Kamen Rider Vortex Kamen Rider Vortex Chapters

Chapter 65

The storm was getting nearer and nearer and time was against us! Marty’s parents met, albeit in different circumstances than Marty’s original history, and the Doc had just wired everything up. Marty wasn’t here yet! “Come on!” I whispered. “Damn, where is that kid?!”

“He should be here any minute!” hissed Haitao.

“There he is!” called Ryōtarō.

“Okay, he’s trying to give Doc Brown the letter!” I observed. “There’s the Doc, tearing it up!”

“Hey, there they are!” called Wyldstyle. Running towards the duo were Heather and the Deer Imagin!

“Everyone,” declared Ryōtarō as he drew out the phone, “we’re doing it together!”

“Darn straight!” confirmed the princess. She got her crystal out and pressed the button.

“SPARK!” it called. Ryōtarō then opened the phone.

“Henshin!” we announced as we ran towards Heather and the Deer Imagin. Ryōtarō pressed a button on the side of the phone and set it over the buckle.

“Climax Form!” shouted the belt as all the Imagin of the Den-Liner crew jumped into him. The Climax Form armor appeared and Den-O was ready.

“Ore-tachi…sanjou!” declared Den-O.

“Not you idiots again!” groaned Heather. We clashed again as Marty backed the DeLorean up. “Will you leave us alone!?!” roared Heather.

“You’re playing with fire!” warned Zhànshì. “If you make that belt, it’ll burn half the multiverse!”

“Like I care!” snapped Heather. “I’m coming back with a fully functioning body, one way or another!”

“Wait, what?!” said the Deer Imagin. Heather then used the Imagin as a club and swung him into us before tossing him aside.

“Let me tell you right now, you kangaroo,” Heather said to me, “if Marty returns to the future because of your interference, I will change the outcome of the whole trilogy very quickly!”

“I won’t let that happen!” I declared. I swung my blade across her front. She sparked as my blade made contact.

“What happened to the purity of unarmed combat?!” she asked.

“Again with that vile word!” I shouted.

“What, combat?” quizzed Heather.

“Purity, you idiot!” I insulted. “Gods, a kid with worse autism than ME could pick that up! It should be easier for a neurotypical like you! Unless, you’ve got a worse case of autism than me. It IS a spectrum disorder.”

“CALL ME A RETARD LIKE YOU, WILL YOU?!” roared Heather as she decked me.

“I didn’t even say ‘retard’!” I protested as I picked myself up. “You’re just hearing things!” Heather kept her focus on me while the rest dealt with the Deer Imagin.

“Dude, she’s playing you for a fool!” warned Spark.

“She thinks that,” chuckled the Imagin, “but I’ll have the last laugh!”

“She’s not gonna fulfill her end of the contract!” insisted Den-O. “She’ll leave you to turn back into sand!”

“I do not listen to traitors!” snarled the Imagin.

“That’s it,” sighed Spark, “we need more range.” She pulled a wand out and pressed a button. It curved itself and grew, becoming more metallic until it became a gun.

“WAND MAGNUM!” it announced. Spark then fired off six shots to keep him at bay. Then, we heard it.

“If that crackle is anything to go by…” muttered Wyldstyle.

“NO!” bellowed Heather as she turned around to see Marty go back to 1985.

“It’s…it’s gone!” gulped the Deer Imagin.

“What do you mean?!” demanded Heather.

“The part’s been lost to the winds of time!” explained the Imagin. “Even if I get us to the future, it won’t do any good! The part’s gone!”


“Is that what this is about?!” snarled the Imagin. “You just wanted to come back to life?! A weak creature like you?! It’s not important now! I’ll rip you apart! You are such a disgrace to your own pathetic, mongrel species!” The two then started clashing. “Besides, we’re both in the same boat!”

“I was gonna spread my purity all over the multiverse!” shouted Heather. “I was gonna rule all life! If no one would serve willingly, I’d break their minds! I’d force them to serve me!”

“THAT WASN’T OUR DEAL!” roared the Imagin. “I’m supposed to destroy a key moment in time to bring my future back, NOT BE AN ETERNAL SLAVE TO YOU!”

“I don’t listen to the ambitions of my inferiors!” yelled Heather as she broke the Imagin’s snout. When he reeled back, something flew out and landed at her feet. She picked it up and examined it, giving a smirk. “Well now,” she chuckled, “it seems I had the wrong target. It wasn’t possessed by a boy who was starved for a better life, but rather, a creature who was starved for his old future. Contract complete.” As we rushed at her, she flew through a rift that opened beneath her. It shut before we could follow her.

