cast Journey Through Wonder

Brendan Dormu (Kamen Rider Herald Y)

Like Amelia, Brendan joined After Academy after his death. When he was alive, he was a bootlegger for Al Capone during prohibition. He always disguised himself as a flapper, thus beginning a like for dresses for him. He screwed up big time and was bumped off by Capone’s goons. Death offered him an education at After Academy where he could wear dresses with no one to judge. What made it all sweeter was that no one judged his sexual preferences either. The Vortech Wars then began and he and his friends overheard something concerning Vortech they weren’t supposed to, so he became Famine’s Herald to stay quiet. During a Convergence of Optimus’ universe, the Realms, and Beyond City, he fell in love with a Vampire man of Arsha’s world that preferred dresses like he did. The Vampire changed him into a Vampire and now they’re married and live with their adopted daughter at 4487 Red River Road, Beyond City 773567. He’s not only a student of After Academy, but Chizara University as well. As well as being Kamen Rider Herald Y, he’s also a Family Therapist, dealing with problems that crop up within families. He likes dancing with his husband, cuddling with his husband, shopping for men’s dresses, and is as good with tea as Iroh. The Author, however, intends to disrupt his peaceful life with his friends.

cast Journey Through Wonder

Amelia Andrews (Kamen Rider Herald G)

Not everyone who enters After Academy came there when they were initially alive. Amelia Andrews is one such student. She was born in Europe during the time of the Plague, thus being the cause of her death. When Death came to pick her up, she asked the Grim Reaper why God allowed such an evil to spread across her home and what sins she and her people committed to warrant that. Death told her that it was the result of a microscopic thing that was simply concerned for its own survival, not the wrath of God. When Amelia became more inquisitive, Death offered her an education at After Academy. Having once come from poor stock, she would have sold her soul to have been educated in school (remember, only rich boys could be educated in school during the plague). She accepted and now she is a science student at After Academy and Chizara University. She’s also a science teacher for the younger students of levels 1 through 7, using her knowledge to unravel God’s mysteries. After a little mishap with her and her friends overhearing something during the Vortech Wars, she became a Herald Rider, using her Academy House’s color to be Kamen Rider Herald G, the herald of Pestilence. Because she is now a herald, she became a shapeshifter like her Head of House. That helped mitigate some of the odd looks she got when she married Wilson Andrews, a Mobian Quakka, and had a daughter with him. They currently live together at 1315 Mockingbird Lane, Beyond City 884702, right next door to the Munsters! Thanks to her continuing education, she enjoys reading and taking a walk around campus. But her walks will have to be put on hold as the Author is planning something.