cast Journey Through Wonder

Lisa Serachne

As her appearance might suggest, Lisa Serachne is a Morphus Tarantula from one of Tarlax’s moons. She always wanted to be a maid, but her first employer was an ass and her second potential employer locked her in her spider form and sold her to Megumi Hishikawa as a pet. The shape lock soon undid itself and, after some convincing, Megumi turned out to be a superior employer, treating the spider lady with the respect she deserves. While being the Hishikawa/Saunders’ live-in maid living at 2974 Angel Robe Drive, Beyond City 960792, she’s also a student of After Academy and Chizara University. When her duties for the day are done, you can usually see her tap-dancing onstage, acting in a play, or on a date with her boyfriend, Eric. The Author, however, has disrupted that preacful life, so she intends to take out the trash.