cast Journey Through Wonder

Wilson Andrews (Kamen Rider Lash)

A Mobian Quakka once coming from Sonic and Optimus’ world, Wilson Andrews was born on Rottnest Island, off the coast of Downunda (Mobian-day Australia). He became infatuated with Amelia and soon married her, moving to 1315 Mockingbird Lane, Beyond City 884702, next door to the Munsters. During a Convergence with his old universe, Beyond City, and the Realms, he became Kamen Rider Lash and joined the Feudal Nerd Society as a scupltor. These days, he’s a student of After Academy and Chizara University and still does work as a sculptor. His marriage to Amelia produced a daughter and he still lives out his days as a scupltor and Kamen Rider. He not only sculpts for work, he also does it as a hobby. Another hobby of his is dancing with his wife. However, his hobbies are being hampered, thanks to the Author’s machinations.

Trinity Soul Trinity Soul Cast

Wilson Andrews (Kamen Rider Lash)

Kamen Rider Lash! Two hits! I hit you, you hit the ground!

Trinity Soul Trinity Soul Cast

Wilson Andrews

A 22 year old Quokka sculptor from Rottnest Island, off the western coast of Downunda (Australia), Wilson Andrews is a stereotypical Quokka always having a grin on his face. They’re Mobius’ equivalent to Hobbits. They’re inclined to be fat in the stomach and dress in bright colors, chiefly yellow. Unlike Hobbits, they’re not suspicious of outsiders. Quite a few Quokkas go off and seek adventure. Wilson Andrews is one such Quokka. The Convergence put him in another universe and he later joined as an After Academy Art student and a new Kamen Rider called Lash. He became an anthropomorphic personification like Amelia, his lover, so they can both shape-shift to either human or Mobian form, thus lowering any accusations of bestiality.