Journey Through Wonder story

Chapter 59: Sandover Town Legacy

The Ottsel had his arms folded. “And you all are?” he asked with a frown.

“I’m Farmee, commander of this battalion,” introduced Farmee. “We’re visitors here and…well, we’re on a mission.”

“A mission, huh?” replied the Ottsel. “And what kind of mission is that?”

“Well, sir, unless you saw a woman with a crystal sphere around these parts, I’m not sure-.” At this, the frown on the Ottsel lessened.

“This lady you’re looking for,” he said, “would she have purple skin?”

“…As a matter of fact, yes,” replied Farmee.

“Me, Jak, and our wives and kids saw her on rare occasions,” explained the Ottsel. “She’s usually around Drebber’s citadel.”


“He’s a Babak and the Dark Eco sage-.”


“Hey, he’s not insane!” argued the Ottsel.

“Okay, everyone!” interjected Farmee. “Look, we need her to come with us. Can you arrange a visit with her?”

“I can’t, but my buddy’s wife can,” replied the Ottsel.

“Excellent, Mr. …Erm…”

“Daxter! The name is Daxter!”

“Thank you, Mr. Daxter. Now, where IS your buddy’s wife?”

“Over in Sandover Town. Me and Tess are heading there anyways. Why not come with? I’ll tell you all about how I saved the world three times in a row! …With Jak’s help, of course.” Daxter led everyone through Haven City. Through the power station, through the former Southern Slums (now developed for proper living conditions) and through the old gate locks to what Megatron expected to be ruins, but were instead a thriving part of the city with a hut in the center of it all. Outside the hut was a female Ottsel and a man with yellow hair and green highlights and goggles.

“DAXXY!” called the female Ottsel. The man looked ahead and smiled.

“Daxter!” chuckled the man. “Telling everyone about how you took down the Dark Makers?”

“With your help, Jak,” replied Daxter. He perched himself on Jak’s shoulder. “Now…where are the kids?”

“…I was kinda hoping YOU could answer that,” remarked Jak. “And who are these people?”

“Hello, Mr. Jak,” greeted Farmee. “I am Farmee. My friends and I were told your wife could get us to the home of Drebber?”

“Why do you want to go there?” asked Jak.

“We’re looking for a lady with purple skin,” explained the Doctor. “We heard she frequents Drebber’s home.”

“That’s where the most sightings of her are,” said Jak, “but no one’s been able to speak with her.”

“Do you think you can lead us to his home?” asked Farmee. Jak rubbed the back of his head.

“I dunno,” he said. “Me and Daxter were kinda hoping…” He trailed off when he saw someone approaching. Or rather, THREE people. It was a woman with metallic green hair, greenish skin, and dressing like one would expect a sage to dress as, complete with staff. She had two kids with her, one boy and one girl. “Kiera?” asked Jak.

“Hey, Honey,” replied the woman, Kiera Hagai. “I didn’t know we were expecting a party.”

“Believe me, it was VERY impromptu. Who’s the girl with Markus?” Kiera then glared at the boy.

“Well, son?” she asked the boy icily. “Who’s the girl with you?”

“…Erm, Daddy,” gulped the girl. “Please don’t get mad.”

“LAYLA?!” yelped Daxter and Tess.

“Layla, what happened to you?!” cried Tess as she examined her now human daughter. Last time she saw Layla, the girl was an Ottsel like her parents.

“Oh, I think I know what happened to her!” growled Jak. “And I think I can piece the story together! Instead of listening to us, Markus and Layla went to the one place I distinctly remember all four of us telling them not to go to! Misty Island!”

“…Okay, so we DID go to Misty Island, and-,” said Markus.

“And Layla was dunked into one of the Dark Eco Silos there, wasn’t she?!” snarled Daxter. “Girl, you’re lucky the Dark Eco didn’t turn you into a monster!”

“Aunt Kiera, please!” begged Layla as she fell to her knees and clasped her hands. “You gotta help me!”

“Would that I could,” sighed Kiera, “but I can’t.”

“WHAT?!” yelped Markus.

“The only one who can help Layla is Drebber,” explained Jak. “Since he’s the Dark Eco Sage, we’ll need to head north. AFTER some training at Geyser Rock.”

“Geyser Rock?” asked Tess. “Isn’t that a Metal Head nest?!”

“It WAS a Metal Head nest,” replied Jak. “Dax and I took care of them all.”

“So, the Metal Heads took over your old training grounds,” muttered Megatron.

“…Okay, I have to ask, how do YOU know that?!”

“Where I come from, your fight with Gol and Maia Acheron, your overthrowing of Kor and Baron Praxis, your exile and return to Haven City to fight the Dark Makers, your races, and your adventures with the Sky Pirates during the Eco Crisis were made into interactive games.”

“And you said the most sightings of that woman are in Drebber’s home,” said Farmee, “so why don’t we kill two birds with one stone?” Jak considered, then sighed.

“All right, any who want to join my kid and niece to train at Geyser Rock, come with me,” he said.

“Um, we’re not gonna find any more Dark Eco there, are we?” asked Markus. “Cause I’d hate to fall in there and look like a Lurker!”

“Get in there before I have your mother turn you both into ferns!” snapped Jak as he pointed towards the warp gate inside the hut. He, Daxter, Markus, Layla, Farmee, Adam, Sam, and Jason jumped into the warp gate and vanished.

“…Can someone of your power turn animals to plants?” the Doctor asked Kiera.

“No, Jak’s just spooking the kids into obeying,” replied Kiera. “My dad, the previous Green Eco Sage, did that to Jak and Daxter 300 years ago.”

“…How long lived are you?” asked the Doctor.

“Oh, I’m only in my 40’s. Let’s just say, for Jak, and my late dad, it involves a trip to the past so I was born, then a trip back to this time period, when the tyrant, Baron Praxis, was in charge of Haven City. No more time travel for us. Too much of a headache.”

“Ah, time travel,” replied the Doctor.

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