Transformers: Mobian Chronicles Transformers: Mobian Chronicles (Arc 9: Amy’s Alien Adventures)

TMC 9-5

The Council of Peers had assembled the next day. What is the Council of Peers, you ask? Why, it’s the ruling body of Nebulos. It is where all laws are decided and it is where Zarak addresses the people. He took the podium and cleared his throat before starting. “My friends,” he began, “it is clear to me that something has upset a certain percentage of the population. If I can find out what it is, I will address it and fix it. However, it has become clear to me that these…upset citizens do not wish to go through the usual methods, believing those methods to be too slow. I will be the first to say that speed is necessary for addressing grievances, but, members of the Nebulan Destiny Movement. taking the law into your own hands is NOT the way. It only causes people distress. My own daughter, usually a level-headed woman, has been so stressed that one of the founders, one who she wishes to marry, would do such a thing. She has attacked ally and enemy alike to gain answers to answer why Galen became so power-hungry. In all honesty, I can only pity him. He has fallen victim to power, forgetting his responsibilities as head of the World Watchers, our peace-keepers. Now, I cannot fully disregard him or the voice of the people, so I will leave the floor open for any who wish to object. Anyone?”

“As a matter of fact, yes,” called a voice. Llyra rose from her seat and took the podium. Zarak wasn’t too scared. He figured he had it in the bag. “Nebulans, it IS true that a new movement is scary,” began Llyra, “but I have heard no testimony, nor have I seen any evidence, of this group being a terrorist organization. Trema and I have researched any police activities relating to this group.” Zarak raised an eyebrow at this, concern reaching the front of his mind now. “I am not aware of any law stating that holding public debates was a criminal offense. I have seen no graffiti on public property, I have not even heard any word of toppling our government, and whoever told my father that I attacked both ally and enemy is uninformed of what happened. My main source of answers was being treated wrong and I simply…reminded the offenders of a concept that some people forget, manners. After I heard from the Second in Command of the World Watchers that Galen was arrested, I had to find his family and inform them personally. I knew they would cover all bases, but Trema wasn’t on Nebulos. I found her on a planet called Mobius. Back when many of us were young, it was the site of the last battle in the Great War between our Decepticon allies and their enemies, the Autobots. I am, of course, implying that Earth has become this Mobius. A group of them have become her friends and have voiced their disapproval of Galen’s imprisonment. Obviously, interstellar notice would bring ruin to us. Therefore, I must urge his release. I do have the necessary petition to release him, the necessary signatures, even from the off-worlders, and the Seal of Approval from the Prison Warden.”

“…With what my daughter has said,” grumbled Zarak, “it would seem a vote on Galen is in order. Because my daughter and I are involved, we cannot vote, only act on the will of our fellow peers. You have 10 minutes to decide.” He and Llyra then left the Council chambers and waited outside. “You would dare retrieve a petition behind my back?!” he hissed.

“Galen is my betrothed, Father,” replied Llyra. “His voice has weight on the Council. Trema needed help to get her son out. I fail to see the issue.”

“The issue is that you are falling for Galen!” shouted Zarak. “He is dangerous! Power-hungry!”

“The man I love may be many things,” argued Llyra, “but power-hungry is not one of them. This locking up of political rivals isn’t like you! Nor is promoting an idiot like Monzo to Traboon or allowing members of the High-class to lord their status over their enemies or Low-class fellows! What’s happened to you?!”

“I have issues that demand my attention!” replied Zarak. “Some things need to be sacrificed for the greater good of Nebulos!”

“Be careful saying that, Father,” remarked Llyra. “Those who would tell others to give up a few of their freedoms to gain safety deserve neither.”

“Llyra, I have a summit coming up on Blesagh (Wednesday, by our calendar), and I do NOT require any demonstrations during that time!” snarled Zarak

“You would get demonstrations out the rear if Galen stays locked up!” argued Llyra. At that moment, a Councilwoman poked her head out the door.

“Excuse me,” she called, “the vote has been decided.”

“We will discuss this later,” Zarak hissed to Llyra as they entered the chambers.

“Supreme Councilor Zarak, Son of Zoonthar,” began the speaker at the podium, an elderly female, “Llyra, Daughter of Zarak, the Council of Peers has made its decision. As you are peers, you are bound by your oath to abide by our decision even if it goes against your personal feelings. Do you understand?”

“We do,” replied Zarak. Llyra nodded to confirm Zarak spoke for her.

“The petition, while acquired in an unorthodox manner,” declared the speaker, “IS legal and has gained interstellar attention. It would look poorly upon our honor and dignity if we locked up a voice that simply spoke ideas contrary to our own and has committed no aggressive action. Galen is to be released at once.”

“…If that is the decision of our peers,” hissed Zarak, “my daughter and I will abide by it. I trust there is no objection to my allowing Llyra to open Galen’s cell?” The voting board flashed red, indicating no objections. “Very well,” said Zarak. He handed Llyra a key. “He is in Cell 25, Block 4, Ward Y,” he told her.

“Thank you,” bid Llyra. She then left the chambers with a fat grin on his face.

“…Now that THAT’S out of the way,” sighed Zarak, “we have other business to attend to. Farmer Ramzar is requesting 50,000 Gorruks for compensation of his Shplenargh (Nebulan beast of burden, a combination of a camel and horse). It seems that one of the overseers we assigned to that farm allowed the beast to die of an untreated infection.”

Galen sat in his cell, still dressed in his usual red splendor. He played a small song on his flute, a present from Llyra. Once he finished, he then contented himself with staring at the instrument for a while. It lasted a few minutes before he spoke. “Llyra,” he mumbled, “I swear by the Rings of Nebulos, I WILL escape this prison and return to your loving embrace!”

“I thought jailbreaks were illegal,” called a voice. It was at that moment that Galen could see Llyra and all four of his parents.

“How did you get special permission to visit my cell?!” yelped Galen. “Not that I’m ungrateful, but visiting hours are over!”

“We’re not here on a visit,” answered Llyra as she produced a key. “We’ve successfully swayed the Council of Peers to release you and absolve you of whatever crime my father wrongfully accused you of.”

“We even have off-worlder signatures on our petition,” supplied Trema.

“I thought you didn’t like Llyra,” remarked Galen.

“She managed to show that she DOES care about other people,” answered Trema, “and she revealed to me a little secret.”

“I’ll tell you when we’re at the safety of your estate,” replied Llyra. “For now, we need to celebrate your release!” She put the key in the lock and opened the cell door. Galen stepped out and hugged everyone.

“I am forever indebted to you all!” he cheered.

“And I am indebted to Llyra,” replied Trema. “Without her help and knowledge of the current state of affairs, I would have joined you in your cell.”

“Well, thank goodness THAT didn’t come to fruition,” chuckled Galen.

“Shall we?” asked Llyra as she gestured towards the exit.

“Lead the way!” bid Galen. They left the prison to see Gort waiting with Amy, Natalie, and Sira outside. Galen’s eyes popped open to see them. “Tam nar ger-renkarta Galort trukinark, ram?(You the off-worlders Mother mentioned, are?) asked Galen

“Ro ram,” (We are.) replied Sira. “I am Sira Mayworth. This is my wife, Natalie, and my student, Amy Rose O’Hedge.”

“Those sound like Earth names,” mused Galen.

“They are,” replied Sira, “however, the planet has been renamed to Mobius since the dawn of people like Amy.”

“It’s good to see you,” greeted Amy as she gave the Nebulan salute.

“And you,” replied Galen. “Mother has told me a lot about you, especially how you managed to stomach Heart of Gorfuu.”

“It’s actually very tasty,” giggled Amy.

“I’m afraid I was a little squeamish,” replied Sira.

“Enough chit-chat,” declared Trema. “My stomach rumbles.”

“To the Gardens of Eternal Peace and Harmony Macrobiotic Restaurant!” proclaimed Galen.

“The…what?” quizzed Amy, not even daring to try to say it all.

“The Gardens of Eternal Peace and Harmony Macrobiotic Restaurant,” explained Galen. “Or, if you wish to use the English alphabet, the GEPHMR, a High-class, multi-floored restaurant that has the most delicious cuisine on Nebulos.”

“Sounds pleasant,” mused Sira. “Let’s check it out.”

The GEPHMR is a rather large restaurant, even for Nebulans. All citizens of all classes have eaten there. The entertainment is also one to view, with comedians, singers, dancers, and other various performers that would knock your socks off. One of Nebulos’ most famous comedians, called Rokeri Berlim, had a steady job at the restaurant. What’s he like? …He’s Nebulos’ George Carlin. The topic he was poking holes in was about a phrase used on Nebulos. “‘Have a nice day!’” he said in a nasally voice before adopting his usual tone. “Yeah, yeah, yeah! Would you give me my f***ing change, please?” The crowd laughed. “Some people are really insistent! ‘I SAID, HAVE A NICE DAY!’ All right, all right! OKAY, GODS DAMMIT, ALL RIGHT! That’s the trouble with ‘Have a nice day’! It puts all the pressure on YOU! Now YOU’VE got to go out and, somehow, manage to have a good time! All because of some loose-lipped off-worlder! ‘Have a nice day’! Maybe I don’t FEEL like having a nice day! Maybe, just maybe, I’ve had 63 nice days in a row! And, by the Rings, I’m ready for a CRAPPY day! Let someone wish me a crappy day! I never hear that! ‘Have a crappy day!’ That’s no problem at all! All you have to do is go for Ban’graza practice some mornings! There’s no planning involved!” That got another roar of laughter from the audience. As the routine went on, Trema and her group arrived at one of the food counters. The Chef, a fat man, approached them.

“Tam roko al ogi, balt di?” (You wish to eat, what do?) he asked.

“Let’s see,” mused Galen, “we’ll have some Dormako,”

“Dormako,” repeated the Chef as he served it up, purple looking ground beef.

“And some Galtorii, no sauce,” continued Galen

“Galtorii, no sauce,” replied the Chef as he put the food on a plate, a red lettuce-looking vegetable.

“And some Borgu,” finished Galen. “Wait, would that be too much for our smaller visitors?” The Chef cut up smaller portions of a light violet fruit that looked like an apple with warts on it.

“And Borgu, with smaller portions for the smaller visitors,” he confirmed.

“May I?” asked Amy.

“Don’t be alarmed,” warned Galen. Amy picked up a small pinch of the Dormako and winced.

“Galen, I can’t eat this,” she replied.

“I know it looks odd, but…” assured Galen. Amy turned to the Chef.

“What are you trying to pull here?!” she snarled.

“Is there a problem?!” boomed the Chef.

“Your preparation of Dormako!” answered Amy.

“If you don’t like it, don’t eat it!” roared the Chef.

“This thing looks purple!” declared Amy. “I want it to look as if it was bathed in your Gods’ blood as your ancestors destroyed them!” The Chef then realized where Amy was coming from.

“I see you have tasted both the well-done and the RARE stuff!” he laughed. Galen was surprised.

“You’ve tried rare Dormako?” he asked.

“Your mother brought a sampling of many Nebulan dishes,” explained Natalie.

“We prefer the rare stuff,” assured Sira. “The well-done stuff made us barf.”

“I like off-world customers that know cuisine when they eat it!” cheered the Chef. “One minute!” He took the plate back and dumped the contents into a bin labeled “Rokamro” (Compost) and put the plate in a sink. A fresh plate was taken and he put blue Dormako on the plate along with the un-sauced Galtorii and the Borgu.

“Much better!” praised Amy. “There’s nothing worse than scorched Dormako.”

“On that, you will receive no argument,” agreed the Chef as he accepted Galen’s payment. “Rakel!” (Enjoy!) Galen’s group then found a table and sat down for their meal. They ate with chopsticks. Galen then noticed that Llyra’s chopsticks were holding a piece of Dormako near his lips. Galen smiled before eating it. He then gave a piece to her and she accepted.

“You two lovebirds enjoying yourselves?” teased Gort.

“Wait until you fall in love,” chuckled Galen. “You’ll see why we do what we do.”

“Doubt it,” replied Gort.

Over at the Council chambers, near their landing pad, Zarak was awaiting an arrival via Space Bridge. Krunk and Grax flanked him, all three looking nervous. The Space Bridge portal appeared. “Here they come,” gulped Grax.

“We’re going to catch some beri (s***), aren’t we?” mumbled Krunk.

