Optimus and Megatron’s teams clashed farther down the plains. The axes and mace were out and Optimus and Megatron personally dueled. “Megatron, you can’t do this!” snarled Optimus. “The Maximals have a right to live!”
“Yeah, yeah! I heard it all before!” dismissed Megatron. “‘Oh! I have a right to live! I need to exist like anyone else!’ You know what Animatros has? Limited resources! The Maximals are content to horde them, so they gotta go!”
“They ARE acting like animals,” remarked Saurion. He then bit into Prowl and tossed him aside. “Best to get rid of them when they can’t understand how to utilize the natural materials like we do.”
With Sonic and his friends, they were fighting the ant and Eggman. “OH HO HO HO HO! Oh, this is just too good! A beast fighting more beasts!” cackled Eggman.
“Less talking, more defense!” snapped the ant. “The invaders of the Colony will be destroyed! I will gladly lay down my life for my Queen!” Her mandibles then grabbed Shadow. She slammed him to the ground, causing him to gasp in pain.
Meanwhile, with the Maximals and Dyno-bots, Rhinox and Slag led the way. Rattrap, riding Slag, squeaked in fear. “Hey! Heads-up! Roadblock ahead!” A line of rocks blocked the path.
“Rhinox! Slag! Veer left!” called Kong as he rode Rhinox. “There’s a clearing about a hundred meters!”
“Belay that!” called Rhinox to Slag. “Just use your head!” Rhinox lowered his. Slag caught on and lowered his head. The two then increased speed and charged THROUGH the barrier! They were none the worse for wear, surprisingly.
“…Ah, yes,” sighed Kong, “silly me.”
“Lord Megatron, we have multiple Spark signatures coming our way!” called Ravage. “Six belong to the Dyno-bots!”
“Where do the other six come from?!” demanded Megatron as he slammed Optimus to the ground. Just then, the Dyno-bots and Maximals arrived.
“Ah, there’s our prey!” cheered Saurion. “And too stupid to do anything but run, yes! Honestly, what was the idea of bringing frightened animals to a battlefield? It serves no purpose, no! All you can do is watch us slaughter them, Grimlock! What say you to that!”
“I don’t know what he would say to that,” interjected Kong, “but I would say that’s just prime!” Saurion and the Predacons gasped. Megatron snarled.
“You said they WERE their beast modes!” he roared at Saurion.
“I did! I mean, they are!” protested Saurion.
“Well, obviously not! Take care of them!”
“Dyno-bots, you go help the Autobots,” suggested Airazor.
“Are you sure?” asked Slash.
“Positive,” replied Kong. “We’ll swat those pesky Predacons!”
“Oh, I would not count on that, Kong Primal, no!” growled Saurion to the Maximal Commander. “For I believe you’re soon to have…how shall I put it…difficulties of your own, yes!”
“We don’t have to do this, Saurion!” urged Kong. “There has been peace between the Maximals and Predacons since the end of the Great War! Why start this up again?!”
“Peace, perhaps, on YOUR side, Maximal Scum, yes, but not on ours! Permit me to inform you that an enemy which appears to be ‘peaceful’ may, in fact, be merely…biding its time! We Predacons have NEVER abandoned our Decepticon brethren’s goal of galactic conquest, no! We have merely been waiting for the right moment…TO STRIKE!”
“You mean, like THIS?!” called Cheetor as he dashed towards Saurion and slashed his enemy’s face.
“CHEETOR!” called Kong. Saurion seemed more amused than angry at Cheetor’s actions.
“AH! A treacherous, underhanded sneak attack! Oh ho ho, I like you, pussycat, yes!” he praised before adopting his commanding tone. “But it shall avail you not, no! For now, the power gauntlet has been cast! Predacons, TERRORIZE!”
“Do it!” Kong called to his Maximals. “MAXIMIZE!”
“Wazzzpinator, TERRORIZZZZZZZZZE!” shouted the Wasp. His head then split in half as arms folded out from under the head, making a torso unit with the wasp head serving as the chest. Part of the abdomen then split away as lower legs unfolded and feet flipped out. The robot’s head popped out of the torso, revealing red insect eyes and a set of mandibles over his mouth. “Wazzzpinator will zzzcrap Maximalzzz!” buzzed the bot, Waspinator. The mandibles opened every time the hidden jaw moved.
“Cheetor, MAXIMIZE!” Cheetor’s belly split and unfolded into humanoid limbs as his cat legs folded to the back with his tail. His beast head became the new torso unit as the head popped out. The face was cat-like, similar to Ravage’s, and had a yellow helmet. “Time for this cat to POUNCE!” He drew a gun that looked like it had a colon at the back, just above the handle.
“Tarantulas, TERRORIZE!” The tarantula’s transformation was exactly like Black Scar’s complete with pincers for hands. His head had a visor over his eyes, and his mouth was almost spider-like with three fangs on each side of the face moving out at every syllable. He cackled madly as he snapped his claws. “Time to feast on some Maximals!”
“Rhinox, MAXIMIZE!” Rhinox’s transformation was like Slag’s. His robot mode’s head was green with gold trim. “I’d prefer to tag along and smell the flowers,” he then drew out a pair of hand-held gatling guns that had a circular saw blade surrounding the barrels, “but you Predacreeps have put me in a bad mood!”
“Inferno, TERRORIZE!” The ant’s transformation was like Waspinator’s. Her abdomen then opened in four parts like a lotus blossom to reveal a jet engine. Her head had a mouth with pointed teeth and her eyes were permanently marked with an insanely angry expression. However, her laughter belied the angry look. “Maximals, you will all BURN!” She cackled as her jet engine ignited and the abdomen panels rotated like helicopter blades to lift her into the sky.
“Airazor, MAXIMIZE!” Their falcon head became the torso unit as their taloned feet extended on longer legs. Their wings folded to the back as their arms sprouted from their sides. Their head popped up with a helmet design looking like Laserbeak’s, but feathery. They smiled as they activated wrist-rockets. “They stoop to conquer!” they cheered.
“Scorponok, TERRORIZE!” Scorponok shifted to robot mode and opened his claws to reveal missile launchers. “Would have liked to have been Metrotitan-sized, but, oh well!”
“Tigatron, MAXIMIZE!” Tigatron’s transformation was like Cheetor’s. His face looked wiser.
“Terrorsaur, TERRORIZE!” squawked the red Pteranodon. The head and neck folded to the back as the wings folded under the head while the limbs sprouted from the chest unfolding into them. The head popped out, revealing a red helmet. “Time to fry some Maximals!” screeched Terrorsaur.
“Rattrap, MAXIMIZE!” Rattrap’s transformation was rather simple as the head folded down to the chest while the legs and tail folded to the back to let the arms and legs stand the robot up. His head had a brain-like pattern on the scalp, and he had a pair of buck teeth, like a rat’s.
“Saurion, TERRORIZE!” A robot arm unfolded from the neck of the t-rex, making it into a shoulder, while the tail became an arm-mounted weapon on the new arm. Like Grimlock, the sides with the arms became wings. The arms and shoulders rotated, allowing the new wings to rest on the back as the beast feet became the robot’s feet. The head popped up to reveal a head with a purple helmet sporting the Predacon symbol on the crest.
“Kong Primal, MAXIMIZE!” Kong’s feet rotated and new feet unfolded, making the hands into heel spurs. The upper arm fur then folded up to make shoulder pads as the face of the gorilla swung down to reveal a head that looked like Optimus’.
“Predacons, OBLITERATE THEM!” ordered Saurion.
“Maximals, SWAT THEM!” called Kong Primal. It was then that the fight began in earnest!