The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


Orphaned at a young age, Pyrina Embrania spends her time dancing for her mistress, Malnar, massaging those that need one, and swimming in the Veldor Lava Fields in the Under-realm. At 300, she’s learned a lot about massaging various people of various species. She’s married to the maid of her mistress, Ralta.

Artwork courtesy of Punisher2006

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


Marianes Caldora is the 894 year old Crown Princess of the Kurontar Sea in the Mid-realm. While she has duties as a Princess and future ruler, she always makes time for her belly-dancing. She comes from a large family with 14 mothers and 14 fathers. She’s the eldest of 28 daughters. Unlike the rest of her family, she’s not looking for a large family unit. She’s quite happy with Floona, Rosa, Layto, Troga, and Erga, her spouses.