The Three Realms The Three Realms World Building


Dragons, easily one of the most powerful of races in the Realms. Most connected to the elements of the Realms, they once started as mindless beasts. Elves then taught them how to speak and think. After that, they became some of the most advanced species in all the Realms. Unlike Elves, Dragons DO have different species. There are 10 species among Dragons, all of which have different characteristics.


  • Two legs in back
  • No tail
  • Wings for arms
  • One horn on forehead


  • No wings.
  • Serpentine body
  • Two grasping hands in front
  • Fins for propulsion through water
  • No horns


  • Pair of stag-like horns
  • Turtle-like
  • No wings
  • Four legs


  • No legs
  • Wings
  • No horns
  • Long whiskers


  • Fluffy
  • No horns
  • Moth antennae
  • Paws with claws
  • Long ears


  • Pair of curved horns joined in middle of forehead
  • Serpentine
  • Four taloned feet
  • Wings
  • Crocodile mouth


  • Beak
  • Feathered
  • Two legs
  • No wings
  • No horns
  • Peacock tail feathers


  • No horns
  • Wings line front legs
  • Four horns
  • Tail for locomotion


  • Small horns
  • Dog-like muzzle
  • Serpentine
  • No legs

Shadow (Recently rediscovered)

  • Branched horns
  • Horn on nose
  • Wings
  • Tail for locomotion
  • Grasping hands

The Three Realms The Three Realms World Building

Elf Affinities

Elves are some of the most well-known species across the Realms. They usually give themselves an air of mystery by occupying their time in contemplation. However, there is one thing they don’t want to be a mystery, and that’s what makes a certain Elf a Wood Elf or a Sea Elf. Despite what people think, there AREN’T exactly species of Elves, much like there aren’t species of humans. They have varying skin tones as well as varying affinities of the elements that make up the Realms. They always address themselves by their name and what affinity of Elf they are. For example, Elmar would say “I am Elmar Narven, Wood Elf”. Below are the various types of affinities available to Elves.

Earth types

  • Wood
  • Stone
  • Sand

Fire types

  • Blaze
  • Magma
  • Inferno

Water types

  • Sea
  • Ice

Air types

  • Wind
  • Sky

Lightning types

  • Electric
  • Thunder

Love types

  • Lust
  • Romance

Magic types

  • Light
  • Middle
  • Dark

Death types

  • Necro

Balance types

  • Eternity

Life types

  • Health

Drows are considered Elvish, but not really Elves. They have the same affinity types as Elves, just a different culture.

The Three Realms The Three Realms World Building


Ruled by: Dark Lord or Lady, Under-king or queen.

Building Style: Almost like Medieval Cities.

Technological stance: Basic technologies, but subtle and hidden.

Main Belief: Dark Passions, if used right, gain power.

Main denizens: Trolls. Orcs. Demons. Humans. Centaurs. Merfolk. Driders. Minotaurs. Vampires. Werewolves. Zombies.

Economic base: Industry. Weapons. Ships. Defensive devices.

Magic Base: Dark Magic.

Continents: Frigid North. Molten South. Eternally night woods and mountains in East. Arid Deserts in West. Cities and villages in Center. Oceans surrounding continents.

Notable Areas: Greshkagh Mountains (East). Dwelga (Center). Falgreth (Center). Galdredan Lava Kingdom (South). Realmgate City (Center). Belsnath Citadel (Center). Calnthor Mermaid Kingdom (Eastern Ocean). Frigandor (North). Greltharg Mermaid Kingdom (Southern Ocean). Grilthan Forest (East). Crelima City (West). Morgonthor Trench (Western Ocean). Haldebor Drider Caves (East). Actanila Mega-shark Grounds (North).

The Three Realms The Three Realms World Building


Ruled by: Monarch and Council.

Building Style: Futuristic Cities

Technological stance: Technological Capital of the Realms

Main Belief: Balance light and dark

Main denizens: Humans. Dwarfs. Centaurs. Elves. Merfolk. Driders. Plant-folk. Harpies. Kitsunes.

