The Three Realms The Three Realms (Book 3: The First Strike)

3 Realms 3-26

Elmpam and Malnar enjoyed a nice day with Elmpam’s parents and siblings. Despite living in the Under-realm for a long time, Elmpam still knew how to ice-fish. Roolpam, Elmpam’s mother, led Elmpam, Malnar, and the remaining daughters, Turpam and Yuspam, out onto the lake. Elmpam helped Turpam cut holes into the ice while Malnar helped Roolpam and Yuspam ready the fishing lines. Malnar was eager to catch some fish. “Maybe I’ll catch an Ice Marlin!” she giggled.

“I’m afraid they’re not in season right now,” sighed Yuspam.

“Aw,” whined Malnar comedically.

“Now, the Snow Bass, on the other hand…”

“Snow Bass?! I haven’t had it in years!”

“Well, this is the season for it!”

“Come on, you two!” called Roolpam. “Elmpam and Turpam should have the holes ready by now!”

“Coming, Mom!” replied Yuspam. She and Malnar gathered up the lines as Roolpam got the bait. Soon, everyone picked a hole and took up their lines. After baiting the hooks, they dropped them into the holes and sat on their chairs, waiting for a nibble.

“You know, Mama,” mused Malnar as they all waited, “it just occurred to me that you and your sisters’ names have the same last syllable as Grandma, but all your brothers’ end in ‘tor’. Why is that?”

“…You know, I never asked,” remarked Elmpam. “Mom, why ARE we named the way we are?”

“It’s a bit of vanity on your father’s part,” explained Roolpam. “His name means ‘soft brain’ in the old tongue and he was teased because of it. He didn’t want any of his children to suffer like that, so he insisted on names that would denote some tough characteristic. ‘Pam’ is a feminine word that means ‘dedicated’, so he insisted that our daughters have ‘pam’ in their names. ‘Tor’ is the masculine version of ‘Pam’, so he wanted ours sons to have that syllable.”

“Well, the syllables suit y’all,” remarked Malnar. “So, what’s the meaning of your names?”

“Elmpam, you never told her?” asked Turpam.

“She never asked until today,” replied Elmpam. “To answer your question, Malnar, my name means ‘dedicated speaker’, Mom’s name is ‘dedicated beauty’, Turpam means ‘dedicated entertainer’, Yuspam’s meaning is ‘dedicated fisher’, then Rentor is ‘dedicated enforcer’, and Tuntor means ‘dedicated priest’.”

“…What about Oltor?”

“… ‘Dedicated soldier’.”

“He seems to have forgotten that.”

“He has.” Elmpam’s line then bounced! “Oh?” The line bounced some more! “I got a bite! I got a bite!”

“Haul him out!” called Roolpam. Elmpam had two sets of her hands on the line and tugged as hard as she could! The last tug revealed what she caught! It…wasn’t a fish she expected. If anything, it was a pair of starfish strung together by a strap. “…That shouldn’t be in the lake,” muttered Roolpam.

“No kidding, this is fashionable for Over-realm Mermaids,” remarked Turpam.

“Er, excuse me?” called a voice. Everyone turned to see a woman’s head poking out of the water, not even exposing her shoulders. The woman was Halfam in her usual Mer-form. “That’s mine,” explained Halfam.

“…You got a fish tail below the waist?” asked Malnar.

“…Yeah, why?” asked Halfam.

“Madam, this is a non-Sentina fish-only lake,” growled Roolpam. “No Sentina fish or Merfolk allowed! Come on out of there!” She and Yuspam hauled Halfam out as she covered her breasts with her arms. “I’ll have you put away for this!” snapped Roolpam. “This is a high offense, you know! Swimming in a main source of food for us!” As Halfam was handed her bra, she was taken over to the sled. “Yuspam, help me get her back home. Turpam, Elmpam, Malnar, you girls go ahead and continue fishing.” Yuspam helped her mother carry Halfam to the sled, laid her down and covered her in blankets, then they boarded the sled and urged their dogs homewards. Once they disappeared, Malnar, Elmpam, and Turpam resumed fishing.

“The nerve of some people!” grumbled Malnar. “Can’t believe someone would…” she then noticed her line bouncing. “This better be a fish!” She tugged on the line hard and pulled a large, cyan colored Bass out of the water. “Look at the size of that thing!” cheered Malnar.

“That’s a whopper, all right!” praised Turpam. “A few more of those, and we’ll eat well tonight!”

“I’m gonna try again!” declared Malnar.

“I’m surprised you wanted to fish instead of be part of Calandra and Elmar’s wedding today,” remarked Elmpam.

“I’ve never ice-fished before. Besides, I’ve seen weddings before, and they promised to record it, so I’m not missing out on much.”

Speaking of Calandra and Elmar’s wedding, it had just begun on the Endeavor. It took place in the chapel with Arsha officiating it and flanked by the Pink and White Divine Ones. Lord Benthe and Lady Sentriam were accompanied by Lady Lamsar, Lady Olpen, and Lord Galmik and stood to Arsha’s right, all in pink outfits. On Arsha’s left, in their white outfits, were Lord Clompofenta, Lady Seemeertii, Lady Reemiltee, Lord Galtrak, and Lady Bolmola. Arsha awaited the bride and groom as the organ played. At a certain musical cue, Elmar approached the altar and stood to Arsha’s right. The music then changed once he took his place and, walking down the aisle, in a large, white dress, with a veil covering only the eyes, held by a white rose crown, much of the veil bunched at the back of her head, and the remainder draping behind her, was Calandra. She slowly walked to the altar, then took her place at Arsha’s left. The music then ended and Arsha began her speech. “Beloved friends, we are all privileged to witness the union of Princess Calandra Narven and Lieutenant Elmar Rotem. Both come from totally different worlds in more ways than one, but, as the Divine Ones can attest, especially the ones in attendance,” the Divine Ones chuckled, “different worlds often come together. Such unions bring about changes for good or ill, today is one of the good changes. Elmar and Calandra, have you decided what your family name will be?”

“We have,” answered Calandra.

“We shall be the Narvens,” continued Elmar.

“Splendid,” praised Arsha. “Since the first wooden sea-faring vessels, the Captain has enjoyed the privilege of uniting two people in holy matrimony. I am honored to exercise that privilege today with you two. I know your future together will be long and happy. Princess Calandra Narven, do you take this man to be your husband and future King through disaster and prosperity until the Black Divine Ones must separate you on the mortal plains?”

“I do!”

“Lieutenant Elmar Rotem, do you take this woman to be your wife and future queen through disaster and prosperity until the Black Divine Ones must separate you on the mortal plains?”

“I do!”

“Divine Lords and Ladies, have you any words to say?” The Pink Divine Ones began.

“I am Lord Benthe, and I bless this couple with eternal love.”

“I am Lady Sentriam, and I bless this couple with eternal love.”

“I am Lady Lamsar, and I bless this couple with eternal love.”

“I am Lady Olpen, and I bless this couple with eternal love.”

“I am Lord Galmik, and I bless this couple with eternal love.”

“May you always feel peace and happiness throughout your days as you do on this day,” bid all the Pink Divine Ones. The White Divine Ones then took over.

“I am Lord Clompofenta, and I bless this couple with a new beginning.”

“I am Lady Seemeertii, and I bless this couple with a new beginning.”

“I am Lady Reemiltee, and I bless this couple with a new beginning.”

“I am Lord Galtrak, and I bless this couple with a new beginning.”

“I am Lady Bolmola, and I bless this couple with a new beginning.”

“May your new beginnings in your new joined life be pleasant and happy as today,” blessed all the White Divine Ones.

“Arsha, you may unite them,” bid Lamsar.

“By the power vested in me by the Divine Ones of Love and Beginnings,” declared Arsha, “I hereby pronounce this couple married by law, love, and beginning! Elmar and Calandra Narven, you may kiss!” Calandra leapt to Elmar’s face and planted her lips on his. He returned the kiss with equal passion as the audience applauded.

Far away from the ship, Oltor was trying to contact Halfam. “Halfam! Halfam, come in! Where are you?!” He gave up soon afterwards. “Stupid fish! Spent too long in the Under-realm, that’s what’s wrong!” He then heard barking. “Dammit!” He ducked behind an ice formation, then climbed it high enough for dogs to be unable to reach him. A search party then arrived with their dogs sniffing the whole area. Leading the whole thing was the Sheriff of the Coliamdii Kingdom, Rentir Ental. The party searched the area as Oltor stayed on his icy perch, not daring to make a noise. This lasted for a good hour until one of the officers approached Rentir.

“Sir, we’re not turning up anything,” she reported, “and it’s getting dark.”

“Very well,” decided Rentir. “Call off the search for now. We’ll sweep this area again in the morning.”

“Yes, Sir,” replied the officer. She then turned to her squad mates. “Pack it up and pack it in, boys and girls. We’re gonna continue in the morning.” The search party then left the area and Oltor got an idea.

“Well,” he mused once he was alone and down from his perch, “I DID post a bounty on that traitor about a year ago and it WOULD be a shame if a candidate for Prime Minister were to meet an…accident.”

The Three Realms The Three Realms (Book 3: The First Strike)

3 Realms 3-25

The Endeavor made it to the Coliamdii Kingdom, the Over-realm’s most frigid area. Elmpam sighed happily as she put on her old Coliamdii clothes. She DID have a bit of a time trying to match her arms to their proper sleeves, but she got them correct. As she, Arsha, and Malnar went down the entrance ramp, her tail was wagging happily. “Back to the old fisher’s grounds!” she yipped.

“You always light up whenever we visit here,” observed Malnar.

“You’d do the same if you spent most of your adult life in another place outside your home,” answered Elmpam.

“…Fair point.” Malnar then turned to Arsha. “You coming?”

“Sorry, but I can’t,” replied Arsha. “I still need to help set up for Elmar and Calandra’s wedding in a few days. You two enjoy yourselves.”

“We will,” promised Elmpam. She then led Malnar in one direction as Arsha waved them off. She then went back into the ship and made her way to where the wedding banquet would be held, Barmek’s Bar and Grill. Mr. Barmek and Jaltor were discussing some final edits to the menu with Calandra and Elmar.

“So, the sausage became too expensive,” Calandra summed up what Mr. Barmek and Jaltor told her. “Are there any acceptable substitutes?”

“Unless you’re fine with losing the spicy flavor, no,” sighed Mr. Barmek.

“What else has that kick that can be made quickly?”

“Well, there IS a salmon dish…”

“You’ve got Galdredan salmon?” asked Elmar.

“Yeah, a whole shelf of it,” replied Jaltor.

“…You know, I haven’t had salmon since my 300th birthday,” mused Calandra.

“And fish IS part of a Merperson’s usual diet,” agreed Elmar.

“And you like fish too.”


“So, is that a ‘yes’ on the fish?” asked Jaltor. The future bride and groom looked at each other, then nodded.

“Go ahead with a salmon dish!” declared Calandra.

“Perfect!” declared Mr. Barmek.

“Wait a minute,” called Arsha, attracting their attention, “how did the sausage get so expensive?”

“Remember that outbreak of foot and mouth?” asked Calandra.

“…It was that bad?” quizzed Arsha.

“Yep. Farmers had to raise the price on their healthy livestock to turn a decent profit.”

“Yikes.” Just then, Shalvey came up. “Commander, what can I do for you?”

“A message from Realmfleet,” reported Shalvey. “Oltor’s been spotted here.”

“…Oltor?!” repeated Arsha. “The Over-splitter Supreme?!”

“The same. All ships are being searched by order of King Tegnar and King Lektem Yantoru. Yes, even Realmfleet ships are being searched. They don’t want him leaving this place.”

“Well, if the search party has a warrant, we’ll happily cooperate.”

The Search Party’s commander presented the warrant to Arsha when they arrived an hour later. Once everything checked out, Arsha bade them to carry out their search. The stereotype for Inus is that they’re able to smell a criminal from across a continent in any Realm. They’ve cultivated that for a while by joining law enforcement organizations. The commander stayed behind to speak with Arsha. “I know you’re Elgrad’s daughter and that the Royanas aren’t known for being nice to Splitters,” he remarked, “but we cannot afford any chances.”

