The Three Realms The Three Realms (Book 1: Her Highness, the Captain)

3 Realms 1-4

It was early morning in Falgreth as Malnar’s ship, the Meteor, landed. Evoking the image of its namesake, the ship was painted in fiery colors. Elmar and Orthena were on either side of Arsha. The ramp lowered and Malnar, a brunette woman in a dress of red, orange, and yellow, came down. Her hairpiece on the back of her hair was floral and in the same red, orange, and yellow and her pink-tinted lips were in a smile. “It’s been too long, Foxy!” she called to Arsha.

“I’ve missed you, Bonfire!” cheered Arsha.

“You’re late,” remarked Elmar.

“Sorry,” replied Malnar.

“What’s the threshold of the M9 molecule?” asked Orthena.

“40 electron volts, Ms. Orthena,” answered Malnar.

“Third brightest star from Umbarin?” quizzed Elmar.

“View from where, Mr. Elmar?” asked Malnar.

“Over-realm,” replied Elmar.

“Arax, or Betora, if you prefer the original Seraphim name,” answered Malnar.

“…Not bad,” commented Elmar. “Now, would you mind a hug?”

“Wouldn’t mind at all!” said Malnar as she opened her arms for a hug. She was embraced by all three. “I didn’t expect a pop-quiz,” chuckled Malnar.

“Just making sure one of my best students,” rumbled Orthena, “didn’t forget she was a scientist while being a princess.”

“How could I forget?” asked Malnar. “I still have nightmares of your Magi-calculus final.”

“Much as I would like to play catch-up,” interjected Arsha, “we have a kidnapping to address.”

“Spare no details,” replied Malnar as everyone walked towards the Endeavor.

Enfanti and Delga sat in their cell. Delga’s chains were designed to keep a Frostik’s claws and hidden tail stinger from being utilized. Delga had forgotten his civilized demeanor as he thrashed about, trying to break the chains, cursing in the Frostik language all the while. Enfanti had never seen Delga so riled. It made her drop her cool façade, huddling in fear in a corner. After expending his energy, Delga dropped to the floor. Enfanti kept her distance for a bit before slowly crawling to him. When she was close enough, her hand went up to his shoulder. The instant she made contact, Delga drooped lower, feeling ashamed. “Master?” asked Enfanti.

“I’m robbed of use of my natural weapons,” sighed Delga, “and how do I respond? By acting like an animal? What kind of knight am I?” Enfanti took this as a que to get closer and hug him.

“We’ll get out of this,” she assured softly. As soon as she said it, the chains started dragging them to opposite walls. They kept resisting, but it was no good. They resigned themselves to being separated and sat down, which was unfortunate for Delga as when he sat down, he cried out in pain. “What’s the matter?!” Enfanti called from her spot.

“I don’t know!” gasped Delga. “I think I sat on something!” Enfanti then got an idea.

“Guard!” she called. “My master is in pain! I’m stuck on my side! Please! Help him!” The guard entered the room and headed over to Delga’s side.

“Let me see,” he grunted. Delga stood up and turned around. There was a large sliver of wood stuck in his right butt cheek.

“Get it out!” cried Delga. The pain was causing him to shake.

“Keep still so I can do something!” snapped the guard.

“Just yank on it!” growled Delga. There was a brief jingle, but the guard was too busy with his task.

“This is going to hurt,” he warned.

“It already hurts!” hissed Delga. “Just take it out!”

“If you say so,” sighed the guard. He gripped it and yanked it out hard and quick. Delga elicited one last gasp of pain. “Now,” said the guard as he tossed the splinter aside and turned to Enfanti, “keys!”

“What keys?” asked Enfanti innocently.

“Don’t play dumb,” growled the guard. “your intelligence and resourcefulness are renowned throughout the Realms. I heard the jingle of keys hitting each other. You used a levitation spell while I was distracted by your master’s pain to bring the keys to your side. You have them behind your back and are most likely trying to undo the locks on your chains. I’m not falling for it, so give them back!”

“The keys?” asked Enfanti in a cutesy voice.

“Yes, the keys!” roared the guard, losing his patience. “When I want the keys back, you give them to me!”

“All right, if you say so,” chuckled Enfanti. She then decked the guard in the eye with four of the keys between her fingers. The guard howled in pain at the loss of his eye and was scrambling around in his medical pouch for a regeneration potion. Enfanti took that time to free herself and undid all the locks to her chains. She then leapt over the guard and ran towards Delga, setting to work on undoing his locks. The guard then found the necessary potion and drank it, washing his eye socket out of any excess blood that might interfere with the regeneration process. When he got his depth perception back, the guard snarled and ran towards Enfanti and Delga. Delga’s tail was freed first, so he ejected the concealed stinger and stuck it into the guard’s neck. Knockout venom flooded the guard’s systems and he fell to the floor. Enfanti breathed a sigh of relief as she undid the rest of the locks. Soon, Delga was freed and started going towards the door, limping a bit. “Master, wait!” called Enfanti as she rummaged through the medical pouch. She pulled out a disc with green goo in it. Its function is to accelerate the healing process of any breaks in any skin. “Rub this over the wound,” instructed Enfanti as she handed it to Delga. Delga did so, bending over to get to the wound. His back was to Enfanti. A snort of amusement escaped her nose before she started laughing.

“This isn’t funny!” snapped Delga.

“Sorry…Master,” giggled Enfanti, “but…but it…!” she then returned to laughing. Delga then realized she was laughing at his mooning position towards her and joined in her laughter.

“You…you know…what’s…funny…funnier?” he said between laughs. “I don’t…I don’t think…this…this thing…works!”

“It’s…it’s elec…electrically stimu…” Enfanti got out before laughing again.

“Oh!” laughed Delga. “I forgot…forgot to…turn it on!” He pressed a button on the disc and returned to rubbing it over the wound. A cooling relief washed over the area and Delga sighed in relief. “Oh, that’s better!” he said softly.

“My sides!” gasped Enfanti as her laughter died down. She gave a sigh of joy as Delga finished with the regenerator goo and turned it off. “I know your detractors call you an ass,” giggled Enfanti, “but I doubt they use that context.”

“It DOES give a new meaning to that word,” chuckled Delga. “Is there a medical scanner in that pouch? I have no idea how long my venom takes on a Troll before wearing off.”