“The notion has crossed my mind,” replied Zarak. Figures then appeared in the portal and came towards them in a slow, purposeful march. A flying object followed them. Soon, they revealed themselves to be Starscream and his Seeker Trine, Eggman, the Metarex Five, and Megatron. “My allies,” called Zarak as he knelt, “you honor my house with…”

“Get up,” demanded Megatron. “Kneeling isn’t like you.”

“No, of course not,” replied Zarak.

“Now, I believe you have a report on the state of affairs here?” quizzed Megatron. Zarak gulped.

Transformers: Mobian Chronicles Transformers: Mobian Chronicles (Arc 9: Amy’s Alien Adventures)

TMC 9-4

Trema’s butler, Lorko, approached the landing pad as the ramp came down. He looked distressed. “Un Rala!” (My Lady!) he wailed. “Le rodane, tami cori!” (Is needed, your help!)

“I am aware of my son’s predicament,” replied Trema. “I came here as soon as I heard.”

“Not your son,” answered Lorko, “your other spouses! They disappeared! Lady Grax says she has business concerning them! She’s here now!”

“Of course, she is,” snarled Trema. “Let me see her.”

“Right here,” called a voice. A female Nebulan came forward, dressed as lavishly as Llyra, but allowing her cybernetics to be shown. She was accompanied by a Nebulan man that Amy was familiar with. The man was also outfitted with the same cybernetics.

“I never pegged you to be binary-bonded with anyone,” growled Trema to the woman, Grax.

“My partner, Skullcruncher,” replied Grax, “is quite the Rival Eliminator.”

“And then there’s you!” hissed Amy as she pointed to the man.

“Do I know you?” asked the man.

“We met on Mobius!” answered Amy. “You were working with Aaron!”

“Ah, yes, the Scarlet Specter,” replied the man, Krunk. “Tell me, what happened after the battle?”

“Aaron’s in prison! As you should be, from what Trema told me!” snarled Amy.

“I have Zarak to thank for that,” answered Krunk. “He pardoned me on the condition that I would scout out your planet to see if any wizards or witches could easily be manipulated to serve us. Regrettably, I was unsuccessful and so left Mobius after that business with the Eggman Transformers.”

“I’m always a fan of nostalgia,” interjected Grax, “but we have some business to attend to.” She started handing out data pads to Stylor and Trema. “The criminals’ signatures for your records,” she explained, “for the servants on your estate, and for our assurance that you have copies.”

“But…you haven’t even told me what the charges are!” snarled Trema.

“No, I haven’t,” replied Grax. She stayed quiet for a while. Trema rolled her eyes before getting on one knee and bowing her head.

“You honor my house with your presence,” she muttered before kissing the ring on Grax’s finger.

“Your son is charged,” revealed Grax as Trema stood up, “with violating Nebulan Civil Law, Subsection 1,008, Paragraph 45.”

“I’m not sure as I’m familiar with that particular part Civil Law,” remarked Trema.

“Then you need to obtain a copy of the Laws,” chuckled Krunk.

“Which YOU happen to have!” hissed Trema as she knelt again. “You honor my house with your presence,” she proclaimed before kissing his ring. He then handed Trema a pad containing every single law on Nebulos. “Let’s see,” muttered Trema as she started searching. “Civil Law…Subsection 1,008…Paragraph 45.” She then read the appropriate law. “Formation of counter-intuitive political movement?” muttered Trema.

“Your other spouses,” explained Grax, “have presented themselves to the Council of Peers this morning to explain the crimes of Galen, Son of Stylor.”

“What is he charged with?” asked Trema. Grax and Krunk said nothing. Trema sighed as she knelt again. “You…”

“Get up!” growled Llyra. “These idiots do not deserve to be honored by you!”

“Who are you to interrupt?” called Krunk. “You are a High-class citizen like us.”

“I’m not just any High-class citizen!” snarled Llyra. “I’m Llyra, Daughter of Zarak, commander of the Black Battalion! You will tell us what Trema wants to know or I will have you idiots removed from your current positions and sent to the Swamp Mines!”

“Not even you have the right to threaten us!” roared Grax as she and Krunk pressed a button on their left wrists. Their clothes were teleported away as armor took their place, complete with helmets. On the back of the armor were upside-down faces. Llyra then pressed a button on her bracelet and summoned her armor, not as high-tech as Krunk and Grax’s, but it gets the job done. Her opponents swung a punch at her head, but she ducked, grabbing their arms, then flinging them into a wall. She then strapped her Ban’grazas onto her arms and held them to her opponents necks.

“Now,” she whispered, “why is my betrothed, the head of the World Watchers, in prison?”

“I see no reason to…!” snarled Grax.

“He’s charged with forming the Autobot sympathetic Nebulan Destiny Movement!” yelped Krunk. “A dissident movement demanding a restructuring of the government!”

“FORAMI!” (COWARD!) bellowed Grax.

“A dissident movement?” cried Llyra. “My Galen?!”

“Typical Galen,” muttered Stylor. “He can be so hot-headed sometimes!”

“Leave this estate now,” warned Llyra to Krunk and Grax, “before I risk dishonor by staining Nebulos’ soil with blood.” Krunk and Grax tool the hint and fled in Krunk’s jet, or should I say, his partner, the Decepticon triple-changer, Snapdragon. As Snapdragon took off, Llyra considered the next move. “I need the history of the Nebulan Destiny Movement,” she declared. “See if they vandalized public property, assaulted officials, anything of that nature.”

“See if they actually harmed your father’s administration or if they just voiced their opinions,” guessed Trema.

“Most likely the latter,” mused Stylor, “if I know Galen.”

“Let’s start researching,” proclaimed Llyra.

Zarak, an elderly Nebulan, was finishing up some paperwork. His cybernetic hand wrote his signature onto the screen built into his desk when his intercom beeped. He pressed a button to accept the call. “Speak,” he demanded.

“Snapdragon has arrived with Krunk and Grax,” replied his secretary. “They wish to speak with you.”

“Well, I just finished my paperwork,” mused Zarak. “I have some free time. Send them in.”

“At once, My Lord,” replied the secretary. The call ended and Krunk and Grax were permitted entry. Zarak saw them massaging their bruises. They were back in their normal clothes.

“What happened?!” called Zarak. “Did Trema do this?! Because, if she did,” a wicked grin crossed his face, “that’s enough to keep her precious Galen in jail.”

“It wasn’t Trema!” hissed Grax. “It was your headstrong daughter!”

“Llyra?!” growled Zarak. “What did you say around her?! I told you idiots to be tactful in her presence!”

“Why are you blaming us?!” protested Grax. “We’re the victims here!”

“All we did,” replied Krunk, “was get my sister to show us respect whenever she needed an answer.”

“BALUKA!” (IDIOTS!) roared Zarak. “You were lording your position onto a citizen in Llyra’s presence! Do you know how much she values our planet’s ideals of honor and respect?! She would fight you if you lorded your position onto a Low-class citizen!” He sighed. “Did you at least keep your mouths shut on the charges?” The two shuffled their feet. “…I don’t like your silence!” snarled Zarak.

“Krunk blabbed about it when she threatened him!” explained Grax. “It was a minor threat!”

“You call a Ban’graza to the throat a minor threat?!” yelped Krunk.

“A Ban’graza to the throat?” repeated Zarak, his tone indicating he regained control of his temper. He then chuckled quietly. “I think we can use THAT to our advantage.”

“You’ve lost me, My Lord,” replied Grax.

“The dissident movement has distressed my daughter so much,” began Zarak, “that she is trying to gain answers as to why Galen would suddenly turn power-hungry. Thus, she will attack ally and enemy alike to get answers.” Krunk and Grax then got the hint.

“It’s going into tomorrow’s speech,” guessed Krunk.

“Exactly,” replied Zarak. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must draft said speech up. Despite the hiccup at Trema’s estate, you have performed your duties to the Imperial Republic with distinction. Keep this up, and you two will be Traboons in no time.”

“Thank you, Oh Gracious Zarak,” praised Grax. She and Krunk knelt down.

“You honor us with your words,” they bid. They then kissed his ring and departed.

“Llyra, Llyra, Llyra,” chuckled Zarak. “You should know better than that. A politician can use any event to their advantage. This will make the Imperial Summit in a week’s time easier.”

Transformers: Mobian Chronicles Transformers: Mobian Chronicles (Arc 9: Amy’s Alien Adventures)

TMC 9-3

The Retranga was entering the main Nebulan solar system. Llyra was in her quarters, reading a novel and munching on a Nebulan snack, when the door chimed. “Enter,” she called. Amy came in wearing her robes. “Magic practice?” guessed Llyra.

“Homesick,” corrected Amy. “Wearing my robes usually gets rid of any distress I feel. Of course, it depends on how much I have. Trema does the same with meditation.”

“It’s nice to have something to remind you of home,” agreed Llyra. “I usually read novels from Nebulos to stave off my homesickness.”

“You’ve been off-world before?” asked Amy.

“Every Nebulan has left our world once or twice in their lifetime,” replied Llyra. “I pity those that are in exile or have no home world anymore. They can never cure their homesickness.”

“Yeah, I guess we’re lucky in that regard,” mused Amy. “In any case, I wanted to know something about you.”

“Ask away,” urged Llyra.

“I heard Arcana mention something about patrols,” recalled Amy.

“That’s where I come in as a last resort,” answered Llyra. “If our holo-filter fails, I can get us out of any situation.”

“How?” asked Amy.

“Regretfully,” sighed Llyra, “I can’t tell you until the situation actually gets that far.”

“…All right,” muttered Amy as she shrugged. She then saw the title of the novel Llyra was reading. “Struggle of Eternity?” she asked. Llyra then looked at Amy in surprise.

“You can read Modern Nebulanese?” she quizzed.

“Ara U omparep tami galamar, rant torik le,” (How I learned your language, that novel is) replied Amy.

“E klafeer ro Trema, tam reem arak!” (A student of Trema, you truly are!) praised Llyra. “Only Trema would teach our language with the finest novel ever written as a reference!”

“I’ll…take your word for it,” mumbled Amy.

“I take it you DIDN’T enjoy it?” asked Llyra.

“Well,” floundered Amy, trying to be polite, “I thought it was…interesting, if a bit dull in parts.”

“By the Rings,” swore Llyra. “I can’t believe a student of Trema would consider Struggle of Eternity, Lokoro’s greatest work, to be dull.”

“I just thought the story got a little redundant after a while,” explained Amy. “Lokoro’s supposed to be talking about seven generations of a Nebulan family, but he tells the same story over and over and over again! All of his characters lead selfless lives of duty to the Nebulan state and honor to their family, grow old, then the strongest of those characters dies in glorious battle, then the next generation comes along and does it all over again!”

“But that’s exactly the point,” countered Llyra. “A repetitive epic is the best way to demonstrate Nebulan morals to the people, stemming of from our elders telling us the same stories over and over again to make sure we understand the morals thoroughly. Struggle of Eternity is the greatest achievement of the repetitive epic, taught in Nebulan schools across the planet.”

“But none of the characters ever come alive,” sighed Amy. “And, while I will agree with the morals about honor to your family, there’s more to life than just that and duty to the state.”

“An Autobot view if I ever heard one,” mused Llyra.

“I’ve held that view before I even met the Autobots,” sighed Amy.

“If I may change the subject,” interjected Llyra, “how did you meet them?”

“I kind of stumbled on one,” replied Amy. “I thought an Autobot’s holo-form was someone I have a major crush on and got a surprise when he vanished and the sports car turned into Optimus Prime.”

“Optimus Prime?” repeated Llyra. “I thought it was Sentinel that was Prime.”

“Sentinel stepped down,” explained Amy, “and the Matrix chose Orion Pax as its new bearer, Optimus Prime.”

“Pax?” quizzed Llyra. “I knew that family, Arcanus and Soleanna Pax, and their children Dion and Megatronus.”

“Well, from what Dion, Ultra Magnus now, told me,” elaborated Amy, “they had a third child after the Great War.”

“Dion’s a Magnus now?” chuckled Llyra. “What about Megatronus? Is he teaching mathematics now?”

“Actually,” replied Amy as she winced, “Megatronus switched sides and leads the Decepticons as their new Supreme Commander under the name Megatron.”

“What?!” Llyra gasped in disbelief.

“It threw us for a loop,” answered Amy. “His stutter was just an act when we knew him.”

“Oh, poor Pax children,” moaned Llyra. “Their brother is on the wrong side.”