“I understand, Sir,” assured Arsha. The search lasted for a good two hours, each room being turned upside-down, restored, turned upside-down again, and restored again to really make sure Oltor wasn’t on the ship. The search turned up nothing, so the Search Party pulled out, the commander thanking Arsha for her and the crew’s cooperation. When gone, the whole ship shuddered, no matter where the crew member was. After the whole thing, Arsha spoke with Denstra and Dalengor about it.

“I have to say, I almost panicked,” muttered Denstra.

“How so? You’re not a pirate anymore,” replied Dalengor.

“I’ve been one long enough to flinch whenever someone even utters the phrase ‘search the ship’.”

“That engrained into your skull, huh?” mused Arsha.

“Yeah, being a former pirate has its disadvantages.”

“It also has its advantages. I mean, you DID help us beat Reb back on your first days here.”

“…Yeah, I guess it does.”

Malnar and Elmpam’s carriage arrived at Elmpam’s childhood home and released them at the foot of a marked path to the door. Elmpam paid the driver and he left as Malnar and Elmpam headed up the path. As they got closer, Elmpam could see people coming to a shed, people that wore police uniforms! “What in all the Realms?” she muttered.

“There’s been a lot of police activity around here,” remarked Malnar. “What’s going on?”

“No idea. I’m going to get to the bottom of this.” Elmpam approached an officer talking to her father, Lensarn. “Excuse me,” she called. Lensarn and the officer turned.

“Elmpam!” greeted Lensarn. “And is this little Malnar?! Sweet Heights, my girl! Last time I saw you, you were up to my waist!”

“Good to see you too, Grandpa,” replied Malnar. “What’s all this?”

“Oltor’s been spotted in this kingdom, Your Highness,” explained the officer. “We have no intention of letting him get away.”

“Oltor?!” yelped Elmpam. “Why would he be here?!”

“Gathering what few allies he has left alive, I would guess. Dr. Borg’s been killing Splitters all across the Realms.”

“Erode public trust in us, I see,” mused Malnar.

“I’ve already spoken to this officer about a warrant and he produced one,” assured Lensarn. “Given Oltor’s past, I’m not surprised they want to search here.”

“Why? What connection does your home have to Oltor?” asked Malnar.

“…Elmpam, you told her, right?”

“I swear, I did!” answered Elmpam.

“Tell me what?” asked Malnar.

“Malnar, Oltor’s my eldest brother.”



“…You mean your eldest brother…is the Over-Splitter Supreme?!”

“Yeah, that’s why we don’t really talk about him,” remarked Lensarn. “I disowned him when I got the news.”

“But why would he want to join the Over-Splitters in the first place?!”

“Grief,” answered Elmpam. “He had a wife and son, but a pair of humans from the Mid and Under-realms killed them. They managed to escape justice and he joined the Over-Splitters, feeling slighted by the Over-realm and promising to bring a new era of peace in our time. He rose through the ranks quickly and soon became the Over-Splitter Supreme.”

“…I’m sorry for his loss,” mumbled Malnar.

“By the Ones, it’s FREEZING here!” shivered a Mermaid as she sat on the icy shores of the Over-realm’s Eastern Continent.

“Next time, wear more than a mere fluffy skirt!” growled Oltor unsympathetically. “Now whip up a warming spell for yourself and then prepare the arsenal, Halfam.”

“What for?!” argued Halfam, an Over-Splitter spy that entered into the Scarlet Stream Pirates two years ago. “Oltor, we’re the last Over-Splitters! We need to consolidate our…!” Oltor then slapped her!

“Yours is not to reason why, just to obey orders!” he growled. “Now get that arsenal prepped!” He then stormed off across the snow. “Stupid fish!”

“Pure-blooded mutt!” snarled Halfam as she turned her tail into a pair of legs, then cast a warming spell around her. She then got up and moved to the pile of weapons, getting them ready for a confrontation.

Their arrival was NOT unnoticed. Remsu and Yamta saw the whole thing. “Oh, wow,” muttered Yamta.

“Sheesh, Ansark held women in higher regard than that,” remarked Remsu. “…Can’t believe I just said that.”

“He’s gonna lose an ally if he keeps that up.”

“If she leaves him, she’s safe.”

“Wait, your wife was serious?”

“Of course. No need for people to die if they see sense.”

“…Fair enough.” Yamta’s communicator then vibrated. She opened it to see Femfaf’s face. “What’s going on?” asked Yamta.

“Girls, there’s a complication,” reported Femfaf. “Elmpam’s in the Coliamdii Kingdom.”

“Elmpam? Here?” asked Remsu. “What for?”

“Unknown. My guess is a family visit.”

‘Well, this IS her home,” remarked Yamta.

“Keep us posted,” continued Remsu.

“Will do. Femfaf out.” The call ended.

“This isn’t good,” muttered Yamta. “Elmpam’s presence will make it harder to get rid of Oltor.”

“Not if we play our cards right.”

“What do you have in mind?”

As that exchange went on, a trio of people camped a little further away from them. They all had blankets draped over their bodies and huddled around a fire. One of the people, a woman with blood-red hair and an equally colored floral hairpiece, was moaning her lot in life. “GLORIOUS Pirate Admiral one minute, a homeless BUM the next! What happened?!”

“You know the answer as well as we do, Reb,” grunted the second person, a male Mega-shark. He then shivered. “Grief, cold air is different to cold water!”

“You know, this may be our punishment,” muttered the last person, a male, cybernetic Sea Elf. He then pulled out a book and read a bit. “Maybe we SHOULD be cleansing our immortal souls.”

“How’s a book gonna help us?!” snapped the Mega-shark.

“It’s the Divine Codex!” remarked the Sea Elf. “It’s just a starting point!”

“I’d be more religious if a most DIVINE miracle happened right now,” muttered the woman, the former Admiral of the Scarlet Stream Pirates, Reb Rojam. She then leaned onto the Sea Elf, Melgem’s, shoulder. Jargoon, the former Mega-shark King, just snorted before turning his head away. He no longer cared enough to mutter any racial epithets, given his current company. He turned his gaze upwards…to see something coming towards them. He alerted his current companions to what was going on. The something was a team of sled dogs pulling their owner on the sled. The lead dog signaled for the team to stop and the sled braked to a halt. The owner, their features obscured by their clothes, approached them.

“Need a lift to civilization?” asked the person in a feminine voice.

“…You DO know who we are?” asked Melgem.

“All I see are a trio of people needing warmth,” remarked the sled driver. “Considering that symbiote slimes don’t do well in the cold, I think you could use a roof over your heads.”

“…We’ll take your offer,” declared Reb.

“Perfect, climb aboard!” directed the sled driver.

The Three Realms The Three Realms (Book 3: The First Strike)

3 Realms 3-24

It was the next to last official night of the Under-union Festival and the 4 Fs’ Beautiful Blues were performing their Felansi dance routine in front of a large crowd. The ladies passionately danced, their hands clapping to keep time for the gentlemen to strum their guitars. They were pouring their souls into the routine, closing their eyes and letting the music guide them, yet concentrating intensely on their steps. The music then reached its crescendo and the clapping and steps intensified until one last strum of guitars stopped the ladies in a flourish. The crowd applauded wildly as the ladies held their pose for a few seconds until they all opened their fans, fanned themselves as they curtsied slyly, then they pointed their fans to the men as they got up, holding their guitars and bowing, then hugging the ladies as they walked off aside from Tufarmem as she spoke to her husbands before sitting in a chair and fanning herself alone onstage. As the rest of the Blues exited stage left, Termaf came in stage right and cast her gaze over the audience with a worried expression, as if she were looking for something. “Hi, pal!” called Tufarmem to Termaf. Termaf then turned to Tufarmem and approached her.

“Did you call me ‘pal’?” she asked. Tufarmem looked a little confused but nodded. “Why, I haven’t heard that word in years. You know, kid, I wasn’t always a wandering floozy like you.”

“…She call me a floozy?” Tufarmem asked the audience.

“Ah, back then, it was a brighter time,” continued Termaf, ignoring her question. “I remember the days of yore when I was a happily married woman. Then, one day, a stranger came to my house, begging me for food and shelter, so I told her to make my home her home. Boy, she did.”

“Ooh.” Sympathy was strong in Tufarmem’s comment.

“Yes, ooh, indeed. One night, I came home from work and called out for my darling husband. ‘Lanswey! Oh, Lanswey! …Lanswey? Lanswey, the bread-winner’s here!’ Then…I found it!”

“…Found what?”

“A note. A note on his pillow!” Termaf looked like she was about to burst into tears.

“Wh…what did the note say?”

“It was one of those cold-blooded notes. ‘Termaf, I’m running away with Yunfeen!’” Termaf then broke down as Tufarmem got up from her chair and rubbed Termaf’s back in reassurance. Soon, Termaf stopped crying as her face hardened. “I swore, then and there, to all the Divine Ones, that I would catch them and make them pay for breaking my heart! I packed my bags and left my house for a nomadic life, hunting them and gathering any information I could about them! My first stop was in the Over-realm in the Drelda Forest, and the Fae told me that I had missed them by three days! On with the chase! To the Gamfinar Jungle, then to the Coliamdii Kingdom! Then the Falchineve Drider colony! Then to the Mid-realm! Largandra! Vorkath! Aridu! Last, back to my native Under-realm! Crelima City! Frigandor! Realmgate City! Then, at last, I met my hated enemy, face to face, in the Grilthan Forest! Specifically, at Alanshi Falls!” Her expression then turned crazed. “ALANSHI FALLS!” She then turned to Tufarmem slowly. “Slowly I turned! And step by step, smarg by smarg, I crept up to her!” She did the same to Tufarmem, then took her chin. “And, standing at the precipice, when I felt her hot breath on my cheek, I LET HER HAVE IT!” She then started beating on Tufarmem!

“HELP!” shrieked Tufarmem. “MURDER! POLICE! HELP!” Termaf then stopped and appeared to regain her senses.

“Wait, you’re not my hated enemy!”

“No! I’m the lady who called you pal!” Tufarmem then readjusted her dress and tried to steady Termaf.

“Forgive me, I haven’t been well. It’s that place! Every time I hear it, it tears me apart!”

“Doesn’t do ME any good, either!” Tufarmem then turned to the audience. “Ungrateful, that’s what it is! How do you like a dame like that?! I talk to her, try to be friendly, and she flies off the handle because she hears ‘Alanshi Falls’!”


“Oh no!” gulped Tufarmem as Termaf turned to Tufarmem slowly.

“Slowly I turned! And step by step, smarg by smarg, I crept up to her!” She did the same to Tufarmem, then took her chin. “And, standing at the precipice, when I felt her hot breath on my cheek, I LET HER HAVE IT!” She then started beating on Tufarmem again!

“HEY! HEY! HEY!” Termaf stopped and stumbled near stage left.

“It’s that man! I’ll kill him! Her too! …Blood?” Termaf then looked down and cried out. “RIVERS OF BLOOD! POOLS OF BLOOD! HA HA! THE BLOOD!” She then went offstage, leaving Tufarmem to fix herself up.

“What a meeting!” As she dusted herself off, Yunfeen came onstage and bumped into her. “Pardon me, pal!” mumbled Tufarmem.

“…Did you call me ‘pal’?” asked Yunfeen, causing Tufarmem to gulp. “It’s been a long time since I heard the word ‘pal’.”

“You too?” quizzed Tufarmem. “Haven’t you got any friends?”

“That’s what I was getting to, the dirty soul-leech! She tried to take him away from me! AH! But she didn’t succeed! So, she trailed me!”

“To the Drelda Forest?”

“…Yes.” Tufarmem swallowed nervously before continuing.

“Then the Gamfinar Jungle, the Coliamdii Kingdom, the Falchineve Drider colony, Largandra, Vorkath, Aridu, Crelima City, Frigandor, and Realmgate City?”

“Yes! YES! But how did you know?!”

“You’d be surprised!” Tufarmem then sat back in her chair. “Then she found you at the Grilthan Forest’s Alanshi Falls!”