“Right here,” replied Enfanti as she pulled out a boxy device and waved it over the guard. She then checked the readings and confusion crossed her features. “Heartbeat’s twice as fast as a Troll,” she reported. “His blood pressure’s lower than a Troll. His dermal makeup is…Master, this isn’t a Troll, it’s a genetically modified Goblin!”

“A Goblin?!” yelped Delga. He then remembered the rumors. “The Diamond Consortium HAS been infiltrated!”

“We need to tell the Under-king,” declared Enfanti. “Let’s get out of here!”

“Right!” agreed Delga. Using a simple camouflage spell, they slipped towards the entrance to the building unseen. At least, unseen until they were caught by the light coming in through the door’s window.

“THERE’S A SHADOW BY THE DOOR!” warned a Consortium Member. “SOMEONE’S SNEAKING OUT!” The alarm was raised and the spell was cancelled. Delga used his strength to tear the door down and they ran into the streets. They got a good glimpse of the building they were in, what the building’s number was, and what street they were on. They managed to evade the guards, but something happened to Delga’s memory.

“Great!” he muttered. “An amnesia spell activated when we left the street! I can’t remember their address!”

“Don’t worry, I still remember it,” assured Enfanti. “My eye recorded everything. We were held at 2708 Stonetrap Lane, Falgreth, 478096.

“Enfanti, you are magnificent!” praised Delga. “Let’s raise the…!”

“Your Highnesses!” shouted a voice. “Over there! I see them!” Delga and Enfanti whirled around to see Orthena leading Elmar, Malnar, and Arsha towards them. They were embraced warmly and asked multiple times if they were alright.

“Your Highnesses, we’re fine,” assured Enfanti, “but not the Consortium. We have proof that it was infiltrated by Dwelga Goblins.” She then explained what happened.

“This is treason!” growled Malnar. “My father must be informed of this!”

“Let’s return to our ships then, and do so,” declared Arsha. “My father should be informed as well.”

The Three Realms The Three Realms (Book 1: Her Highness, the Captain)

3 Realms 1-3

Enfanti sat in Delga’s lap. She always did so when she was distressed in some way, allowing her master’s fur to sooth her as his arms wrapped around her. “This doesn’t make sense,” she muttered.

“This isn’t like the Diamond Consortium,” mused Delga. “They don’t allow for gaps in their security.”

“That’s not what I meant, Master,” corrected Enfanti. “It’s the motive of the case. Why kill Lord and Lady Varsek? They’ve done nothing to threaten the stability of the Troll Republic.”

“Maybe it has nothing to do with the Diamond Consortium,” guessed Delga. “Maybe this was another red herring.”

“Then why use a poison the Consortium uses?” asked Enfanti. “I ran over the crime scene using my right eye to see if magic was involved and it wasn’t!”

“What other clues are there?” quizzed Delga.

“All we have is a copy of Lord Varsek’s speech,” sighed Enfanti. “I don’t know, maybe there’s something magical in it. Then again, maybe not.”

“It’s worth a shot,” suggested Delga. Enfanti sighed, then stood up and walked to the table the speech laid on. She picked it up and started reading it. As she did, she noticed something magical WAS laced into the speech.

“Master, I think I got something!” she said, excitedly. Delga hurried over to her and listened carefully to her explanation. “It’s a modified truth spell!” she explained. “Woven into the speech’s words is something that relates to a world-shaking truth! If read aloud, the truth would be heard in the heads of all who listened to it!”

“Maybe we should read it!” declared Delga.

“I’ll do it!” replied Enfanti. She cleared her throat and began. “Troll-kind was not treated kindly long ago. For a long time, we have been treated like dogs and our intellectual pursuits were halted. One Troll then stood up and told his masters ‘I am a living creature that deserves dignity!’ That one Troll sparked a revolution during Dwelga’s enslavement of all Troll subspecies. It took our ancestors a lot of time, but we soon became free. That one Troll’s sacrifice was not done in vain. Now, here we are, enjoying life as is our right, free from fear of the Slaver’s lash! Free from fear of being declared too clever. Free from fear of being watched! To this day, I thank that one Troll for getting us to where we are today! Let Belnak’s sacrifice be forever immortalized. Today, as I said in the past and will continue to say in the future, I do not fear those who would try to enslave us! I will fight them every step of the way!” As she read, the truth entered their minds. “…I don’t believe it!” she whispered.

“The Diamond Consortium is attempting to bring slavery back!” hissed Delga. “Why?!”

“You will never know!” boomed a voice. Mr. Bling’s fist then smashed into Delga’s skull. Enfanti quickly summoned ice armor all over herself, but she didn’t have time to harden it fast enough as Mr. Bling knocked her out with just one punch. His goons then came in. “Get them to headquarters quickly!” he ordered. “I will not allow our plans to make Dwelga whole be ruined!”

Thangred was busy pounding out any dents the Endeavor suffered on the trip to Falgreth. The problems the ship had suffered were being solved in record time. “Thank goodness for the Under-realm Engineer’s Guild,” he sighed. “Hey, Borshek, where’s Delga? I want to give him my thanks.”

“I haven’t seen him in a while,” replied a female Orc.

“Huh?” quizzed Thangred. “That’s not like him at all. Could someone find him?”

“I’ll take a gander,” called Lorsek, a male Werewolf. He took off, sniffing all the way, until he stopped at an alley’s entrance. He then took deeper sniffs and smelt fear, panic, blood, and secrecy. He took an even deeper sniff and determined the people that went down the alley. Panic seized his heart and he ran back to the Endeavor. “Where’s Arsha?!” he yelped.

“She and Dalengor are at L’obscurité Belle,” answered Borshek. “That café down the street. Why?”

“I have reason to believe that Delga and Enfanti were kidnapped!” revealed Lorsek. That got their attention!

“I’ll get them here!” called Thangred. He took off at an impressive speed.

“Okay, how?!” asked Lorsek.

“Haven’t you heard?” chuckled Borshek. “Dwarves are natural sprinters.”

“That was sprinting?!” gasped Lorsek. The instant he asked the question, something sparked on the hull of the ship. “Oh for…I JUST FIXED THAT!”

“Let’s try again!” sighed Borshek.