“Worse than that,” sighed Amy. “It would help explain why we ran into the D.J.D a week ago. The war between the Autobots and Decepticons is back on.”

“It’s back?!” yelped Llyra. “That must be why there’s a dissident movement on Nebulos.” Amy thought about asking her about the dissident movement now but buried it quickly.

“And Optimus is going through all this at 153,” she continued.

“153?!” yelped Llyra. “That’s adolescence on Cybertron!” The door chimed again. “Enter,” called Llyra. Trema came in. “You never told me the new Prime is in a war at only 153!” cried Llyra.

“We’ll discuss that later,” replied Trema. “Right now, we have more immediate concerns. A patrol ship is coming towards us.”

“Duty calls,” mused Amy. Llyra got up and all three made their way to the bridge.

“Any sign of them figuring us out?” Trema asked Duros.

“No, My Lady,” replied Duros. “The holo-cloak is working perfectly. Nobody here but us Femaxians.”

“How about the holo-filter?” asked Trema.

“Still works perfectly,” answered Duros. “I could make you look like a hedgerhino, if you like.”

“Femaxian Captain Sharveen will do nicely,” remarked Trema with a grin at the joke.

“They’re getting closer,” gulped Gort.

“Easy, Young Gort,” assured Duros. “As far as their scanners are concerned, we’re a Femaxian Merchant Vessel.” His console beeped. “We’re being hailed.”

“Open a channel and engage the holo-filter,” ordered Trema.

“What if the Captain of that ship is male?” asked Arcana. “You’d have to be blatantly sexist towards him.”

“No, even Femaxians wouldn’t dare be sexist towards a Nebulan male,” replied Trema. “Stylor could tell you stories about his dealings with Femaxians.”

“Some other time,” smiled Stylor.

“Channel open and holo-filter engaged,” reported Duros as a heavyset Nebulan male filled the screen.

“This is Traboon Monzo, Captain of the Boroba and Headmaster to Weirdwolf,” the man introduced himself. “Identify yourselves.” He could only see a Femaxian crew, thank goodness for holo-filters

“When did HE get promoted to Traboon?” thought Llyra.

“This is the Femaxian Merchant Vessel, Gold Medal,” answered Trema. “I’m Captain Sharveen. How may I help a strapping man like you?”

“What is your destination?” asked Monzo.

“Why, Nebulos, your lush home world,” replied Trema. “We’re carrying a shipment of Rezardium needed for the military.”

“Standby while we board your vessel,” demanded Monzo. Worry struck the hearts of the Retranga crew.

“Traboon Monzo,” urged Trema, “the Rezardium is urgently needed. I would hate for a fine man like you to risk your career explaining why it was delayed.”

“The Rezardium can wait!” snapped Monzo. “Dissident activity has been on the rise in our system! By the order of Lord Zarak himself, all incoming vessels are to be stopped and searched!”

“If they get too close,” whispered Natalie, “we’re finished!”

“Standby,” called Trema. The call ended and Trema turned to Llyra.

“I believe it would be best to drop the holo-filter,” she suggested. Everyone’s eyes went wide. “Trust me,” assured Llyra. “I’ve gotten paperwork signed to allow us passage with no further interruptions from patrols.” Trema thought for a few seconds before deciding.

“Do as she says,” she told Duros. “Gort, be prepared to get out of here fast if this doesn’t work.”

“Aye, My Lady,” replied Gort. Duros called Monzo back. Monzo’s face was one of surprise as he saw who the “Femaxians” were.

“Tam rog lamatray, bara tho?” (You get promoted, when did?) asked Llyra.

“Keb Femaxiana, tam ram!” (Not Femaxians, you are!) snarled Monzo.

“Rokesnarm, tam ram,” (Observant, you are.) scoffed Llyra. “Tami recoa maroma, tam reli mora!” (Your ships around, you will turn!)

“Zaraka prilanma, tam tho ba…!” (Zarak’s daughter, you may be…!) roared Monzo.

“Og Regon locen celomer, rant le!” (An Omega level mission, this is!) interrupted Llyra. “Raji-Raji-Forea-Talo-Coret-Fet, nar celomer gorb le! Ti nar gorek ga un talort, tami recoa maroma, tam reli mora, hal fora ga rant gorshaben, tam reli farshi, ga rant al yi far, feg tam reli reank! Tam morrofarek, te?” (Five-Five-Seven-Nine-Eight-Six, the mission code is! On the order of my father, your ships around, you will turn, all logs of this encounter, you will erase, of this to no one, and you will speak! You understand, do?) Monzo entered the mission code into his console.

“Faretiam, nar celomer gorb le,” (Verified, the mission code is.) droned the computer.

“Barametema, U mek,” (Forgiveness, I beg.) gulped Monzo. “Moratemo ga tami celomer, U lan,” (Ignorant of your mission, I was.)

“Al rocear tami filaca morp solirmatori, tam ramate,” (To perform your duties with distinction, you wanted.) assured Llyra. “Boru, rant bori le,” (Over, this call is.) The call ended and the patrol ship veered off.

“They just told the other patrol ships,” reported Duros, “to let us pass uninterrupted.” Llyra released a breath.

“That went better than I expected,” she sighed.

“Good to hear,” replied Trema. “There IS something that confuses me. …TRABOON MONZO?!”

“Don’t look at me!” protested Llyra. “He was still a Rookeel when I last saw him!”

“Why would Zarak promote an idiot like Monzo to Traboon?!” yelped Arcana.

“We’ll find out when we land,” replied Trema as Nebulos came into view. A green planet with tiny patches of blue, surrounded by rings, and two green moons orbiting the planet outside the rings, it looked beautiful. “It’s been too long since I saw it,” said Trema. “Gort, begin landing procedures.”

“Aye, My Lady,” confirmed Gort. The Retranga lowered effortlessly through the atmosphere, through the silver clouds and gliding over the trees, right to Trema and Stylor’s estate in the Folassian Forest.

Transformers: Mobian Chronicles Transformers: Mobian Chronicles (Arc 9: Amy’s Alien Adventures)

TMC 9-2

“You’ve been what?” Trema asked Amy after a few days of flight.

“Talking to Llyra so I could get dresses that would flatter me,” repeated Amy.

“Amy, I can’t believe you’re getting involved with her,” snapped Trema. “The whole notion of you being friendly with her is ridiculous!”

“I guess you’re going to tell me not to associate with her?” guessed Amy as she made plans to disobey such a command.

“And you’re telling me that Stylor and his Headmaster associates are giving you support?!” snarled Trema.

“We’re in this together!” insisted Amy. “And, feud or not, Llyra’s the only one who can get us through this! I really don’t care if her father did something you thought of as cowardly.”

“This has nothing to do with my specific distaste for Llyra’s father,” argued Trema.

“Then what’s the problem?!” snapped Amy.

“You really want to know?!” growled Trema. “You absolutely want to know what my problem is?! I’ll tell you! The history of Zarak’s lineage, that’s my problem! Every time magic tries to resurface on Nebulos, we get ostracized by Zarak’s family! In the height of his time, we magic-folk weren’t welcome! Yes, we could be performers or janitors, but citizens? Forget it!”

“Maybe that’s what Llyra’s father may believe is right,” countered Amy, “but I’m not seeing that with Llyra herself. I have never felt uncomfortable around her and neither have your husband or the Headmasters! Even Sira and Natalie have gotten tips on how to go through Nebulos from her!”

“Don’t you see?! That’s the lie!” insisted Trema. “When she was a young girl, she always believed in the inherent good of people and wasn’t corrupted by her father’s ideals! She is blind to the fact that it’s still not an easy time for magic users and I am NOT going to pretend that it is!”

“Trema,” argued Amy, “I can respect the fact that her views may not be a totally accurate reflection of the political situation, but I always believed that people like her could see both sides of the issue. She can see the way things could have been, the way they should have been.”

“We cannot ignore the truth about the past!” growled Trema.

“Letting Llyra help us isn’t going to make us forget who we are and where we came from!” snapped Amy. “What it does is remind us that we can flourish if both sides give each other a chance! The only way to do that is to accept that we are not bound by any limitations! At least, only the ones we choose ourselves. Now, if you’re still going to tell me that I can’t talk to her anymore, just know that I have every intention to disobey that.” Trema sighed.

Llyra and Stylor overheard the entire conversation. An accusing look from Llyra was directed at Stylor. “You never told me your wife’s prejudice of my family stems from something like that!” she accused.

“Trema’s a woman of strong convictions,” replied Stylor as he polished his Headmaster armor. “She believes that high-class members of society can never truly see the suffering going on in the middle and lower classes and shouldn’t even try to change.”

“That’s a prejudiced, narrow-minded view!” growled Llyra.

“There IS precedence for that view!” snarled Stylor. “Her family suffered greatly in the relocation camps all magic folk lived in! If someone wishes to join OUR house, they must prove that they can understand the value of both magic AND science!”

“I HAVE proven that!” insisted Llyra.

“And Galen wouldn’t have proposed to you if you didn’t,” assured Stylor. “You have proven yourself to be an honorable woman and a great warrior.”

“Then you should say that to Trema!” urged Llyra.

“…N-n-not such a good idea,” stammered Stylor. “I don’t want her to think I’m stepping into her domain as Head of House.”

“…Perhaps I should say something,” mused Llyra. “If I made my case that I CAN listen to those that were oppressed, it wouldn’t seem like a challenge to her authority.”

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you!” warned Stylor.

“…Why?” asked Llyra.

“Well…,” floundered Stylor, “to tell you the truth…she doesn’t like politicians either.” Llyra rolled her eyes as she sat down.

“Of course she doesn’t!” she hissed.

“Don’t let that bother you,” replied Stylor. “Rexna, Orbenth, and I had EVERY right to override her when Galen chose you as his bride. She’s accepted the fact that there’s nothing she can do about THAT.”

“How comforting,” snarked Llyra. The comms then beeped.

“This is Gort calling Stylor and Trema!” called the young helmsman.

“Stylor here,” replied Stylor.

“Go ahead,” directed Trema’s voice.

“We’ve just entered Nebulan space and have spotted a ship held in a tractor beam!” reported Gort. “The held ship is a Femaxian vessel and the ship firing the tractor beam is the Peaceful Tyranny!”

“The D.J.D’s ship?!” yelped Llyra. “They have no right to hold vessels in our space!”

“Battle Stations!” ordered Trema’s voice. Everyone made their way to the bridge and took their stations.

“I heard Llyra say it’s the D.J.D’s ship,” called Sira. “What does D.J.D mean?”

“Decepticon Justice Division,” explained Trema. “They’re a branch of the Decepticon Empire that deals out ‘justice’.”

“I could practically hear the quotation marks around ‘justice’,” observed Amy.

“When I say ‘justice’,” growled Trema, “I mean ‘unmarked graves’. They kill any Decepticon transgressors in the messiest fashion possible.”

“They usually use a computer program called The List to find and execute their victims,” supplied Llyra. “Many Decepticons prefer suicide over the D.J.D knocking on their door. None of them get the chance as the arrival of the D.J.D is the only clue that they were ON The List in the first place. They’re very much hated among the Decepticons’ rank-and-file.”

“The question I have is this;” muttered Trema, “why are they holding a ship in OUR space?”

“We’re about to find out,” reported Duros. “We’re within visual range.” The Peaceful Tyranny was a small vessel compared to the Nemesis, looking like a sword fish with a few extra fins and two extra noses.

“Hail them,” ordered Trema. “Engage our holo-filter, see if you can make us look like Decepticon supporters.” Duros did so and a face filled the screen. It was Cybertronian and was covered in a mask that was the Decepticon symbol.

“This is Tarn, leader of the Decepticon Justice Division,” answered the bot, the voice being very deep and very masculine. “How may I help you, my friends?”

“You can start by telling us why you’re holding that ship!” snarled Trema.

“We have orders to search all vessels attempting to go through Nebulan space,” explained Tarn.

“Search them for what?” asked Trema.

“For Decepticon transgressors,” replied Tarn. “What else? Each ship will be scanned, its cargo searched, and its crew members and passengers subjected to mental testing.”

“On whose authority?” snapped Trema.

“On the authority of the Decepticon Lord,” answered Tarn, “and the Decepticon Empire. You know, the Empire your people are members of?” Amy, Natalie, and Sira arched an eyebrow as they hid behind Trema’s chair.

“The D.J.D,” hissed Trema, sensing her friends’ worry, “has no jurisdiction over ships in our space.”

