cast Journey Through Wonder

Kaede Saunders Hishikawa (Kamen Rider Shade)

Believe it or not, Kaede Saunders Hishikawa and her twin sister fought in the Vortech Wars, but that was thanks to some time-travel shenanigans with their time’s mother (Megumi) using the Time Amethyst to make sure history went on track. After that, Kaede decided to use her talents in the present and leave the time junk to Megumi and Richard (Kaede and her twin’s father). Nowadays, she stays at 2974 Angel Robe Drive, Beyond City 960792 as a student of After Academy and Chizara University. She also works as a detective for the Beyond City Police Force, learning under great detectives like Sherlock Holmes, Hidari Shotaro, and Batman. Thanks to one of her teacher’s being one half of Kamen Rider W, she became Kamen Rider Shade. Her hobbies include reading, writing, and martial arts, and she’s dating a Chizaran man about her age named Vinathazino. Unfortunately, the Author is planning on upsetting her currently idyllic life and she must fight alongside her parents, this time in the present.