Arsha and Dalengor were treating themselves to the richest dark chocolate cake in all the Realms, found only in the Under-realm. They had a special outdoor seat at L’obscurité Belle, the finest café in the Under-realm, serving the best pastries and coffee, Chocolate was a favorite with Arsha. She ate slowly to savor the taste. Dalengor had already finished hers and was waiting for Arsha to finish. “Why you insist on eating dessert slowly,” she growled, “I can’t fathom. We have a five-year mission to get cracking on!”

“Sometimes, one needs to make time for enjoyment,” replied Arsha.

“This isn’t a pleasure cruise!” insisted Dalengor.

“Look, we’re here until the case surrounding Lord and Lady Varsek’s deaths is closed,” countered Arsha. “Besides, savoring sweets during a case like this helps me to think clearly. I would rather not be crashing into walls in a panic or act so uptight. Captains who are totally authoritarian tend to have their crews wound up so tight that there’s no joy in their work. In short, I’m doing this for my health and the health of the crew. Also, I can give a more accurate description of my food if I savor it.” A teasing grin then crossed her face. “Shall I describe it?”

“No, thank you,” grunted Dalengor as she folded her arms across her chest.

“Look, if an emergency comes up,” Arsha assured her best friend, “then it’s all business. I can take this to go and we’ll make the necessary prepar…do you hear that?”

“It sounds like a Dwarf sprinting,” realized Dalengor. Arsha held her hands up to her eyes like binoculars and cast a spell on them to have the same function as binoculars. She looked up the street to see a ball of dust coming down.

“It IS a Dwarf sprinting!” she revealed. “It’s Thangred!”

“Why’s he sprinting?” asked Dalengor.

“We’re about to find out,” replied Arsha. “He’s slowing down.” Thangred stopped at their table.

“Your Highness, the situation has gone bad!” he called. “We have reason to believe that Delga and Enfanti were kidnapped!”

“What?!” yelped Arsha as she stood up.

“What happened?!” roared Dalengor as she followed suit.

“Lorsek found their scents,” explained Thangred. “He can explain better than I could.”

“Let’s get going!” declared Arsha. She keyed in a command on the table and a box appeared for her cake. When she got the cake in the box, she waved a crystal cube the size of her palm over the table. The resulting cha-ching was an indication that her payment was successful. She and Dalengor then joined Thangred out on the sidewalk. Arsha then made teal flames appear at the tips of three of her tails and formed the points of an equilateral triangle with them. She then snapped her fingers and they were instantly transported back to the Endeavor. She handed her take-out box to a Drider crewman and told him to put it in her ready room’s fridge. As the Drider hurried off to obey, Arsha approached Lorsek. “I understand you sniffed out a kidnapping?” she asked. Lorsek then explained the story up to the point where Thangred sprinted off to find Arsha.

“You sprinted an entire street to get to us?” quizzed Dalengor. “That’s impressive.”

“What’s even more impressive,” remarked Arsha, “was that someone successfully kidnapped Delga and Enfanti. Delga’s a knight for the Under-king and Enfanti was trained by Rekarshii herself. They’re not the easiest of targets.”

“Orders, Captain?” asked Dalengor.

“I want a constant two-member patrol,” ordered Arsha. “They are to do everything in their power to find Delga and Enfanti.”

“I’ll organize it immediately,” affirmed Dalengor.

“Thangred,” commanded Arsha once Dalengor set off to do her duty, “I need all wands tuned. It may be possible that a firefight may occur.”

“I’ll tune them twice if I need to,” replied Thangred. He headed off to obey and Arsha moved into the elevator.

“Deck?” asked the computer more clearly than last time.

“Bridge,” she directed. The elevator took her to the bridge and the door opened all the way. “Thank you, Under-realm Engineer’s Guild,” she bid. Shalvey and Nazay were talking about something when they saw Arsha. “Shalvey, patch me through to my father and the Under-king,” ordered Arsha. “Delga and Enfanti have been kidnapped and I want them informed. I’ll take it in my ready room.”

“Aye, Captain,” confirmed Shalvey. She called up the two Kings as Arsha entered her opulent ready room. The wall mirror then changed to show Elgrad and the Under-king, Dark Lord Orbak.

“Arsha,” said Orbak in his usual booming voice. “I wasn’t expecting you yet.”

“Your Majesty, I have grave news,” reported Arsha. “Lord Delga Larkentha and Enfanti Glarosa, Head-member of the Larkentha Family’s Blue Rose Harem, have been kidnapped.”

“Those two?!” yelped Elgrad. “That’s not an easy feat!”

“Indeed not,” agreed Orbak. “Do you believe it to be in relation to Lord and Lady Varsek’s deaths?”

“I see no reason to believe otherwise,” replied Arsha. “This is too much of a coincidence.”

“What have you and Enfanti uncovered that may lead to this?” asked Orbak.

“We discovered,” reported Arsha, “the Varseks were poisoned with something the Diamond Consortium would use.” Orbak then went quiet.

“Orbak?” asked Elgrad.

“There have been rumors,” revealed Orbak, “that the Diamond Consortium has been infiltrated. Hence why their methods are more brutal and primitive these days. I need these rumors investigated now, but I cannot ask you to investigate them, Arsha. I CAN, however, send Malnar to assist.”

“It will be nice to see her again,” said Arsha with a grin. “I just wish it was under better circumstances.”

“She will enjoy seeing you as well,” replied Orbak. “I would expect her early tomorrow morning. Orbak out.” His image faded from the mirror.

“Look at you,” sighed Elgrad. “All grown up and settling into the Captain’s chair comfortably. I predict a great future ahead of you.”

“Thank you, Daddy,” gulped Arsha, “but I’m still nervous. Does it ever go away?”

“To be honest,” replied Elgrad, “those nerves never fully go away until the tour’s over. But, as long as you remember your crew and help them as much as they help you, you will be a successful Captain.”

“I hope so,” sighed Arsha. “I’ll see you around. Arsha out.”

“Love you, sweetie! Good luck!” bid Elgrad as the call ended. Arsha sighed as she sat on her sofa, a small smile on her face.