Economic base: Technology. Food.

Magic Base: Neutral Magic

Continents: Snowy South. Grassy and Woodland West. Cities and villages in East. Mountainous Center. Desert-like North. Oceans surrounding continents.

Notable Areas: Largandra (East) Algarda Merfolk Kingdom (West). Aridu (North). Midoran Forest (West). Galthar (East). Kurontar Sea Merfolk Kingdom (South). Trelfan Trench (South). Domoroto (South). Varshenta Beach. (East). Gafinar Cecaelia Kingdom (East). Regatim Oasis (North). Borompek Dwarf Kingdom (Center). Rokanth Village (East). Glasna Kingdom (South). Slempay Kingdom (West). Borsootha Slime Oasis (South).

The Three Realms The Three Realms World Building


Ruled by: Royal Council with Reigning Monarch at head.

Building Style: Modern cities

Technological stance: Between Under and Mid-realm in terms of technologies

Main Belief: Light guides the way.

Main denizens: Zephyrs. Humans. Elves. Mermaids. Centaurs. Plant-folk. Genies. Dwarves. Kitsunes. Fairies. Chimeras.

Economic base: Healing. Education.

Magic Base: Light Magic

Continents: Wooded North. Cities and villages in West. Mountainous South. Desert Center. Snowy East. Oceans surrounding continents.

Notable Areas: Calando Merfolk Kingdom (West). Chromanian Sea (North). Blasarda Desert (Center). Sacchrinda Kingdom (West). Vorkath (West). Wysper City (West). Dwalna City (West). Regalin Sea (South). Coliamdii Kingdom (East). Drelda Forest (North). Lunarimba Sea (East). Gamfinar Jungle (North). Rooka Forest (North). Falchineve Drider Colony (South). Altiam Mountains (South). Ralandren Plains (South).

The Three Realms The Three Realms World Building

The Three Realms Pantheon

Ages ago, 25 gods and 25 goddesses clashed, fracturing the universe into three, the Realms that exist today. After they fought, they soon realized the damage they had wrought to the world they had created. The fracturing was permanent, the Realms could not be put back together, so the 50 Divine Ones, the Realms’ name for all the gods and goddesses, went about uniting the Realms in a different way. They implanted the ideas of Realmgates in the most brilliant minds of all the Realms and, while other inventions were made, the Realmgate idea was first and foremost on their minds. While a war was waged as the Realms came into contact, the Divine Ones had left a message, explaining their conflict and how their mistake fractured the universe they had created. Over time, the people of the Realms learned from each other and, eventually, formed Realmfleet. There was ONE similarity in all the Realms, the number 50 was used frequently. The Divine Ones are divided into the 10 Aspects, each associated with a color. Each aspect has 5 Divine Ones in it. Below are the Aspects, their associated colors, and the Divine Ones that represent them in some capacity. F is for Female and M is for Male

  1. Pink (Love)
    1. Lamsar (F)
    2. Olpen (F)
    3. Sentriam (F)
    4. Benthe (M)
    5. Galmik (M)
  2. Red (Fire)
    1. Mordek (M)
    2. Enfor (M)
    3. Glaktem (M)
    4. Shenfia (M)
    5. Pecktar (M)
  3. Orange (Magic)
    1. Halmii (F)
    2. Meloma (F)
    3. Alpira (F)
    4. Clamfii (F)
    5. Nartor (F)
  4. Yellow (Lightning)
    1. Morkal (M)
    2. Entralg (M)
    3. Zalkii (F)
    4. Oldramor (M)
    5. Foltrim (F)
  5. Green (Earth)
    1. Gramfar (F)
    2. Freemal (F)
    3. Galampa (M)
    4. Salformii (F)
    5. Oltrimpeer (F)
  6. Blue (Water)
    1. Slameek (M)
    2. Ernsem (F)
    3. Geltrak (M)
    4. Goltiampor (F)
    5. Oltorki (M)
  7. Purple (Air)
    1. Gremto (M)
    2. Altrek (F)
    3. Senforna (M)
    4. Merdra (M)
    5. Glemprag (M)
  8. Black (Ending)
    1. Balmo (F)
    2. Falheem (F)
    3. Slafnal (F)
    4. Reemeer (F)
    5. Aldrama (F)
  9. Grey (Balance)
    1. Mortrek (M)
    2. Eldrem (M)
    3. Endrek (M)
    4. Colto (M)
    5. Senfor (M)
  10. White (Beginning)
    1. Seemeertii (F)
    2. Clompofenta (M)
    3. Reemiltee (F)
    4. Galtrak (M)
    5. Bolmola (F)
The Three Realms The Three Realms World Building

