Standalones TTR

Nothing to do

The writer’s flipped,

They have no script,

Why bother to rehearse?

I have been trying to finish the fourth chapter of Book Three of The Three Realms, but I’m hitting a road-block right now. As you can guess, Falnii and Foresna ain’t too happy about that. Falnii’s read that book over a dozen times now and my lack of story is trying her patience. The next chapter WILL come, I promise!

I wonder how comfy having a cloud chair will be.

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


Frequently calling herself as hot as her home, the Under-realm’s Galdredan Lava Kingdom, Remsu the Succubus/Zephyr Blender is a trusted top lieutenant in Dr. Borg’s Realm Trinity Empire. Notice that the word “trusted” wasn’t in quotes? Well, that’s because she really IS trustworthy to Dr. Borg, trustworthy enough to be one of Dr. Borg’s spouses. At 21,345 years of age, she has enchanted her long hair to grow and shrink to any length she wishes to use for her attacks. She was orphaned a few days after she was born, but she’s decided not to let it stop her.

Trinity Soul Trinity Soul Cast


A shy girl, Flora Nightly is Lacey’s herald when an apocalypse starts. She has a big heart that wants to protect her friends. Thanks to her new boyfriend, Swalmu, she can now envelop her friends in a cloud to help them feel comfortable. She protects the multiverse with the Vortex Riders and Swalmu as Kamen Rider Herald P.

Trinity Soul Trinity Soul Cast

Swalmu Damfel

Swalmu Damfel comes from The Three Realms, specifically, the Over-realm’s Wysper City. He’s a 394 Zephyr with designs to become a student at After Academy. He’s never seen without his fan and currently has eyes on Flora. As he grows in this adventure, he becomes Kamen Rider Nimbus!

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


Felfar Malmaf is a 1,047 year old Zephyr that has taken up residence in the Over-realm’s Drelda Forest. She’s been living as a member of Fae Empress Rellmeer’s Girl Power Harem, a girls-only harem. Not exactly from poor stock, she’s just enamored with Rellmeer a lot. The feeling is returned constantly, so she doesn’t have feelings of unrequited love. Her 17 mothers and 3 fathers take every chance to visit her. The boa around her neck is affectionately called her leash as she likes being led around in that manner.

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


Prince Lardeth Felompha is the Over-realm’s Crown Prince. Hailing from Wysper City, he’s a Zephyr/human hybrid. His father was a human and he has 8 mothers and 39 sisters that came before him. His human father had died of an illness a long time ago, so his mothers remarried, this time to an Elf man. Strained relationship between son and step-father? Not at all. He’s doted on his family ever since he married. Because of his sisters, he’s had his clouds molded into dresses. Oddly enough, that’s not unusual among male Zephyrs. Women dominate the Zephyr race in sheer numbers, so men simply dress as women to fit in. Right now, he’s going through his tour of duty as Captain of the CRS-3395, High Sky. He’s betrothed to Arsha, Malnar, Falnii, Gorfanth, and Foresna as part of a plan to unite all three Realms.

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


Falnii Loftanaf is a Zephyr from Wysper City in the Over-realm. As a Zephyr, the most powerful of Cloud Spirits, she can control lightning and its subsequent thunder as well as cause rain to fall. However, at 315 years of age, she’s focused more on being a diplomat, which the symbol on her neck indicates. She’s a member of a species that is well renowned for producing the best diplomats. Her dress, hair, and accessories are clouds that she perpetually generates and manipulates, allowing her to glide to wherever she wants to go. She is the third eldest of 19 daughters and makes every opportunity to visit her 5 mothers and 1 father three times a year. She’s actually from common stock. She’s a quiet, soft-spoken girl, preferring to spend her days at ease. She DOES possess something that her spouses, Malnar, Arsha, Gorfanth, Lardeth, and Foresna, envy. She can enter dreams and, if it is a nightmare, alter it to be a happy one for that particular person. She’s marrying the other five as part of a plan to unite the Realms.