“YOU BLOODY EAR-BASHING DOG!” I shouted. I felt a hand on me and saw Zhànshì trying to get me to cool off. The Deer Imagin then fell to his knees as sand fell from him.

“No! I can’t die! Not like this!” he wailed.

“What’s with him?” I asked Den-O.

“Whenever we Imagin lose our contract holders,” replied Den-O in Sieg’s voice, “we simply turn into a pile of sand, never to be reconstructed again.”

“Heather most likely forgot about him,” clarified Spark as she cancelled her transformation. “Imagin need someone to remember them.”

“NO!” roared the Deer Imagin. “I won’t do it! Not like this! I REFUSE!” He slammed his hands to the ground and flashed a bright light from his body. When we could finally see, he wasn’t leaking sand.

“…That hasn’t happened before!” yelped Den-O in Momotaros’ voice.

“I have a theory,” gulped the princess.

“And that is?” asked Zhànshì as we cancelled our transformations and the Den-Liner crew came out of Ryōtarō.

“The Deer Imagin is in my time’s history books,” replied the princess. “He’s remembered by someone.”

“And that person,” continued the Imagin as he stood up, “was kind enough to give me this.” He turned slowly so we could see the new belt he was sporting. It was similar to Den-O’s but was more fanged around the symbol. “Luckily for you,” the Imagin continued, “I have no need to fight you lot.”

“What are you gonna do about it?!” hissed Wyldstyle. “You’re trapped here with us!”

“LOOK OUT!” I warned as Marty ran up to Doc Brown who was trying to piece it together in his panic. We hid and watched the scene unfold.

“Okay, relax, Doc! It’s me, it’s me! It’s Marty!” called Marty.

“No, it can’t be!” stammered Doc Brown. “I just sent you back to the future!”

“I know, you DID send me back to the future,” replied Marty, “but I’m back. I’m back FROM the future.”

“…Great Scott!” breathed Doc Brown. That was when he fainted and Marty tried to get him back to consciousness.

“Well, I’ll take my leave,” mused the Deer Imagin. “Ta ta!” He opened a door and stepped into what looked like a train car instead of a room. He shut it when he went inside.

“STOP HIM!” I called. I opened the door to see that it opened into a shop.

“He’s got his own time train?!” snapped Momotaros.

“Oh dear,” mumbled Ryōtarō.

“Now we’re trapped!” I shouted.

“Not if that noise is any indication,” replied the princess. It was the TARDIS arriving again.

“The Doctor’s gonna be mad that you borrowed the TARDIS without permission,” muttered Haitao.

“I didn’t ask for it this time,” gulped the princess. The Doctor stepped out looking right mad.

“This won’t end well,” Wyldstyle predicted.

“You!” snapped the Doctor as she pointed at the princess. “Inside! Now! You lot, as well!”

“I am SO grounded,” sighed the princess. We boarded the TARDIS and saw who the Doctor was travelling with this time. There was a young black man, a young woman of Pakistani descent, and an old man. They were respectively called Ryan Sinclair, Yasmin Khan, and Graham O’Brien.

“How long did you lot travel with the Doctor?” I asked.

“Long enough to swear off of Amazon for a while,” replied Ryan.

“Swear off of bubble wrap for a while!” added Yasmin, Yas, as she’s called to her friends.

“Seriously,” muttered Graham as he was taking his shades off and putting them in the pocket of his swim trunks, “I was enjoying getting my tan on Florana and then you lot steal the TARDIS!”

“Hold on, SHE stole it!” I protested as I pointed to the princess.

“You didn’t stop her!” argued Yas. “That makes you accomplices!”

“You ought to listen to her,” supplied Ryan, “she’s a policewoman.”

“Right, off to Vorton,” declared the Doctor. “Hey! I just remembered! This is Ryan, Graham, and Yas’ first trip to another universe!”

“Glad you’re happy,” muttered the princess, wondering how she was gonna tell her mum about this.

Kamen Rider Vortex Kamen Rider Vortex Chapters

Chapter 64

Let me tell you, Your Majesty, our adventure was a wild one! We landed in Hill Valley in 1985, and I do mean landed. The rift opened up in the sky and dumped us onto someone! As we were picking ourselves up, we were apologizing over and over to the poor person turned crash mat. “It’s all right!” she assured us in an American Neutral accent. “Accidents…” she faced us and got a good look at us just as we got a good look at her. She was of Japanese descent and dress like a princess, complete with a large pink dress and a tiara. She had ginger hair and emerald eyes, currently wide with some form of surprise. “No…” she breathed.