“We assumed you would welcome our assistance,” remarked Tarn.

“Do you have any evidence that there are transgressors aboard the ship you have in your tractor beam?” asked Trema.

“How can we have evidence,” countered Tarn, the limits of his patience being reached, “until we conduct our tests?!”

“Tarn,” growled Trema, “Nebulan law strictly prohibits any unwarranted search and seizure of vessels in our territory!”

“I have my orders!” hissed Tarn. “Now, keep your place!” He terminated the call.

“Let me talk to him,” urged Llyra. Trema turned and looked at her. “Please,” pleaded Llyra. “I can get him out of here, but only if you let me talk to him.” Trema considered, then turn to Duros.

“Hail them again,” she ordered. “After I have delayed him long enough, Llyra will step in and handle interstellar diplomacy. Ready weapons if she wishes.”

“Thank you,” bid Llyra. Tarn’s face came back, looking a little irritated.

“Didn’t I tell you to stay out of this?!” he demanded.

“There have been reports of Decepticon smuggling in this territory,” answered Trema. “Usually, these kinds of searches, like the one you plan to conduct, are ways to deter other ships to search THEIR vessels. I have a warrant for searching any Decepticon vessel, so, unless you release that ship, I will need to search your vessel.”

“Forget it!” shouted Tarn. “And if you attempt to board our vessel, I will consider it an act of piracy and have you turned over to Zarak! Is that clear?!”

“You can call it whatever you wish,” roared Trema, “but we’re not leaving until one of two things happens; you allow us to search your vessel, or you release that ship!”

“Well,” chuckled Tarn as Trema subtly nodded to Llyra, “in that case, Captain…”

“In that case,” interrupted Llyra, “you will comply with the captain’s wishes!”

“Llyra?!” yelped Tarn. “I don’t understand! Your father gave me permission to search any vessels going through your space!”

“Within reason, if I recall!” countered Llyra. “If you do not allow either of the captain’s choices to come to fruition, she has permission to destroy your vessel’s engines and then search it to see if YOU are behind the Decepticon smuggling ring!”

“Llyra, this is outrageous!” boomed Tarn.

“I agree,” replied Llyra, “but I will not allow this breach of legality to continue in my people’s space! Now, release that ship immediately!”

“We are your allies!” urged Tarn.

“Go ahead!” Llyra called to Trema.

“Tactical, target the Peaceful Tyranny’s engines,” ordered Trema. Tarn then made his decision.

“Vos, deactivate the tractor beam!” he ordered. He then turned back to the screen. “Llyra, your father and my Lord will hear of this!” The call ended and the Peaceful Tyranny left Nebulan space.

“We’re being hailed,” reported Duros. “It’s the Femaxian Captain.”

“Put her through,” replied Trema. The Femaxian Captain came through with a fat grin on her face.

“Captain,” she greeted, “this is Captain Sharveen of the Femaxian Vessel Gold Medal. I don’t know what you said to the D.J.D, but it must have been good.”

“Captain Sharveen,” replied Trema, “with your permission, and the right amount of Arsanium, I would like to use your vessel and crews’ image for my vessel’s holo-cloak.”

“You saved my ship from the D.J.D,” answered Sharveen. “It would be rude of me to take any Arsanium from you.”

“Given the fright you may have had,” argued Trema, “I say Arsanium will help calm your nerves. Would 40 bars calm your nerves?” Sharveen considered.

“…No,” she replied, “but 70 might.”

“50,” offered Trema.

“60,” countered Sharveen.

“Done,” replied Trema. She turned to Duros. “Beam over 60 bars of Arsanium to the Gold Medal’s bridge. Sharveen needs to be assured that the Arsanium is genuine.” Duros did so and Sharveen checked the bronzish metal for authenticity.

“Scan away!” she replied. The ship was subjected to a holo-scan and, after it was completed, left Nebulan space.

“Er, Trema,” called Amy as she, Sira, and Natalie stepped from behind the chair, “you told us Nebulos had dealings with the Decepticons in the past. You never said you were part of their Empire.”

“The rest of the planet may support the Decepticons,” replied Trema, “but not my family.”

“Another reason for her distaste for me,” mused Llyra. “Father’s a bit too friendly with the Decepticons. Shta, (Nebulan equivalent of Hell) he married a Decepticon after Mother died.”

“That’s news to me,” remarked Trema. “Who was the Decepticon?”

“Nightracer,” explained Llyra.

“That anti-social femme?!” yelped Stylor. “How did a recluse like her get married?!”

“I thought she died during the Great War!” continued Trema.

“A little pet project of Shockwave’s brought her back,” answered Llyra. “Her Spark was digitized and stored on a storage device hidden within her body. The device was then inserted into a blank protoform and it became a Spark chamber for Nightracer’s new body. One time use for Spark safety.”

“A Nebulan marrying a Transformer?” muttered Amy. “I somehow can’t fathom that.”

“What I can’t fathom,” hissed Llyra, “is why Father insists on forgetting Mother!”

“…I have the distinct feeling your relationship with your father is strained,” observed Natalie.

“It is,” confirmed Llyra. “Father doesn’t know I have acquired a pardon for Galen.”

“That’s why you insisted on coming,” realized Trema. “You needed the family as witnesses.”

“I can, at least, get us past the tougher areas like the patrols,” replied Llyra.

“I see,” mused Trema. “While this doesn’t entirely have me liking you, this is a step in the right direction.”

“…Thank you, Lady Trema,” bid Llyra. “May your house prosper.”

“And yours,” replied Trema, returning the wish as manners demand.

“That’s better,” chuckled Amy as she smiled. Sira and Natalie could only agree.

Transformers: Mobian Chronicles Transformers: Mobian Chronicles (Arc 9: Amy’s Alien Adventures)

TMC 9-1

The Autobots and their allies had been informed of Trema’s intentions and her desire to bring her friends along. A large area had been charted as a landing pad for the ship about to pick them up. As they waited, Optimus looked around. “We need to make a dedicated landing pad,” he mused to Topaz and Sonic.

“I drafted a proposal for such a thing for Aleena to look over,” replied Topaz.

“It would be way past cool to see Mobius join other space-faring civilizations,” sighed Sonic.

“You just want to find new places to run,” guessed Amy.

“Guilty,” confirmed Sonic.

“Landing site, this is Angela,” called the Blue Typhoon’s grasshopper First officer.

“Go ahead,” replied Optimus.

“A ship has entered our territory,” reported Angela. “It’s giving us the registry number and name and is requesting permission to land.”

“And the registry and name are?” asked Optimus.

“Registry: 4-7-7-4,” relayed Angela. “Name: Retranga.”

“My family’s ship,” explained Trema. “They may land.”

“Escort the Retranga to the landing site,” directed Optimus.

“Understood,” replied Angela. “Angela out.” The call ended. After a few minutes, the Retranga started its landing cycle. It was a large vessel, fearsome looking, like a bat with razor-sharp wings. It deployed its landing struts and lowered a ramp. A Nebulan man came out, his teeth gleaming.

“Tami tuurg ment rant, orbe tam rande belas, Stylor,” (Your teeth like that, only you would flash, Stylor.) remarked Trema. The man, Stylor smirked.

“Nar rakt nor al vian estar, el le, Un mara,” (The best way to show style, it is, My wife.) he declared. He then switched to English. “It has been too long!” They embraced one another.

“I wish the circumstances were different,” sighed Trema.

“We WILL get Galen out,” assured Stylor. He then swung his metal hand over his upper right heart. “This, I vow.”

“Did you get into an accident?” asked Trema as she pointed out her husband’s hand.

“Ah, this,” he winced. “I was being stupid and didn’t adjust the estate’s fuel rods correctly.”

“I received news of your accident and recovery,” replied Trema. “Go on.”

“The only way to save my life,” explained Stylor, “was to undergo the binary-bonding process with one of the Autobots stationed on Nebulos. As such, I am now a Headmaster, binary-bonded to Chromedome.”

“That was never revealed to me!” yelped Trema. “Why was I not told this?!”

“I didn’t think you would stay with me if I told you,” answered Stylor.

“Stylor, you and I both know,” assured Trema, “that I would never abandon you over this!”

“I realize that now,” sighed Stylor, “and I regret dishonoring the family like this.”

“Helping me get Galen out will clear the stain you perceive,” replied Trema. She then turned to her fellow witches. “Is everyone ready?”

“Time to see a new planet!” cheered Amy.

“Just a minute,” interjected Stylor, “why did you ask them if they were ready?”

“They’ve helped me adjust to life on this planet,” explained Trema. “I consider them my sisters.”

“Do you?” replied Stylor. “In that case, welcome to the House of Trema. I am one of her three spouses, Stylor.”

“I’m Amy Rose,” greeted Amy.

“Sira Mayworth, at your service,” introduced Sira.

“I’m her wife, Natalie Mayworth,” replied Natalie.

“Excellent,” cheered Stylor. More Nebulans then joined him, two women and two men. “Ah, good. Permit me to introduce my partners. The lovely lady here is my scientist, Arcana, Headmaster for Brainstorm. The soldier-man is my weapons specialist, Duros, Headmaster for Hardhead. The strapping young man is my scout, Gort, Headmaster for Highbrow. The last lady…needs no introduction.”

“TAM?!” (YOU?!) roared Trema as she clapped eyes on the Nebulan lady in an extravagant dress.

“Tam ree, e lapferno al ska,” (You too, a pleasure to see) remarked the woman.

“Tam reeck Llyra morp tam, bem tho?!” (You bring Llyra with you, why did?!) Trema demanded of Stylor.

“It was her insistence,” replied Stylor.

“Galen DID propose to me,” continued Llyra in English.

“I don’t care WHO he proposed to!” snarled Trema. “You have no right to come here!”

“Er, Trema,” asked Amy, “why are you shouting at her?”

“She’s Zarak’s daughter!” replied Trema.

“And Galen’s betrothed,” supplied Llyra. “I would rather have my future husband be OUT of prison. You need me to convince my father to let him out.”

“Trema,” said Sira, “whatever grudge you may have with her needs to be put aside. If she can get Galen out, we need her.”

“I can get him out just fine without a coward’s help!” snarled Trema.

“Much as I would like to reminisce on how much our families HATE one another,” remarked Llyra, “Galen doesn’t have the time.”

“…Very well,” grumbled Trema. “But, you WILL be watched!”

“That is acceptable,” replied Trema.

“Everyone, we have a mission to complete!” barked Trema. “We will not rest until my son is free! To Nebulos!” Everyone boarded the ship with Trema in the Captain’s seat, Stylor sitting by her side, Arcana at the engineering station, Duros at Tactical, and Gort at the helm.

“I can’t believe it!” giggled Amy as she bounced up and down. “I’m going to another planet!”

“With how Trema’s talked about Nebulos,” sighed Sira, “I would love to see it.”

“It sounds like a perfect honeymoon getaway,” mused Natalie.

“Gort,” directed Trema, “take us out.”

“Aye, My Lady,” confirmed Gort. The ship then went upwards slowly. As the landing struts retracted, the people on the ground waved goodbye.

“Gort, once we clear the atmosphere,” instructed Trema, “go to maximum warp for Nebulos.”

“Won’t the Decepticons detect the warp signature?” quizzed Gort.

“This ship is designed for stealth at any warp speed,” assured Trema. “Maximum warp to Nebulos when we leave the atmosphere.”

“Very well,” replied Gort as he set the course. The ship had left the atmosphere and then went to Warp 9 for Nebulos.

Regretfully, Megatron was taking a stroll around the moon-base and saw the flash of a ship going to warp. Eggman joined him, having also seen the flash. “What was that?!” yelped Eggman.

“That, my dear doctor,” replied Megatron, “was a Wing-class Nebulan vessel leaving the solar system at maximum warp.”

“How can you tell it was a starship?” asked Eggman.

“The warp flash pattern is highly distinctive,” explained Megatron.

“We’ve fully repaired Scarship,” declared Eggman. “Let’s send our Metarex allies after…!”

“I would prefer that the Metarex stay in this system,” interrupted Megatron. “If we were to send Scarship after a Nebulan vessel, our alliance with them would prove ill. The Nebulans don’t like the Metarex.”

“But, we can’t let that ship get MORE allies!” shouted Eggman.

“If the talks I’ve had with Zarak are true,” replied Megatron, “we don’t need to worry about allies.”

