cast Journey Through Wonder

Cosmo Prower

Cosmo is actually older than she looks. She came to Mobius in a pod and landed to try and help Mobius when it was Earth, but something went wrong and she had to regenerate into a new body during transit. The accident made her arrive on Mobius long after the Xorda were beaten back. When she landed and was informed of the situation, she stayed to give the Autobots her assistance. It proved invaluable as she was the one who upended her Metarex enemies’ plans to exterminate all life on Mobius to make it into a Metarex colony. During the Year of Unicron, she sacrificed herself to save Tails, but left him a Regeneration Seed. The seed then bloomed into a body adapted for Mobius and she continued fighting with the Autobots to defeat the Decepticons. After the war, she retired to Mobius and eventually married Tails, becoming the Technobots’ mom. She lives with Tails in Station Square’s Botanical Sector on Mobius’ Northern Imperia and is the owner of the Greengate Greenery flower shop. Her hobbies include gardening, mud baths, and photosynthesizing. With the Author around, she’ll be needed to protect what’s green and good.