The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast

Privateers Reb and Melgem

As mentioned, Reb’s legs were consumed by the slime she has on her person. This is a common danger for those who have symbiotic slimes and a variety of people have a variety of reactions. Reb, she views it as a minor inconvenience as it only took the legs, leaving the rest of her, even her privates, intact. Symbiote slimes only take the legs, leaving the rest of its host alone. Now, she’s got more abilities to work with. As for the man behind her, well, let’s get his bio going.

Originally hailing from the Mid-realm’s Varshenta beach, Melgem joined Realmfleet as part of a top-secret super soldier program. His own affinity for water was enhanced…but he never felt tested. That all changed once the 400-year-old Sea Elf met Reb Rojam. He found the pirate’s life much more enjoyable and took a liking to the woman. Now, he’s her husband and they once commanded a vast pirate fleet. Unfortunately, after a setback in Galthar, the first of Dr. Borg’s Revenants, Yulduk, wanted revenge and so took his limbs and eye all down the left side. After being given cybernetic prosthesis and rescued by Arsha’s ship, they were put into Realmfleet Max, only breaking out when Remsu staged a jailbreak. They soon…”parted company” with Remsu and wandered the Realms with Jargoon. It all ended when Jargoon lost his life during the Siege of Realmgate City. They made a deal with Arsha’s parents and their royal colleagues. They would work off their time as Privateers, Protectorate Pirates, and the Royals would grant them amnesty. It seemed like a sweet deal and they both felt they were getting richer at a faster rate than their old pirate ways. Melgem even got better cybernetics out of the deal.

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