The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


The pride of the Under-realm’s Greshkagh Mountains, Aldarval Naltomak has served Realmfleet for most of her 42,197 year life. This Troll has had the honor of being not only the first Troll to reach the position of Supreme Admiral, the highest rank of Realmfleet, but also the oldest woman. In her personal life, she is honored to be called a wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. Her Fairy and Elf husbands and her Mermaid wife are honored to be her spouses and parents to 22 children, grandparents to 97 grandchildren, and great-grandparents to 209 great-grandchildren. Her brother and sister, of course, have Views about galivanting around Realmfleet, but Aldarval likes her life so far.