cast Journey Through Wonder

War (Kamen Rider War)

With differences ranging all across multiple spectrums and people settling on primal instincts, War will be there to oversee the conflict. She takes no sides as she feels that whatever factions are fighting are always in the wrong if they feel that her domain is necessary. She feels that honor can only be achieved through combat if that combat ensures the survival of all sides, not just one. It’s what tempted her to Vortech’s side briefly before she got wise to his tricks and fought against him. She’s fought alongside the Vortex Riders and trained Lacey to become the new Horseman of Chaos. She’s the head of After Academy’s Physical Fitness department and lives with her sisters at the House Head Manor at 1 Black Cowl Drive, Beyond City 000001. Her hobbies include sports and war games (no one dies in those games if they are conducted correctly). She had a husband and daughter once, but they were both killed in action. She’s more than willing to slice the Author’s head off if it means the safety of reality as we know it.