Transformers: Mobian Chronicles Transformers: Mobian Chronicles (Arc 8: Growing Problems)

TMC 8-10

There was a “Welcome to the Fight” party at the Autobot base. Morale was at an all-time high as Grimlock and the Dyno-bots were welcomed back to Mobius with open arms. “I don’t think you ever told us why you’re here,” recalled Optimus. “I thought the verdict was jail time.”

“It was,” replied Grimlock, “until the Decepticons started acting up. The courts decided we would serve our sentence under you. Only YOU can decide whether or not we’ve done our time.”

“So, I’m your parole officer?” sighed Optimus. “Lovely description.”

“More like we’re new soldiers for you,” assured Grimlock. “We would have been here sooner, but we had to fight tooth and nail to get the Fang overhauled.”

“It shouldn’t have taken that long,” muttered Ironhide.

“Being a criminal has its stigmas,” replied Slash.

“Well, in any case,” cheered Optimus as he raised his glass, “welcome back to Mobius!”

“Hear, hear!” agreed the partiers.

While the Autobots and their allies celebrated, the Decepticons and theirs were licking their wounds. Several repair crews were detailed for both Scarship and the Nemesis. Everyone was at the new moon-base on the dark side. It was constructed in secret while the Autobots worried about the Metarex’s colonization efforts. Megatron sat in his quarters, brooding on his bunk. His door chimed. “Enter,” he snarled. Shockwave came into the room.

“I have news you may be pleased with,” reported Shockwave.

“Do you, now?” asked Megatron. “I find myself in urgent need of good news, so tell me.”

“I have successfully constructed a Chaos Energy Generator room,” explained Shockwave. “It is in Robotropolis right now, but I can construct one here easily now.”

“Then begin construction immediately,” ordered Megatron.

“There is more,” replied Shockwave. “Laserbeak has successfully gathered intelligence on the Mobian Starship, the Blue Typhoon. They have a fully functional Warp Field Driver.”

“Impossible!” breathed Megatron. “Such a device is beyond even us! How can a backwards world create such a device?!”

“It is not fully Mobian technology,” explained Shockwave. “It is a combination of Seedrian bio-tech, Mobian knowledge of Chaos energy, and Cybertronian design.”

“Is it now?” mused Megatron. “And Laserbeak has downloaded schematics?”

“Correct, My Lord,” confirmed Shockwave. “As the Metarex are Seedrian radicals, I can make use of their bio-tech. We also possess intimate knowledge of Chaos energy and Cybertronian design.”

“Then, make haste and build it!” urged Megatron. “We must outfit our ships with such a device! If I recall, it could, theoretically, bring a ship safely to Warp 20.”

“In theory,” confirmed Shockwave. “I shall give it top priority.”

“Excellent,” praised Megatron as he stood up.

“Where are you going?” quizzed Shockwave.

“To point out this silver lining to the troops and our allies,” replied Megatron.

“Something feels wrong,” muttered Sira to Natalie, Amy, and Trema. “It’s as if walls are crumbling away.”

“I’ve felt it too,” replied Amy.

“Do you think it’s any think it’s anything serious?” quizzed Trema. “I mean, this wall could lead to nothing.”

“Who says it’s one wall?” remarked Sira. “I’ve felt it both inside the planet and separating us from another realm of existence.”

“Okay, the wall between realities, I can believe,” conceded Amy, “but inside Mobius? I think that whatever threat lived there was defeated.”

“You’ve told me about Sonic’s involvement with Dark Gaia,” answered Sira. “But, need I remind you that the beast is a primordial force? It may be awakening now at its proper time.”

“Why now?” muttered Amy. “Why with the Transformers here?”

“Their conflict may have been what was needed,” guessed Natalie. “It could be enough fuel for it to overpower Light Gaia.

“It could escape its prison,” gulped Trema, “possibly destroying Mobius’ solar system permanently.”

“Who’s to say it will stop there?” asked Natalie.

“Our limits would mean nothing to the creature,” agreed Sira.

“Because of their conflict,” theorized Trema, “it could target Cybertron.”

“If I were you, I’d be more worried about Nebulos,” replied Sira. Everyone turned to her. “Think about it. What good would it do this creature to travel without an easier means of transport?”

“She’s right,” muttered Trema. “Our planet is near a rare stable wormhole, the graveyard of our gods. Dark Gaia could use it to go to the galactic quadrant adjacent to ours.”

“Which means,” replied Natalie, “you need to convince your son to raise the defenses for a possible attack.”

“Would that I could,” sighed Trema, “but Galen hasn’t been responding lately. I’m still waiting for news on why.” At that point, something buzzed in her pocket.

“Okay, THAT’S just creepy!” gulped Amy. Trema took out a communicator and opened it, speaking in Modern Nebulanese.

“Trema, nart le,” (Trema, this is.) she called. “Tam tho reank. …Sug. …BALT?! Ne recont, ta le?!” (You may speak. …Yes. …WHAT?! In prison, he is?!”

“Prison?!” yelped Amy.

“Nart relamp, U redo askera!” (This matter, I will settle!) declared Trema. “Un palerti, amper!” (My arrival, await!) She hung up. “Galen was thrown in prison about a week ago by Lord Zarak!” she revealed.

“What for?!” quizzed Sira.

“Zarak wouldn’t say,” replied Trema. “This is a family matter and a ship is picking us up tomorrow!”

“Sorry, ‘us’?” inquired Amy.

“Didn’t you aid me when I first came here?” asked Trema. “I consider you my sisters and family.”

“First I’ve heard it,” replied Amy.

“Very sweet of you,” bid Natalie. “Wait, that’s not very Nebulan, is it?”

“Not really, but I will take it,” answered Trema.

“We’ve got a lot of people to talk to,” sighed Natalie.

“I’ll tell the Grand Coven,” declared Sira.

“I better tell the Autobots,” resolved Natalie.

“I’m gonna tell my mom and friends,” replied Amy.

“I’ll organize the landing site,” affirmed Trema. “Amy, better leave some room in your bags for Nebulan clothes. Our outfits are well renowned in the galaxy and I think you will look excellent in them.”

“How can I fit them into…never-mind, I know a spell for that,” replied Amy as she answered her own question.

Transformers: Mobian Chronicles Transformers: Mobian Chronicles (Arc 8: Growing Problems)

TMC 8-9

“…Impossible!” breathed Dark Oak.

“My Lord, what’s going on up there?!” called Yellow Zelkova on the surface.

“Beam everyone up! Now!” ordered Dark Oak. Yellow Zelkova was beamed directly to the front of his chair.

“The Nemesis is hailing us!” reported a Trooper.

“That ship is back?!” yelped Yellow Zelkova.

“Open a channel!” commanded Dark Oak. The Trooper obeyed and the Nemesis’s bridge appeared with Soundwave having just been beamed up and assuming his station at Communications. Megatron sat on a throne in the middle, on the highest platform with steps. Dark Oak was surprised to see Megatron sitting in the Captain’s chair. “Megatronus?” he asked. “Didn’t I see you last at Regulon IV?”

“Given how long it’s been,” replied Megatron, “that you’ve graced the Galactic Stage with your presence, I will overlook your lack of knowledge of recent events. I am here to remind you of old alliances, specifically, the terms of your alliance with us.”

“I am an ally of the Decepticons,” corrected Dark Oak, “not you, you…formerly stuttering idiot. Did you fix your stutter?”

“More like replaced it with the rasp you hear now,” explained Megatron. “It was one of the many steps I took to become Jhiaxus’ successor.”

“YOU command the Decepticons?” scoffed Dark Oak.

“I’ve been commanding the entire faction for some weeks now,” replied Megatron. “By the way, I will be called ‘Megatron’ from now on.”

“If I recollect,” mused Dark Oak, “the Great War is over. As such, no one has a claim to this planet.”

“The ‘Great War’?” hissed Megatron. “That’s what the galaxy calls it these days? In any case, it merely died off for a while. We Decepticons have NEVER lost our rightful goal of Galactic Rule! We were merely waiting for the right moment to strike! So, to clear things up, this planet is STILL contested territory. As such, you will take no action against Mobius unless I authorize it. Are we clear?”

“Lord, you’re not seriously falling for this, are you?!” protested Black Narcissus. “Megatronus is an Autobot!”

“Someone prove Megatronus’ claims,” ordered Pale Bayleaf. A Trooper got to work, then came back with the results.

“Confirmed,” he reported. “This planet is still contested territory and Megatronus…Megatron is in command of the Decepticons.”

“What’s our move here?” asked Red Pine.

“What else can we do?” replied Dark Oak. “The Nemesis would destroy Scarship easily.” He turned back to the screen and Megatron’s smirking face. “The Metarex are at your disposal,” he finished.

“Excellent!” praised Megatron. “Now, it looks like there are TWO starships defending Mobius. One of them happens to be Mobius’ first starship, the other is a Vanguard-class Cybertronian ship flying the Autobot colors. You deal with the Mobian ship, I’ll deal with the Autobot ship.”

“Very well,” replied Dark Oak. The call ended and Scarship moved to engage the Blue Typhoon.

“Prime! Scarship!” called Ironhide as he pointed to the screen.

“I see him!” replied Optimus. “Helm, move us to assist Tails!”

“Bit of a problem!” reported Bumblebee. “The Nemesis is coming between us!”

“They’re charging weapons!” yelped Prowl. “Raising shields to maximum!”

“Status of our weapons?” requested Optimus.

“Primed and ready,” replied Prowl.

“Target their engines,” ordered Optimus. “Try and concentrate your fire on a specific spot. Helm, keep us moving. For all its brilliance, the Nemesis isn’t so good at hitting a moving target.”

“Aye, Sir. Fancy flying parameters set,” replied Bumblebee.

“Now!” called Optimus. The Ark charged at the Nemesis, firing its weapons as it weaved.

“The Autobots are weaving,” reported Thundercracker at Tactical. “I can’t get a lock.”

“Torpedo spread pattern Delta on my mark,” ordered Megatron.

“Megatron, that only works effectively in full space!” protested Starscream. “This close to Mobius’ gravity, they’ll fall uselessly!”

“We’re not aiming at a ship going alongside us,” replied Megatron. “Steady……FIRE!”

“TORPEDOES COMING DOWN ON US!” shouted Ironhide.

“Get to their underside!” ordered Optimus.

“That puts us in range of their…!” countered Bumblebee.

“We’re surrounded by torpedoes!” replied Optimus. “We don’t have a choice! Underside! Now!”

“They are going under us,” reported Shockwave.

“Fire underside weapons!” commanded Megatron.

“Aye, Sir!” confirmed Thundercracker as he let fly. The lasers the Nemesis fired hit the Ark hard.

As the people on board regained their balance from the ship’s rocking, Prowl looked on his console. “Shields at 56%!” he called. “Another hit like that and we lose them!”

“Of course, Megatron would compensate for moving targets!” hissed Optimus. “Get behind them!” The Ark changed course and the Nemesis fired off more lasers. One of the shots hit the starboard bow.

“We’ve just Bow Shields!” reported Prowl.

“Keep us out of range for as much as possible!” ordered Optimus. “Move in only for certain shots!”

The Blue Typhoon wasn’t faring any better. Cosmo had pointed out a few weapons that Scarship didn’t have last time she saw him. Scarship was pursuing the Blue Typhoon. “Maintain course!” urged Tails. “Status of warp engines!”

“Warp engines at 60%!” called Cosmo.

“Status of shields!” requested Tails. The ship rocked.

“Aft shields buckling!” reported a human male, Tobias, at Tactical.

“Transfer auxiliary power to shields!” ordered Tails. Cosmo did so, but the ship was still hit.

“Aft shields gone!” called Tobias. He then moved to Tails’ side. “We can’t win this one!” he said. “We must withdraw and regroup!”

“We can’t do that!” replied Tails. “The Nemesis would take us down in the state we’re in! We’re barely holding it against Scarship!”

“The Mobian Vessel has lost shields and is losing warp power!” reported Scarship.

“Yes, but it’s moving on an erratic path,” mused Pale Bayleaf. “Smart, we can’t lock onto them with our weapons.”

“Well, I have a few missiles with their name on them!” laughed Scarship.

“No,” replied Dark Oak. “Maintain pursuit. They are wounded. Let them bleed.”

“That ship is resilient!” reminded Yellow Zelkova. “We’ll lose our chance!”

“The way an enemy behaves when wounded,” argued Dark Oak, “is the key to its destruction. Maintain pursuit.”

