Emotional Spectrum Ballgown Corps Heroines

Orange Outlaw Heroines

From left to right

Grasnitu is a Tarantus woman from the moon of Wevon. She came from a poor family, like most Outlaws do. The rich continued getting richer and the poor continued getting poorer. Grasnitu desired to change that, make it so that the system changed. That was when twin Outlaw Flowers sought her out and made her into an Outlaw. She soon became a notorious robber of the rich and famous giver to the poor. Thanks to her new powers, she’s made a gang of intergalactic highwaymen, though she does NOT rob from those who use their money and power for good.

Falomeer is a Tentrax woman from the Mulgavin Asteroid Cluster. Unlike many Outlaws, she was a rich girl. But, unlike her parents, she did GOOD with her wealth. Her desire to continue to use her status in a good way is what attracted the Outlaw Corp to her. She had a rough start in robbing indiscriminately, but Grasnitu set her straight and now she only robs from the corrupt rich, forming her own intergalactic highwaymen gang.

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