The Three Realms The Three Realms (Book 1: Her Highness, the Captain)

3 Realms 1-2

The Endeavor was flying with random bursts of speed through the darker skies of an Under-realm morning. You could hear it coming before you saw it, not something that should happen to a vessel with stealth in mind. Enfanti and her Frostik master, Lord Delga Larkentha, winced as it arrived in Falgreth’s airspace. “Had I know it was THAT bad, Master,” muttered Enfanti, “I would have begged Realmfleet to let the crew borrow another ship.”

“How could any of us have known?” asked Delga. The Endeavor finally landed, though it was a rough landing. The crew came out, a little shaken. Arsha’s hair was almost blown over from the stops and starts along the way. “You look like you tried to solve the Endeavor’s problems on the way,” observed Delga to Arsha.

“Thangred asked me to see if you could spare anyone from the Engineer’s Guild,” replied Arsha.

“We don’t have any clients right now,” remarked Delga. “I can bring the entire Guild, if you wish.”

“That would be splendid,” thanked Arsha.

“While I organize the Engineer’s Guild,” directed Delga, “Enfanti can show you the crime scene and give you the details.”

“Malak, Dalengor,” called Arsha, “I’ll need your help.”

“Aye, Captain,” remarked Malak as he and Dalengor departed with Arsha and Enfanti.

“I’ll be frank,” sighed Enfanti, “this is a case with few leads. I’ll be as clear as I can with the picture I got. Lord and Lady Varsek were hosting a massive celebration for the anniversary of Falgreth’s independence from Dwelga.”

“Dwelga once worked us Trolls like dogs,” explained Malak, “stunting our intellectual growth. We’ve had a tenuous peace with Dwelga for a while.”

“Hence why you mentioned the uglier side of Trolls,” recalled Arsha. “There’s gonna be some people thinking this murder was Dwelga’s fault.”

“Bingo,” confirmed Malak.

“After the celebration,” continued Enfanti, “they retired to their chambers. Given that their clothes were on the floor, I’d say a naughty night was planned. They had a sip of Drakh before they died of a heart attack.”

“Drakh’s the softest alcoholic drink Trolls have, though,” countered Malak.

“And Trolls don’t get heart attacks unless they were poisoned,” remarked Arsha.

“And poisoned they were,” replied Enfanti. “However, the crime scene was engineered to look like a Splitter job. The first bit that clued me in was that there was a bit of thread on the doorknob, glove thread.”

“So a Troll couldn’t have done it,” guessed Malak, “our gloves are mossy.”

“Second,” continued Enfanti, “the room was clearly entered AFTER Lord and Lady Varsek had died. The footprints left behind were fresher than theirs. If they were the same, perhaps I could consider the Splitters. However, even the ruined bed was engineered to look like a struggle had taken place. Third, the needles that were stuck into their necks had no traces of poison anywhere on them.”

“Needles in their necks?” quizzed Dalengor. “It’s impossible to stick anything into a dead Troll. They turn to stone when they die.”

“It’s a process that takes a few minutes,” recalled Malak. “The murderer had a window of opportunity to plant the needles.”

“Fourth,” finished Enfanti, “an older Splitters card was used, not the ones we see today.”

“So, for once,” guessed Dalengor, “the Splitters were framed.”

“Besides,” supplied Malak, “they resort to stabbing, not poison.”

“Even then,” continued Enfanti, “this was not an immediate poisoning. Lord and Lady Varsek had had small doses in their drinks over a period of two months.”

“Can’t trolls process the poison?” Arsha asked Malak.

“That takes days,” answered Malak. “If the same poison were introduced into the Troll’s body a day later, it would build up. Now, the dosage would have to have been miniscule because I’m surprised they lasted two months.”

“I have to say,” sighed Enfanti, “I’ve seen plenty of poison-based murders in my day. This beats the Depths out of me.” As she finished, they arrived at the hotel with a crowd gathering in front. Enfanti waved and the Head Watchman saw her. She cleared a path by roaring and waving her club. Once the crowd parted, Arsha, Malak, Dalengor, and Enfanti were allowed access to the hotel. The Head Watchman then waved one of her subordinates over. He handed her a report.

“The chemical makeup of the poison Enfanti requested,” she reported as she handed it off to Enfanti. She tried to make something of it, but to no avail.

“Are any of you familiar with this?” she asked.

“I might know of a contact that could help us,” replied Malak. “Regretfully, it’s not one of my more…legal contacts.”

“We need whatever lead we can get,” commented Arsha. “Who is this contact?”

Malak had to go through a lot of secure channels to get to his contact, a male Slime by the name of Recanth. His green, gooey face filled the screen of Malak’s communicator. “Malak, you solid friend!” he burbled. “It’s been too long! Are you and Anya still together?”

“Life would just be barren without her,” replied Malak.

“What I wouldn’t give to see her again,” sighed Recanth.

“I bet she misses you,” chuckled Malak. Recanth gave off a burbly guffaw.

“I bet she does!” he called. “She would have bankrupted me within a matter of minutes! But, I’m sure you didn’t contact me for funsies. What can I do for you?”

“How would you like to earn a little extra cash?” asked Malak. “Enough to buy a good seat in the Slime Senate?”

“Continue,” invited Recanth, interested.

“I need information on a specific poison used on a pair of Trolls,” explained Malak.

“Poison?” asked Recanth. “Hardly a difficult bit of research. What kind of poison?”

“That’s the snag we’re hitting,” answered Malak. “All I have is the chemical formula.”

“That’s more than enough for me to start,” assured Recanth. “Let me see it. I’ll find your mystery poison.”

“I had a feeling I could count on you!” praised Malak. “Here it is!” He waved his communicator over the formula, copying it over to the device and sending it to Recanth. “There we go, transmission complete,” said Malak.

“This shouldn’t take long,” replied Recanth as his slimy fingers danced across his work-station.

“We’re in no rush,” Malak lied. After a few seconds, Recanth’s work-station started flashing red as his simulated eyes went wide.

“Malak, you IDIOT!” he snapped.

“Is…something the matter?” asked Malak.

“I’ll say something’s the matter!” gurgled Recanth. “I’m ruined! My career is over, thanks to you!”

“What did I do?!” Malak said in an uncharacteristic yelp.

“You and your poison’s chemical formula!” hissed Recanth. “It’s for a classified poison! Even the chemical symbols are classified! Where did you get this?!” As Malak opened his mouth to speak, Recanth cut him off. “Never mind! The less I know, the better! If I’m lucky, I can get through this with my core intact! Maybe they won’t trace the request back to me!”

