cast Journey Through Wonder

Dr. Joshua Williams (Kamen Rider Outback)

Dr. Joshua Williams was diagnosed with autism at an early age. He managed to find a way to function in the world, but the Vortech Wars made him stressed out at times. He still powered through it (an amazing feat in and of itself) and went on to marry Emily and was there when she gave birth to twin boys. Through all that time, he became a religious man as he figured that there’s someone or something out there wanting him to succeed despite his handicap. He became a priest as well as a student of After Academy and Chizara University. He also became a stage director for the local theater company. He currently lives at 2978 Angel Robe Drive, Beyond City 960792. His Australian origins gave him the idea to call himself Kamen Rider Outback, armed with a boomarang he lovingly calls the Stereotype of Doom. His hobbies include singing, dancing, cuddling with Emily, and doing a little bible study. He’s gonna need the Lord’s help to resist the Author’s plans.

Kamen Rider Vortex Kamen Rider Vortex Cast

Lord Joshua Williams



Having been diagnosed with a mild case of Autism, it’s a little hard for Josh to fit into social scenes. Thankfully, he’s learned how and dealt with bullies as one should. He’s had very few, thankfully.

Despite that, he does have one stereotype to his name, his skills with the boomerang. He excelled in boomerang competitions in Australia and affectionately calls his own the Stereotype of Doom.

It was a bit of a shock to leave his home of Newcastle, Australia. He went to another continent, North America, because his dad needed better work opportunities. He found out about the Feudal Nerd Society and joined them 2 1/2 years after it was founded. Now he fights as Kamen Rider Outback to save the multiverse from Lord Vortech’s evil grip.