cast Journey Through Wonder

Famine (Kamen Rider Famine)

Anytime there is a shortage of sustenance, Famine is there. Whether it be a blight on a crop or some rich idiot being wasteful with food, there is always someone starving. Because of the nature of her domain, Famine is always eating, unable to be anything than skin and bones. What she hates the most is cannibalism as it means the group of starving people are desperate enough to surrender to base instincts. Because of that, she’s the head of After Academy’s Home Ec department on top of her duties as Kamen Rider Famine. She, her sisters, and their recent addition in Lacey live at the House Head Manor at 1 Black Cowl Drive, Beyond City 000001. Her hobbies include recreational eating and cooking, especially where pizza and pasta are concerned. Unlike most of her sisters, she’s in a romantic relationship with a pizza delivery guy called Tony. She won’t eat the Author, but she’ll certainly deliver a powerful bite.