“Guys,” called Tails, “I have an idea!” Tobias returned to Tactical when he heard that. “New course!” ordered Tails. “3-0-7-Mark-2-7-5!”

“Captain,” protested the female Cobra, Amber, at the Helm, “that takes us dangerously close to…!”

“Trust me!” assured Tails. The Blue Typhoon then made a direct course for Mobius’ sun!

“They’re entering their sun’s corona!” reported a Trooper.

“Maintain pursuit!” commanded Dark Oak.

“Tails, we’ll be reaching the photosphere in 30 seconds!” called Tobias.

“Standby to enter warp on my command!” ordered Tails. “Set course to 2-5-0-Mark-0-1-5!” A pair of consoles sparked.

“Shields failing!” reported Tobias. “Outer hull temperature exceeding design limits!” The ship rocked again as the Metarex fired.

“Captain!” shouted Cosmo.

“Maintain course!” urged Tails.

“The Metarex are closing on us!” reported Tobias.

“Standby!” insisted Tails. The ship had to run level just to slow down before it hit the sun. “NOW!” shouted Tails. The sudden burst of speed when the Blue Typhoon got away from the sun caused some of the star’s gases to erupt from the surface.

“SOLAR FLARE!” warned Scarship.

“BREAK OFF PURSUIT! GET US OUT OF HERE!” shouted Dark Oak. Scarship turned quickly, but they were still buffeted by the solar flare. Scarship rocked and tossed a few Troopers around. “Report!” demanded Dark Oak.

“My shields are at 50%!” replied Scarship. “I’m recycling them now!”

“Resume pursuit!” commanded Dark Oak.

“That solar flare caused them to break off pursuit for a moment,” reported Tobias, “but they’re coming back. Our shields are restored.”

“Come about!” ordered Tails. “Fire at will!”

“Scarship is recycling his shields,” relayed Thundercracker, “but it’s going to take a while.”

“Once we deal with the Ark,” replied Megatron, “we’ll assist Scarship.”

“Sir,” called Shockwave, “a warp signature has been detected!”

“Can you identify?” quizzed Megatron.

“Only that it’s the result of a Warp Tunneler,” answered Shockwave.

“A bit crude,” muttered Megatron. “Get the registry number when the vessel is spotted.”

“Here it comes,” called Thundercracker. It looked like a broadsword with wings tipped with large laser cannons and a small point at the bow. The wings were on the top and bottom of the ship for a bit until they rotated to the sides. Megatron’s optics went wide in anger and terror.

“How?!” he gasped.

“A Saber-class vessel?!” quizzed Cosmo. “That’s Cybertronian in origin!”

“Contact Optimus!” called Tails. Optimus’ face came on screen. “Prime, can you get the registry number?!”

“We’re getting it now!” replied Optimus. Prowl’s voice then came through.

“IT’S THE FANG!” he said happily. Optimus and Tails’ faces brightened.

“Who said there wasn’t a Dyno-bot around when you needed one?!” cheered Optimus.

“The Fang is hailing us!” called Tobias.

“Open a channel!” directed Tails. Grimlock’s face joined Optimus’ on Tails’ screen. His visor was now blue and the Autobot symbol on his chest was now permanent.

“We would have been here sooner,” joked Grimlock, “but warp traffic was terrible!”

“Your timing couldn’t be better!” praised Optimus. “Your ship is equipped with Dresna Drainers, right?”

“Yes, Sir!” replied Grimlock. “It can even drain Quad-rotating shields! Who needs help the most?”

“Go after Scarship!” directed Optimus. “Then, both you and the Blue Typhoon join us to engage the Nemesis!”

“Aye, aye!” confirmed Grimlock.

“Good to have you back, Grimlock!” called Tails.

“Good to be back, little buddy!” replied Grimlock. The call ended and the Fang fired off a yellow beam from its bow.



“Unknown!” replied a Trooper. Scarship then rocked. “Shields are gone!”

“Give all available power to the weapons!” boomed Dark Oak.

“The nacelles are exposed!” called Tobias.

“Activate the Sonic Power Cannon!” ordered Tails.

The Sonic Power Cannon was the special weapon of the Blue Typhoon. Its ammunition was a special one. The main ammo was charged with an exorbitant amount of Chaos Energy from a Chaos Emerald while it spin-dashed to collect it in the chamber. It is then fired like a rail gun. The ammunition was wearing a special suit as it keyed in a ready sequence. That’s right, the ammunition was alive and it had a name, Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic’s suit was designed to instantly transport him back to the Blue Typhoon once he hit his target. After keying in the ready code, Chaos energy flooded the chamber and Sonic spin-dashed in place, gathering the energy. After a few seconds, Sonic felt some invisible force pull him along at high speeds right out of the cannon. He sailed through the upper atmosphere right into Scarship’s starboard nacelle. He was then transported back to the bridge of the Blue Typhoon to see the resulting explosion he caused. “Now THAT,” cheered Sonic, “was way past cool!”

“You know what’s even cooler?!” chuckled Tobias. “The Sonic Power Cannon worked better than expected! Look!” On the screen, the smoke from Scarship’s exploding nacelle cleared to reveal a significant gash in his armor.

“Now’s our chance!” urged Cosmo.

“Advise the Fang to fire at will on the gash in the enemy ship!” called Tails.

“Aye, aye, Sir!” confirmed Tobias.

“We’re being advised by Tails to fire at will at the gash they’ve created!” reported Slash.

“Then let’s take the little guy’s advice!” replied Grimlock. “Fire at will!” Both ships unleashed Hell!

“I can’t engage the warp drive!” called Scarship. “My weapons are out! We’re out-matched!”

“Advise the Decepticons that we’re out of the fight!” ordered Dark Oak as he ran his hands over his face. “Megatron won’t like this.”

Dark Oak was right, Megatron DIDN’T like it. “The Fang and Blue Typhoon are joining the Ark!” reported Soundwave. “That last shot we got took out the weapons!”

“Thundercracker, can you get them online?!” boomed Megatron.

“Not in any reasonable time!” reported Thundercracker.

“My Lord, I believe it’s time to start packing!” suggested Starscream.

“Contact the Metarex,” ordered Megatron. “Tell them to fall back to the dark side of the moon.”

“They don’t have warp drive,” replied Soundwave.

“Is there power to the tractor beam?” asked Megatron.

“Plenty,” replied Thundercracker, “but we’ll get to the moon in an hour.”

“It will have to do,” remarked Megatron. “Advise Scarship to expect a tractor beam to tow them if they cannot make it in time. Advise Eggman to prepare our new moon-base for our arrival. It looks like, even with our new allies, this war will take longer than expected.”

“Victory was within our grasp!” ranted Dark Oak. “A new home-world! Our strategic position for our eventual fight with the Quintessons! All lost!”

“The Nemesis has us in its tractor beam,” reported Red Pine. “I’ll send a message advising them to release us when we’re at a safe distance.”

“That WON’T be necessary!” snarled Dark Oak as he moved to the teleport pod. “I intend to voice my complaints to the Pax Child!” He keyed in coordinates and drew his golden sword.

“My Lord, you’re wasting your time!” protested Red Pine as Dark Oak shimmered away. “THEY WON’T LISTEN TO YOU!”

“Someone from the Metarex ship is coming over,” reported Shockwave.

“One of the Five?” asked Megatron.

“Dark Oak,” confirmed Shockwave, “and he has his sword ready.”

“Complaints, most likely,” mused Megatron. Dark Oak came onto the bridge and raised his sword. As it came down, Megatron activated his sword and engaged in a sword duel with Dark Oak. Megatron then pushed Dark Oak’s blade away and sunk his talons into Dark Oak’s chest. He gasped in pain and fell to his knees. Megatron then grabbed him by the throat and hoisted him above his head. “Beam the pair of us over to Scarship,” he ordered.

Purple light shimmered onto the bridge, then coalesced into Megatron holding Dark Oak above his head. He then threw Dark Oak onto the floor. Red Pine came to assist, but Dark Oak waved him away. “I understand there has been some underestimation of my commitment to the goals of this alliance,” called Megatron. “A fair number of you remember me as a stuttering idiot afraid of his own shadow. Well, Dark Oak himself can tell you that that bot has long since died in the Pits of Kaon. Once we reach our moon-base, we can further discuss the particulars of this alliance. Right now, however, is NOT the time. The Autobots and their allies would destroy us all. I would advise you to rest up.” He activated his comms. “Megatron to Nemesis, one to beam up.” He vanished in purple light as the Metarex turned to their master.

“…Do as he commands,” sighed Dark Oak. “We cannot afford to forget our alliance with the Decepticons.” The Nemesis continued on its journey to the moon with Scarship in tow.

“Optimus, should we pursue?” called Grimlock as his face and Tails’ filled the Ark’s viewscreen.

“That won’t be needed,” replied Optimus. “We still have a one ship advantage over them.”

“Eggman’s gonna make up for that deficit,” guessed Tails.

“Then we’ll prepare for that fight,” assured Optimus. “For now, we have some catching up to do. Have all ships assume standard orbit around this planet. We’ll talk at the base.”

Transformers: Mobian Chronicles Transformers: Mobian Chronicles (Arc 8: Growing Problems)

TMC 8-8

Perceptor and Cosmo arrived at the entrance of the base. They simply walked in as if they owned the place and they found themselves staring down the barrel of several guns. Tower looked like he had gone through tragedy, his cheeks still wet with tears of betrayal and his electrical burns left untreated. “It wasn’t my fault!” he insisted. “The Metarex lied! They promised…!” Cosmo’s arms turned into two separate masses of vines that grabbed all of the guns and tossed them aside.

“Pointing guns at us when there’s a Tarzamp signal being transmitted,” scoffed Cosmo as her arms returned to normal, “what a coward’s way to intimidate.”

“Tarzamp signal?” remarked Perceptor. “Then my rifle’s not going to be any good. So, this is the Survival board? I hope we can find the needed materials for whatever you’ve got planned.”

“Plenty, if the spore-igniter I have in mind works,” replied Cosmo.

“Spore-igniter?” asked Perceptor. “Wunderbar! We have more than enough!” Cosmo and Perceptor started tearing materials out for their new invention. “So, that’s why the Metarex were unwilling to send ground forces. One shot could ignite the whole atmosphere!”

“Bingo!” confirmed Cosmo. “Hence why they’re holding back. They also needed someone to covertly test the spores.” Assembly of the spore-igniter began. “But, their flunkies needed a little incentive! Planning a little trip, were we, Tower?”

“The Metarex promised me a new, human-dominant planet,” replied Tower, weakly.

“Well, the Metarex ARE rather Decepticon-ish in their approach,” answered Perceptor. “We’ve just got some soldering to do, then assembly!” They kept up the building, occasionally stealing one another’s tools, until it was completed. It looked like a miniature rocket launcher on a base set at an angle with a wire leading to a hand-held remote. The whole assembly was aimed at the sky as the spore clouds started closing in on them.

“Wait, you said the atmosphere could ignite!” gulped a soldier.

“We did, didn’t we?” replied Cosmo. She adjusted the settings, then gave Perceptor the thumbs-up. Perceptor pressed the button and a green laser blast went flying into the air. It disappeared into the spore clouds and, after a few seconds, caused the spores to ignite in teal flames. Soon, the whole sky was engulfed in teal fire as Cosmo crossed her fingers, a practice she picked up while staying on Mobius. As a tense look crossed her face, the teal flames spread across Mobius’ sky.

“Lord Dark Oak, the spores are spreading well,” reported a trooper.

“Perfect!” praised Dark Oak. “Activate the Mega Planet Egg!”

“Hold that thought!” called another trooper. The viewscreen displayed a globe being engulfed in teal flames.

“What’s going on down there?” demanded Dark Oak.

“Tails, are you seeing this?!” asked Optimus on the Ark.

“How can I miss it?!” replied Tails on the Blue Typhoon.

“Can ANYONE give me answers?!” called Topaz.

“Commander, I think I may have some!” replied. “Look!” The flames were starting to fade. The teal was being replaced by blue with a few patches of white.

“Well, if THAT isn’t a good sign,” sighed Topaz, “I don’t know what is. Tell the soldiers to, at least, keep their masks on standby.”

“Optimus!” cheered Tails as the continents and oceans of Mobius were slowly revealed.

“I see it too!” replied Optimus. “Cosmo and Perceptor, you two are heroes!”

