cast Journey Through Wonder

Shefarn Borg

Shefarn was once a lowly orphan thief. He lost his thumb in a brawl and was hunted by rival gangs. That was when Dr. Borg met him when he was hiding out on a deserted island. After a few more meetings, Dr. Borg made a new thumb for him, one that would allow him to swim through the air without dehydrating. Thanks to that invention, he didn’t need to use mana to continually cast a hydration spell to hide on the surface. He then married her and joined with her and her other spouses on a campaign to remake the Realms in their image. He became a part of the Realm Trinity Empire’s Ruling Council and joined them in brief godhood before Arsha and her lovers took that away. He was cut down and wound up in Hell. There he languished until the Author gave him a chance for ruling a new multiverse. Like his fellows and lovers, he accepted and is ready to take revenge.

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