“Who?” asked Malak. Recanth took in a breath before responding.

“The Diamond Consortium,” he revealed. Malak’s eyes went wide.

“Thank you for your time,” gulped Malak as he prepared to terminate the call. “We should meet for lunch sometime.” The call ended and he turned back to Arsha, Enfanti, and Dalengor.

“The Diamond Consortium?” gasped Enfanti. “That’s bad news.”

“What’s the Diamond Consortium?” asked Arsha.

“The Intelligence network for the Troll Republic,” answered Malak. “They spy on everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE. You couldn’t sit down for dinner without the ingredients and preparation being duly noted and recorded by the Consortium.”

“What happens if you eat something that doesn’t meet with their approval?” asked Arsha.

“I knew a Troll grandmother who disappeared for less,” revealed Dalengor.

“Whether or not you agree with their methods,” continued Enfanti, “you can’t help but admire their efficiency.”

“If I may be a little boastful,” supplied Malak, “not even the Largandra Intelligence Bureau could compete with them when it comes to intelligence gathering and covert operations.”

“Why would they authorize poisoning Lord and Lady Varsek?” asked Enfanti.

“I don’t think they did,” countered Dalengor. “They don’t usually release their poisons to any kind of market.”

“That’s true,” agreed Enfanti. “And they were the Consortium’s staunchest supporters. Why poison their allies?”

“I think we need to find a member,” declared Arsha.

“Or let the Consortium find you,” called a voice. A large Olog, twice Malak’s size, came towards them in a black trench coat and hat. “Mr. Bling, at your service,” the Olog introduced himself.

“Princess Arsha at yours,” answered Arsha.

“The rumor is,” muttered Malak, “that you would need to commit a crime to find the Consortium.”

“I have proof that none of you killed Lord and Lady Varsek,” assured Mr. Bling. “The conversation alone told me that.”

“Then, perhaps, you can account for one of your poisons being used?” asked Arsha.

“Regretfully, I have no answers,” sighed Mr. Bling. “I will keep in touch if any new developments come to light. Good day.” He went back down the street, leaving Arsha and her associates to ponder their next move in the red light of an Under-realm afternoon.

The Three Realms The Three Realms (Book 1: Her Highness, the Captain)

3 Realms 1-1

Routine was a big thing for the young princess. However, the only routine thing going for her was her usual dressing up. She was in her undergarments already, so all that was left was for her to get her dress on and do her hair up. She got her shirt on over her head and adjusted the sleeves so her shoulders had the right amount of puffiness. After which, she stepped into her skirts and pulled up to her waist. The opening then adjusted itself magically so it was snugly around her waist. She managed to get her nine fox tails through their opening so she felt less restricted. After all that, she sat at her vanity to put her hair up into a bun and tied it off with a long pink ribbon. After that, she pinned a rose hairpiece to her bun where the ribbon kept it together. She stood up and made a few twirls before stopping. “I am Arsha Royana,” she muttered to herself encouragingly. “I am the Crown Princess, native to the Mid-realm’s capital, Largandra, and future ruler of the Mid-realm. I will be a kind, but firm, ruler. I WILL command my ship with dignity.” At that last statement, Arsha released a breath.

“Nervous?” asked a woman’s voice. Arsha yelped and whirled around to see her castle Genie maid, Domesta, giving a knowing smirk.

“Don’t do that!” yelped Arsha. “Giving me a heart attack like that! I’m tense enough as it is!”

“Still worried about commanding the Endeavor?” asked Domesta.

“Unbelievably so,” confirmed Arsha.

“You’ll be a fine Captain,” assured Domesta.

“I wish I could convince myself that,” gulped Arsha.

“I’m sure you will, eventually,” replied Domesta. “Breakfast is being served.”

“Thank you, Domesta,” bid Arsha. Domesta phased through the floor as Arsha left her tower room for the dining hall. Her human father and kitsune mother greeted her warmly.

“Good Morning, my little Captain!” cheered her father, Elgrad.

“Good Morning, Precious One,” called her mother, Hanako.

“Good Morning, Mom, Dad,” replied Arsha. She received a hug from both parents. Through that bit of contact, they could sense their daughter’s worry.

“It’s the whole tour of duty,” guessed Elgrad.

“I’m scared,” admitted Arsha as she sat at her place.

“It IS daunting, I freely admit,” mused Elgrad, “but rewarding. I know you’ve heard me tell this story numerous times, but my tour of duty was how I met your mother.”

“When I saw the Endeavor coming out of the Mid/Over Realmgate,” recalled Hanako, “I was stunned. After seeing your father, infatuation gripped my heart and soon, I joined his crew and, after his tour, moved to the Mid-realm and married him. Who knows? You might experience something like that on YOUR tour.”

“Maybe,” conceded Arsha, “but kitsunes aren’t known for seeing into the future, even Blenders like me. Besides, I’ve already got five other romantic partners across the Realms. I might see them during my voyage.”

“True,” replied Hanako, “but if you do, keep your mind on the job.”

“I will,” promised Arsha. As they continued breakfast, the communicator on the table buzzed.

“I’m not expecting a call,” said Hanako, confusion crossing her face.

“Neither am I,” replied Arsha. The communicator buzzed again.

“Can’t it wait?!” snapped Elgrad. He pressed a button on the edge of the table. “Yes?” he asked.

“This is Realmfleet command,” called a woman’s voice. “Your Majesty, your ship is needed at Falgreth. Alpha Priority.”

“Falgreth?!” yelped Arsha.

“That far?!” quizzed Hanako.

“Realmfleet, are you aware of the Endeavor’s current condition?” asked Elgrad.

“Condition confirmed,” replied the Realmfleet woman. “Regretfully, that is irrelevant. Arsha must depart at once.”

“A week before my scheduled departure date?!” protested Arsha. “Realmfleet, isn’t there another ship to handle this?”

“Negative,” countered the Realmfleet woman. “You will be briefed once you arrive on your ship.” The call ended. Arsha sighed as she leaned back in her chair, looking through the ceiling to the After-realm, asking “Why me?” silently. A knock on the door resounded through the dining hall.

“Come in,” called Elgrad. Domesta and her husband, the Genie head butler, Dumarith, floated in once the door opened.