“FRESH AIR!” cheered a MECH soldier.

“WE DID IT!” giggled Cosmo as she and Perceptor hugged each other.

“I can only imagine Dark Oak’s reaction!” replied Perceptor. “I think Tails said he needed you as Chief Engineer for the Blue Typhoon!”

“Tails,” called Cosmo as she commed Tails’ ship, “this is Cosmo. One to beam up!” Cosmo vanished in blue light.

“Optimus, this is Perceptor! One to beam up!” Perceptor vanished soon after.

“I don’t believe it,” breathed Pale Bayleaf.

“…How?!” snarled Black Narcissus.

“With Cosmo involved,” replied Red Pine, “why even ask how? She robbed us of another planet, plain and simple!”

“…Yellow Zelkova,” growled Dark Oak, trying, but failing, to keep his cool, “I want the life-forms on the planet below exterminated!”

“All of them?” quizzed Yellow Zelkova.

“Yes, you idiot!” roared Dark Oak. “You blabbed our entire plan to her; YOU will correct that mistake! I don’t care how many troops you need or how you kill them! Blast them with lasers! Burn them with flamethrowers! Rip them apart with your bare hands! JUST MAKE ALL LIFE ON MOBIUS GO AWAY!”

“With pleasure!” chuckled Yellow Zelkova. “Yellow Squadron, we’re beaming down!”

“Commander!” called a G.U.N soldier as he pointed out several green lights coalescing into Metarex Troopers with yellow trim and Yellow Zelkova at the head of the army.

“FIRE AT WILL!” ordered Topaz. G.U.N unleashed Hell on the Metarex and it would have obliterated the enemy…had the enemy not developed armor that would deflect laser blasts, even ones from tanks. The Metarex advanced, firing on the soldiers with barely a scratch on their armor.

“This is too easy!” laughed Yellow Zelkova. “This is like rooting out a Poozit colony!” He tore out a chunk of earth twice his size and threw it at the tanks. As the tanks were crushed, the Troopers fired on the soldiers. As G.U.N was being cut down, Yellow Zelkova heard various kill-counts and wagers being made. “You lot have the right idea!” he replied. “This isn’t war! This is sport!”

“No, this is a breach of several accords!” interjected a monotonous voice. A tendril then wrapped around Yellow Zelkova’s waist and slammed him onto the ground numerous times. When he was released, he got up to see Soundwave with his mouth-guard in place. Yellow Zelkova, having known him personally, was terrified.

“That’s…impossible!” stammered Yellow Zelkova

“Zelkova! What’s going on down there?!” bellowed Dark Oak over the comms.

“Scan Mobius’ orbit! Hurry!” yelped Yellow Zelkova.

“What are you on about?!” snapped Dark Oak.

“Soundwave just stopped my assault!” explained Yellow Zelkova.

“That’s…not possible,” gulped Dark Oak. “Trooper, scan for any Decepticon signatures.”

“Scanning now,” replied the Trooper. The scan lasted a few seconds before they revealed the exact locations of Megatron’s individual soldiers. “…Confirmed,” reported the Trooper. “Soundwave and his flunkies are at Yellow Zelkova’s position. The rest are approaching us in orbit”

“But…this planet’s not contested territory anymore, is it?” gulped Black Narcissus.

“I don’t believe so,” replied Red Pine. “I mean, the Great War is over, right?”

“Sir, a ship is entering visual range!” called Scarship.

“On screen!” ordered Dark Oak.

“Optimus,” reported Prowl, “we have a ship coming to Scarship’s position!”

“Show us,” answered Optimus.

“Sir, there’s another ship coming into range!” called a human at the Tactical position on the Blue Typhoon.

“Let’s see it,” declared Tails. Appearing on the screens of all ships, like a multi-finned, purple and red-trimmed shark of steel, was a starship of fearsome design. Eyes went wide on all ships. “Is that…?” asked Tails to Cosmo.

“Yes,” breathed Cosmo in fear.

“I would rather have died than see that ship again!” gulped Ironhide.

“I would have been fine going through my entire life only reading about that ship in history books,” shuddered Jazz.

“By the Code of Primus!” breathed Optimus. On Scarship, everyone was silent as the ship effortlessly assumed orbit. The fear invading the atmosphere meant only one thing.

The Nemesis had been raised.

Transformers: Mobian Chronicles Transformers: Mobian Chronicles (Arc 8: Growing Problems)

TMC 8-7

“Once the Metarex launch their pods, we’ll activate the Survival board,” Silas called to his troops. He had been making sure MECH knew the plan for the past several days.

“Father,” sighed Sylvia, “we already know the plan. We’ve been inundated with it ever since we made contact with the Metarex.”

“I need to make sure we’re clear, my dear Sylvia,” answered Silas. “Now, when the board is fully powered, we will use it to travel to the nearest habitable planet and…”

“Wait out the effects of the spores,” mumbled Sylvia. “Yeah, yeah, we got it.”

“If you would let me finish,” hissed Silas as he undid the wrappings of his mask and took the goggles off. “we will then begin colonization efforts of our own.” Sylvia then started giving her full attention to her father.

“Sorry, Sylvia lost here,” she yelped. “Sylvia totally not getting it. ‘Colonization efforts’? What about retaking this planet?”

“That’s what I thought the plan was,” remarked a soldier.

“Better to let the Metarex have a dying world than for us to be constantly reminded of our failure to fulfill our mission of superiority,” Tower answered.

“This is OUR planet, not the Metarex’s!” protested another soldier.

“Tower, this whole story is putting you on very shaky ground!” called a third.

“You will address me as Silas, soldier!” snapped Tower.

“He’s got a point,” remarked a fourth soldier. “Why be reminded of our failure to dominate the animals? Better to take the unevolved ones and start again.”

“I did NOT hear you say that, Fred!” snarled the first soldier.

“Enough, all of you,” called Tower. “We, the Mechanically Efficient Champions of Humanity, will survive ONLY if we are united. As the current wielder of our founder’s name, I will ensure our survival in any way…”

“Abraham Tower!” hissed Sylvia. As Tower turned to rebuke his daughter, she put her spiked gloves on. “YOU ARE RELIEVED OF COMMAND!” Sylvia then reeled back and punched him so hard, he was knocked a few yards backwards. As Sylvia charged, Tower put on his own gloves, electric ones, and started fighting back. It was a stalemate with both combatants blocking the other’s blows. Sylvia had the advantage of youth, but Tower had the advantage of experience. However, he taught Sylvia too well. She was more flexible in her thinking. She grabbed a tarp and threw it onto Tower. As he struggled to get it off, Sylvia threw a mop bucket in his path. A FULL mop bucket. He tripped over it, then regained his balance and got the tarp off. “Father, you are a traitor to MECH!” shouted Sylvia. “You would let aliens take our world while you flee from it like a coward! We were made to rule this world, OUR world! That is why I will take the position of Silas!”

“NO!” roared Tower as he activated his gloves. “I AM THE TRUE LEADER OF…!” He forgot the full mop bucket he tripped over. Electricity arced all over him. He managed to get the gloves away from him as medical staff assisted him.

“MECH,” Sylvia began, “is this what we fought for? To allow aliens to take our world? To simply flee this planet like cowards? This is a human’s world and I intend to keep it that way! Who’s with me?!” The majority of troops cheered their support of Sylvia, the new Silas of MECH.

“Stay where you are!” grunted Tower as he leveled a concealed gun at Sylvia. Her followers almost reached for theirs until Sylvia raised her hand, giving a silent order to stand down. The troops remembered the Tarzamp Signal generator, so they simply followed Sylvia out. “STAY WHERE YOU ARE! THAT’S AN ORDER!”

“Sorry,” called one of the doctors that joined Sylvia, “but we have a planet to consider.” The base was cleared as Tower and his few followers remained.

“Orders, sir?” asked a soldier.

“There are too few of us,” sighed Tower. “My own daughter dares betray me. Repopulation efforts have dried up. I must tell the Metarex the unfortunate news.”

“The latest in Tarzamp dampeners,” called Ratchet. “With this, we’ll be able to storm the MECH base!”

“That’s a glorified watch!” remarked Cosmo.

“If we could focus for a cycle,” called Optimus. “The Space Colony is equipping itself with the newest in Mobian weaponry. That should take care of Scarship, at least delaying him. If ground forces are launched, G.U.N has troops stationed at every strategic point.”

“But the Metarex troops have arcanite armor!” protested Cosmo. “Their weapons won’t scratch even the weakest Trooper-class Metarex!”

“Thank you for your opinions,” hissed Topaz, showing irritation, “but, right now, we’re not listening!” She commed someone. “Tails, your project, if you please!”

“Project: Typhoon is ready!” called Tails.

“What good will that do?!” snapped Cosmo.

“Given what went into its construction,” replied Optimus, “a lot, hopefully.”

“What’s it made of?” asked Cosmo, confused at Optimus’ surge of energy.

“The only rezardium deposit on this planet!” explained Optimus. “Equipped with the same shields as Scarship, he’ll have a tough time destroying it! And, with the bio-tech you gave us, it is equipped with something that was once considered impossible technology, the Warp Field Driver!”

“The…what?!” quizzed Cosmo. “Are you telling me…?” The ground rumbled, cutting her off. It then split, but the fissure was man-made. As it opened slowly, something rose from the concealed hangar. 300 meters in length, an orange nosecone, white with blue trim, a large bridge tower, a runway at the bow, and a large hangar to hold several fighter craft, it was an impressive vessel. “A starship?!” breathed Cosmo.

“Mobius’ very first!” replied Optimus as pride seeped into his voice. “Under the command of Miles Prower, I give you the Blue Typhoon!”

“A potential match for Scarship!” praised Cosmo. “I need to see it!”

“Tails,” Topaz called over the comms. “Optimus, Cosmo, and I request permission to board.”

“Permission granted,” bid Tails. “I’ll beam you directly to the bridge.” They started shimmering in a blue light and were taken up into the ship.

“Their own starship?” repeated Megatron as Laserbeak relayed the information. “Interesting. Still, with the Metarex here, we have an advantage.”

“I’m not sure as the Metarex will acknowledge you as the leader of the Decepticons,” remarked Starscream. “Perhaps I should talk to them. It would give them a sense of familiarity to work with. Then the news of a new leader may be broken gently to them.”

“Given your duplicitous nature, Starscream,” argued Megatron, “I would bet that you would try and seize the opportunity to overthrow me and take command.”

“Me?! Take command?!” asked Starscream, slightly hamming it.

“Yes, you,” hissed Megatron. “Every Autobot knew you would kill Jhiaxus to take command. What would stop you from trying that with me?”

“How would the Autobots come to that conclusion?” asked Starscream, dropping the act.

“I’m afraid,” replied Megatron, “Decepticon security, especially after the disaster at Qatar, wasn’t as tight as you thought.”

“Yes,” mused Starscream. “Shame about the Autobots that lost their Sparks at Qatar. I guess they didn’t need YOU in command after that. I can safely guess that you were stuck behind a desk, crunching numbers, for the rest of the war.”

“We could stay on this bridge all day,” snarled Megatron, “constantly reminding ourselves how much we hate one another, but no one in our organization has the time! We launch as soon as preparations are complete. I suggest you familiarize yourself with your station.”

Dark Oak was pacing, an unusual action for him. “What is taking him so long?!” he growled. “Where’s the Survival board?!”

“Sir,” called a Trooper-class Metarex, “the teleport pod’s been activated.”

“Who’s coming through?” asked Red Pine.

“It’s Tower,” explained the Trooper.

“What’s he doing here?” asked Yellow Zelkova.

“We’re about to find out,” replied Dark Oak as Tower materialized, still sporting electric burns.

“I’m sorry, my friends,” he mumbled. “My headstrong daughter betrayed me. She has convinced the majority of MECH to join her to stop you. There aren’t enough survivors to colonize a world.”

“Oh dear,” sighed Dark Oak. He sat down and stroked his armrest. “Scarship, you’ve lost your target practice.”

“Oh well,” replied Scarship. Tower heard the exchange. Red Pine decided to elaborate.

“The instant your Survival board reached orbit,” he explained, “your survivors would have been vaporized. Perhaps your daughter had the right idea.”

“…But…but…you promised…” stammered Tower.

“There was no world for you!” replied Black Narcissus.

“Verum Terrae, indeed!” mocked Pale Bayleaf. “We only needed you to test the colony spores’ toxicity to all manner of non-Metarex life!”

