Journey Through Wonder story

Chapter 66: New Plans

Gol and Maia were taken to prison for their crimes. The Doctor managed to figure out how they knew it was Jak. “It turns out,” she said, “that during their time in stasis, their minds were flooded with data linked through all the Precursor Robots. It fed them all the information about the Metal Head Wars, the attack from the Dark Makers, and the Eco shortage, and they couldn’t do anything about it.”

“To be stuck in the same position for 300 years, knowing that the world is going on without you,” muttered Layla, “that’s just…maddening!”

“Kids, you were very brave to go on this adventure with us,” said Jak. “…Though, I have to admit, that was more death than you should have been exposed to.”

“Unfortunately, the Daleks are like that,” sighed Death. “They always bring out the worst in us.”

“…Guys,” said Layla, “can I…have my fur back?”

“Allow me, little one,” said Drebber. He raised his staff and dark energy was seeping out of Layla. After a minute, she changed and shrunk into an Ottsel like Daxter.

“I’M FUZZY AGAIN!” she cheered.

“Now, Layla,” said Daxter. “Step 1: listen to your dad this time. Step 2: …NEVER THINK ABOUT DOING SOMETHING LIKE THAT AGAIN!”

“That goes for you too, Markus!” said Jak.

“Okay! Okay! We won’t go to places that are forbidden!” replied Markus. He then spotted Megatron looking at the wall behind the elevator. “…Mr. Megatron, sir?” he asked.

“I just remembered something,” replied Megatron. “Jak, Daxter, a rift gate was right there, yes?”

“…Yeah?” asked Jak.

“…Perhaps there’s another one that could use 100 power cells,” mused Megatron.

“NO!” shouted Jak and Daxter together.

“I am NOT going through all that again!” snarled Jak. “Metal Heads were coming out of both ends of the rift gate!”

“BOTH ENDS!” agreed Daxter.

“The Forbidden Jungle’s still got Metal Head remnants harassing the Lurkers there!” shuddered Markus. “Dad showed me last year!”

“…Well, I guess that’s that,” remarked Galvatron.

“Death, see if Health’s ready to go,” said Farmee.

“No need for that,” called Health as she arrived with her Source in her hands. “I’m all set!”

“Then this is goodbye,” Farmee said to Jak, Daxter, and their friends and family. “Everyone, it was a pleasure seeing your world. I hope we can meet again under better circumstances.”

“Just a moment!” called a Haven Guard. He stormed up to Farmee. “Top secret military project, huh?!” he snarled. Farmee blinked. His eyes then widened in recognition.

“Oh! Y-You’re the…the Port Authority Commander!” he gulped.

“Yeah! Make a moncaw out of me, huh?!”

“Commander, stand down!” snapped Torn. “Did you bring that box?”

“Yes, Sir! Box is currently right behind us!” gulped the commander as he pointed at the TARDIS.

“There she is!” said the Doctor. She then seemed to consider something. “…Eh, why not?” she said. She opened the TARDIS doors and looked to Jak and Daxter. “Want a peek?”

“It’s a blue box,” remarked Jak as he and Daxter headed inside. “What’s so…?” Jak blinked when he saw what was inside the TARDIS.

“…Did I get hit on the head?!” asked Daxter. Jak stepped outside and circled the TARDIS.

“…H…How-?! It’s…bigger on the inside?!” yelped Jak.

“Is it?” asked Farmee with a wry grin.

“I had no idea!” chuckled the Doctor. Health took a look inside and gasped.

“…Is this a Type 40?!” she asked. “Tell me it’s a Type 40!”

“Good eye!” praised the Doctor.

“Now THAT’S a TARDIS type with proper character!” said Health. “And more user-friendly than those Type 70’s or Type 190’s or Type Infinity’s or whatever the Time Lords cooked up! Bells and whistles are nothing without proper character!”

“Exactly what I always say!” agreed the Doctor. “All right, everyone! Back home we go!” As the more human-sized people entered the TARDIS, Galvatron called Beyond City.

“Galvatron to Command,” he said, “rift for three Transformers.” The TARDIS then dematerialized as the rift opened. Galvatron, Megatron, and Hot Rod then jumped through the rift.

Deep within the bowels of the Imperium, Khan met with Intrag, Metaltron, and the Supreme Dalek. “A massacre, that’s all it was!” Metaltron snapped at Intrag. “Only one survivor and the rest are either normal or warped corpses!”

“Your Daleks brought no victory!” roared Intrag. “They were too scared to sacrifice their so-called genetic purity for a greater cause!”

“There is no greater cause than maintaining the purity of the Daleks!” barked the Supreme.

“The fault lies with the guy that assigned you that mission,” grunted Khan. Everyone looked at him.

“…That was you, my lord,” remarked Metaltron.

“Like I said, the fault lies with me,” said Khan. “Sending Daleks, tampering with Dark Eco, I must have been desperate! …Metaltron, do you have any Combatmen skilled in Ninjutsu?”

“As a matter of fact, yes,” replied Metaltron. “…And if I may say, my lord, you should have assigned Benny and Captain Don Shinobi to Universe T-M-N-T.”

“Well, let’s hope that I didn’t mess up so badly on that front. …And that woman, Dalek Supreme, are you sure she introduced herself as THE Doctor?”

“Correct!” confirmed the Dalek Supreme.

“I think we need to confirm that.”

“My Time Controller is outside the room,” said Metaltron.

“Bring him in,” ordered Khan. “Supreme, feed the information to him when he gets in here.” The door opened and a Dalek with a longer neck and rings intersecting one another entered the room.

“Time Controller receiving,” it said. The tone was…humanish, for lack of a better word. That unnerved Khan for reasons he never disclosed. The Time Controller then projected images from its eyestalk. It started with the Doctor as she looked now, then reverted to a short, Asian woman, then a portly, black woman, then a freakishly tall blonde man…then a blonde woman in a grey coat with a rainbow across the chest of her shirt, then an fierce looking old man with attack eyebrows, then a man with delicate eyebrows and a bow tie, then a skinny man with a long, brown coat, then a man with huge ears. Metaltron backed up when she saw that man. She KNEW that man! The Time Controller then switched the images off. “Identity confirmed,” it said. “That woman is our greatest enemy! The Time Lord! The Doctor!”

“SHE MUST BE EXTERMINATED!” shouted the Supreme.

“NO!” countered Metaltron.

“No?!” argued Intrag. “If this woman IS this Doctor you Daleks have a particular hatred for, then she must die!”

“There are spatio-temporal imperatives we must obey,” said the Time Controller. “Any deviation would mean the failure of our mission.”

“But the Doctor-!”

“Her presence in that universe,” the Time Controller interrupted, “was not foreseen. We do not know what her purpose is among our enemies. We cannot risk destabilizing events at this stage of the conflict! Our imperatives are to claim the Sources and the 3V2R prizes belonging to Megumi Hishikawa, Optimus Prime, and Arsha Royana!”

“But the Doctor will attempt to impede our progress!” argues the Dalek Supreme.

“The Doctor is resourceful,” mused Khan. “We must use that resourcefulness. For now, Metaltron is right. She must be kept alive.”

“…Very well,” said Intrag.

“In the meantime, Intrag, I need you and your forces to begin searching the Mushroom Kingdom for the Source of Pestilence.”

“At once, Author.” Intrag bowed and he, Metaltron, and the two Daleks left. Metaltron…had a smirk on her face.

“All according to plan,” she muttered to herself.

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