cast Journey Through Wonder


Queen Empress Scorpainia’s rule started when the Tarlaxians suffered a famine and the clergy was using the political climate as a way to justify their shadowy rule. When she took the throne, those that still believed the clergy should still rule from the shadows took to Shocker Rift’s ideals and gave Vortech the means to sieze control of her mind and body. The Horsemen and their then-protege, Lacey, freed her and she beat back the Sontaran invasion of her old universe. She and her people then destroyed the old universe and settled a new one where she’s been ruling happily ever since. She has always been a good friend to Megumi, giving her advice on leadership when she’s asked. She lives in the Imperial Palace of T-4-R-L-4-X-1-4 with her husband and son. Her hobbies include sword-practice and helping her mother on the farm (she enjoys working the land). She’s enjoying her days of armorless peace, but the Author intends to put an end to that.

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