Elvish, but not really Elves. They have the same affinity types as Elves, just a different culture.

The Three Realms The Three Realms World Building

Blood Contract

Here is the Blood Contract the Royals signed, written in the known writing scripts of the Realms.

We, the Undersigned…

hereby declare, in our blood, the following vow: vengeance will be wrought on the Realm Trinity Empire via its destruction. If any of us attempt to break this vow, our life is forfeit.

Feymay Felompha

Emfam Felompha

Lardeth Felompha

Roomef Felompha

Jeefef Felompha

Olmarfa Felompha

Ufnamfa Felompha

Teefmanam Felompha

Pofomofo Felompha

Endram Felompha

Elgrad Royana

Arsha Royana

Hanako Royana

Orbak Emboramii

Malnar Emboramii

Elmpam Emboramii

The Three Realms The Three Realms World Building

The Wars of the Three Realms

The Three Realms, like any collection of civilizations, has had quite a few wars that marked the turning point of new eras. After casting out Oyed to keep the Realms as they are, the Divine Ones had a vision of how each conflict would start, fearing the beginning of the last war that would lead the Realms to their ultimate destiny. Below are all the wars the Realms suffered, how long they lasted, the impetus for each war, the enemy, how they ended, and the consequences of each war.

  • War of the Realms
    1. Savage Age 5,024,683,439 to Savage Age 5,024,683,805 (Rechristened to the First Age of Unity Year 1.)
    2. When the Realms discovered one another and mistrust pervaded each one.
    3. All Realms were the enemy.
    4. No victors. Ended when leaders discovered message from the Divine Ones that urged unification and free travel between the Realms.
    5. Realms unite under a Federation to protect each other. Earliest iteration of Realmfleet.
  • War of Stars
    1. First Age of Unity 7,304,330,796 to First Age of Unity 7,304,330,802 (Rechristened to the Second Age of Unity Year 1.)
    2. The Splitters of each Realm finally revealed themselves and disdained the use of Realmgates and Skyships.
    3. Realm Federation against all Splitter Branches.
    4. Realm Federation wins with the aerial advantage giving them the needed edge over Splitter ground-based tactics.
    5. Realm Federation becomes Realmfleet.
  • War of the Depths
    1. Second Age of Unity 6,424,556,879 to Second Age of Unity 6,424,557,039 (Rechristened to the Third Age of Unity Year 1.)
    2. Denizens of the After-Realm’s Depths launched an assault on Realmfleet Headquarters, thinking they were starting the Final War.
    3. Realmfleet against Depths Denizens.
    4. The Divine Ones side with Realmfleet in direct attacks against the Depths, giving the victory to Realmfleet.
    5. The Divine Ones take a more active role in mortal affairs.
  • The Final War
    1. Third Age of Unity, 4,006,300,080 to (Unknown end date. Will become the Eternal Age of Unity Year 1.)
    2. Dr. Borg is forever stymied by her limits and intends to break them in a way the Divine Ones would not approve. She contacts Oyed, creates her first Revenant with no damage to her soul, and gathers an army across the Realms to ‘fix’ what the Divine Ones ‘broke’.
    3. Realmfleet against Dr. Borg’s Realm Unity Empire.
    4. Unknown End. Unknown Victors.
    5. Unknown Consequences. All Unknowns will be explained once Final War is over.
The Three Realms The Three Realms World Building


An experimental attack cruiser, the BEX-01, Scorpion, is a vessel designed by Dr. Borg for raiding purposes. The first of its class, it’s an experimental ship. It has two claws to grab enemy ships with a docking tube at the front and a concealed weapon at the rear, looking like a scorpion’s tail. The sensor arrays below are modeled after a scorpion’s pectines. The two, blood-red windows indicate where the two helmsmen sit. Not as big as the Endeavor, but it’s enough of a match for it.

The Three Realms The Three Realms World Building


Say hello to Arsha’s ship, the Endeavor, registry CRS-2784. It is 641 meters long (25,640 zarruks), 133 meters high (5,320 zarruks), 473 meters wide when in normal flight (18,920 zarruks), and is capable of extending 57 meter long attack wings on each side, thus making its combat width 587 meters (23,480 zarruks). It is a Dauntless-class ship weighing about 6,000,000 metric tons (240,000,000,000 stonaks) and utilizing 42 decks. Its crew compliment ranges from 1,000 to 7,000 during normal duty and has a maximum capacity of 17,000 when evacuating an area. It has four landing struts when it needs to touch down and has a launch bay for the 500 fighter crafts inside its hull. This ship was once under the command of Arsha’s daddy when he was a prince.

Here’s the Bridge Crew.

Captain: Arsha

First Officer: Oak, now Denstra

Helmsman: Nazay

Communications Officer: Shalvey

Diplomat: Laverda

Security Officer: Dalengor

Tactical Officer: Malak

Chief Engineer: Thangred

Engineer: Melandra

Chief Science Officer: Elmar

Science Officer: Orthena

Chief Medical Officer: Marshii

Ship’s Counselor: Thengo