Emotional Spectrum Ballgown Corps Guardians

Yellow Lantern Specters

Phobaniar and Terromisma are the Guardians of the Yellow Emotion of Fear. They founded the Yellow Specter Corp after discovering the Yellow Light and its associated emotion and entity, Feranisa the Will-Breaker. They are the ones who are called for taking down criminals when simple willpower is not enough. They can stare into a criminal’s eyes and bring their worst fears into reality, paralyzing them with fear long enough to take them to trial. They also help their corp and other corps to master their fears to become more powerful than the criminals.

Emotional Spectrum Ballgown Corps Guardians

Blue Lantern Belles

Spesnasi and Hopira are the Guardians of the Blue Emotion of Hope. They founded the Blue Belle Corp after discovering the Blue Light and its associated emotion and entity, Hoprana the Mother. They are the ones who make sure that the rest of the Corps keep to the Faith of Light and bring comfort to those that are losing hope. They are also usually paired with their green sisters to help them fight harder.

Emotional Spectrum Ballgown Corps Guardians

Pink Lantern Princesses

Amorlani and Lovalis are the Guardians of the Pink Emotion of Love. They founded the Pink Princess Corp after discovering the Pink Light and its associated emotion and entity, Amaris the Queen. They always share their skirts and encouraged their Corp to do the same. Their Corp acts as a counseling corp along with the Purple Ballgown Corp.