“ALANSHI FALLS!” A crazed expression crossed Yunfeen’s face.

“Not again!” yelped Tufarmem.

“Slowly I turned! And step by step, smarg by smarg, I crept up to her!” She did the same to Tufarmem, then took her chin. “And, standing at the precipice, when got ready to swing, I LET HER HAVE IT!” Now SHE beat on Tufarmem.

“SOMEONE HELP ME!” She then stopped when Tufarmem cried out.

“What have I done?! Blood! The Judge! BLOOD!” That was when Termaf arrived back onstage. Yunfeen caught sight of her. “Ah, it’s you!”

“Oh, there you are, Yunfeen!” snarled Termaf.

“Why…!” growled Yunfeen as they inched towards each other…then hugged each other! “Why, it’s been too long!” cheered Yunfeen.

“I’ll say!” laughed Termaf. “I almost caught up with you in the Drelda Forest!”

“I think I saw you in Aridu, but it could have been a mirage.”

“Shame he strung us along like that.”

“When did you find out?”

“Well, I heard the news in Frigandor, but never believed it until after our encounter.”

“Go on, where did you find her?” Tufarmem urged.

“Forget about it!” replied Yunfeen.

“Yeah, it’s past history,” agreed Termaf.

“Why, you cowards!” snarled Tufarmem. “You’re afraid to say ‘Alanshi Falls!’”

“ALANSHI FALLS!” repeated Termaf and Yunfeen with a crazed expression on their faces.

“You stay away from me!” yelped Tufarmem.

“Slowly I turned!” continued Termaf and Yunfeen as they slowly turned and approached her, their expressions still crazed. “And step by step, smarg by smarg, I…!”

“Let them have it!” called Tufarmem as she flung clouds at their faces and dashed off, stage right. The audience applauded as Tufarmem returned and joined Yunfeen and Termaf in a bow.

“Thank you all for joining us!” bid Termaf.

“This is one of our family’s best gigs ever, despite all the mishaps!” continued Yunfeen.

“Unfortunately, the Closing Ceremony is tomorrow, which means we must say good night and goodbye,” sighed Tufarmem.

“Who knows where we’ll perform next,” mused Termaf. “We don’t know, we just go where the wind leads our skyships. But, despair not, for we will never stop performing! With that, the Feisty Felansi Forsorna Family bids you all a fond farewell!” The three gave one last bow as the audience applauded. They then exited stage right, waving goodbye and smiling all the while.

The day finally came. The Closing Ceremony was prepared as the Royal Families sat in their respective positions. The announcer took his place at the podium and began. “Well, it seems our collective memory of certain legends is rather…lacking, for want of a better term. I personally can’t believe I forgot that the White Riders were put to rest long ago. Still, we had fun and having the 4 F’s perform here was a really nice touch. With all that, the reigning monarchs may now step forward and light their fireworks!” Andwayla began.

“I am Queen Andwayla Narven, ruler of the Galdredan Lava Kingdom!” She snapped her fingers and fireworks launched into the air, lighting the sky with her home’s colors.

“I am King Exarla Yunumtey, ruler of the Greltharg Merfolk Kingdom!” He did the same as Andwayla, and thus was the way for all monarchs.

“I am King Alnedar Yerudii, ruler of the Morgonthor Trench!”

“I am Queen Yurmar Hanthuu, ruler of Crelima City!”

“I am King Esirat Glasnita, ruler of Frigandor!”

“I am King Enrel Wenshar, humble ruler of the Actanila Mega-shark Grounds.”

“I am Queen Landuii Altror, ruler of the Calnthor Merfolk Kingdom!”

“I am Queen Endomu Gokurah, ruler of the Greshkagh Mountains!”

“I am King Endormak Tothen, ruler of the Grilthan Forest!”

“I am High Priestess Torunath Lundalii, ruler of the Haldebor Drider Caves!”

“I am Queen Rutalmer Worodai, ruler of Realmgate City!”

“I am Lord Tomugath Varsek, Ruler of Falgreth!”

“I am Chancellor Penshek Tolshoon, ruler of Dwelga!”

“And I am Under-King Orbak Emboramii, ruler of the Belsnath Citadel!” The last fireworks launched, and the crowd cheered. As everyone left for their ships, Malnar gave one last goodbye to her family.

“I’ll be sure to come back the instant Arsha’s completed her tour!” assured Malnar.

“And we’ll keep your room untouched,” answered Orbak.

“…Hey, where’s Mama?” asked Yunfeen.

“Oh, crud! I forgot to ask!” Orbak chided himself. “Arsha, Elmpam’s going to her old home to give a sermon at the church. Could she bum a ride off you?”

“Certainly!” answered Arsha. “Where is she?”

“She’s outside the Endeavor with Denstra right now, waiting to get your word.”

“Then we’ll be there straight away! Farewell, Orbak!”

“May the Divine Ones bless you with clear skies!” wished Orbak. Soon, he left for his own ship, then they stopped by one of the ships the Forsorna family uses. They met with a female Troll in the same style and color of dress Yunfeen usually wore.

“Everyone, meet the Red Matriarch, Lantwee Forsorna!” bid Yunfeen.

“A pleasure to meet you all,” greeted Lantwee. “I trust you’ve all enjoyed our performances?”

“We certainly did!” answered Malnar.

“Then let me present a gift to you.” Lantwee then pulled out a data crystal. “This contains all our performances throughout the existence of our family, even the ones from this week.”

“Thank you, Ms. Lantwee!” Malnar accepted the data crystal.

“Anything for extended family. It’s got a variety of menu options and will constantly be updated with each performance.”

“I will be sure to binge all the performances when I get the chance! Break a leg!”

“And you too!” Yunfeen and Malnar hugged each other one last time before Yunfeen joined Lantwee. Arsha then led her group to the Endeavor and met with Elmpam and Denstra.

“Captain, did you receive word of Queen Elmpam’s journey?” asked Denstra.

“Orbak himself told me,” answered Arsha. “We’ll happily take her. Queen Elmpam, welcome aboard.”

“Many thanks,” bid Elmpam. “You know, this is my first time setting foot on a Dauntless-class vessel.”

“Then you’ve picked the perfect one to board for the first time, now that she’s gotten an overhaul.” They went up the ramp and Arsha led Elmpam and her lovers to the bridge. There was a new addition to the bridge. “…Four chairs, I see. Is one of them for Endea?”

“Yep,” confirmed Denstra. “So, if we face the chairs with our backs to the screen, from left to right, they’re the Ship’s Counselor, the Captain, the XO, and the Ship’s Mechanica.”

“Then we’re in business,” declared Arsha as she sat in her new seat while Elmpam and Arsha’s lovers watched the whole thing from the observation balcony. “Nazay, lay in a course for the nearest Under to Over Realmgate, then take us to the Coliamdii Kingdom.”

“Course laid in, Captain,” reported Nazay.

“Nice and easy.” At Arsha’s command, the Endeavor rose into the air.

“Bridge, this is the Chief Engineer!” called Thangred over the comms. “Everything’s running smoother than ever!”

“That’s no exaggeration,” confirmed Endea. “I feel 10,000 years younger!”

“Good to hear!” praised Arsha. “Just keep us posted. Bridge out.” The Endeavor then went on its way to the Realmgate.

The Three Realms The Three Realms (Book 3: The First Strike)

3 Realms 3-23

Everyone who had seen the broom riders met with Arsha in the conference room on the Endeavor. Nazay, Endea, Tornoth, and Bulshnak told them what they saw, causing Gorfanth to sympathize more with his brother. When Endea and Nazay explained what the riders were doing during their sighting, Lardeth threw his hands into the air. “Of course!” he complained. “After experiencing ghosts, why WOULDN’T Oyed come pay a visit?!”

“What do we do?!” gulped Falnii.

“Pray and repent, by the sound of it!” answered Tornoth.

“There isn’t enough time in all the Realms for you to do that, Tornoth!” snarked Gorfanth.


“Guys, fighting amongst ourselves is the worst thing to do right now!” called Arsha. “We need to come together. Nazay, Endea, get us to yellow alert. Malnar, Yunfeen, go tell the Royal Families about the White Riders and make sure you emphasize what Endea and Nazay saw. Lardeth…”

“Everyone, please!” called Calandra’s voice as she and Orbak entered the room.

“My friends, there’s no need to prepare for war just yet!” urged Orbak.

“Daddy, there is EVERY reason to prepare for war!” argued Yunfeen.

“She’s right!” agreed Malnar. “The White Riders are back, and it looks like Oyed’s managed to seize control of them! Why else would they open a gate to the Depths?!”

“They DIDN’T open a gate leading there,” replied Orbak.

“And the broom riders you guys saw aren’t even the White Riders,” supplied Calandra.

“…How do YOU know that?” asked Tornoth, suspicion furrowing his brow.

“Allow us to present the leader of the broom rider band,” answered Calandra. She and Orbak stepped aside to reveal the leader of the band take their mask of to reveal HIS features. Arsha’s jaw dropped. The leader was a human of Arsha’s skin tone.

“Tendrak!” she snarled as she set her hairpiece onto the table.

“You know him?” asked Foresna.

“You guys haven’t met him yet,” hissed Arsha. “Everyone, meet my cousin on my dad’s side, Tendrak Royana, leader of the Whitefleet Broom Platoon!”

“Hey, Arsha!” chuckled Tendrak. Arsha stood up and grabbed him by the shirt, pulling him close to her face.

“You’re part of Realmfleet, aren’t you?! What’s the idea of terrorizing an Under-realm kingdom, Round Ears?! And you guys!” She pointed to Orbak and Calandra. “What’s the idea of letting them?!”

“Perhaps, I could explain myself, Pointy Ears!” snapped Tendrak.

“Yes, perhaps you should!” agreed Arsha as she let him go. Tendrak brushed his shirt and began.

“Let me start by saying it was never our intention to terrorize the Galdredan Lava Kingdom. We were summoned here to take part in a defense trial called ‘Operation: Warning Web’. The goal was to create an early warning system that would alert people of any potential threats Dr. Borg would fling at us. The Royal Families figured that, since this kingdom has the most broom riders, we would be inconspicuous enough to prevent any sightings. However, after Nazay and Endea spotted us last night, I had to declare the project a failure.”

“Then what about the fiery portal we saw you casting last night?” asked Nazay.

“That was no portal, Commander,” assured Tendrak. “One of my platoonmates is a smoker. He lit up a cigarette and I told him to snuff it for security’s sake. Unfortunately, it still retained its light as he tossed it to the ground onto a patch of dry grass. I figured we should spare the fire department a headache and ordered everyone to douse it. That’s what you two saw, the smoldering remains of us taking care of a fire.”

“I heard the whistle of my late father’s ghost train when Foresna, Falnii, and I saw you guys,” called Lardeth.

“What you heard, Your Highness,” answered Tendrak, “was the after-effects of a wind-dispelling charm. We were hit with really hard crosswinds, so we had to get rid of them for a safer flight. The freight cars you guys were stuck between had a flat bed of pipes and the wind must have passed through them at the right pitch to simulate a ghost engine’s whistle.”

“So, why wait until now to tell us all this?” asked Foresna.

“It was a Code Black operation,” explained Calandra. “The Royal Families didn’t want the details to leave the room they were using to discuss this. I was in on the conversation because Mother wanted to test me on whether or not I would blab about a Code Black operation to the ones I loved.”

“So, even Elmar was ignorant about this?” inquired Arsha.

“He was until last night,” replied Calandra.

“In order for a Code Black operation to be declassified,” continued Orbak, “the people in charge would have to unanimously vote on it or the one carrying out the operation would have to declare it a failure. Queen Andwayla Narven, in all the times we discussed this after the first few sightings, voted to keep it classified. She wasn’t happy when Tendrak took the decision out of our hands. Honestly, I’m glad he did, because the rumor about the White Riders returning at any point in time was always proven false.”

“What makes you say that?” asked Malnar.

