cast Journey Through Wonder

Tormo Dweksha

Tormo was once a nobody, an uncle to Bashoon and an unscrupulous one at that. He tried to run a scam betting operation for the Regatim Oasis’ Great Camel Race, spreading rumors that former Queen Drenii was too old and tired to race alongside the camels. The scheme was upended, but he still made enough money to pay off his debt to Dr. Borg and eventually join her side. He knew how to make Realmfleet’s victories costly. He then made the biggest gamble along with his fellow Councilors and became a god. It was a gamble that didn’t pay off. Arsha and her lovers got rid of their godly status and executed them all. He wound up in Hell and suffered there until the Author got him out. Now he’s ready to make Arsha and Bashoon pay, both fiscally…and physically!

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