The Three Realms The Three Realms World Building

Blood Contract

Here is the Blood Contract the Royals signed, written in the known writing scripts of the Realms.

We, the Undersigned…

hereby declare, in our blood, the following vow: vengeance will be wrought on the Realm Trinity Empire via its destruction. If any of us attempt to break this vow, our life is forfeit.

Feymay Felompha

Emfam Felompha

Lardeth Felompha

Roomef Felompha

Jeefef Felompha

Olmarfa Felompha

Ufnamfa Felompha

Teefmanam Felompha

Pofomofo Felompha

Endram Felompha

Elgrad Royana

Arsha Royana

Hanako Royana

Orbak Emboramii

Malnar Emboramii

Elmpam Emboramii

The Three Realms The Three Realms World Building

The Three Realms Mathematical Symbols

The number base of The Three Realms is base-25, meaning, on top of having 0 to 9, they have 15 more digits before they have to make a number with 2 digits. This number generator will make things easier. The reason the mathematical symbols (plus, minus, multiply, and divide being such examples) have no separate pronunciations across the Realms is because they are a more recent invention, made AFTER the Realms stopped fighting each other.

The Three Realms The Three Realms World Building

The Three Realms Writing Characters

With the symbols of the written languages of The Three Realms comes a little grammar lesson. All 25 characters in each language make up A to Y. For Z and the basic punctuation characters you would repeat a character twice. Z in the Combined Realm Text would be “rere”, the period is “toto”, a question mark is “tata, an exclamation point is “roro”, a comma is “lulu,” the semicolon is “dada”, the colon becomes “gege”, a dash becomes “riri”, the hyphen is “tutu”, a bracket is “gigi”, “dodo” makes a brace, a parentheses becomes “kuku”, the apostrophe is “keke”, a quotation mark is “rara”, and the ellipsis is “tete”. Next up in world building will be the number symbols and their phonetic sounds, then the calendars.