“I’m surprised you and Yunfeen of all people don’t know!” remarked Orbak. “The White Riders were laid to rest during the First Age of Unity! During King Rentar Emboramii’s reign, Rentar gathered scientists and mages from across the Realms to try and cure the White Riders as a way of making reparations towards those families. They found a way and restored them to a peaceful rest, taking the bodies back to their families so they could be interred properly and rest in peace. Any time there were sightings, it was always the power of suggestion from a swindler or some young punks trying to scare people. Rentar made the details of their final rest public, so I’m surprised you girls forgot that!” Yunfeen and Malnar turned beet-red in embarrassment.

“Mally,” gulped Yunfeen.

“Yes, Yunny?”

“I think we goofed!” Yunfeen hid herself behind her fan.

“That’s a distinct possibility.” Malnar put her head to the table.

“So, there’s no ghouls flying around?” asked Arsha as she set her hairpiece back into its usual place.

“No, there’s no ghouls flying around,” confirmed Orbak.

“Are you friggin’ KIDDING me?!” snapped Tornoth. “You mean to tell me that Bulshnak and I embarrassed ourselves in front of Gorfanth because you guys wanted to play with your new toys?!”

“…How did you embarrass yourself?” asked Malnar as she picked her head up.

“What?!” yelped Tornoth. “Forget I said anything!”

“Come on, Tornoth!” chuckled Lardeth. “Out with it!”

“No! I won’t!” snapped Tornoth.

“You know what?” giggled Arsha. “We don’t need him! We can ask Gorfanth!”

“Don’t you dare, Gorfanth!” snarled Tornoth.

“I won’t,” assured Gorfanth. “Sorry, everyone, but my staying mum on the details is all part of a contract with his company.”

“Then Bulshnak can talk!” suggested Falnii.

“No, I can’t,” rumbled Bulshnak.

“Can’t or won’t?” chuckled Foresna. As everyone had a turn ribbing Tornoth and Bulshnak, Orbak and Calandra stayed in the back, observing the whole thing. This incident would be going to the public after this, but they weren’t so sure of the repercussions.

“Excuse me, Your Majesty,” muttered Calandra to Orbak as she left the room. She made her way to Elmar’s quarters and found him running his hands over his face. “Elmar, sweetie?”

“I just had a call from Councilman Torrudai,” he mumbled. “He’s demanding to speak with you.”

“…He’s not happy with Mother,” sighed Calandra. “I’ll speak with him.”

“Communications console’s over there.” Calandra sat down and keyed in a command to connect with Torrudai. She then put in a passcode, followed by completing a retinal scan before an old man appeared.

“Your Highness, I’ve been looking for you,” he grunted.

“Elmar told me you were looking for me,” replied Calandra.

“I’ll be blunt, your mother’s decision in light of the panic that went on has made many of my colleagues and people VERY unhappy.”

“I’ve been told that by the people themselves.”

“Then you have a better grasp of the situation. I need to make this very clear; the Galdredan Council has just barely voted to let your mother continue ruling until you marry Elmar and he retires from Realmfleet. However, that was a pretty slim vote. Right now, people have no confidence in your mother’s abilities.”

“Her heart is in the right place, Councilman.”

“Perhaps, but you have frequently said that her head isn’t.”

“…Yes, I did.”

“Your Highness, the only reason that she’s still in command of our kingdom is that she DID propose effective methods of routing Splitter operatives for all Realms and imprisoning them. You must understand that if she does something like this again…”

“Just give me a heads-up so I can return to claim the throne if the vote swings that way.”

“…I’m glad you understand, Your Highness. For now, safe travels.” The call ended and Calandra put her head in her hands.

“…I know she’s my mother,” she mumbled to Elmar, “but she’s not doing our kingdom any favors.”

“Well, we cannot change her so easily,” muttered Elmar. “We can only hope that her future actions will be less…absurd.”

“Yeah…” Calandra simply sat in Elmar’s lap as he wrapped his arms around her in a reassuring hug.

“…You know,” mused Elmar, “I believe the 4 F’s are going to be performing within the last 10 days of this week.”

“…Yeah, I could do with some 4 F entertainment,” chuckled Calandra.

The Three Realms The Three Realms (Book 3: The First Strike)

3 Realms 3-22

Tornoth and his new partner, a male Orc named Bulshnak, headed towards their destination. Bulshnak had the charisma of a potato, droning on through the rulebook and zinging Tornoth for even the slightest infraction. The horseless carriage stopped at the foot of a dirt driveway leading to a small house. “Steelhorn Haven,” grumbled Tornoth.

“The correct address is…” interjected Bulshnak.

“I lived here when I was a calf, so I’ll use the name Dad gave it!” snapped Tornoth. Bulshnak scoffed at being brushed off like that as they exited the carriage and went up the driveway. They arrived at the door and rang the doorbell. “I’m surprised Dad wanted anything to do with us.”

“With you, specifically.”

“Look, I may not be the favorite of the herd, but I’m not disowned. Dad still keeps in contact with me.” The door opened to reveal Gorfanth. “…Well, well, well! Hello, Gorie!”

“What did I say about that stupid name?!” snapped Gorfanth.

“Sorry, Gorie.” Tornoth laughed. “What brings you back home?”

“Family help. There’s a wagon train that needs to get to the Welmark Well of Fire and it needs to be there by tomorrow morning.”

“What’s the train full of? Your old dollies?”

“I can’t believe I’m saying this. …Tornoth, I need to arrange a continual delivery contract with the Galdredan Reliable Road Services.” Tornoth stared…then fell to the porch floor in hysterical laughter. Bulshnak arched a hairy eyebrow as Gorfanth just gave his brother a deadpan look. Tornoth then climbed up the porch’s support and held himself to the railing as he calmed down. “…Finished?”

“Wait, you’re serious?” asked Tornoth as his amusement faded faster.

“Yes. I need a route to the Well and you guys offer the fastest routes.”

“What do you need us for? We’ve all been there once or twice.”

“You more than us! The routes Great-Grandpa took when we were younger were closed off and he’s getting on in years!”

“I thought living on a skyship meant you didn’t NEED help!”

“Living on a skyship means knowing when to ask for help and I’m asking for help now!”

“Regretfully,” fussed Bulshnak, “Regulation 7, Subsection 9, paragraph 3 clearly says that we cannot negotiate a contract at so late a time unless there was a form of assured quid pro quo.”

“What sort of quid pro quo?” asked Gorfanth, suspiciously.

“That can vary from client to client,” answered Bulshnak. “It can be an actual service now or a later favor.”

“…I’m more inclined to accept a later favor,” remarked Tornoth.

“Forget it!” snarled Gorfanth. “I’d rather owe a favor to Reb Rojam than you!”

“Then we can’t negotiate a contract at this time,” chuckled Tornoth. “Regulations are QUITE clear! Have fun finding someone else!” He and Bulshnak then departed as Gorfanth mooed angrily at their backsides before slamming the door. “I love making him mad!” Tornoth chuckled to himself.

“Regulation 4!” fussed Bulshnak. “Potential clients may NOT be an…antago…” he trailed off as he looked up in the sky.

“What’s up with you?” asked Tornoth as he followed Bulshnak’s gaze. His own eyes then grew to the size of dinner plates. Flying overhead was the white broom band!

“A…Are those…?!” stammered Bulshnak. “Th…They look like…! Galtrak, protect us! They’re real!”

“Quick! Into the house!” urged Tornoth. They pounded up the drive and back onto the porch. Tornoth retrieved the spare key from a panel inside the exterior wall, put it into the door lock, opened the door, then they dashed into the house and slammed it shut, panting in fear.

“What are you two doing in here?!” protested a voice.

“GORFANTH!” cried Tornoth as they whirled around to face his brother.

“What’s the matter with you?!” snapped Gorfanth. “You sound like you’re going through puberty!”

“Don…don’t be stupid!” stammered Tornoth as he regained his gruff voice.

“Me?! You’re the one who flew in here like he’s seen a ghost!”

“Maybe I did…”

“What? You know what, forget it. I’m in no mood for crazy explanations. That wagon train needs to leave tonight, so fine! Take it and I’ll owe you a favor!”

“Er, never mind the favor! I’d be more than happy to help my big brother! No charge whatsoever!”


“Of course! We’re family, aren’t we? We gotta help each other out!”

“Oookaay, I don’t know who you are or what you’ve done with Tornoth…but I’ll take your offer. Actually…” a wicked grin then crossed Gorfanth’s snout, “I must insist on repaying the favor.”


“I won’t tell everyone you squealed like a calf!” Tornoth’s tail flicked in irritation as he looked at Bulshnak. The Orc shrugged and he sighed in defeat.

“Fine. I’ll accept that. Where’s the wagon train?”

“Garage shed 2. It’s already opened.”

“I’ll drive the carriage up and hook it up.”

“Splendid! Pleasure doing business with you!” Tornoth snorted as he and Bulshnak left the house. Gorfanth then looked at the small altar. “Whoever’s watching the whole thing, this is probably wicked of me, but I’m gonna enjoy hanging this over his head!”

The next night followed and Endea was awake again! Her overhaul was finished, and she enjoyed a nice meal after being welcomed back. She was then taken on a rail-ride similar to the one Lardeth and his group took. Her companion was Nazay at the time and he had taken her to a 4 F’s show with the Wonderous Whites as the stars. They had recently made their ships Mechanicas and they became members of the family. After the show, Endea and Nazay returned to the open auto-coach and went back down the line…before running into a complication. “And people say I can’t navigate on the ground!” grumbled Nazay.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” asked Endea as she brought the coach to a stop.

“Face it, Endea! We’re lost!”

“How’s that possible?!”

“Because we don’t know where we are!”

“Nazay, it’s not like we took the wrong road! We can only go where the tracks take us! Since we passed over a bridge spanning a lava river, I’d say we’re on a branch line near the Welmark Well of Fire!”

“Which we shouldn’t be! We’re supposed to be on the MAIN line!”

“Maybe there was a points failure, or maybe the Signalman made a mistake. In any event, I fail to see this as OUR problem! We’re probably about 500 Mebs from the Old Palace Theater Station. If I’m right, we stop there, then get directions back onto the main line from the Stationmaster.”

“I’m just not too keen on traveling down an unknown line in the middle of the night away from your main body! What if someone’s meant to come down this way?”

“You’re right. Maybe we should go up and check.”

“…I guess that’s the best plan we’ve got so far.” Endea then brought the auto-coach up to a cautious speed and they went down the line.

“Er, Nazay, are you familiar with the White Riders?”

“I’ve heard that legend dozens of times.”

“Then, about the sightings…”

“Honestly, I think it’s all some ridiculous hoax. Someone’s trying to stir up a panic. Maybe one of Dr. Borg’s plans.”

“Why would she want to do that?”

“To demoralize us, maybe. I don’t think we’ll see them.” Oh, if only Nazay was right! After getting directions back to the main line from the Stationmaster, they went down the line towards a loop that led to the main line. Traveling down the loop, there was a light. As they came nearer, the light could be seen as a fire…with the broom rider band hovering above them and casting something with their wands at the fire! “Okay, I take back what I said!” cried Nazay. “Sweet Olpen! What’s going on?! Why’s the ground on fire?!”

“It looks like…!” gulped Endea. “Commander, you don’t think that’s…a gateway to the Depths, do you?!”

“I’m not in a mood to find out! HIGHTAIL IT!” Endea opened the throttle and the coach roared down the track!

Unbeknownst to them, the band heard everything and saw them make a break for it. The leader shook their head. “Spotted and we made them panic,” they grumbled.

“I TOLD you guys this operation wouldn’t work!” snapped a second.

“Come on, be fair!” argued a third. “There’s plenty of broom rider traffic! This kingdom’s got the most broom riders in all the Realms!”

“None of them are an all-white band,” remarked a fourth. “We stuck out like a sore thumb just enough for people to spot us.”

“You know, if I were a superstitious person,” mumbled the last, “I’d start thinking that the White Riders were around.”

“Then we don’t have a choice,” muttered the leader. “I’m calling it.” They activated a communicator. “Your Majesty, people spotted us and ran in a panic. Operation: Warning Web is a failure. …I’m sorry, Your Majesty, but after an auto-coach fled from us, we felt like we had no choice. …Very well. We’ll be there shortly. Good night.”

