cast Journey Through Wonder

Yulduk Elzemar

Yulduk was once a donation collector for the Elven city of Galthar. He was a greedy man and was skimming off the top to help fund Reb Rojam’s pirates. The plot was discovered and Reb killed him to tie up loose ends. He was then brought back to life as Dr. Borg’s first Revenant. He then got his revenge on Reb and her husband, Melgem, by bringing the original Scarlet Stream Pirates to the Realm Trinity Empire’s side. Given his undead status, he couldn’t be killed in the early years of the Final War. That is until the Revenant killing spell was discovered by accident. His life was now in danger like any other soldier. Luckily, Dr. Borg had a solution that required him becoming a god. He tasted it, but Arsha and her lovers snatched it away. He became the first of the Ruling Council to fall and enter Hell. There he spent his days until the Author brought him back to his Revenant State. Now he’s gonna enjoy breaking Arsha.

cast Journey Through Wonder

Endram Felompha

The former King of the Over-realm, Endram is the second husband of the Queens after their first one died in a train accident. He’s a very spiritual man, even with the Divine Ones now mortal. After Lardeth ascended to the throne, Endram became a priest. His hobbies include meditation and marshmallow roasts with his grandkids. He’s going to need to bring down the wrath of his gods if he wants to beat the Author.

cast Journey Through Wonder

Twaldar Endri (Kamen Rider Terra)

Twaldar Endri is a Stone Elf that once came from Arsha’s world with a talent for music and history. During the Convergence, he married a half Tamaranean woman named Charline and, after the event was over, they made a son. Twaldar studies at After Academy and Chizara University and works as a member of After Academy’s History Department. He and his wife and son live at 7794 Bloodgood Road, Beyond City 556798 and he is a Kamen Rider like his wife. His Rider Name is Kamen Rider Terra, but he doesn’t let that life consume him. He has his hobbies of composing music (his favorites being the love ballads he sings to Charline while she’s working out) and practicing his natural earth magic. He’s going to need to brush up on his offense spells when the Author sets his plans into motion.

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast

The Three Maidens

Like our world, the Realms have their own comedy slapstick trio. Available in black-and-white or color, the Three Maidens always earn a good guffaw out of their antics. While they play idiots, these Elves are actually comic geniuses. Even then, they’re willing to do their bit for the Realms when it comes to combat. They all hail from the Mid-realm’s Elf capital of Galthar. Let’s go through them from left to right!

Moru Hanorfal is the second youngest of the Hanorfal daughters with Curlandii being the youngest and their sister Shemdral being the eldest. The 80,479-year-old Sea Elf is the leader of the trio and is married to fellow actress Crisnatainiyer and fellow actor Vernadrent.

Curlandii Hanorfal is a 79,946-year-old Sky Elf and is the funny girl of the act. She does a fair bit of improv and is known for her trademark squeaky voice as well as her funny vocalizations such as “Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!” or “Woo woo woo!” She’s happily married to Madam Marainslii and Sir Bujamiso, also fellow actors.

Larima Finbragill is the 80,039-year-old Wind Elf that plays the straight girl of the act. While Moru and Curlandii usually mime playing instruments, she actually plays them as a result of her musical training since her childhood accident. She’s married to fellow actors Dame Dorathebly and Mr. Emillzika.

The Three Realms The Three Realms World Building

Elf Affinities

Elves are some of the most well-known species across the Realms. They usually give themselves an air of mystery by occupying their time in contemplation. However, there is one thing they don’t want to be a mystery, and that’s what makes a certain Elf a Wood Elf or a Sea Elf. Despite what people think, there AREN’T exactly species of Elves, much like there aren’t species of humans. They have varying skin tones as well as varying affinities of the elements that make up the Realms. They always address themselves by their name and what affinity of Elf they are. For example, Elmar would say “I am Elmar Narven, Wood Elf”. Below are the various types of affinities available to Elves.

Earth types

  • Wood
  • Stone
  • Sand

Fire types

  • Blaze
  • Magma
  • Inferno

Water types

  • Sea
  • Ice

Air types

  • Wind
  • Sky

Lightning types

  • Electric
  • Thunder

Love types

  • Lust
  • Romance

Magic types

  • Light
  • Middle
  • Dark

Death types

  • Necro

Balance types

  • Eternity

Life types

  • Health

Drows are considered Elvish, but not really Elves. They have the same affinity types as Elves, just a different culture.

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast

Privateers Reb and Melgem

As mentioned, Reb’s legs were consumed by the slime she has on her person. This is a common danger for those who have symbiotic slimes and a variety of people have a variety of reactions. Reb, she views it as a minor inconvenience as it only took the legs, leaving the rest of her, even her privates, intact. Symbiote slimes only take the legs, leaving the rest of its host alone. Now, she’s got more abilities to work with. As for the man behind her, well, let’s get his bio going.

Originally hailing from the Mid-realm’s Varshenta beach, Melgem joined Realmfleet as part of a top-secret super soldier program. His own affinity for water was enhanced…but he never felt tested. That all changed once the 400-year-old Sea Elf met Reb Rojam. He found the pirate’s life much more enjoyable and took a liking to the woman. Now, he’s her husband and they once commanded a vast pirate fleet. Unfortunately, after a setback in Galthar, the first of Dr. Borg’s Revenants, Yulduk, wanted revenge and so took his limbs and eye all down the left side. After being given cybernetic prosthesis and rescued by Arsha’s ship, they were put into Realmfleet Max, only breaking out when Remsu staged a jailbreak. They soon…”parted company” with Remsu and wandered the Realms with Jargoon. It all ended when Jargoon lost his life during the Siege of Realmgate City. They made a deal with Arsha’s parents and their royal colleagues. They would work off their time as Privateers, Protectorate Pirates, and the Royals would grant them amnesty. It seemed like a sweet deal and they both felt they were getting richer at a faster rate than their old pirate ways. Melgem even got better cybernetics out of the deal.

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


King Endram Felompha is the second husband of the Felompha Royal Family. Like Twirja, he served aboard the Crelima and lost his arms somehow (he’ll change the story about the circumstances). After the previous King, Yentil, died, Pofomofo found him and introduced him to her wives. Soon, he married them and became King. He enjoyed raising the Felompha Children and was happy to learn that Lardeth was gonna be the Crown Prince. His relationship with Lardeth couldn’t be better.

Trinity Soul Trinity Soul Cast

Twaldar Endri (Kamen Rider Terra)

Kamen Rider Terra! The earth shall swallow you whole!

Trinity Soul Trinity Soul Cast

Twaldar Endri

Twaldar Endri is a 300,087 year old Stone Elf of the Mid-realm’s city of Galthar. The Convergence took him and, like Swalmu, landed in Optimus’ universe. He’s got an eye for the lovely and powerful Charline and has joined the F.N.S to become Kamen Rider Terra.

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


The 400,000 Yulduk Elzemar once lived in the Mid-realm’s tech capital of Galthar. After his demise at the hands of Reb Rojam, he was resurrected by Dr. Borg as a Revenant, Zombie 2.0, in layman’s terms. He still remembers that he’s an orphan, is not interested in love, and once worked as Galthar’s donation collector. He became too greedy and started robbing the poor and wanted to take command of Galthar from his Queens. The attempt failed and he was brought back, soul and all, to become the head of Dr. Borg’s Revenant army!