The Three Realms The Three Realms (Book 5: The Final Fight)

3 Realms 5-25

The Endeavor made it to the Under-realm, right above the Belsnath Citadel. Shalvey made the call. “Belsnath Citadel, this is the Skyship Endeavor, registry CRS-2784. Requesting permission to land.”

“Standby while we acquire your clearance,” replied a woman on the other end of the call. Shalvey transmitted the clearance code. “Clearance accepted! You’re cleared on Flight Path 2 for the Emboramii’s private port! Tell His Majesty and his family ‘Welcome back’!”

“Will do, Belsnath! They’ll be glad to be home!” Shalvey ended the call.

“Flight Path accepted,” called Nazay.

“Take us down,” directed Arsha. Nazay keyed in the commands and the ship descended onto the landing pad behind the Emboramii’s castle.

“Arsha,” called Orbak from the balcony overhead, “would you and your parents mind accompanying me and my family? I have a feeling you’ll be a welcome sight.”

“It would be my pleasure,” replied Arsha. She and her parents joined the Emboramiis as Malnar pushed her dad’s chair. They made it to the rear gates of the castle and made their way to the throne room.

Prime Minister Moggle Deksnar, an Orc man, looked over some papers while sitting on the throne. He shook his head in frustration as he examined one particular report. A guard woman then approached him. “Prime Minister, the King, his family, and the Royanas are outside the southwestern entrance to the throne room,” she reported. Moggle smiled as he stood up.

“Finally, some sense will return!” he sighed. “Let them in, not that Orbak of all people needs permission to enter his own throne room.” The guard bowed, then opened the southwestern door. The Emboramiis and the Royanas then entered the room. Moggle approached them while carrying the reports. He then knelt to the floor in front of Orbak. “Your Majesty!” he greeted.

“Good to see you again, Moggy!” chuckled Orbak.

“…Didn’t exactly miss that,” remarked Moggle. “You look great, my Lord.”

“I guess we’re both cripples now, huh?”

“Yeah, we are.” Moggle pulled his robes back a bit to reveal his cybernetic legs. “Your Majesty, we need your clarity and Arsha’s miracle-working abilities something fierce here.” He handed everyone the reports. “I’ve been studying these reports from the fronts. Note the plural form.”

“I thought we only had the Frigandor front to worry about,” muttered Elgrad.

“Initially, yes, but another front cropped up during your trip through the Realmgate vortex, focused on Crelima City’s northern border.”

“I don’t think I’ve heard about what’s going on in Frigandor,” interjected Arsha.

“A blockade, mainly. The Realm Trinity Empire set up their new base of operations there and used the population as their hostage. They cut off any elements of power. Heating, refrigeration, timekeeping, communications with the outside world, transport, you name it, it’s been cut off. We’ve made multiple attempts to give supplies and generators, but the Empire shot the ships down, killed the survivors, and took the supplies for themselves, leaving Frigandor with only the scraps.”

“Haven’t there been any evacuation orders?” asked Elmpam.

“Many. All of them were intercepted and then all attempts to leave were thwarted whether by imprisonment or by death. The Realmfleet Revenants, Arsha’s old crewmates that died at Plunder Island Stronghold, have reported that Dr. Borg will be doing the same to Crelima City as she did to Frigandor.”

“This isn’t like her,” muttered Arsha. “That’s now three civilizations that experienced or are experiencing being held as a hostage. Ever since Oyed went dark, the Trinnies’ aggression has been unfocused, making her an easy target.”

“Arsha?” asked Orbak.

“Wouldn’t this be a good thing?” quizzed Elgrad.

“No, she’s more put together than this,” said Arsha. “This feels like a distraction.” Arsha’s eyes then lit up. “Is she even counting on the bulk of our ships once being stuck in the Mid-realm?”

“Someone’s got an idea,” chuckled Malnar.

“We first need to fix the Under to Mid Realmgate and sync it with the Mid to Under Realmgate. Once that’s done, two fleets can easily get through. A smaller fleet will give aid to Crelima City along its southern shores and gather intelligence on the Empire’s movements while the larger fleet can rout any enemy forces in Frigandor and give aid to the people while also gathering any intelligence they can.”

“Malnar and I will focus on divvying up the ships,” called Orbak. “We’ll tell you when we’ve drawn up the plans.” A guard then rushed in.

“Your Majesty! Two more ships just came out of the Under to Over Realmgate!” he reported. “It’s the Majestic and the Divine Revenge! They’re requesting permission to land here!”

“Rellmeer and Reb?” asked Arsha. “What are they doing here?”

“Allow them to land,” ordered Orbak. “I have a feeling things are about to get real messy real fast.”

Rellmeer and Reb Rojam were escorted to the throne room as Orbak sat on the throne while his wheelchair stood by it. The two women bowed to him. “Rellmeer, there’s no need for YOU of all people to bow,” said Orbak. “Please, both of you, rise.” The women rose. “What brings you here?”

“We’re hunting down two terrorists,” explained Rellmeer.

“Specifically,” continued Reb, “the parents of that VILE Dr. Borg.”

“They’re enemies of the Fae Republic,” supplied Rellmeer, “and have made numerous attempts to my throne.” Her expression darkened. “On top of that, they have taken my beloved husband’s life! They would have killed every girl in my harem had Reb not intervened when she did.”

“I only regret not saving Emperor Embrek in time,” sighed Reb, dropping her verbal tic in shame.

“And you tracked them here?” asked Orbak.

“Every TINY scrap of intel says that Mama and Papa Borg are with their HEINOUS daughter and her spouses right now, LOUDLY cheering them on to godhood!”

“So, she’s not unloved by her parents, there goes THAT backstory. Arsha and I owe Lardeth 500 golds.”

“The Borg family is a very loving family,” replied Rellmeer. “They always believed that they and those they bring into the family are the superior beings. Dr. Borg’s grab for power is vindication for them.”

“Well, let’s cut that vindication short,” declared Orbak. “Empress, would you mind joining Malnar and I in battle-planning?”

“I would be honored, Your Majesty.”

“Oh, Captain Rojam?”

“Yes, my GRACIOUS King?”

“Arsha’s here. You might want to get your hellos with her out of the way.” Reb flinched.

“I’ll…get right on that,” she mumbled.

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