Transformers: Mobian Chronicles Transformers: Mobian Chronicles (Arc 23: Seeds of the Future)

TMC 23-1

A dark tunnel stretched on and kept curving downwards. However, nothing was quiet. A steady, controlled, rhythmic thud of metal against metal echoed throughout the tunnel walls. The tunnel had SOME light, but only enough to see immediately ahead, not any further than that. A figure then rounded a corner. It was a humanoid shape, but it wasn’t made of flesh. No, it was a creature of steel, a robotic organism. A purple symbol glowed on its as its red optics scanned the area constantly. Its hand went along the wall as its face kept its focused look up. If one could shine a good-enough light on the robot, one could tell that it was colored a dark purple and had a gray helmet. This robot led an army of others like itself, correction, HIMself. This robot was the terrifying Lord of the Decepticon Faction, Megatron! “Sweet Primus, this is taking forever!” Megatron grumbled to himself. “Really should have sent scouts ahead. …Nah, I didn’t have the time. Although, by the time I get there, the Solstice will have already passed and the information I need will be lost!” He then heard something. “…A truck engine?” Irritation then crossed his face as he sighed. “Because, of COURSE, he would follow me!” He turned around to see a futuristic semi-truck barreling towards him. “Optimus!” he snarled as he deployed concealed fusion cannons from his forearms. He fired at the semi, but it took the shots quite well. The driver, a male, blue Mobian Hedgehog, had a determined look on his face. He then vanished and the truck became a robot! The truck-bot, Optimus Prime, then brought two battle axes out, one in each hand, and continued his charge at Megatron. Megatron brought out his mace and swung it at Optimus. Optimus ran up the tunnel wall and across the ceiling to get behind Megatron, then he swung his axe into Megatron’s back. Megatron then grunted in pain before he swung his mace again. This time, the main chain wrapped around Optimus’ arm. He tried to pull Optimus towards him so he could score a blow, but Optimus tugged back.

“Give it up, Megatron!” snarled Optimus. “You can’t win!”

“Yes, I can! Quite easily!” replied Megatron. He then cracked his mace like a whip and sent Optimus into the ceiling. The chain then disentangled itself from Optimus’ arm as he fell to the floor again. Megatron rushed at Optimus and decked him in the face, sending him backwards a good few feet. “Those secrets are MINE!”

“They stay locked in Vector Sigma!” retorted Optimus.

“And YOU, brother, are becoming an irritant!”

“This coming from a wannabe Decepticon!” screeched a voice. Optimus and Megatron turned to see Starscream behind them.

“Ah, the traitor!” growled Megatron. “Tell me, what’s your plan in keeping me out of the Vector Sigma Chamber?”

“Not this time! I’m not saying anything!” snarled Starscream. He then looked all around the walls. “Can you not hear them?! Their tiny feet tinkling inside the walls?! Their jaws ready to rend steel?! Their demands for metal to help grow their hive?!” It was then that everyone heard the tinkling sound Starscream was talking about. Starscream smirked. “Feeding time!” Scraplets then ate their way through the walls. Optimus shrieked as he and Megatron fired on the bugs while they advanced on the two bots. They ran for their lives. “NO! STOP THEM!” Starscream ordered the Scraplet horde. The Scraplets then chased after the two bots.

“SINCE WHEN DOES ANY BOT HAVE CONTROL OVER SCRAPLETS?!” cried Optimus as he and Megatron ran.


“I GOT A BETTER IDEA! DRIVE!” Optimus transformed and sped ahead.

“…I guess I fly in my case.” Megatron transformed to his jet mode and flew ahead of Optimus. “Enjoy the teeth!”

“You creep! I’ll get you for that!” Optimus then put his Scraplephobia aside and focused on Megatron. Just then, they hit a roadblock! The tunnel ahead of them had collapsed. “Oh, sweet Primus!” The bots transformed and looked behind them to see the army of Scraplets advancing on them. Just then, there was a sound of metal creaking. The two bots looked below their feet and saw cracks in the floor. The Scraplets paid no attention and advanced. That was when the floor gave way. The bots and Scraplets fell through twenty layers before hitting solid ground. The Scraplets were inoperative as the two bots picked themselves up. The area was dark, with only a few lights in the floor. The lights indicated a path.

“Now where could they possibly lead?” mused Megatron. Optimus made a mad dash following the lights. “Oh no, you DON’T!” Megatron ran after him, firing his right fusion cannon. Just then, a wall of fire erupted in front of them. The sudden light blinded them. “Okay, something wants us to stay away!” growled Megatron. Optimus inched forward. “Optimus, what are you doing?! You maniac! Even Wizards of the Red Order run AWAY from fire not under their control, not TOWARDS it!” Optimus held his hand near the fire, then his fear was replaced with confusion.

“…Why aren’t I getting burned?” he asked. Megatron’s optics flickered, then he inched towards the fire wall. He held his hand out, then felt only a buzz, not a burn.

“That’s odd,” he muttered. “That kind of buzz only happens…when a holo-form is online!”

“A hologram!” realized Optimus. “It’s a hologram!” The fire then vanished and a giant ring appeared, twice the size of a Space Bridge. It had a picture of the cosmos as water balls floated out. Just then, a multi-faceted gold sphere appeared. “Vector Sigma!” whispered the young Prime.

“Correct,” replied the sphere. “I am Vector Sigma. After Primus was, before Cybertron was, I was. Welcome to my chamber, Optimus and Megatron. I see you seek answers about my remarks on Animatros.” Optimus and Megatron looked at each other in surprise.

“You heard the bit about the seeds of the future?!” yelped Optimus.

“Were you the one who beamed it into my head?!” demanded Megatron.

“He wasn’t,” replied Vector Sigma. “I did it through the Matrix and the Key.”

“…The Key?” asked Megatron. “Vector Sigma, the Key was lost.”

“Actually, Ironhide tripped over it during the early battles of this current war,” corrected Optimus. “It’s how I unbricked my connection to the Matrix before the Unicron Games.”

“You require more information,” continued Vector Sigma. Just then, a terminal popped out of the ground between it and the two bots. It had three slots, shaped like Megatron’s Badge, the Matrix, and the Key. “Please insert these objects into the terminal, and you shall receive the answers as to why the Transformers were initially created.”

“What are you talking about?” asked Megatron. “We were created because Primus made us all.”

“But why did he do that?” replied Vector Sigma. Megatron had to admit he didn’t have an answer. “The Key, the Matrix, and the Badge, please. You BOTH must learn to end this war and change your eventual fate.”

“…Work together with him again?” muttered Megatron. “Primus, help me.” Megatron took the badge out and put it into the terminal, then Optimus took the Matrix out, took the Key out of the Matrix, put the Matrix into its slot, then put the Key into its keyhole and turned it. A bright light then filled the Chamber and made everyone vanish in it.

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