“Sorry?” I asked.

“No, not now!” she moaned. “I’m busy!”

“Er…why don’t we start over?” suggested Haitao. “I’m…”

“Haitao Lin,” interrupted the princess. “And the Aussie over there,” she pointed at me, “is Joshua Williams. And she’s Wyldstyle.”

“…Who the hell are you?!” asked Haitao.

“And you’re the one who wants to be a diplomat?” Wyldstyle joked.

“I can’t tell you, not yet,” sighed the princess. “I wasn’t supposed to show you my face! My sister’s gonna laugh for YEARS about this!”

“Er, is there something we should know?” I asked.

“I’m from your future,” replied the princess. “All you should know about me is my Rider name, Kamen Rider Spark.” That was when I noticed a jeweled belt on her waist.

“Oh, a Kamen Rider!” called Wyldstyle.

“Yeah, and there’s supposed to be someone else with you,” realized the princess. At that point, I swear I could hear voices.

“GET AWAY FROM ME!” shrieked one. I identified this one as Heather. She then ran past us with something in pursuit. It looked like sand had formed a shape both in the air and on the ground. On the ground was the upper torso of a monster and its lower torso was in the air directly above it! The legs had hooves while the upper torso had deer antlers on its head and hoof-like fingertips.

“Your wish,” demanded the creature.

“My what?!” yelped Heather.

“Tell me your wish,” the creature elaborated.

“Why should I?!” asked Heather.

“I can grant you any wish,” replied the creature, “but a price must be paid.”

“…Any wish?” asked Heather.

“Any wish,” repeated the creature.

“…You know, I think I may need you,” mused Heather. “There’s something in this universe called the Famine Dial Part. I need that to complete my belt. Can you help me find it?”

“Easily,” boasted the creature.

“What’s the catch?” asked Heather.

“I’ll just need to know the date of your most precious moment,” answered the creature.

“Just that?” asked Heather. “All right then, we have a deal.” The creature’s legs then dropped to the ground and the upper torso went on top of the legs. His sandy complexion gave way to show a brown creature with a deer-like appearance.

“The Deer Imagin!” breathed the princess.

“It’s somewhere around here,” mused the Deer Imagin.

“DOC, ARE YOU TELLING ME IT’S 8:25?!” shouted a voice we’re all familiar with. “DAMN! I’M LATE FOR SCHOOL!” Marty ran out of the house and knocked the Deer Imagin aside.

“That’s him!” called the Imagin. “That’s the one that has your part!”

“Let’s get him!” roared Heather.

“NO, YOU DON’T!” I shouted as we leapt out of hiding. We tackled them and they tried to get us off. Our scuffle woke someone up from a bush, then we heard the Sword Form jingle.

“Henshin!” announced the person.

“Sword Form!” called the voice of Den-O’s belt. We all turned to see Den-O as his Sword Form armor attached itself onto him.

“Ore…sanjou!” shouted Den-O as he assembled his sword and started swinging. The Deer Imagin managed to block with just his hands. Meanwhile, the princess got her belt ready and pulled out a pink crystal sphere, pressing a button on it. It flashed before speaking.

“SPARK!” it called. The princess then opened her belt buckle and put the sphere inside. A pink mist was gracefully coiling around her. When it got to her navel, she snapped her fingers, in both hands as well.

“Henshin!” she declared. The mist then formed an entire cloud surrounding her and light flashed inside three times before the princess chopped her way out, making the cloud disperse. Her Rider form was white with pink highlights and hearts on her rounded shoulders, front, elbows, knees, and toes. “Kamen Rider Spark,” introduced the princess. “Hatred shall be your undoing!” She charged at Heather, her gauntlets flashing her claws, and started scratching. Heather tried to get away, but to no avail.

“Get out of here!” she bellowed.

“Not a chance!” shouted Spark.

“We better help them,” Haitao said to me.

“Right,” I replied. We drew our i.d. tags.

“Henshin!” we announced as we donned our suits. Zhànshì helped Spark with Heather while I took care of the Deer Imagin with Den-O.

“Move aside!” shouted the Imagin. “I have a contract to complete!”

“We’re not leaving!” declared Den-O. “You think I’ll leave this fight in such a manner?! You’re dealing with me! I don’t do warm-ups and I don’t do warning shots! I turn my fights up to 11! From start to finish, I go for the climax!”

“I’ll end your climax just as quick as you started it!” the Deer Imagin shouted. “You’ll be crying in pain when I’m through with you!”