“That’s it, then?” asked the fourth.

“That’s it,” confirmed the leader. “Whitefleet Platoon, return to base.” The broom riders then took off for their base of operations.

The Three Realms The Three Realms (Book 3: The First Strike)

3 Realms 3-21

Foresna, Lardeth, and Falnii were enjoying a nice, romantic rail ride during the night. It was on a private, open-roofed coach that was powered by an engine. It was going slow along a branch line along the continent’s southern coast. Foresna breathed in the salty air. “Man, this is a nice view,” sighed Foresna happily.

“I have to admit, no view in the Over-realm can match this,” agreed Lardeth.

“You know,” mused Falnii, “I’ve never been to the Galdredan Lava Kingdom before the Endeavor had to come here.”

“What do you think so far?” asked Lardeth.

“…It’s lovely,” sighed Falnii happily as she leaned her head onto Lardeth’s shoulder. She then brought Foresna’s head down to her lap and stroked his hair. They all gave a contented sigh as the coach continued its leisurely run down the track. Their eyes soon shut as they let the noise of the coach’s wheels on the track bring them to sleep…a sleep that was interrupted as the coach suddenly lurched as it went over a set of points to a siding! Foresna moved to the front of the coach and hit the brakes as the coach traveled between two rows of freight cars. The coach stopped and the three looked at their surroundings.

“What in the Depths…?!” snapped Foresna before he made a call to the nearby signal box. “Excuse me,” he began as the Signalwoman operating the box accepted the call, “my lovers and I were taking a nice tour down your line when we ended up in a siding. What’s going on?”

“I’m afraid, Sir,” replied the Signalwoman, “that all trains had to be diverted into a secluded area, by order of Queen Narven herself.”

“What for?!” demanded Lardeth as he and Falnii joined Foresna.

“She wouldn’t say,” replied the Signalwoman, “only that it was part of a project.”

“Oh, peachy!” grunted Lardeth.

“Thanks,” grumbled Foresna as he ended the call.

“Just once,” sighed Lardeth as he looked towards the sky, “I’d like to have a romantic excursion with at least one of my lovers without something going wrong!”

“We’ll have to make sure Queen Narven hears of this,” declared Falnii.

“You know, I rather hope Calandra takes the throne quickly,” muttered Lardeth. “She seems to have her heart AND head in the right…” a noise then interrupted him, a noise that froze his soul! “Th…that noise!” he squeaked.

“Might have been the wind,” gulped Foresna.

“No, I recognize that sound!” insisted Lardeth. “Don’t you remember?! Dad’s ghost engine made that sound when it whistled!”

“Lardeth, we all saw him and his train reach the Heights last year, remember?!” urged Falnii. Another noise then rang out. They saw five white streaks in the sky.

“What were they?!” asked Foresna.

“If they weren’t going so fast, I might have seen them,” mused Falnii.

“I caught a glimpse of them!” called Lardeth.

“What did they look like?” asked Foresna.

“A broomstick band of five, all in white!”

“Isn’t that what Malnar, Gorfanth, and Arsha saw?”

“Sure sounds like it,” muttered Falnii. “We need to talk to them when we get back.”

Orbak was walking through the corridors of the Endeavor as the overhaul was finishing up. With any luck, Endea would wake up within two days. As he passed by a conference room, he heard the conversation. “You saw them too?!” yelped Malnar as she met with all those that had seen the broom rider band so far.

“They were rather difficult to miss,” replied Lardeth.

“What’s going on here?” asked Yunfeen as she stroked Beruka’s middle head.

“Wait a minute,” called Termaf, “isn’t this their anniversary?”

“…Whose anniversary?” asked Arsha.

“Oh, yeah, it is,” remarked Malnar. “There’s an Under-realm legend about a five-rider band that died.”

“Oh, yeah, that one,” recalled Yunfeen.

“Mind telling those who aren’t initially from the Under-realm about it?” requested Foresna.

“I’m sure I told you about them?” asked Gorfanth.

“I can’t say as I recall any stories like that,” remarked Arsha.

“Nor me,” supplied Lardeth.

“News to me,” reported Falnii.

“I have to agree with my old home’s Crown Prince,” muttered Tufarmem.

“I’m surprised,” muttered Beruka. “I would have thought you’d have heard it from Loondal.”

“Well, it’s not a happy Ghost story,” warned Malnar. “Heck, I’d hardly call it a ‘Ghost’ story.”

“What WOULD you call it?” asked Arsha.

“…A Ghoul story.” Her audience was then captivated. “They’re the first Ghouls, prototype Revenants. During the War of the Realms, my first ancestor, Intrag the Conqueror, was growing more impatient with the stalemate the war became. He ordered his top mages to create unstoppable soldiers for him to conquer the Realms or suffer horribly.

“The mages soon came up with a theory. Vampire blood has been known to have mystic properties, even going so far as to revive recently dead animals of all Realms and give said animals a smidge of Vampire powers. So, they theorized that a generous amount of Vampire blood would revive recently dead soldiers.

“When Intrag heard the plan, he ordered them to enact it. They scoured the Realms for five of the greatest warriors, killed them, and then applied Vampire blood, taken from Vampires who had failed Intrag. Intrag came to see the bodies walk on their own. He was impressed and gave the order to mount brooms and fly about, spreading his gospel.

“Unfortunately, something was wrong. The Ghouls didn’t understand Intrag’s instructions. They simply flew around the skies of the Under-realm. When Intrag heard the reports, he was furious. He mounted his own broom and pursued them. He ordered them to return home for reeducation, but they refused. They said that they were under orders to fly around the sky and they must complete that mission.

“Intrag was enraged. He fired his own magic, but nothing phased them. Whatever damage they suffered, even under his strongest magic, they shrugged it off and resumed their patrol of the sky. They didn’t shoot him down, just went around him constantly. Intrag was furious. His mages had failed him, and they were executed on the spot. That was mere days before the Message was discovered.

“Many have tried to undo what was done to the Ghouls but were unsuccessful. They are cursed to forever wander the night skies of the Under-realm, appearing only on the anniversary of their creation, earning the name ‘White Riders’. Any who catch sight of them, woe be to them.” Malnar ended her story and her audience was in some form of self-reassurance.

“W…what kind of…woe?” gulped Falnii.

“Any kind,” answered Gorfanth, “from the most minor to the most major.”

“Oh dear,” sighed Orbak from outside the conference room. He went towards the entrance ramp without another word.

Calandra was in another dress fitting session. There was one particular wedding dress that caught her eye and she decided to try it out. It was a little loose fitting on her, but she liked the design. The Royal Seamstress was taking measurements and making decisions on alterations. “Now, the shoulder-revealing collar is, in my opinion, a nice touch,” she mused.

“Maybe,” sighed Calandra, “but I want to drape my arms around Elmar’s shoulders when we kiss.”

“Well, with that in mind…” muttered the Royal Seamstress before someone knocked on the door.

“Come in!” called Calandra. Orbak then entered the room. The Royal Seamstress knelt in his presence.

“What can we do for you, your Majesty?” she asked.

“I need to speak to Calandra about certain…sightings,” explained Orbak. The Royal Seamstress was confused.

“Er, would you mind leaving us alone for a sec?” asked Calandra.

“Um, very well, your Highness,” mumbled the Royal Seamstress. She then left the room. Once the door closed, Calandra turned to Orbak.

“There were more sightings?” she asked.

“Foresna, Lardeth, and Falnii saw them last night,” confirmed Orbak. Calandra flopped into a chair.

“Great, now we’ve got THREE sightings in the span of two nights!”

“There’s more. When all the witnesses came together, Malnar told them about the White Riders.”

“That’s gonna cause panic! Not what Mother was hoping for!”

“But exactly what you and I said would happen.”

“Does Mother know? Should we tell everyone?”

“Your mother knows and, when we met, she voted ‘no’ on saying anything.”

“Your Majesty, I know this operation is predicated on secrecy, but Mother’s being stubborn right now. She needs to understand that if there are any more sightings, the word ‘covert’ won’t mean a damn thing.”

“You know better than I do that Andwayla has a knack for remaining ignorant, even in the presence of overwhelming facts.”

“So, what, we just let this play out?”

“We don’t exactly have much choice.” Calandra sighed in defeat.

“All right, I’ll alter the event schedule as best I can to at least minimize sightings. With any luck, we’ll keep the situation from escalating.”

“I daresay the Divine Ones will have their work cut out for them in answering prayers for good luck.”

“No kidding. This could be what gives Dr. Borg the excuse she needs to strike against us.”

The Three Realms The Three Realms (Book 3: The First Strike)

3 Realms 3-20

Sanduay was one of, if not THE biggest broomstick sport in all the Realms. Named after the Battle of Sanduay in the War of the Depths, there were 10 players on a Sanduay team trying to defend their tower from the opposing team’s attacks. Three players, called Head-ons would try and turn the enemy team’s tower completely from green, to blue, to yellow, to pink, to orange, to purple, to red. If the tower is completely red from roof to base, the game is over, and the tower’s team loses. While the three Head-ons tried to keep the opposing team behind, two other players, the Overheads, would hold position high above the roof and pick off anyone who manages to circumvent the three below. The remaining five players, Guardians, would try and keep their tower as non-red as possible. They can only go up one color, so if the opposing team turns one section to two colors down, the five players couldn’t go back up two colors. On top of that, once a section of the tower is red, the Guardians can’t make it go up one color, they have to leave it alone and that particular Guardian is benched. Each of the remaining five players focused on one section of the tower. Two players, the Roof Guardians, would monitor a half of the tower’s roof while the remaining three, the Tower Guardians, each focused on a third of the tower from where the roof sits to the base. Each player’s position was named after one of the 10 warriors that defended and repaired the tower to secure victory. The three Head-ons were Sedomar, Kanomar, and Rodomar; the two Overheads were Terralem and Asolem; the two Roof Guardians were Lansel and Roofel; and the three Tower Guardians were Aludax, Lenezax, and Handomax. When she was a Realmfleet Cadet, Arsha was Captain of the Realmfleet Sanduay Team, usually taking up the Kanomar position, and received quite a number of trophies for her victories. She DID lose, yes, but she lost graciously and still loves the sport! Because of her love for her home, her favorite team was the Largandra Leopards. Though, they weren’t going to be playing in the Under-union Festival, her second favorite, the Falgreth Furies, were. She, Malnar, and Gorfanth were given the opportunity to meet them one night and were pleasantly surprised that they weren’t conceited at all. “I tell you, I’m honored to meet you,” chuckled Arsha.

“I’m honored that you follow us,” returned the Team Captain, a male Troll named Anshuu. “I’m surprised you follow an Under-realm team.”

“Helps me to understand people outside of the Mid-realm better. If I’m going to be a Queen, I need to know how my allies’ subjects think.”

“No better way to do that than Sanduay! How long can you stay?”

“Our entire evening is free, why?”

“Because we want you to watch our practice.” Arsha checked with Malnar and Gorfanth who nodded eagerly.

“Captain Anshuu, we’d be honored!”

“Perfect! We just need to wait for our coach and…” A female Troll then came up to them. She was the team’s coach.

“Sorry, boys and girls,” she grumbled, “you guys are grounded.”

“Grounded?!” protested Anshuu. “Why?!”

“We need to let a broomstick band fly overhead,” explained the coach.

“Did the report say who they were?”

“No, only that it was the only band scheduled to pass overhead. Once they’re gone, you guys can practice.”

“Oh, perfect!” grunted one of the Guardians, a Female Troll named Beshee. “Is it just me or does something ALWAYS happen whenever we practice outside of our home field?!”

“Well, I guess we’ll have to wait,” muttered Anshuu. That was when a noise like something flying could be heard. The noise grew louder as the source got closer. “That must be them,” mused Anshuu.

“Sounds kind of small,” observed Gorfanth. “Must be a Realmfleet band.” The broomstick flyers then went over the stadium. They were a band of five and dressed all in white. “…Or…not,” mumbled Gorfanth. “Who were they?”