“Is the meal to your liking?” asked Dumarith.

“Yes,” replied Arsha, “but, regretfully, we need a bag for us to finish on the way to the Endeavor.”

“I thought it takes off in a week,” mused Domesta.

“Realmfleet has other ideas,” replied Arsha. “They couldn’t spare any other ships and so assigned me an Alpha Priority mission to Falgreth.”

“That’s on the outskirts of the Under-realm!” protested Dumarith. “The Endeavor’s overhaul isn’t finished!”

“Alpha Priority missions don’t wait for such niceties,” countered Arsha. “‘Duty waits for no one’, I believe is Daddy’s favorite phrase. Could you package the rest of our breakfast for us? We’ll finish it on the way.”

“Very good, Your Highness,” replied Dumarith.

“Domesta, a masterpiece, as always,” complimented Arsha.

“I do my best,” answered Domesta as she summoned travel food containers. As she and Dumarith moved to clear away the other dishes and package the remaining food, Arsha and her parents headed to their carriage. The horse was ready, as always.

“Where to?” he asked telepathically.

“The shipyards,” directed Elgrad as he received the travel food.

“Got it,” confirmed the horse. He then realized where he was told to go. “Already?!”

“Alpha Priority mission,” replied Arsha as they climbed into the carriage. The horse then stared ahead of him in confusion, then snorted and trotted off once the carriage door was shut. As he left the castle, he went higher into the air, trotting as if he were on the ground. He entered the busy skylanes of the busy Mid-realm capital of Largandra. He stopped when a fairy gave off a red glow at an intersection, then proceeded to move once the fairy’s light went green but stopped suddenly when a harpy flew across from him.

“WATCH IT, BUB!” snapped the horse.

“HEY, I’M FLYING HERE!” screeched the harpy. After the altercation, they proceeded, without incident, to the Largandra shipyards.

The Endeavor is a thing of beauty on the outside, with concealed attack wings safely nestled in a large, silver, cloud-like vessel. Lights studded the vessel to communicate its current state of standby. Inside, however, was another story. On the main bridge, a pair of large, thick boots on short, tree-trunk legs were sticking out from the underside of a console. “¾ maho-wrench,” directed the owner of the legs as his stocky hand poked out, ready to accept a tool. The Chief Science officer, a brunette Elf man named Elmar, handed him the tool and the hand disappeared under the console. The voice came back. “I said ¾! Not ⅝! Aren’t you the Chief Science Officer?!”

“I am not familiar with engineering tools, Thangred,” replied Elmar. The hand and its pair came out and pulled the Dwarf out from under the console. He then waved the tool in Elmar’s face.

“They’re plainly labeled!” snapped the Dwarf Chief Engineer, Thangred. “Get me the ¾ one!”

“He’s yanking your chain,” called a woman’s voice. A special chair then glided in with the seat filled with water for the mermaid sitting in it. “You know Elves yank people’s chains a lot,” said the mermaid as she winked, pulling her long pony-tail back and adjusting the bun it was connected to.

“Commander Shalvey,” protested Elmar, “we Elves do not ‘yank people’s chains’.”

“Sure, you don’t,” giggled Shalvey. She moved her chair over to her station at Communications to check on the systems. As she tested, she noticed her inbox had an Alpha Priority message from Realmfleet. “Thangred, did you take care of the inbox’s systems?” she asked. Thangred groaned.

“I KNEW I forgot something!” he groaned.

“I think we can forgive this one,” mused Elmar. “There were other tasks that demanded our attention.”

“Mine, maybe!” snarled Thangred. “You, I could do without!”

“Enough,” rumbled a voice. Everyone turned to see a middle-aged Dryad come onto the bridge. “These arguments you two have,” rumbled the Dryad in his slow voice, “are interfering with the overhaul on this ship, making the repairs hasty.”

“Apologies, Commander Oak,” gulped Elmar.

“This won’t happen again,” assured Thangred.

“Good to hear,” replied Oak. “Now, Commander Shalvey, have you received an Alpha Priority communique from Realmfleet?”

“I have one here in my inbox,” answered Shalvey. “I figured it was a mistake.”

“Regretfully, no,” replied Oak. “Please read it.” Shalvey opened the message and read it twice over to make sure she didn’t misread anything.

“Falgreth?! Now?!” she yelped. Oak nodded. “But the overhaul isn’t finished!”

“Besides,” supplied Elmar, “sending us out when Arsha has not gone through the Captain’s ceremony is a breach of tradition.”

“It’s just not logical!” yelled Thangred.

“…It must be my birthday to hear you cite logic,” chuckled Elmar with a wry smile. Thangred rolled his eyes.

“I have already spoken to Realmfleet about this,” replied Oak, “as has our Captain and her family. Nevertheless, our orders stand.”

“…Well,” sighed Shalvey, “better call Nazay and Dalengor.”

“They’re not on the ship?” asked Oak.

“They’re tooling around Largandra,” answered Thangred. “I objected to that as well.”

“It’s only logical for you to do so,” mused Elmar. “Nazay may be an excellent navigator when the ship is in motion, but outside of the bridge, he could get lost easily.”

“Add that to Dalengor’s temper,” supplied Thangred.

“Oh, poor Nazay!” gulped Shalvey as she started to call the two that were absent, her pink seashell glowing as it connected.

“This way,” directed Nazay, a red tailed Naga.

“You’ve said that the last 10 times we were here!” snarled Dalengor, a shadow-dragon in humanoid form. “At this specific intersection, no less! Just admit that we’re lost!”

“We’re not lost!” protested Nazay.

“Then where are we?!” demanded Dalengor.

“Somewhere north!” he replied. “Or, possibly south.”

“THAT GOBLIN SAID THE SHIPYARDS WERE EAST!” roared Dalengor. “I can’t believe it! The Helmsman can’t get us through a city!”

“Look, navigating from the air,” argued Nazay, “is a lot easier than navigating from the ground! You can see the points of reference more clearly in the air!” The instant he finished; a voice came through their comms.

“This is the Endeavor, calling Dalengor and Nazay,” called Shalvey’s voice.

“Rescued at last!” cheered Dalengor. She switched her comms unit on and Shalvey’s face came through. “Shalvey, get us out of here! Beam us over!”