“ACK!” yelped Den-O. “DON’T SAY THAT!!” He then heard something and turned his head skywards. “No, Kuma! No one’s crying!” At that point, Kintaros knocked Momotaros out of Ryōtarō’s body. The Sword Form armor vanished as Den-O looked at the two Imagin wrestling on the ground. “Come on!” wailed Momotaros. “We were getting to the good part!”

“Take a break!” demanded Kintaros as he tossed Momotaros aside and possessed Ryōtarō. Den-O then pressed the yellow button and swiped the pass.

“Does that happen a lot?” Wyldstyle wondered.

“Axe Form!” called the belt as the armor appeared for Axe Form.

“Ore no tsuyosa ni, omae ga naita!” declared Den-O. He then cracked his neck. “Namida wa kore de fuitoke!” He turned the sword into an axe and was hitting the Deer Imagin with it multiple times. The Imagin then stopped the axe to sniff the air.

“DAMMIT! WE’VE LOST HIM!” shouted the Imagin.

“We’ve got another chance,” assured Heather. “If I remember right, Marty will be at Twin Pines Mall at 1:15 AM. We’ll get him there!”

“No one’s getting anyone!” declared Spark as she pressed a button on her belt.

“FINISH SPARK!” it called. Spark then leapt into the air.

“SPARK: RIDER KICK!” she announced as she gave her Rider Kick. Heather was smart enough to throw a trashcan in the air to block the kick, throwing Spark off balance. She and the Deer Imagin ran off as Spark landed. “Dammit!” she swore as she cancelled her transformation. “Well, we’ll have to go to Twin Pines Mall to ambush her.”

“Meanwhile,” I recalled, “Strickland gave Marty his fourth tardy slip, called him a slacker like his father, then has to see his dad cave in to Biff Tannen’s demands.”

“Sounds like the kid’s got worse luck than Ryōtarō,” replied Momotaros.

“We can change that,” declared Kintaros as he stepped out of Ryōtarō.

“We’re not changing anything!” snapped the princess.

“She’s right,” I confirmed.

“We can’t change his history,” agreed Haitao.

“Not even a smidge,” mused Wyldstyle.

“WHAT?!” snapped Momotaros.

“I’m sorry,” replied the princess, “but the events we’ve described are fixed points in the multiverse. What happens, happens. We’ve got to let him continue with his currently sucky life.”

“Says who?!” snapped Momotaros.

“Says me!” answered the princess, hotly.

“What, and you’re in charge?!” asked Momotaros.

“Princess, time-traveler, yeah!” declared the princess.

“Momotaros, Imagin, no!” countered Momotaros. “I don’t need your permission to end his bad luck! I’ll do it myself!”

“You even try,” hissed the princess, “and they’ll think you a lunatic! Come on! Twin Pines! We’re going there!”

“I’ve got something to say about that!” shouted Momotaros.

“Oh, I BET you do!” replied the princess.

“Momotaros, I’m sorry,” I calmed, “but if we try to change the outcome now, it may give Heather what she wants.” Momotaros grumbled but subsided.

“Fine, we’ll let him be,” he sighed.

“Good,” declared the princess. “Now then, to Twin Pines Mall!”

It was 1:15 when we arrived. We kept to the shadows so no one could see us. Marty was taping the unveiling of the DeLorean. “Never mind that now!” Dr. Brown said twice over. Marty hoisted the camera up and started filming.

“All right, I’m ready,” he called.

“Good Evening!” Dr. Brown said to the camera. “Good evening, I’m Doctor Emmett Brown. I’m standing on the parking lot of Twin Pines Mall. It’s Saturday morning, October 26, 1985, 1:18 a.m. and this is temporal experiment number one.” He then got his dog, a sheepdog called Einstein. “C’mon, Einy! Hey, hey boy, get in there! That a boy, in you go! Get down, that’s it!”

“All right, so far so good,” I muttered.

“Please note that Einstein’s clock is in complete synchronization with my control watch,” called Doc Brown.

“Right, check, Doc,” replied Marty.

“Good,” cheered Doc Brown. He turned to his dog in the DeLorean. “Have a good trip, Einstein, watch your head.” He shut the door and brought out his remote control.

“You have this thing hooked up to the car?” asked Marty.

“Watch this!” directed Doc Brown. “Not me, the car, the car! If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits eighty-eight miles per hour, you’re gonna see some serious sh*t!” He started the car up. “Watch this, watch this!” The car then rushed towards the two and generated a light show around the front before it disappeared in a bright light and left a pair of fire trails on either side of the two. “Ha! What did I tell you?!” cheered Doc Brown “Eighty-eight miles per hour! The temporal displacement occurred at exactly 1:20 a.m. and zero seconds!”