“I don’t know,” muttered the coach. “My glasses are still being fixed and I hate wearing contacts.”

“They looked to be about Arsha’s height,” muttered Beshee, “but I think they were wearing masks.”

“Weird,” grunted the coach before she took a briefcase of training drones. “Well, they’re gone, so you guys can practice.”

“Very peculiar,” muttered Arsha as she, Gorfanth, and Malnar went to the stands. “Very, VERY peculiar.”

As hinted before, Felansi dancing is what we call Flamenco dancing. The Feisty Felansi Forsorna Family, or 4 F’s, is a massive family of Felansi dancers that adopted a nomadic lifestyle to entertain people across the Realms. Founded by Succubi and Incubi, the family has taken in humanoids all across the Realms and use their own natural age-stopping magic to keep their family members young-looking. Everyone, great-grandparents, grandparents, parents, and children, all contribute to this family of entertainers. Originally, they were just dancers, but as the family evolved, they added new entertainment options to their repertoire. Now, with Felansi dancing still the main event, their acts include singing, comedy sketches, fashion designing, and modeling. They are divided into 10 groups in the colors of the Divine Ones, the Perky Pinks, the Ravishing Reds, the Opulent Oranges, the Yummy Yellows, the Grand Greens, the Beautiful Blues, the Plentiful Purples, the Bountiful Blacks, the Gracious Greys, and the Wonderous Whites. Yunfeen, a Succubus in a purple dress named Termaf, and a Zephyr in a blue dress named Tufarmem looked over their script for their comedy sketch. “All right,” declared Termaf, “we’ve got everything up to the climax, let’s rehearse that.” Termaf and Yunfeen turned their backs to Tufarmem, then Tufarmem fed them a line.

“Why, you cowards!” she called. “You’re afraid to say ‘Alanshi Falls!’”

“ALANSHI FALLS!” repeated Termaf and Yunfeen with a crazed expression on their faces.

“You stay away from me!” yelped Tufarmem.

“Slowly I turned!” continued Termaf and Yunfeen as they slowly turned and approached her, their expressions still crazed. “And step by step, smarg by smarg, I…!” The sound of flyers then interrupted them. The three women then threw their scripts down in frustration.

“Come on! Just once!” wailed Termaf. “Just! Friggin! Once!”

“The minute we get to that ‘smarg by smarg’ line, something always happens!” complained Yunfeen. They heard a scratching on the door. “Must be Beruka,” mused Yunfeen. She opened the door to let in her Cerberus, Beruka. All three of his tails were level and the expression on all three of his faces was sour.

“Can you keep the noise down? I’m trying to sleep!” complained Beruka from his left-most head.

“That’s not us, I assure you,” replied Tufarmem. She grabbed a telescope and looked out the window, extending it and looking into it to see the broom rider band that flew over the Sanduay field. “Dear lord, that kind of racket from five broom riders?”

“Broom riders? At this time of night?” asked Yunfeen. She then got a look.

“Let me see,” urged Termaf. She looked through the telescope and found the broom riders. “Now that’s the weirdest broom rider band I’ve EVER seen.”

“Well, they’re gone now,” mused Tufarmem. “Maybe we can practice some more.”

“Let’s do it tomorrow,” suggested Yunfeen. “I need to ask Malnar about it. Maybe she would know.”

“You don’t know either?” asked Yunfeen the next morning as she and Beruka spoke to Malnar.

“No, I don’t,” confirmed Malnar. “Mama didn’t know anything about it either.”

“Now that IS peculiar,” muttered Beruka.

“Did you see what they looked like?” asked Malnar.

“My vision’s worse than yours, Malnar,” remarked Beruka. “They looked splotchy to me.”

“I didn’t see their faces only because they had a mask that hid their features,” muttered Yunfeen.

“Did anyone else in your family see it aside from you three?” asked Malnar.

“No, they said that our ships’ sensors didn’t detect them last night,” answered Yunfeen. “You know, now that I think about it, I’m surprised the Furies were allowed to practice last night.”

“The upcoming game’s a pretty important one,” reminded Malnar, “and it could last into the night. …You know, that just made me realize that the band last night must have had a higher priority.”

“An unaffiliated broom rider band?” asked Beruka. “I’d say that’s not possible, but your story says otherwise.”

“Somehow, I feel like shenanigans are about to happen this week,” grumbled Malnar.

“You’re absolutely sure you can’t tell me what your mother said yesterday?” Elmar asked Calandra that day.

“Sorry, but what Mother told me and Orbak is classified Code Black,” answered Calandra.

“So, you’re all sworn to secrecy.”

“’Fraid so.”

“That complicates things.”

“Sorry, but it is what it is.”

“Why would your mother want to stage a secret operation during the Under-union festival?”

“Well, she thinks this operation will help the Realms.” Calandra looked out the window. “Her heart’s in the right place, you know. She DOES care for the kingdom. She’s kind, good-hearted…”

“Stupid.” While Elmar said it under his breath, Calandra heard that and shot him a Look!

“She is not!” Elmar figured that it would be illogical to hide his real feelings now.

“She certainly is! She’s an ox who can’t put together 2 and 2 if you spelled out the instructions!”

“Now, that’s enough!” Calandra jabbed her finger into his chest. “Need I remind you that she’s gonna be your mother-in-law?! …Speaking of which, I’ve got wedding dresses to try out. I’ll see you in the morning and you WON’T be talking about my mother like that again!” She then stormed off.

“…Well, I’m hardly wrong,” muttered Elmar.

The Three Realms The Three Realms (Book 3: The First Strike)

3 Realms 3-19

The day of the Under-union Festival’s opening ceremony had arrived! Arsha was bouncing up and down, eager to see the delights of the Under-union Festival. She always enjoys the dancing, the singing, and the broomstick sports! Her favorite sport was called Sanduay. She was excited at the idea of seeing a Sanduay game as she hadn’t seen one for a while since starting her tour of duty. Right now, she and her fiancés were with the Emboramiis, waiting for the rulers of the Under-realm to be announced. A Minotaur man stepped up to the podium and began. “Hosting the festival, and ruling the Galdredan Lava Kingdom, we have the Narvens, Queen Andwayla, Crown Princess Calandra, her fiancé, Elmar, Princess Ellemar, Princess Hanju, Princess Leenar, Prince Yantonu, Prince Ektan, and his husbands, Lord Tullak and Lord Forlater!” The Narvens and Elmar walked down the aisle, waving as they passed the rows of people before taking their seats. “From the Greltharg Merfolk Kingdom, we have the Yunumteys, King Exarla, King Teynar, Queen Eeraldii, Crown Prince Enturnam, and Prince Gulraten!” Three Cecaelia men, a Mermaid, and a Merman then came down the aisle, the merfolk in water chairs like Shalvey. They sat behind the Narvens, Queen Eeraldii wiggling between her Kings and giggling like a little girl. Their sons, twins from the waist up, just rolled their eyes at the “mushy” romance going on. “From the Morgonthor Trench, we have the Yerudiis, King Alnedar, his harem member, Ganthir, and Prince Lenshu.” Two Mermen and a Cecaelia woman came up and sat behind the Yunumteys. “From Crelima City, we have the Hanthuus, Queen Entralii, Queen Yurmar, and Queen Lartin.” A Succubus, a Naga, and a human all came down the aisle and sat left of the Yerudiis. “From Frigandor, we have the Glasnitas, King Esirat, Queen Ellndar, Prince Ferdath, and their royal guards, the Larkenthas, Lord Delga, Lady Larbuu, their son, Morla, and their harem heads, Enfanti Glarosa and Dorbu Toranthi.” The Frostik Royal family came forward with Delga and his family and harem members following behind. They sat to the left of the Hanthuus. “From the Actanila Mega-shark Grounds, we have the Wenshars…”

“Mega-shark?” Arsha hissed to herself.

“King Enrel and his son, Crown Prince Erutal,” finished the announcer. The two Mega-sharks had an apparatus over their gills to help them breathe. They walked down the aisle, looking very nervous, despite the applause. They sat behind the Glasnitas. “From the Calnthor Merfolk Kingdom, we have Queen Landuii Altror and her Royal Guard Captain, Sir Entrak Yortura.” A pair of Merfolk glided down the aisle and positioned themselves to the right of the Wenshars. “From the Greshkagh Mountains, we have the Gorkurahs, King Terothai, Queen Endomu, and Prince Korkomak.” A trio of Trolls walked down the aisle, then sat behind the Calnthor Queen and Royal Guard Captain.

“So Endomu DID remarry!” chuckled Malnar.

“And married one of the greatest Realmfleet Captains,” mused Arsha.

“From the Grilthan Forest,” continued the announcer, “we have the Tothens, King Endormak, Queen Rodoomee, Princess, Ensurna, their head dancer, Malee, and their Royal Guard Captain, Lord Elbar Tantho.” A band of Elves came down the aisle, waving as they walked, then sat to the Gorkurahs’ right. “From the Haldebor Drider Caves, we have the Lundaliis, High Priestess Torunath, High Priestess Landorel, Priestess Eramii, Priestess Falnimam, and Mother Superior Anturath.” A quintet of Drider women walked down the aisle, then positioned themselves to the Tothens’ right. Arsha arched an eyebrow.

“…Falnimam…Lundalii?!” she hissed to herself. “He’s dating one of the High Priestesses’ daughters?!”

“From Realmgate City, we have the Worodais,” the announcer went on, “King Erodeth, Queen Marutam, Queen Rutalmer, and Queen Toyaktii.” A male Fire Dragon, two female Sea Dragons, and a female Stone Dragon in their humanoid forms walked down the aisle. Malnar shook her head as the Dragon Royals sat in front of the Lundaliis.

“They’re all roughly 5,000 and they STILL haven’t made an heir,” she muttered.

“What’s the big deal?” asked Arsha. “Mom was in her 7,500’s when she gave birth to me.”

“You think that’s late?” chuckled Lardeth. “Mama Feymay had me when she was in her 10,000’s.”

“You mean you two were late-bloomers?” asked Malnar. “I never knew that. Daddy and Mother had me when they were in their late 2,600’s.”

“Yikes, that’s young,” winced Falnii.

“From Falgreth, we have the Varseks,” continued the announcer, “Lord Tomugath, Lady Endowilla, and their son, Young Lord Tenokath.” A duo of Troll adults, with Lord Tomugath holding the infant Tenokath, walked down the aisle, then sat beside the Worodais.

“And you said my parents were young when they had me?” Malnar asked Falnii. “Lord Tomugath’s only 2,300 and his wife can’t be much older than that.”

“From Dwelga, we have the Tolshoons,” the announcer went on, “Chancellor Penshek, First Lady Durshar, their children, Lord Torthan, Lady Entrilim, Lady Urmaltikar, Lady Werfern, Lord Dulerko, Young Lord Intorkar, Young Lord Feedokel, Young Lady Yintakal, Young Lord Huntokal, and Young Lady Jentothor.” Penshek and his family walked down the aisle and sat on the other side of the Worodais.

“Good gracious,” muttered Foresna, “that’s quite a family to provide for.”

“No kidding, that’s big by Goblin standards,” rumbled Gorfanth.

“And last, but certainly not least,” the announcer was wrapping up, “from the Under-realm’s capital of the Belsnath Citadel, we have the Emboramiis, King Orbak, Queen Elmpam, Crown Princess Malnar with her fiancés, Mid-realm Crown Princess Captain Arsha Royana, Over-realm Crown Prince Lardeth Felompha, Mr. Foresna Falshenda, Ms. Falnii Loftanaf, Mr. Gorfanth Steelhorn, Princess Yunfeen, Princess Lanthil, Princess Mirtantha, Princess Yantukath, their dancer, Pyrina Embrania, and their maid, Ralta Frilliom!” The Emboramiis and the people important to them walked down the aisle to the sound of a standing ovation, then they sat down at the bottom-most seats. “Now, all in attendance must release a light spell to pierce the dark cloud overhead!” The dark cloud overhead choked out the sun, but this was all prepared as part of the opening ceremony. The Royal Families then thrust their arms into the air, releasing pillars of light into the cloud, making it dissipate! “I hereby declare the Under-union festival…OPEN!” The crowd cheered and they all went off to see the various venues and booths. Arsha pulled Malnar to the side.

