Transformers: Mobian Chronicles Transformers: Mobian Chronicles (Arc 22: Battles of Cybertron)

TMC 22-2

Optimus and his bots were fighting Megatron and his forces at a massive ring standing on one of its sides. The firefight was intense, with neither side gaining ground. Megatron finally made a call. “This is Megatron! Decimator! Revenge! Whale Shark! Aerial support!” The three ships then appeared and fired their weapons at the Autobots. Eggman then beamed down.

“We need that thing open NOW!” he urged.

“Go work with Shockwave! She’ll give you the coordinates!” Eggman then made his way to Shockwave at the controls.

“The work is going slowly,” she reported. “These kinds of calculations require absolute concentration, no margin for error. Keep the Autobots off my back as I work.”

“Of course, my dear,” replied Eggman. He then made a call to the ships. “Decimator, Revenge, Whale Shark, unite into the Fatal Consequence!” The Decimator maneuvered itself behind the Whale Shark as the Revenge hovered above the Decimator. The Decimator’s prow then swung down, then forward as the Whale Shark attached itself so the Decimator’s prow rested under the Whale Shark as the rest of the ship nestled onto the rear. The Revenge’s saucer section then separated from its stardrive section and then replaced the Whale Shark’s bridge tower while the stardrive section attached itself to the Decimator’s rear.

“Combination sequence: complete,” droned Eggman’s computer. “Fatal Consequence: online.”

“Eggman’s ships can do THAT?!” yelped Arcee. Her continued surprise was interrupted by Rhinox’s weapons.

“Never mind their capabilities!” he advised. The Fatal Consequence unleashed a volley of missiles, scattering everyone. “This is suicide!” called Rhinox to Optimus. “We gotta pull back!”

“Fall back!” Optimus ordered everyone.

“Now that’s what I want to see!” chuckled Megatron as the Autobots pulled back. The Fatal Consequence was doing an excellent job at keeping the Autobots at bay. Sonic and his team then arrived.

“Splendid!” chuckled Eggman darkly. Shockwave then turned to him.

“Communications with Robotropolis have been established,” she reported. Eggman then headed to the communications screen to see Onslaught grinning.

“Been too long, Dad,” he greeted.

“FAR too long,” agreed Eggman. “Can you give the necessary data for a Space Bridge to account for planetary movement?”

“Transferring now.” The data came through and Shockwave checked it.

“The portal will open over the dark side of the moon,” she replied. “Right where we agreed.”

“Megatron, we’re ready!” called Eggman.

“Open the Space Bridge!” ordered Megatron. Shockwave keyed in a command and a massive portal opened! “Eggman, get to Mobius and start making arrangements for our arrival!”

“On it,” replied Eggman. He beamed onto the Fatal Consequence…then it all came together. The Transformer crewmembers were beamed onto Cybertron’s surface, right at Megatron’s position. Megatron was puzzled, to say the least. He turned to Thundercracker.

“Lord Megatron, I swear, this was NOT my idea!” urged Thundercracker.

“The ship’s going through the portal!” called Shockwave. Megatron then made a call to the Fatal Consequence.

“What’s going on here?!” he demanded. “Eggman, get back here now!” No response. “…Eggman?! Dr. Eggman, respond!”

“They’re launching magnetometric charges!” warned Shockwave. Once the portal closed, the Space Bridge blew up.

“HIT THE DECK!” called Optimus to his men. Everyone took cover and waited for the rumbling to stop. It lasted for a few minutes, then it faded into silence and stillness. Once everyone confirmed their friends were okay, they looked at the site where a Space Bridge portal generator stood. “Hold on, what?!” asked Optimus. “The Decepticons, sans Eggman and Morgane, leave their ship and blow up the Space Bridge when it could have brought Eggacon troops over?!”

“It looks like Megatron’s just as confused,” remarked Sonic as he pointed to the Decepticons angrily demanding answers.

“I don’t understand what’s going on!”

“Hey, guys!” called Teletraan 1 over the comms. “A prerecorded message just popped up on the Blue Typhoon. It’s addressed to Sonic and Megatron. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say Megatron got the same message.”

“Beam us up!” directed Sonic.

The message was from Eggman. He was grinning like a maniac. “Hello, everyone!” he greeted as the crew of the Blue Typhoon watched on the main screen. “Now, if Sonic and Megatron are watching, you should know that you’ve all been had! Yeah, Morgane and I went along with the Decepticons, but only to make sure you couldn’t follow us back to Mobius. You see, I’ve had my fill of Transformers for one lifetime, and I’ve been trying to get rid of Sonic, so I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone. With Sonic and his meddlesome pals out of the way, Mobius will be easy pickings. Yes, yes, you lot left an Autobot presence behind, but I think the Combaticons can handle them. I would like to say it’s been a pleasure, Sonic, my old nemesis, but let’s be honest, we BOTH got bored of our little war. So, with you stuck on an alien world without a Space Bridge home, you won’t be able to get back in any reasonable time. With the Metrotitans currently down for the count, there’s no transwarp for you! Rot in peace, Sonic the Hedgehog! As for you, Megatron…!”

The Nemesis’ bridge was saturated in anger as Eggman’s message continued. “…let’s be honest, I’ve always hated you and this was the perfect opportunity to make sure you stayed out of my way! How long is it gonna take to fix the Space Bridge? With Starscream around, you certainly can’t get it online in any reasonable time. The game’s over, Megatron! You bet it all on black when you should have picked-” he then pulled a bit of his jacket away and let go quickly- “red!” Eggman laughed his usual laugh. As he did, Megatron shot the screen with one of his fusion cannons.

“When I get back to Mobius,” he promised, “I’ll see to it that Dr. Eggman is reduced to a red smear on my heel!” He then took a deep breath. “But we’ll leave that for the future. Right now, we need to focus on showing Cybertron who the REAL Lord of the Decepticons is. After that, we rebuild the Space Bridge.”

“Starscream’s ‘coronation’,” reported Ravage, “is being held at Trypticon City.”

“Then we need to buzz that area. Thundercracker, once everyone is rested up, you and I are going to Trypticon City.”

“Understood, Lord Megatron,” replied Thundercracker.

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