cast Journey Through Wonder

Elgrad Royana

Elgrad is Arsha’s dad and the former King of the Mid-realm. He and his wife abdicated to make Arsha the Queen during Reconstruction. He and his wife still live in the Mid-realm’s capital of Largandra, they’re just enjoying their retired life. Nowadays, he’s a sports commentator. His hobbies include cuddling with Hanako, relaxing in their hot tub, and visiting his grandkids. He’ll need to take up arms once more to stop the Author.

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


One of the Five Red Divine Ones of Fire, Mordek lives in the After-realm’s Heights and is usually busy at his forge. Like his siblings, he is 22,759,951,728 years old and was the one who came up with the idea of the Dwarves for life-forms to make. As such, he usually disguises himself as a Dwarf. The other 49 Divine Ones are his siblings and fellow children of Oyed the Titan.

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


If you managed to look at Tormo Dweksha, then the 14,000 Goblin from the Under-realm’s homeland for the Goblin Race, Dwelga, will say he’s a successful advertisement. While loud and color-clashing clothes are traditional for Goblins and he’s considered attractive by Goblin standards, his attitude’s another matter entirely. He’s divorced his wife in favor of a Succubus named Meylamar, has cut out his son from his life, and works as Dr. Borg’s Financier! He’s not a Goblin to trust and most of Goblin Society shuns him. Though, oddly enough, and much to the danger of the Realms, he doesn’t care.

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


Lieutenant Thangred Stonebreaker hails from the Mid-realm’s Borompek Dwarf Kingdom. He’s the Endeavor‘s 822 year old Chief Engineer, something his parents encouraged and cultivated when he was a wee lad. There IS one thing they’re not sure about though, the fact that he’s dating Shalvey, the Communications Officer. Still, they’ve made it work, so his parents say nothing on the subject.