cast Journey Through Wonder

Tom Williams

Officer Thomas Williams is Captain of Beyond City’s 27th Precinct. He’s one of Emily and Joshua’s twin sons and lives with them at 2978 Angel Robe Drive, Beyond City 960792. He’s a slight supertrooper (even pulling his family once each for speeding, but only letting them off with warnings). However, that doesn’t detract from his compassion. His hands only tremble when he knows the gun does NOT have a stun setting. If it’s the standard stun gun like the one in this picture, he’s the best shot in the multiverse. If there’s an option for him to switch from kill to stun, he’s the best shot in the multiverse. Because of that, one of his hobbies is target practice. His other hobby is writing. He’s currently dating Leemii Damfel and enjoys when she wraps him in her cloud dress. His no-killing rule is about to be put to the test now that the Author’s in town.

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


Constructed 4,097 years ago and gaining Mechanica status during the Final War, Officer Furnaf is enjoying the peace he spent the first years of his sentient life fighting for. He’s an officer of the Galdredan Standard Division of the Under-realm Branch of the Railway Investigations Agency and is one of the best officers of the organization. Upholding the law with his sister, Durgu, his investigations always get whatever criminal is guilty of a crime. He’s married to three Rail-type Mechanica ladies, (Tranfii the Tram, Lurdan the Narrow Standard Tank, and Eldram the Maximum Tender) and a Rail-type Mechanica man (Rutur the Minimum Tank).