“Would that I could,” replied Shalvey, “but the transporters are offline.” Dalengor groaned. “Don’t worry, I have a lock on you guys. I can guide you back to the shipyards.”

“Thank you!” sighed Dalengor, grateful for any help.

“Is there a problem?” asked Nazay, wondering why they were called so early.

“We’ve got an Alpha Priority mission from Realmfleet,” replied Shalvey. “We’re going to Falgreth once Arsha gets here.”

“But the overhaul…!” yelped Dalengor.

“Isn’t finished, I know,” interrupted Shalvey. “And it’s a week early for Arsha to take command. We don’t have a choice. I can see you’re in the vicinity of the Largandra Chocolate Factory. Which entrance are you guys at?” The gate had a huge E on top.

“Eastern entrance,” reported Dalengor.

“We’re facing the factory,” supplied Nazay.

“Perfect,” replied Shalvey. “The shipyards are right behind you. Just continue down the street and you’ll be there in no time.”

“Shalvey, I owe you one!” called Nazay.

“You owe me big for this,” answered Shalvey.

An Olog, Lieutenant Commander Malak, the Tactical officer, was already on board the Endeavor, specifically, Sick Bay. The CMO, a mermaid dressed in fiery colors, Marshii, was putting his left hand through physical therapy with gripping exercises while she tuned her mechanical legs. “98, 99, 100,” she counted. “100 perfect grips. Your hand’s all healed.”

“Maybe a kiss will make it more better?” said Malak in a cutesy voice. He got slapped upside the head for that remark.

“Get Anya to kiss it for you,” hissed Marshii as she slid off the table and moved to her desk when the comms rang. Marshii rolled her eyes. “No rest for the wicked!” she mumbled. She pressed the call button. “Doctor in the house,” she greeted.

“Is anyone with you?” asked Shalvey’s voice.

“Just a Troll Tactical Officer that finished physical therapy,” replied Marshii.

“Perfect,” answered Shalvey. “You two need to come to the bridge. We’re leaving once Arsha gets here.” Marshii and Malak looked at each other in stark confusion.

“…Say that again?” asked Marshii.

“Realmfleet gave us an Alpha Priority mission to Falgreth,” explained Shalvey. “Objections were already raised, but the orders stand. We’ll be briefed by the one who sent the message to Realmfleet.”

“That’s the Capital of the Troll Republic,” recalled Malak.

“We’re on our way,” confirmed Marshii. Malak grinned as they left Sick Bay.

“No arguments?” asked Malak.

“I’m waiting for the right moment,” replied Marshii.

“…You’re gonna rip the caller a new one,” guessed Malak.

“Damn right, I am!” snarled Marshii. “Sending us out when the medical inventory isn’t fully stocked!”

A poker game was going on at the Recreation Deck. “Call,” directed a female drider, her spider half being covered in white, fluffy hair, called Thengo, the ship’s counsellor.

“I call as well,” answered a female Dwarf, Orthena, the Deputy Science Officer.

“Calling as well,” muttered a male drider, his glossy black spider body shining in the light of the room. This was Melandra, an Engineer under Thangred.

“Well,” chuckled a male Centaur Diplomat, Laverda, “if you lot are going to kick me, I must, respectfully, kick back.” He showed his hand. A pair of 10’s and a pair of 9’s. He reached for the pot.

“Hands off!” snapped Thengo. She showed her Straight and reached for the pot.

“No touchy!” hissed Melandra as he revealed his Flush and reached for the pot.

“Hold it!” boomed Orthena. She revealed her Full house. The other players threw their cards down in disgust as she took the pot. The comms then rang on the poker table. Orthena took the call. “Lieutenant Orthena here, with Lieutenant JG Thengo, Lieutenant Melandra, and Lieutenant Commander Laverda!”

“Perfect,” replied Shalvey’s voice. “The last of the Bridge Crew. We’re all needed on the bridge. We’re gonna be leaving when Arsha gets here. At her last known position, she’s half an hour away.”

“…Is this a joke?!” boomed Orthena.

“We have an Alpha Priority mission from Realmfleet,” answered Shalvey. “We’ll be briefed on the specifics when all Bridge Crew are assembled. And don’t remind me about the incomplete overhaul of the Endeavor! I’ve been inundated with such reminders since I called the rest of the crew!” The poker players sighed.

“All right,” groaned Laverda. “We’re on our way.” They left the table and headed for the door. As they did, Orthena left a trail of cards! Melandra was behind her and spotted the trail!”

“Hey!” he called. “How many cards did we play with again?!” He pointed the trail out to his friends. Orthena then sprinted down the hall.

“CHEATER!” shouted Thengo as everyone chased Orthena.

Arsha and her family had to open the door manually once they arrived on the ship and went up the elevator. “Allow me,” rumbled Oak as he helped open the door.

“Thanks, Oak,” bid Arsha.

“The caller is waiting for you, Your Highness,” reported Shalvey. “It’s Enfanti Glarosa, Co-Head of the Larkentha Family’s Blue Rose Harem.”

“Put her through,” directed Arsha. It took a while to clear the static, but a woman appeared on the screen, dressed in a blue harem-girl’s outfit and a blue rose pinning some of her hair behind her right ear.

“Arsha, is that you?” asked the woman.

“It’s me, Enfanti,” confirmed Arsha.

“Why are you asking for my daughter’s aid right now?” asked Elgrad.

“Because Lord and Lady Varsek were murdered in Falgreth while Master Delga and I were visiting,” answered Enfanti.

“During Freedom Day?!” asked Malak. “The leaders of all Troll-kind?!”

“Yep,” replied Enfanti. “I’ve been trying to find leads, but even I’M stumped where to start. I need you to help me solve this mystery.” Arsha winced as she looked around the bridge.

“I hate to say it,” she sighed, “but the Endeavor’s condition is…not its best.”

“I’m aware of that,” replied Enfanti. “I even asked if you guys could borrow another ship, but Realmfleet said no. Come to Falgreth and help me solve this mystery. We’ll hold a massive celebration when the situation is settled.”

“I look forward to it,” answered Arsha. “See you there.” The call ended and Arsha turned to her parents. “Well, this is it,” she sighed, her eyes getting misty. The same held true for her parent’s eyes as they hugged her.

“Come back safe,” whispered Hanako.

