The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


Namdaresh Saphanda is from the Over-realm’s Coliamdii Kingdom, working as the Head Chef for the palace. At 698 years of age, she’s had an eye for Mariah. This genie has shown Mariah an entire world outside the Over-realm.

Artwork courtesy of TheGamingCentaur

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


The Over-realm’s cold Coliamdii Kingdom is not a place to be unprepared for and 683 year old Mariah Warenda, even in her harem outfit, keeps warm. She also works as an accountant to keep her 10 sisters comfortable. She’s in love with a genie named Namdaresh and their dates are unforgettable.

Artwork courtesy of Punisher2006

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


Maska Launidar is an unbound genie from Crelima city, an Under-realm city. Being unbound at 300, she works as a physical therapist. She’s single and likes it that way.

Artwork courtesy of Punisher2006

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


Prince Layto Roganthi was once a Mid-realm human before he met Marianes. They were smitten with each other and it spiraled into a situation similar to The Little Mermaid with a few differences. For starters, Marianes’ father held no grudge against humans, even encouraging her to explore more of the human world. The Sea Witch was a family friend and helped Marianes explore the human world. On top of that, Marianes never lost her voice, so Layto wasn’t guessing all the time and knew her intentions quite clearly. When he was introduced to Floona, Rosa, Troga, and Erga, he wanted to move to their home of the Kurontar Sea. The Sea Witch and Marianes’ father combined their powers to make him a merman and he married all five at the Sea Witch’s palace at the age of 846. A battle with a Mega-shark, to save his spouses, cost him his arm, but he and the engineers working for his father-in-law built a new one with the ability to feel as the old one did. For his bravery, the king gave him his old shirt, laced with magic and spells to protect him and his family, and he became the Chief of Operations for the Velnar Military Base and Commercial Port.

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


Sir Troga Lokurii is an 859 year old Knight for the Kurontar Sea in the Mid-realm. He was teased for having a pink tail during his childhood, but nowadays, he has a ready response for those that would tease him again. “I’m secure in my masculinity. What’s your excuse?” Besides, that still didn’t stop him from serving his home as a military man. He works at the Velnar Military base and Commercial Port, same place as Layto and Floona, providing security there. His brothers still tease him, but it’s only light-hearted and it won’t catch the ire of their mother. He’s happily married to Layto, Erga, Floona, Rosa, and Marianes.

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


Father Erga Rokar is a monk of the Order of Ancestry, a group that forgoes clothes and dedicates itself to the history of his home of the Kurontar sea. However, just because he’s a 900 year old monk does NOT mean he must remain celibate. He’s married to Marianes, Floona, Rosa, Layto, and Troga and has been happy with them ever since.

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


Floona Bloomtail is a 1,000 year old florist from the Kurontar sea of the Mid-realm, a sea that touches the border between the Under-realm and Mid-realm. Her only family is her grandfather and she’s married to Rosa, Marianes, Layto, Troga, and Erga.

Artwork courtesy of Punisher2006

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


Rosa Sophinia hails from the Kurontar Sea in the Mid-realm. Her singing ability has earned her the title “The Idol of Kurontar” and she’s 901, so she’s gained some experience. What she wears right now is her favorite outfit. She was raised by her three mothers and is happily married to Floona, Marianes, Layto, Troga, and Erga.

Artwork courtesy of Azure-wolf96

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


Marianes Caldora is the 894 year old Crown Princess of the Kurontar Sea in the Mid-realm. While she has duties as a Princess and future ruler, she always makes time for her belly-dancing. She comes from a large family with 14 mothers and 14 fathers. She’s the eldest of 28 daughters. Unlike the rest of her family, she’s not looking for a large family unit. She’s quite happy with Floona, Rosa, Layto, Troga, and Erga, her spouses.

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


General Malitha Ironfin has served the Regalin Sea and its native Over-realm with distinction. Her rank is equivalent to that of General of the Army in the United States. At age 4,789, she’s seen her fair share of skirmishes, know when to be lenient and when to be harsh with her troops. She’s dating Lord Tremba and visits her brother and sister often. She’s aware of Caldren’s actions with the Pirate Captain, Patrica. Does she object? No. As long as Caldren keeps his mind on his work, she pays no mind to him dating a wandering pirate. Besides, she’s helped and been helped by Patrica, so she knows the Cecaelia’s a good one.

Artwork courtesy of Punisher2006