Kamen Rider Vortex Kamen Rider Vortex Cast

Sandra Noman (Kamen Rider Void)

Kamen Rider Void! Nothing awaits you!

Kamen Rider Vortex Kamen Rider Vortex Cast

Sandra Noman


The Void has existed as a counter to the infinite number of possibilities that make up the multiverse. Where there is everything, there is also nothing. The Void grew a consciousness, wanting to know how everything works since it knows how nothing works.

Fortune smiled on the Void’s consciousness as a dead woman called Heather tried to make another Apocalypse Driver to resurrect herself with a fully functioning body. Something went wrong for Heather and she was still dead. 

The genetic lock for Lacey was used to house the Void’s consciousness and make a new body for it. It resulted in a clone of Lacey being born and the original powers of the Apocalypse Driver changing to those of the Void. With a new body, the Void could safely explore everything. It even gave its new body a name, Sandra Noman. Now, she is in training to get her powers under control as Kamen Rider Void.