Emotional Spectrum Ballgown Corps Guardians

Black Lantern Reapers

Necrisna and Mortimpii are the Guardians of the Absence of Light and Life, Darkness and Death. They founded the Black Reaper Corp after discovering the Black Dark and its associated emotion and entity, Death the Grim Reaper. Their Corp is made up of women who have died and were brought back to life as Necromancers. Despite their origins, they’re not mindless killers. They refuse to kill. They have all the personal powers of each Corp, just like their White counterparts and are very pleasant to be around.

Emotional Spectrum Ballgown Corps Guardians

Red Lantern Wraiths

Angresna and Rajintago are the Guardians of the Red Emotion of Rage. They founded the Red Wraith Corp after discovering the Red Light and its associated emotion and entity, Wratina the Judge. They are the ones who the other Corps call when a criminal is too dangerous and must have vengeance enacted on them when justice fails. They take in other women that seek vengeance on their tormentors and train them to master their rage.

Emotional Spectrum Ballgown Corps Guardians

Blue Lantern Belles

Spesnasi and Hopira are the Guardians of the Blue Emotion of Hope. They founded the Blue Belle Corp after discovering the Blue Light and its associated emotion and entity, Hoprana the Mother. They are the ones who make sure that the rest of the Corps keep to the Faith of Light and bring comfort to those that are losing hope. They are also usually paired with their green sisters to help them fight harder.