“But…but I did everything you asked me!!” wailed Tower.

“And now, you have served your purpose!” boomed Yellow Zelkova.

“Execute him!” ordered Dark Oak. Tower ran to the teleport pod and vanished, returning to Mobius.

“A coward’s retreat!” growled Yellow Zelkova. “Suitable for that ape!”

“One of those rare instances where I completely agree,” remarked Pale Bayleaf.

“And I,” agreed Black Narcissus.

“And I,” supplied Red Pine.

“A rare moment for the five of us,” chuckled Dark Oak. “Close off all teleport pods to Mobius. Isolate them so they may perish! Launch spore pods!”

The bridge of the Blue Typhoon was rather level, to show that all positions had equal importance. Each chair, even the Captain’s chair, had a set of control panels to allow everyone to contribute to the proper functioning of the ship. There were stations in the back for Cybertronian sized life to contribute as well. Sira, Trema, Natalie, Amy, Sonic, Tails, and Shadow greeted Topaz, Optimus, and Cosmo. Her mood had changed for the better. “I may have been too hasty in the speed of Mobians,” she breathed.

“Since I was the one behind its construction,” replied Tails, “they’ve labelled the ship as independent. I’m in full command with a liaison of my own.”

“Lucky Fox,” praised Optimus. “Who’s your liaison?”

“I am,” called a female Ball Python as she slithered forward. “Agent Lucille Sandi, reporting.”

“All stations, reporting ready,” reported a female Mobian Cheetah in purple witch robes.

“Very good,” replied Tails.

“And in the nick of time too!” called a human male. “The Metarex have launched their spore pods!”

“Red alert!” yelped Tails “Get us into orbit!”

“Autobots, red alert!” called Optimus. “All hands to…!”

“Wait!” interjected Cosmo. “I have an idea to make the whole battle easier! I need Perceptor!”

“I need all hands on deck!” protested Optimus.

“I can halt the spores’ progress!” insisted Cosmo. “Please, let Perceptor and I investigate the MECH base for 30 minutes.”

“…I can only afford at least 20,” sighed Optimus.

“Fine, we’ll get the spores off this planet! I promise!” replied Cosmo.

“Teletraan, spin up a Ground Bridge to the MECH base for Cosmo and Perceptor,” ordered Optimus. The Bridge opened and Cosmo ran into it. After it shut, Optimus released a breath. “Good fortune,” he wished Cosmo.

Transformers: Mobian Chronicles Transformers: Mobian Chronicles (Arc 8: Growing Problems)

TMC 8-6

Black Narcissus predicted the Autobots actions correctly. The poison spore test site was discovered. The Autobots were the ones who volunteered to investigate for G.U.N. They activated their battle masks as they investigated the area just in case their air intakes wouldn’t be clogged. The air in the site was thick with a pale-green cloud of dust. Perceptor and Ratchet gave each Autobot there a test tube to gather a sample. Bumblebee had gathered his and sealed it before he leaned against a street sign to wipe his brow. The sign collapsed and Bumblebee fell. As he picked himself up, he checked the sample. No cracks were discovered in the test tube, so no chance of contamination. Blackarachnia was running her scanner over a site where she believed the spores came into being. After getting a reading, she confirmed the remains of a pod that exploded, scattering the spores over the area. Perceptor was in mobile lab mode, keeping his holo-form off in these conditions, and scanned the area with his microscope lens. A minute later, he assumed robot mode and waved Ratchet over. Ratchet jogged towards Perceptor. “How bad?” he quizzed.

“Let’s just say,” replied Perceptor, “good call on the battle masks. The air is toxic, even for Cybertronians.” Bumblebee and Blackarachnia came up.

“It looks like the spores,” reported Bumblebee, “when left untreated for an hour, affect integrity of any object in the area.”

“How do you know this?” asked Ratchet.

“I’ve found evidence of such a claim,” muttered Bumblebee.

“These are NOT natural spores,” continued Blackarachnia. “The pod I hypothesized exists. It exploded, scattering these spores to the winds.”

“If it’s too toxic for us,” declared Ratchet, “then we need to quarantine this area. Bumblebee, tell Ultra Magnus to go ahead with setting up the containment dome. Make sure a decontamination air-lock is among the generators.”

“Yes, Sir,” bid Bumblebee. He called up Ultra Magnus, but it was riddled with static. After a few minutes, Bumblebee ended the call, hoping he got through. “Interference,” he elaborated.

“The spores must be the culprit,” mused Blackarachnia.

“In any case, we can’t leave until the dome is up and running,” remarked Ratchet. No sooner had he said that then the sky turned red with an energy dome. Perceptor looked at the shape of it.

“A bit bigger than we asked for,” he mused.

“Probably accounting for spreading,” guessed Blackarachnia. A crisper call came through.

“Ratchet, be advised,” called Ultra Magnus’ voice, “the air-lock is directly south of you.”

“Thank you, Ultra Magnus,” bid Ratchet. “Research team out.” The call ended. “Well then, to the air-lock.”

After an invasive decontamination at the air-lock, the Autobots returned to G.U.N headquarters for a combined research effort to understand the spores. Cosmo gave some insights to the Metarex mindset, so her allies understood her need to think on these matters. She was back at the soil patches behind the Autobot base, taking in some sun and nutrients from the soil, meditating to clear her mind. She heard a door chime. “Come,” she called. The door opened to reveal Sira.

“Am I interrupting?” she asked.

“Honestly, maybe having someone to talk to would help me,” replied Cosmo. Sira sat by Cosmo and smoothed her dress. “Sira, right?” recalled Cosmo. “We met at the lake when Megatron revealed the Metarex’s involvement.”

“That’s right,” replied Sira. “I don’t believe I got your name.”

“I’m Cosmo of Greengate,” introduced Cosmo.

“A pleasure to meet you, Cosmo of Greengate.” greeted Sira.

“Likewise,” returned Cosmo.

“What’s on your mind?” asked Sira.

“This whole poison spores thing,” remarked Cosmo, “this isn’t the usual Metarex warfare. This would make Yellow Zelkova feel like a coward.”

“Maybe their priorities have changed,” suggested Sira.

“Unlikely,” countered Cosmo. “I’ve fought them for the entire length of the Seedrian’s war against them. They always chant ‘Eternal, Unyielding, Unchanging’. Me, on the other hand, I’ve changed bodies at a faster rate than most Seedrians at peace.”

“If it’s not too personal,” interjected Sira, “how many bodies was that?”

“Ten,” explained Cosmo. “Each body, during the war, lasted about 5,000 years. Most Seedrians don’t change their form until at least 10,000 years have passed for that body. Even so, my longest body, in that time frame, was about 7,000 years. It was my previous body.”

“I see,” realized Sira. “So, you don’t think the Metarex would change their M.O so quickly.”

“Not in the slightest,” answered Cosmo. At that point, Optimus came up.

“Am I disturbing something?” he asked.

“Just some ruminating,” replied Sira. “Can we help you at all?”

“We’ve managed to find Scarship through his cloak,” reported Optimus. Cosmo got out of the soil and dusted herself off as she and Sira entered the Command Center. An area in Mobian orbit was displayed on the screen. Topaz was there as well.

“Have we established contact?” asked Cosmo.

“We haven’t made the attempt,” answered Topaz. “We’re about to launch a missile strike.”

“No one’s launching anything!” hissed Cosmo. “Besides, the missiles won’t scratch Scarship. Let me talk to the Metarex.” She started typing in commands on the keyboard.

“Cosmo,” interjected Teletraan, “you may be an ambassador, but you’re not authorized to speak on behalf of Mobius. Topaz is better qualified for that.”

“I’ve got all the authorization I need,” replied Cosmo as she continued keying in commands. “I’ve earned that a long time ago.” She then opened a channel to the Metarex. “Calling the Metarex Flagship, under Jurisdiction 2 of the Intergalactic Rules of Warfare! This is Ambassador Cosmo of Greengate!” The Metarex Five appeared.

“Cosmo, my daughter,” chuckled Dark Oak. “Still spewing the stale platitudes of change?”

“My God,” gasped Sira. “They look like demons!”

“Yeah,” snarked Optimus, “THAT’S diplomatic.”

“Metarex Five, tell me,” called Cosmo, “since when did you guys, especially you, Yellow Zelkova, turn the Metarex Empire into cowards?”

“HOW DARE YOU!!!” bellowed Yellow Zelkova as he rushed at the screen.

“That’s even less diplomatic!” snapped Optimus. “I thought you were an ambassador!”

“Cosmo, you impugn my honor!” roared Yellow Zelkova.

“Do you even know what that means?” quizzed Pale Bayleaf.

“I’m actually glad he didn’t say ‘belittle’,” chuckled Cosmo. “I would be all over that like a hive of slarnaks. But, seriously, poison spores? That’s the weapon of a coward, and you know it. Dark Oak, you’re in command of a ship that could reduce this planet to asteroids, yet you hold your position, just about to launch pods filled with poison spores so you could watch it die. Where’s the fight in that? Where’s the honor? Or…is there something else I missed? This isn’t the usual Metarex warfare. What are you five up to?”

“You were a General,” argued Red Pine. “Did you succeed in revealing your strategies to us?”

“Besides, our choice of colonization is our business!” shouted Yellow Zelkova. He then turned sheepish. “Er…oops,” he mumbled.

“IDIOT!” bellowed Dark Oak.

“Ah HA!” laughed Cosmo. “So, Chaar’s got resource problems! Exhausted them, did we?”

“Such a suggestion,” argued Dark Oak, “is slanderous!”

“What are you talking about?” remarked Optimus. “Why mention that dead-end world?”

“Chaar was where we Seedrians exiled the Metarex to,” explained Cosmo, “after the war. A war that had raged for 50,000 years. Fifty thousand years of bloodshed, and for what? Just satisfying your egos? Proving your so called superiority?”

“We ARE superior!” boomed Dark Oak. He then got the Metarex chanting “Eternal! Unyielding! Unchanging!”

“Oh, for the love of The First World Tree!” sighed Cosmo as she switched the channel to one of Mobius’ children’s shows, similar to Sesame Street.

“Cosmo,” snapped Optimus, “I must insist that this dialogue be handled by official Mobius representation!” Cosmo returned the image to Scarship’s bridge.

“Finished?” she asked.

“You would not be so quick to ridicule,” growled Dark Oak, “once you’ve seen our prize! Behold!” He revealed a giant crystal with many galaxies inside.

“You didn’t!” hissed Cosmo.

“What kind of Planet Egg is that?!” asked Optimus.

“It’s not ONE Planet Egg,” replied Dark Oak. “It’s many.”

“Dark Oak intends to use the combined power of the Planet Eggs he stolen over the years,” guessed Cosmo, “to help the Metarex survive their world.”

“Merely as a terraforming activator,” explained Dark Oak.

“So that’s why the spores exist,” realized Cosmo. “they kill all life on the planet and await the energies of your combined Planet Egg.”

“Thus activating the necessary energy sources for us to thrive,” confirmed Dark Oak.

“At the cost of 7 billion people!” snapped Sira.

“A bargain,” dismissed Black Narcissus.

“I was lenient with you until now,” warned Cosmo. “It seems conflict is inevitable, but I still offer you one chance. Leave now, or we will stop you.” Her answer was the laughter of the Metarex Five and the cessation of the transmission.

“Well, that concludes negotiations,” muttered Optimus.

“We have no choice then,” replied Topaz. “I’m ordering the missile strike.”

“What?! No!” yelped Cosmo. “They won’t scratch Scarship!”

“I recommend getting the Space Colony ARK’s weapons online,” declared Optimus. “Our Ark will assist.”

“Those won’t help!” protested Cosmo.

“I’ll rally the magic community,” replied Sira. “The Metarex need to be beaten back.”

“They have defenses against magic!” snapped Cosmo.

“Let’s meet at G.U.N HQ,” suggested Optimus. “I recommend somebody inform Aleena about this whole affair.”

“We’ll take care of informing Aleena,” answered Topaz. A Ground Bridge opened for the Autobots and they stepped through to G.U.N HQ.

“FOR THE BILLIONTH TIME,” Cosmo shouted to try and convince them not to go through with the attack, “YOU CAN’T FIGHT THE METAREX!” The attempt failed and Cosmo rolled her eyes as she followed the Autobots. “Stubborn single-forms!” she hissed to herself.