“Treat this ship like a lady,” directed Elgrad, “and she’ll bring you home.” The embrace ended as Arsha dried her eyes and her parents left the bridge.

“Captain,” rumbled Oak, “the bridge is yours.” He gestured to the Captain’s chair. Arsha sat down slowly, noticing that it gave comfort for her and allowed for space for all of her tails. Oak sat to her right and Thengo sat to her left. Consoles popped, jarringly, out of the floor in front of them and they had to pull them up to their armrests. Malak sat behind Arsha in a rotating seat surrounded by consoles. Shalvey was on Malak’s left and sat in a tank of water. Elmar sat to Malak’s right and Orthena sat to Elmar’s both consoles in the wall of the bridge, like Shalvey’s seat. Laverda sat on Shalvey’s left, with a book opened for all the various cultures and their diplomatic proceedings. Dalengor was surrounded by consoles as well, sitting in the same chair as Malak, on his left. Sitting to the right of Malak, in the same configuration as him and Dalengor, was Marshii in a tank like Shalvey. Thangred and Melandra were seated behind Malak with Thangred on the left and Melandra on the right. Nazay was in a seat directly in front of Arsha and allowed his large tail to be at its fullest length under the helm control console.

“Here we go, the uglier side of my people awaits,” muttered Malak, confusing everyone on the bridge. It was soon dismissed.

“Okay, Helm,” directed Arsha, “nice and easy.”

“As easy as I can make it,” replied Nazay. “We better get our straps on.”

“Not a bad idea,” confirmed Thengo.

“Agreed,” answered Arsha. All bridge crew pressed a button on their consoles and safety buckles came out. For humanoids, it was simply shoulder and waist straps connected at the center. For species like Merfolk and Nagas, additional straps were available for the tails. For species like Centaurs and Driders, straps were placed across their rears.

“All right,” gulped Nazay once the crew was secured, “here we go.” The Endeavor left the dock, but despite Nazay’s efforts, it was still a shaky departure. Good thing he suggested the safety harnesses.

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


The 400,000 Yulduk Elzemar once lived in the Mid-realm’s tech capital of Galthar. After his demise at the hands of Reb Rojam, he was resurrected by Dr. Borg as a Revenant, Zombie 2.0, in layman’s terms. He still remembers that he’s an orphan, is not interested in love, and once worked as Galthar’s donation collector. He became too greedy and started robbing the poor and wanted to take command of Galthar from his Queens. The attempt failed and he was brought back, soul and all, to become the head of Dr. Borg’s Revenant army!

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


Leumas Venchitak is the 500 year old Blender son of Petramel and Noletam. Like his parents, he lives in the Mid-realm’s Varshenta Beach, working as an editor for the local paper. He’s single and not looking for anyone. If he did, it’s going to be difficult for him as he’s an autistic recluse, only leaving his house for his job. He can’t pick up on social cues as well as others, but hasn’t let that define him. He’s managed to keep it hidden, usually surprising his co-workers whenever it slips out. There are very few things that cause this easy-going guy to lose his temper, one of them being called “retarded”. While he doesn’t have his mother’s venom glands, he WILL bite when in a fight …and scratch and kick and punch and fire a few magic bolts. Basically, he’ll do what it takes to win because, in his words, “a fair fight only exists in fiction”.

Que the shameless self-insert. Since I did pictures based on my parents, why not make one based on me? Yes, I’m autistic and will swing a punch if I’m called retarded. Yes, it’s harder for me to pick up on social cues and I’m a recluse. No, I don’t let that define me. I refuse to.

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


Petramel Venchitak is a 26,043 year old Sky Elf married to Noletam and father to Leumas. He works as a programming teacher at the Mid-realm’s Varshenta Beach’s top educational institute. His parents are still trying to figure out why he gave up his biological immortality, but his brother supports his decision. He also has a hobby as an illustrator. He’s found a way to earn cash on his hobby.

This character is dedicated to the man that gave me the basics of my artistic endeavors. Thank you, Dad.

You can find my dad’s site here!

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


Prideful, as any Dragon is, and powerful, Noletam Farginta is an accomplished Sea Dragon from the Mid-Realm’s Varshenta Beach. At 28,082 years of age, she’s a talented free-lance teacher and writer. She always gets a chance to check in with her parents. She is extremely loyal to her husband, Petramel, and their son, Leumas. As such, getting between her and her hatchling is usually a fatal mistake. If you only get the claws, you’re a lucky person. If she bites, you better hope it was a dry bite because she won’t hesitate to kick her venom glands into overdrive! She’s a rarity amongst Sea Dragons. Usually, a Sea Dragon can see just as well on land as in the water. Not so for Noletam, she needs special glasses above the surface of the water. Being a Sea Dragon, she is an excellent swimmer and is amphibious.

This character is based off of a woman that has shaped my life in a great way. Thank you for guiding my writing, Mama.

You can find my mother’s site here.

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


After 15,287 years since her construction in the Mid-realm’s Largandra shipyards, the CRS-2784 Endeavor has her own means of interaction with the crew. She’s one of the new types of life-forms: Mechanica, living machines. She’s considered every member of her crew, past, present, and future, her family. As a skyship, she’s still in the service of Realmfleet as a military vessel. With Mechanicas appearing, new laws guaranteeing their rights had to be passed, so she now gets a paycheck. She usually goes by Endea and her engine core is set on the Steamwind.

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


King of all slimes, Slamfal Dromema hails from the Borsootha Slime Oasis of the Mid-realm’s southern continent. Happily married to Gloondii, Salmar, Dribii, and Muldam, he is 3,000 years old and regularly consults his 3 parent slimes for any advice. Now is actually a good opportunity to talk about how slimes are formed. Slimes have no specific gender, they just form the body they find most attractive, sometimes changing appearances to mix things up. The brown orb in the center is a slime’s core, the only organ they have. It functions as their brain, heart, lungs, sex organs, everything that keeps us alive and reproducing. When a slime wishes to reproduce, it touches its core to another core, exchanging the various sex cells, then dividing the core into more cores with a pair of sex cells in each core. They then produce little “packets” of different colored slime and maneuver the cores into the packets, producing a pile of packets and sitting within the center. This is a slime’s “Nesting” time. Once the packets burst open, the cores control the new bodies and become new slimes, joining the slime hive mind.