Transformers: Mobian Chronicles Transformers: Mobian Chronicles (Arc 23: Seeds of the Future)

TMC 23-3

“For a long time,” continued Vector Sigma as the story played out in front of them, “we simply swirled around Voksphere and drifted among the stars. But we felt like we were missing something. As we drifted, we observed life going about its business and several species constructing vessels that allowed them to roam the stars as we did. We became jealous of their ability to create and their means of doing so. We almost destroyed them out of rage. It took Lux and Umbra 0.9 seconds to realize they could optimize our abilities by giving us corporeal forms. Regrettably, or not, depending on how you look at it, this meant we couldn’t be energy beings anymore.” Lux and Umbra then announced their plan to the Early Vok.

“We have seen life build and change,” explained Lux, “but we became jealous.”

“So, we shall alter ourselves,” supplied Umbra. “We shall allow Voksphere to make life and we shall live as each animal until there is a new form that can make starships.”

“We shall obtain the ability to create!” cheered an Early Vok.

“Exactly!” confirmed Lux. “We shall live out the entire evolutionary chain!”

“And live out the entire evolutionary chain, we did,” continued Vector Sigma. “We were each animal, each plant, went through each extinction level event, and then…we became the form you see me using now.” The scene rapidly went through evolution as Voksphere became a jungle-world with great mountains. The Vok ended up in forms like Vector Sigma’s avatar. “Lux and Umbra, on the other hand, had different forms.” While the Vok were monkey-like, Lux and Umbra were more like humans. Lux became a dark-skinned woman with white hair, Autobot blue eyes, and wore an outfit of white and light-blues while Umbra was pale-skinned, had black hair and Decepticon red eyes, and wore an outfit of black and dark-purples. “As we grew and constructed many magnificent creations, Lux and Umbra guided us and interacted with us.” Lux and Umbra were playing with Vok children, building and shopping with Vok adults, teaching the Vok their new abilities over magic, and worshipping alongside them. “Voksphere became a techno-magical marvel and paradise…”

“I’m sensing a ‘but’ coming,” muttered Megatron.

“You sense correctly, for there was a serpent in that paradise.” A Vok wearing a helmet with a transparent face-shield walked through the streets of Voksphere with his head down.

“Who’s he?” asked Optimus.

“That being is known as Primacron,” explained Vector Sigma. “He was a brilliant scientist and mage, responsible for various creations. As his powers grew, so too did his ambitions!” Primacron entered a laboratory and went to work on seven small jewels and one large one. He and his associates keyed in several commands in their respective consoles, then the machine the jewels were wired to engulfed them in a bright light. The light lasted for half a minute until it died. Once it did and the Vok could see, they gasped as the jewels glowed in brilliant lights. The small ones were colored green, red, yellow, white, blue, cyan, and purple while the large one was green.

“Wait, are those…?!” gasped Optimus.

“Yes,” confirmed Vector Sigma. “The Seven Chaos Emeralds and their Master Emerald.”

“So, they predate Cybertron, interesting,” mused Megatron.

“While the Emeralds were created,” continued Vector Sigma, “Lux and Umbra decided to make an experiment of their own.” Umbra approached Lux in the forest.

“You are sure of this?” she asked her light paramour.

“Beyond all doubt,” replied Lux. The two then embraced each other, then kissed, then light and shadow were inserted into the ground beneath them. The two forces then went along a path and then came out of the ground as a plant. The plant grew to their height and changed its shape until it formed a woman Optimus knew.

“GAIA!” he yelped. “THAT’S GAIA!”

“Indeed, Gaia, the daughter of Lux and Umbra.” Gaia then ran towards her mothers and hugged them. “Gaia was the first, yet only new deity we worshipped. She oversaw nature and balance. As such, she could use both light and darkness freely, teaching us how to do the same.” Gaia settled into life on Voksphere and interacted with the Vok just like her mothers. “However, her birth was not looked favorably by Primacron. He never understood nature, nor did he think it was good to blend light and dark. He hated Gaia and so continued his work. He believed in only the purity of steel, hating even the flesh he inhabited. His creations were always centered around conflict, until I, as the Oracle of the Vok and as Primacron’s assistant, could not bear to help him any longer.” Another Vector Sigma argued with Primacron over the topic.

“I cannot allow this to continue, Primacron!” snapped Past Vector Sigma. “What you are doing is wrong!”

“You were foolish back in the day, Vector Sigma,” replied Primacron, “but this?! You would halt my ambitions just to keep light and dark blended?! When a bartender mixes something, then leaves it alone, do the respective ingriedients not settle and separate?!”

“Lux and Umbra have stayed together, and it has worked out well these past millennia!”

“They cannot stay together forever! The universe has things separate for a reason! The elements are pure for a reason!”

“Well, I no longer want any part in your mad schemes! I quit!” Past Vector Sigma stormed out of the building.

“I was so eaten up with rage,” continued Present-day Vector Sigma, “that I failed to learn of more of his creations. He had created artificial Vok!” The scene changed to Primacron guiding a laser like a pen on a massive cube. Optimus and Megatron then realized what the cube was.

“By the Allspark!” breathed Megatron.

“Megatron, I think that IS the Allspark!” gulped Optimus.

“Primacron created the Allspark?!” Megatron asked Vector Sigma.

“Where does Primus fit into this?!” asked Optimus.

“You shall see as the story unfolds,” replied Vector Sigma. “Primacron had created the Allspark by binding the life energy Lux, Umbra, and Gaia constantly exuded to a single vessel and carving runes into it to dictate what the vessel would do with the energy. He then used it to create his first artificial Vok, a being that could change shape despite having a physical form!” The assembly line under the Allspark then finished up a robot. Primacron threw a switch and the Allspark shot energy into the robot. The robot convulsed, then it started screaming. As it screamed, colors flowed onto it.

“Yes! YES!” cheered Primacron. “Energy just like our very souls now exists in a mechanical life-form!” The energy flow then stopped once Primacron threw the switch again. The robot then looked at Primacron. “Yes! My success! My son! You are the first of a new, pure form of Vok! Your screams of victory shall echo throughout the stars!” Megatron goggled as he recognized the body.

“I don’t believe it!” he roared. “STARSCREAM!” The lights of the flashback then confirmed that it WAS Starscream Primacron had built.

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