cast Journey Through Wonder

Intrag Emboramii

Intrag is Malnar’s first ancestor. Known as Intrag the Savage, Intrag the Conqueror, Intrag the Tyrant, and other titles of such similar natures, Intrag was the last Under-King of the Savage Age. He led the Under-realm in the War of the Realms and made a deal with Oyed for power in exchange for service. He was every bit a ruthless tyrant. He ravished “worthy” women and discarded them when they were no longer beautiful, tortured his victims and only killed them when they were broken, empty shells of their former selves, and held the most horrific of gladiatorial games where he was the unconquered champion. When the Realms all discovered the Message from the Divine Ones, Intrag called it a lie and tried to slay his Out-realm rivals. His son cut him down and slew him. Oyed intercepted his soul and put it into stasis to be used for a later date. He was then deployed during the Third Age of Unity as a Wraith, a ghost that is fueled by hate and wrath and could harm others. He briefly joined Dr. Borg’s group and tried to protect a chapel they were using as a base. The chapel fell and Oyed cast Intrag down to the Depths. The Depths turned out to be one area of Hell and he spent the rest of his days languishing with the damned. That all changed when the Author decided he needed his strength, so he restored him to life and offered him godhood with power greater than Oyed and the Divine Ones combined. He accepted and is ready to rule a new multiverse.

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


Built in secret on the outskirts of the Over-realm’s Dwalna City and dosed with the Breath of Life like Endea, Scorpo is the living extension of the 37-month-old BEX-01 Scorpion. In Dr. Borg’s Realm Trinity Empire, Scorpo’s the Captain of himself and is a member of Dr. Borg’s Council. Being so young, he’s not interested in lovers, although he has the maturity and knowledge of an adult.

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


If you managed to look at Tormo Dweksha, then the 14,000 Goblin from the Under-realm’s homeland for the Goblin Race, Dwelga, will say he’s a successful advertisement. While loud and color-clashing clothes are traditional for Goblins and he’s considered attractive by Goblin standards, his attitude’s another matter entirely. He’s divorced his wife in favor of a Succubus named Meylamar, has cut out his son from his life, and works as Dr. Borg’s Financier! He’s not a Goblin to trust and most of Goblin Society shuns him. Though, oddly enough, and much to the danger of the Realms, he doesn’t care.