The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


Lady Larbuu Larkentha is Delga’s wife and Mistress to Enfanti and the rest of the Blue Rose Harem. She is a 505 year old knight as her husband is and lives in the icy Frigandor on the northern continent of the Under-realm. On top of being happily married to Delga, she is seeing the Co-Head Member of the harem, Dorbu.

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


Lord Delga Larkentha, a Frigandor Frostik (Demon of Ice and Snow) of the Under-realm, has been on standby as the Under-king’s knight for 200 of his 503 year life. His parents and brother have eagerly supported him for years now. He is married to another Frostik and has been encouraged by his wife and her harem boyfriend to pursue a relationship with Enfanti, something Arctania doesn’t understand, but keeps quiet about.