The Three Realms Money

As Bashoon and her family can attest to, everything in a civilization needs some form of economy, whether it’s a barter system or depends on the use of coinage. The economy of The Three Realms falls under the latter. Through the use of coinage, many goods and services can be bought. There are five types of coins; tin, copper, bronze, silver, and gold. The most common slang for coinage would be using the first letter of the coin type. Por ejemplo: “You owe me 47 C’s!” The person is owed 47 copper coins in this instance. Like any system in The Three Realms, it’s all based around a multiple of 5. In this instance, 50 is used.

50 tin coins = 1 copper coin

50 copper coins = 1 bronze coin

50 bronze coins = 1 silver coin

50 silver coins = 1 gold coin

The Three Realms The Three Realms World Building

The Three Realms Time

Below are the measurements for time in The Three Realms.

50 seconds = 1 minute

50 minutes = 1 hour

50 hours = 1 day

50 days = 1 week

50 weeks = 1 month

50 months = 1 year

5 seasons = 1 year

The Three Realms The Three Realms World Building

The Three Realms Weight

Below are the measurements for weight. For reference, using the metric system, 25 milliliters make 1 stonak, the beginning of the measurement charts

25 stonaks = 1 zan

25 zans = 1 kel

25 kels = 1 flam (standard)

25 flams = 1 gora

25 goras = 1 mek

25 meks = 1 tem

25 tems = 1 kantek

25 kanteks = 1 gelm

25 gelms = 1 fen

25 fens = 1 megafen

Endeavor specs

Weight – 240,000,000,000 stonaks

The Three Realms The Three Realms World Building

The Three Realms Length

I’ve notice how The Three Realms uses the same terminology when it comes to some measurements, but this is a fantasy/sci-fi world with its own measurements, so I decided to explain. Also, it will give some explanation to their beliefs. Ages ago, 25 gods and 25 goddesses clashed, fracturing the universe into three, the Realms that exist today. After they fought, they soon realized the damage they had wrought to the world they had created. The fracturing was permanent, the Realms could not be put back together, so the 50 Divine Ones, the Realms’ name for all the gods and goddesses, went about uniting the Realms in a different way. They implanted the ideas of Realmgates in the most brilliant minds of all the Realms and, while other inventions were made, the Realmgate idea was first and foremost on their minds. While a war was waged as the Realms came into contact, the Divine Ones had left a message, explaining their conflict and how their mistake fractured the universe they had created. Over time, the people of the Realms learned from each other and, eventually, formed Realmfleet. There was ONE similarity in all the Realms, the number 50 was used frequently. So, they based their measurements around that number. Below are the measurements for length. For reference, using the metric system, 25 millimeters make 1 zarruk, the beginning of the measurement charts

25 zarruks = 1 smarg

25 smargs = 1 zerr

25 zerrs = 1 sta (standard)

25 stas = 1 meb

25 mebs = 1 tak

25 taks = 1 por

25 pors = 1 stee

25 stees = 1 marm

25 marms = 1 falm

Endeavor specs

Length – 25,640 zarruks

Height – 5,320 zarruks

Min width – 18,920 zarruks

Max width – 23,480 zarruks