“I thought the Mega-sharks won’t go anywhere near land,” she muttered.

“…You haven’t heard?” asked Malnar.

“Heard what?”

“About the Mega-shark civil war.” Arsha’s eyebrows raised in alarm.

“Civil war? Over what?”

“Well, it turns out that there were Mega-sharks who insisted that slavery was backwards and used the incident at the Trelfan Trench as proof of their views. They would make every attempt to sneak slaves out of Mega-shark territory. They were always caught though, so a general originally from the Trelfan Trench, Enrel Wenshar, led a revolt against Queen Veloom. Daddy declared the civil war an internal matter and ordered everyone to not interfere unless a winner was declared. While Enrel lost more than a few battles, he certainly knew how to make victory costly for Veloom’s forces. Eventually, with her remaining soldiers sent to their borders, Enrel and his army struck the palace and killed Veloom. He’s doing what he can to rebuild the Mega-sharks into an honorable race, with Daddy’s help.”


“Here he comes.” Enrel approached Arsha.

“Greetings, Your Highness,” he began. “I am Enrel, the Mega-shark King.”

“Hello, King Enrel,” returned Arsha. Enrel could tell, by her tone, that she was skeptic.

“I understand your doubts. Last time you encountered us; we were lustful savages.”

“You don’t deny that?”

“I can’t, it won’t help us to learn from our mistakes if we don’t confront our arrogance. The work is slow, but King Orbak is helping us. We WILL be different, I promise.”

“You’ll be held to that.”

“I understand.” Enrel then left to speak with the other rulers.

“Arsha, his work IS long,” reminded Malnar, “but I have a feeling he’ll make good on his word and so will his descendants.”

“I hope so,” sighed Arsha. “I’m still a little suspicious of Mega-sharks.” She then switched to more pleasant channels. “But this is the Under-union Festival, a place of fun! I understand your sister’s family is performing?”

“The rest of the 4 F’s are gonna be arriving tomorrow. Yunfeen just needed to get here early so she could join us.”

“Probably for the best, it spared the announcer’s throat.”

“No kidding. I have to pity the announcers and the Over and Mid-union Festivals. That was a lot of names. Ours would pass out if he named everyone in the 4 F’s.”

“Someone talking about my family?” asked a voice. Yunfeen then approached the two girls in her Flamenco-style outfit.

“Yunny!” called Malnar as she hugged her young sister.

“Good to see you again, Mally!” giggled Yunfeen. She then looked over Malnar’s shoulder. “Great to see one of my future siblings-in-law!”

“It’s been a long time, Yunfeen,” returned Arsha.

“You look great!” Malnar broke off the embrace to get a good look at her. “In fact, there’s something different now.” Malnar then gasped. “Did you…?”

“I’m an official part of the Ravishing Reds within the Feisty Felansi Forsorna Family!” Yunfeen then performed a few dance moves that were very similar to Flamenco moves.

“Congratulations!” praised Arsha.

“How long have you been a Red?” asked Malnar.

“About two months now,” answered Yunfeen. “I’ve never been so happy!”

“You always liked the stage,” chuckled Elmpam’s voice.

“Mama!” cheered Yunfeen. She then hugged her mother. “It’s been WAY too long!”

“Well, that IS the curse of the Forsorna Family,” replied Elmpam. “You lot DO wander the Realms.”

“Yeah, it is. Go with the winds, we say.” Yunfeen then made a small gasp as she remembered something. “Malnar,” she began as she broke the embrace, “I’ve heard some bad news.”

“Oh?” asked Malnar.

“What happened?” quizzed Elmpam. “Did Dr. Borg make an attempt on someone’s life in Oyed’s name?!”

“Nothing THAT bad! Good grief, Mama!” protested Yunfeen. “Malnar, our team just lost their 3rd match against the Furies. The Bears aren’t playing against the Gorgons this week. It’s Furies vs. Gorgons.”

“NNNOOOOO!” wailed Malnar as she dropped to her knees and cried to the heavens.

“HA!” laughed Arsha. “You owe me 30 golds!”

“…Beg pardon?” asked Elmpam as she cocked her head in confusion.

“Sanduay, Mama,” explained Yunfeen as she and Arsha helped Malnar up. “We’re talking Sanduay.”

“I see…”

“Mama, you sound thoroughly disinterested,” observed Malnar.

“That’s…because I am,” answered Elmpam. “Sorry, girls, but this dog doesn’t care much for the sport.” Malnar, Yunfeen, and Arsha’s jaws dropped at that revelation.

“…My entire life and I never knew!” gasped Yunfeen.

“Mama, what sort of Belsnath woman are you?!” protested Malnar.

“Considering I was born and bred in the Coliamdii Kingdom, that’s an interesting question, Malnar,” chuckled Elmpam.

“But you DO take pride in your current home, don’t you?!”

“I do!”

“Then how can you not be outraged that we lost to Falgreth?!”

“Because I’m comfortable in the knowledge that we’ll get them next time.”

“…Huh. You know, I feel better already.”

The Three Realms The Three Realms (Book 3: The First Strike)

3 Realms 3-18

“‘Follow that man!’,” Calandra read the flyer aloud after breakfast the next day. “‘Learn to be a detective in your spare time! Earn up to 900,000 golds a week! Glamor! Excitement! Official badge with first lesson! Galdredan National Detective Academy, Box 14…Southern Resort District, Drelda Forest, Northern Continent, Over-realm!’ Ones, help me, my mother’s so gullible!” Andwayla arched an eyebrow. “Mother, this is a gyp outfit, straight from the Fae Republic!”

“Oh no, it’s not!” protested Andwayla. “That’s where I have you, Calandra. They sent me this official detective kit!” She opened up the case in her hands and revealed all sorts of “detective” equipment. “See? Here’s my fingerprinting equipment, my magnifying glass, and these,” she pulled out handcuffs, “are what is commonly known in the trade as ‘restraining cuffs’.” The chain linking the two cuffs together then broke. “…Well, it doesn’t matter. They didn’t send me the key.”

“And what’s this?” Calandra pulled out a small booklet. “A Drelda callbook?”

“No, it’s my easy lesson booklet.” Andwayla opened the book. “Here’s a chapter on how to follow Elf men, here’s a chapter on how to follow Minotaur women, here’s a chapter on how to follow Minotaur men disguised as Elf women, there you have it! I AM a detective!”

“Okay, fine, good, you’re a detective, Mother. What now?”

“What now? Now I surrender my tedious job to you and pursue the highest rewards that come with a career in law enforcement.”

“…NOW?!” Calandra was about to panic; her plans were about to be upended! “Mother, you said you’d pass on the crown AFTER I married Elmar and he retired from Realmfleet!”

“Oh, that’s still the plan.” Calandra released a breath of relief at her mother’s statement. “I still need more experience, Calandra. That’s why I’ve been staying out late at night for the past week; I’ve been practicing my shadowing skills.” While Calandra’s head was turned, Andwayla maneuvered herself behind Calandra’s back. They circled for a bit until Andwayla lost sight of Calandra. “…Calandra?”

“Right here.” Calandra was sitting on a stool. “Mother, not only are you going to make a fool of yourself with this whole idea, not only will the police get mad, but, if you keep shadowing people, you will receive what is commonly known in the trade as a BELT IN THE MOUTH!”

“Scoff if you want, Calandra, but I am on the verge of a career in law enforcement! Besides, I’ve already sent in my application to the Mino Bros. Detective Agency near the castle…and they said they’d write me.”

“…You sure about that?”

“That’s what they said. ‘Don’t write us, we’ll write you.’”

“Mother, that’s never a guarantee…” an owl then flew through the window and deposited a letter to Andwayla’s hands. “…Oh no!” Calandra’s face went paler than usual. Andwayla opened the letter with a look of triumph on her face…which promptly turned into one of stark surprise the instant she read the letter. “…Mother?” Calandra wave her hand in front of her mom’s face. She then took the letter and read it aloud. “‘Your Gracious Majesty, we regret to inform you that your application has been rejected. The Galdredan National Detective Academy does not, has never, and never will exist, nor is any local school for detectives based in any part of the Over-realm, much less the Drelda forest. We’re sorry, but we have no need for your services at the present time. Regards, the Minos Bros. Detective Agency.’ I told you this was a gyp outfit! How much money did you give them?!”

“…8,000 golds,” whimpered Andwayla before she started falling backwards. Calandra caught her before she hit the floor.

“Mother, I love you,” Calandra grumbled as she pulled Andwayla to a chair, “but it’s this exact kind of thing that makes you a laughingstock!”

Let’s turn to some ACTUAL law enforcement, shall we? Tornoth was at the garage with Torolai and a Realmfleet Sector 1 Officer, a male Lamia named Dwasnay. The plan was simple, Torolai and Dwasnay would hide as Tuurk and Talair would talk to Tornoth and give him his next job. “I don’t like this!” snorted Tornoth.

“You’re well protected, Sir,” assured Dwasnay. “Torolai and I will be covering the doors, ready to cut them off at a moment’s notice.”

“I mean I don’t like that I’M the bait!” snarled Tornoth. “Why couldn’t you get one of their flunkies to do this?!”

“You became one of their flunkies,” replied Torolai, “the instant you accepted. You could have said ‘no’, Tornoth. You could have refused to do their dirty work. Instead, you said ‘yes’, meaning that you accept the responsibilities that accompany a life of lawlessness and must suffer the consequences that go with such a life.”

“You two have a stick up your respective asses, you know that?” grunted Tornoth.

“That stick keeps us on the straight and narrow,” replied Torolai. “They should be coming soon. We’ll get into position. Keep them talking and don’t let on that we’re here.”

“I won’t, I won’t,” grumbled Tornoth as the two law enforcers scuttled off into their hiding spots. “I’ll never do them a favor again!”

“Oh, Mr. Steelhorn!” called Tuurk’s voice as the two financiers entered the garage. “Mr. Steelhorn, there you are! We heard a ghastly rumor concerning you, didn’t we, Mr. Talair?”

“Indeed, Mr. Tuurk,” replied Talair. “We heard you sang like a Harpy about our…arrangements.”

“Yeah, well, those are unfounded rumors,” snorted Tornoth.

“Glad to hear,” praised Talair.

“So, what job have you got for me?” pressed Tornoth.

“You have a shipment of taxanite fuel rods meant for the shipyards, yes?” asked Tuurk.

“Yep, where do you want me to have an issue?” asked Tornoth.

“A public place of your discretion,” answered Talair. “The rods would clearly interfere with your horseless carriage’s engine, wouldn’t they, Mr. Tuurk?”

“Oh, yes, Mr. Talair,” agreed Tuurk.

“Too bad that delivery will go uninterrupted!” called Torolai as she and Dwasnay sprung from their hiding places and leveled their wands at the two crooks.

“What the?!” yelped Tuurk.

“You two,” announced Dwasnay, “are under arrest for industrial sabotage to discredit Realmfleet!”

“You DID sing!” shouted Talair as he pointed at Tornoth.

“You’re quick!” scoffed Tornoth. Tuurk and Talair then pulled out concealed wands from their canes and fired a levitation spell on Dwasnay before throwing him onto Torolai. They then fired a magic blast at the scaffolding above Tornoth and ran out the door as it tumbled down. Tornoth got out of the way and looked out the door to see them fire a magic blast at a Minotaur woman, knocking her to the ground. That did it! That Minotaur woman was Tornoth’s wife and he was VERY protective of his family! He charged out the door and slammed the two crooks to the ground, holding them until Torolai and Dwasnay came out. Dwasnay took over holding the two men as Tornoth and Torolai checked his wife over. She gave her statement as to what happened and Tornoth confirmed her relation to him. Torolai then turned to Tuurk and Talair.

“Now we’re adding assault on a witness’ family to your rap sheet!” she snarled. “Any other laws you want to break?” The two men said nothing. “Silence, huh? Smart.”

