Transformers: Mobian Chronicles Transformers: Mobian Chronicles (Arc 17: Living Stories)

TMC 17-11

The new Autobots had settled into the base. They were undergoing training and learning about the war between the Autobots and Decepticons, what the current situation is, who the allies are, etc., etc. Scattershot, however, wasn’t forthcoming on all the details. He didn’t tell them about the Enigma of Combination, for starters, making them wonder why their training with the Rust Renegades was necessary. Pyra Magna spoke to Scattershot about this. “Young One,” she warned, “there is discord in your team. What have you told them?”

“Only what’s necessary for the immediate future,” answered Scattershot.

“That’s bitten a lot of bots in the aft.”

“Pyra Magna, I assure you, it’s all according to plan.”

“And when they start getting louder with their questions?”

“Then I tell them that the enemy has a team that can combine into a bigger bot. We then train for Bruticus’ tactics, then the Enigma of Combination comes into play.”

“I would be careful. Leaders who aren’t open about all the details are doomed to failure.”

“Trust me, it’s all part of the master plan.”

“…Very well, I will leave this to your judgement.” What neither of them knew was that Lightspeed was listening. He was just out of sight enough and was filled with his usual wonder.

“Five bots turning into one! Awesome!” He dashed off to find his brothers.

They were at the firing range when Lightspeed told them what he overheard. “I mean, us being one robot?!” he asked. “That’s awesome! I don’t know why he’d keep something so cool from us!” As Lightspeed talked, Afterburner got angrier.

“So Scattershot, the guy who calls himself our older brother, decided to keep things a secret from us?!” he snarled. “And he ignored his superiors when they said it was a bad idea?!”

“Empirical evidence supports that theory,” mused Nosecone.

“Does…does he not really…LOVE us?!” asked Strafe. “W-Why would he keep secrets?! DOES HE HATE US?!” Lightspeed’s face then went wide-eyed as he realized what was going on with his brothers.

“Er, now, wait a minute!” he gulped.

“Who does he think he is?!” snarled Afterburner as he went to a console in the room. “Teletraan, where’s Scattershot?!”

“He’s outside, by the port nacelle,” answered Teletraan.

“Thanks!” Afterburner then stormed out of the room.

“Wait a minute!” begged Lightspeed. “You could tell him that I told you that Pyra Magna told me…!”

“Oh no! Not making it THAT easy for him!” snarled Afterburner as he shrugged Lightspeed off. As Afterburner stormed through the halls, he saw Tails. “Hey! Pops!” Tails looked up.

“What’s up?” he asked.

“The Enigma of Combination! How much did you tell Scattershot?!”

“He was one of the guys who studied it after the Bruticus incident, why?”

“And who’s Bruticus?!”

“The combined Combaticon team. Why are you asking me? Scattershot told you about it all, I’m sure. I mean, I told him to or else I would. He said he would tell you guys.”

“Yeah?! Well, your eldest didn’t listen!” Afterburner then stormed off at a faster rate. Tails was stunned for a second.

“…He DIDN’T tell…Teletraan, where’s Afterburner going?”

“If his question was any indication,” replied Teletraan, “he’s going outside to the port nacelle to tear Scattershot a new one.”

“I better get there to stop them from killing each other! They never tell you about these parenting pratfalls!”

Scattershot had finished maintenance on the nacelle. While the ship wasn’t gonna fly anytime soon, the power distribution nodes went through there, so it was necessary to keep them working. Once he closed the panel, he saw Afterburner’s feet. He looked up to see his younger brother with a scowl and folded arms. “…Can I help you?” asked Scattershot.

“Pop quiz,” grunted Afterburner, “what are the Three Autobot Pillars?”

“…Come on, you were there every time Prime lectured us on that.”

“Indulge me.”

“…Fine. The Three Autobot Pillars are Justice, Duty, and Honor.”

“Justice, Duty, and Honor, huh? All right. So, keeping secrets from those you’ve called your brothers, what does that break?” Scattershot then looked a little panicked.

“I have no clue what you’re talking about.”

“Trying to lie, now?”

“No, I really have no clue what you’re talking about.”

“So why did Lightspeed have to overhear your conversation with Pyra Magna about the Enigma?!”

“Wait, WHAT?!”

“Lightspeed heard you talking to Pyra Magna about your decision to not tell us that we were training to become a Combiner Team! Teletraan filled me in on Victorion and Bruticus on my way here and Pops told me that you were supposed to tell us, or he would!” By that point, Scattershot got angry.

“Okay, I don’t know if this concept is new to you, but it’s called Compartmentalization of Information! I would tell you when we were ready to…”

“Oh yeah, and what if that sets us back by a decade in our training, huh?! What if our current conversation came out worse?! Teletraan told me about Bruticus’ power and what Victorion can do! They’re evenly matched! If there’s even a chance to tip the balance of power in our favor…!”

“We’re not ready to combine just yet, whether you like it or not!”

“It ain’t about what I like, it’s about what our side needs!”

“Needs change on a day-to-day basis!” Afterburner rolled his optics in frustration.

“Don’t give me that fortune cookie crap! You should consult with your brothers before you decide to do something like that!”

“I consulted bots higher up the chain of command!”

“And they told you that secret keeping was a bad idea! And what about us, huh?! We don’t get a vote?!”

“There’s only ONE vote that matters on this team! MINE!”

“Of all the…I OUGHTA SHOOT YOU FOR THAT!” Afterburner whipped out his gun and pointed it at Scattershot.

“TRY IT, ROAD RAGE! SEE WHAT HAPPENS!” Scattershot leveled his own gun at him.

“SCATTERSHOT AND AFTERBURNER PROWER!” shouted Tails’ voice. The two bots looked down to see Tails with his arms folded across his chest. “I’m appalled at you two! Brawling like mere children and then leveling your guns at the other when one of you isn’t getting their way, I am flat out disgusted at you!”

“He started…!” protested the two bots.

“I couldn’t care less about who started it! Both of you are equally guilty and I’m ending this NOW! Inside, both of you! No shooting and no shouting!” The two bots stared at their dad before holstering their guns and leveling their glares at one another.

“This ain’t over!” snarled Afterburner.

“For once, we agree!” replied Scattershot. The two then went back inside with Tails following behind. Unbeknownst to them, King Arthur saw the whole altercation.

“…Lord,” he prayed, “please let them settle their differences quickly. This side need not suffer discord. Let such discord infect only our enemies.”

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