With the two men facing criminal charges and a reliable witness, Tuurk and Talair were found guilty of sabotage of essential resources, bribing citizens, resisting arrest, and assaulting a witness’ family member. The instant the judge proclaimed them guilty, their spouses divorced them on the spot. Their wands were confiscated and destroyed, and they lost their jobs. They were sentenced to life in prison and so they remained. Throughout the trial, they swore fierce revenge against those who double-crossed them.

As for Tornoth, he got off lighter. He was fined an amount equal to the money he had accepted from the two crooks. His boss then ordered that he was to have a partner on his deliveries, no matter what. His partner was a strict by-the-book person, which grated on him, but he couldn’t say too much for fear of losing his job. He wasn’t divorced, thankfully, but he was going to be sleeping on the couch for a long time.

Realmfleet replaced Tuurk and Talair with a pair of more reliable financiers, a husband duo by the family name of Ralnath. They argued for giving the Mechanicas all the overhauls needed until they expire and, now that they were in a higher position, Mechanicas were given as many overhauls as needed. Many a Realmfleet Captain, including Arsha, blessed the two men to the highest of the Heights for giving people like Endea a new lease on life. With her mind settled and her troubles over, Arsha took a walk through the streets of the Galdredan Kingdom, taking in the sights. “Funny how something can look different with a new mindset,” she mused.

“You seem cheerful,” chuckled a voice. Arsha whirled around to see Elmpam.

“Your Majesty!” greeted Arsha. Her future mother-in-law then gave her the signature ten-armed embrace as her tail wagged.

“How’s life treating you so far?” asked Elmpam once the hug broke off.

“A lot better now,” answered Arsha. “The Endeavor’s getting a much-needed overhaul and it’s sticking to the original time-table. I’m just taking in the sights.”

“And your mental health?”

“…Malnar knew?”

“You’re rather terrible at hiding your emotions.”

“Yeah, I am.”

“Arsha, I ask this as someone who loves you, are you doing all right?”

“I’m actually in a better place, mentally. Falnii helped me via her dream-weaving and I managed to confront my inner demons. However, I did something I don’t think many people do.”

“What’s that?”

“I promised them that I would use them if and when I fight Oyed.”

“…Actually, that’s something most people in the Under-realm do to keep their dark passions in check.”

“Really? I guess Malnar and Gorfanth rubbed off on me. …That’s what helped me against my inner demons, all of my fiancés rubbed off on me.”

“Well, it’s good that you’re drawing on other sources of strength. So, what do you intend to do?”

“…I think I’ll help set up the Festival.”

“There’s a lot of work to do.”

“My crew and I can do anything!”

“That’s the way! Come on, I could use some help for the stage.”

“Lead on!” Arsha followed Elmpam down the street with a new outlook on the future.

The Three Realms The Three Realms (Book 3: The First Strike)

3 Realms 3-17

The Endeavor’s crew was informed that the overhaul would last well into the next week, so they were advised to stay until the end of the Under-union Festival. Elmar took full advantage of that as he visited the Narvens’ castle frequently. While he may not be the most emotional of the bunch, Elmar DID enjoy the visits as it meant he could be with his beloved Calandra. Right now, Calandra and Elmar were sitting on a balcony looking towards the south. They were resting on a swinging bench, Calandra’s arms wrapped around Elmar as they enjoyed the tranquil nighttime moment. Elmar stroked Calandra’s hair, causing her to hum happily. “I certainly hope these moments are plenty when we’re King and Queen,” whispered Calandra.

“Any moment with you, my beloved star,” replied Elmar, “is one I will treasure.”

“Well, we’ll be together a lot more often now.”

“I heard you had gotten the paperwork approved. So, all that’s left is to ask Arsha to officiate our wedding.”

“When do you think that will be?”

“If we play our cards right, just a few days after the festival.”

“And at worst?”

“A full week after the festival.”

“Honestly, let’s hope it’s just a few days.” She leaned upward, puckering her lips. Elmar took the hint and puckered up, leaning down…then a knock on the door interrupted them. Their faces fell. “Tonak’s law! Never fails!” Calandra turned to the door. “Come out,” she called. Her butler then opened the door to the balcony and approached them.

“I apologize if I’ve disturbed your moment,” he began, “but I’m afraid I have news on the Endeavor’s overhaul.”

“I take it that it’s not good news,” replied Elmar. “Has she got hairline fatigue?”

“Thankfully, no, she does not,” assured the butler. “However, the shipyards are not receiving equipment in any timely fashion.”

“What?!” yelped Calandra. “But I thought they had a contract with the Galdredan Reliable Road Services!”

“There is an investigation into that matter right now,” answered the butler. “Some of the workers are suspecting foul play.”

“They better be wrong! I don’t want Elmar’s current home to be grounded any more than it needs to be!”

“Of course, Your Highness.”

You’re probably wondering what the Galdredan shipyards are doing with Tornoth’s company. Unfortunately, the equipment came from smithies near the kingdom’s most famous volcano, the Welmark Well of Fire. Railways dared not go near the place and no one built any safe ports of call there. The only safe way was via the road and only horseless carriages could go fast enough to avoid any burning rocks falling from the sky whenever it erupts, which was almost every week. Thankfully, the people in the village at the base of the volcano were fire and lava demons that cast protection spells around visitors and people exporting their wares to other parts of the continent. Somehow, during this time, the Galdredan Reliable Road Services was experiencing some form of slow-down. Eyebrows were raised and so the officer that had Tornoth quarantined decided to investigate. She heard that Tornoth was involved, so she shadowed him and learned of his usual haunts. It was during his lunch break when the details would be known. Tornoth sat at his usual table and placed his order. The waitress left him and took other people’s orders as Tornoth waited. As he sat, he laced his fingers together and rested his snout on them. “This better be worth it,” he rumbled.

“What better be worth it?” asked a woman’s voice. Tornoth looked up to see a Minotaur woman beaming at him.

“Lanswey!” he cheered at seeing a childhood friend of his. “I heard you were put away!”

“I got out for good behavior,” explained Lanswey as she took the seat opposite of him.

“You? Good behavior?” laughed Tornoth.

“No joke. I’m a model citizen now.”

“I guess Oyed CAN change his tune! What brings you here?”

“Well, a little investigation of a rumor, to be honest. Before I got out, I heard rumors of a certain troublemaker from the Galdredan Reliable Road Services.”

“Really now?”

“The instant I heard it was Realmfleet getting all the grief, I immediately thought of you.”

“Now why would you think that?”

“Because only you would give Realmfleet what they deserve.”

“Maybe I would, but don’t you think this is a little elaborate for me? I mean, I’m hardly that smart.”

“You’re smart enough to ask for help in your schemes, so I’d say it’s still you.”

“Fair enough. Okay, all cards on the table, it WAS me. I just had an opportunity given to me.”

“Who gave you an opportunity?”

“Tuurk and Talair, financiers from Realmfleet.”

“Why would they ask you to slow down your deliveries to the shipyards?”

“Because they needed to show Realmfleet that they were taking our delivery jobs. You see, it all started after that officer, Torolai…”

“You mean Chief Inspector Torolai?”

“You know any other Torolais?”

“Your mother, for a start.”

“…Okay, yeah, that IS a common name. In any case, yeah, it WAS the Chief Inspector. Anyways, I was trying to deliver cattle from Yutt the mutt’s farm, but he had bribed the agent into letting me approach a train of infected cattle. I had to stay there for a while until I was inoculated and immunized from foot and mouth.”

“Oh, heights!”

“Yeah, I wasn’t too happy. In any case, after I was given a clean bill of health, Tuurk and Talair approached me and explained that the Endeavor caused them no end of financial grief and offered me a sizable cash reward if I were to experience ‘delays out of my control’ whenever there was a shipment meant for Realmfleet. Given that the Endeavor’s going through an overhaul, I saw no reason to complain.”

“Well, I do!” called the waitress that took his order! It was then he saw the waitress’ face! It was the officer that quarantined him!

“T…Torolai?!” squeaked Tornoth. “What are you…?!”

“You’re coming with me, Mr. Steelhorn!” Torolai then turned to Lanswey. “Thank you for your help.”

“No worries,” replied Lanswey.

“LANSWEY, YOU INCESTUOUS PIECE OF…!” Before Tornoth could punch Lanswey, Torolai jabbed her wand into his back.

“Don’t you DARE blame her!” she snarled. “You made your own choices! You, your family, and I are going to have a VERY long chat about this!”

“Wait, just my parents, right?!” begged Tornoth.

His begging did no good. His wife, calves, parents, AND siblings heard the whole story. Now subjected to police questioning, Tornoth buckled and told them everything. Because he gave up Tuurk and Talair, the matter had to be escalated to Realmfleet. The Narvens’ Royal Guard Captain triple-checked every signature involved before he put his own signature to it. Once he did, a taskforce from Sector 1, Realmfleet’s top internal law enforcement officers, arrived in secret. They had long suspected Tuurk and Talair of wrongdoing, so it wasn’t hard for them to take the case. As the taskforce arrived, Elmar and Calandra talked about the whole thing. “Disgraceful!” hissed Calandra.

“Agreed,” remarked Elmar. “I knew they were weasels, but this is something else.”

“Good thing Mom’s got something else on her mind. Remember the last time she ‘helped’?”

“Halmii protect us, I still remember the clean-up. Our room stunk to the Highest of the Heights.”

“Seriously, cleaning out a rat infestation with a level 5 stink bomb? I love my mother, but she’s not doing dispelling the stereotype that blondes are all dumb.”

“Her actions don’t do you any favors on that front, there’s no arguing that.” The conversation was interrupted by the butler clearing his throat.

“Her Majesty requests your presence in the Throne Room,” he announced.

“At this time of night?” asked Calandra.

“She was most insistent.”

“Come on, Elmar. Let’s go see what Mom wants. Maybe we can get some answers as to why she’s been going out at night lately.” Calandra and Elmar then proceeded down the corridors to the Throne Room. There, sitting on the throne, her Fire Demon body bedecked in a silver and gold dress, with all sorts of jewelry on her person, was Queen Andwayla Narven, Calandra’s mother and the Queen of the Galdredan Lava Kingdom.

“Sweetest Calandra!” called Andwayla. “Come! I need to speak with you two kids!” Elmar and Calandra approached the throne.

“Mother, what could you possibly want from us at this time of night?” asked Calandra.

“Especially after your recent nocturnal walk,” supplied Elmar.

“You’ve been staying out late for the past week,” continued Calandra. “What are you up to?!”

“Calandra, Elmar,” began Andwayla as she motioned for Calandra and Elmar to get closer. The two knelt down as she continued. “I don’t want the police to know, but I am engaged in a project that will continue long after I’ve passed the crown to you, a project that will benefit our people and keep the streets of every village in the Galdredan Kingdom safe, even in the event of Oyed winning the Final War.”

“And that project is?” asked Calandra.

“I’ve joined the high life of gathering information and clues that will lead to solving the most heinous of crimes,” explained Andwayla, “and making sure the criminal underworld fears the shadows it uses, since I will be using the shadows to my advantage. Now, the job title has all sorts of slang words, such as a gumshoe, a private eye, a sleuth…”

“Hold on,” interrupted Elmar, “Your Majesty, are you…a detective?”

“Oh, come on, Elmar!” protested Calandra. “Mother, a detective?”

“You’re quite right, Elmar,” confirmed Andwayla as she pulled out a detective’s badge.

“…What?” asked Calandra in disbelief. “You? A detective?” Andwayla nodded as Calandra ran her hand down her face. “Mother, may I give you some advice?”

“…Sure, sweetie. What is it?”

“When the boys from the Happy Hatch come to have you fitted for a canvas housecoat, do us a favor and please…don’t tell them you’re my mother!” Andwayla snarled at that and showed Calandra the badge again. All Calandra did was laugh at the absurdity of it all as Elmar rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, reminding himself that, the instant he’s married to Calandra and they become King and Queen of the Galdredan Kingdom, he’s going to have to put up with Andwayla’s shenanigans.