“THAT POOR DOG!” wailed Ryōtarō.

“He disintegrated him!” yelped Wyldstyle

“No one’s disintegrated!” I assured the two. “Einstein’s all right!”

“Then, where the hell is he?!” shouted Momotaros.

“Not ‘where’ the hell, ‘when’ the hell,” corrected Haitao.

“Doc Brown modified that DeLorean to become a time machine,” I explained. “Einstein was sent one minute into the future.” Another flash heralded the DeLorean’s arrival. It was covered in frost. Doc opened the door to show Marty proof of Einstein’s trip. He then showed how to operate the main function of the DeLorean. When he got to the bit about him swiping the plutonium he needed from Libyan Nationalists, Momotaros sniffed the air.

“What are you doing?” asked Haitao.

“You can smell the Imagin?” quizzed Ryōtarō.

“It’s close!” replied Momotaros.

“Uh oh,” I gulped as history was unfolding in the correct order. The Libyan Nationalists were approaching Marty and Doc Brown! And right behind them were Heather and the Deer Imagin! “Stop them!” I shouted. We charged out of the bushes, ready to transform. Ryōtarō pressed the red button as the princes pulled her pink crystal out and pressed the button.

“SPARK!” it called. Haitao and I drew our i.d. tags.

“Henshin!” we all announced.

“Sword Form!” called Den-O’s belt as Momotaros possessed Ryōtarō.

“Ore sanjou!” declared Den-O as he quickly assembled his sword. We managed to intercept the duo and keep them distracted.

“I thought I made it clear we will brook no interference!” roared the Deer Imagin as his horns glowed. He charged right at me, knocking me down and winding me! As I was gasping in pain, my transformation was cancelled. The Imagin picked me up. “Now, pay the price!” As he reeled back for a punch, a gunshot rang out and Doc Brown fell to the ground. Marty hid in the DeLorean and gunned the engine. It ran straight at us before it vanished and we stood in between a pair of flaming tire trails.


“Don’t be so sure,” assured the Deer Imagin as he opened me up like a door. “This way!” he called. He and Heather then went through me and I shut behind them.

“What just happened?!” I gulped.

“That only happens when an Imagin hold up its end of the deal with whoever made a contract with it!” yelped Den-O.

“He just used your most precious memory of this universe to travel back to that time!” elaborated Spark.

“November 5, 1955!” I breathed. “The day Doc Brown invented time travel!”

“I’d use my motorcycle,” muttered Spark, “but there’s only room for one, I don’t have sidecars, and the Flux Capacitor hasn’t been installed yet!”

“And Ryōtarō can’t afford to have you all on his pass,” sighed Den-O. “He’s stretching it with the five of us already.” Spark then got an idea.

“I DO have something,” she assured. She then cancelled her transformation and pulled a key from a hidden pocket in her dress. She fiddled with it for a bit. “If I got this right, we’ll be borrowing her for a bit while the events in Montgomery, Alabama on December 1st of that year are being preserved.”

“Who?” I asked. At that point, a familiar Vworp filled my ears. We turned to see the TARDIS appear!

“The Doctor’s not a taxi driver!” protested Wyldstyle.

“The Doctor and her companions are making sure Rosa Parks’ point in history is preserved,” assured the princess. “We’re just borrowing the TARDIS.”

“How are we gonna fit in there?!” Den-O asked.

“It’s not as cramped as you think,” I explained. “You might want to have ALL of the Den-Liner Crew here.” Den-O cancelled his transformation and Momotaros stepped out of Ryōtarō while Urataros, Kintaros, Ryutaros, and Sieg appeared. We entered the TARDIS and the Den-Liner crew gawked at the interior. It had changed when last I saw it. It had gears inside hexagons on the walls and lights inside other hexagons and the time rotor in the center of the console was one large crystal and there were crystal struts that angled towards the crystal in the center.

“Oh, she redecorated,” I mused. “I don’t like it!”

“This is impossible!” breathed Ryōtarō.

“It’s…bigger on the inside!” squawked Momotaros.

“This is, or ought to be, the Doctor’s TARDIS,” replied Haitao. “But, when we last saw it, it looked like a fancy kitchen, not a crystal cave.”

“Right then, November 5th, 1955, Hill Valley, California, United States of America, Earth, Mutter’s Spiral, universe B-A-C-K-T-0-T-H-3-F-U-T-U-R-3!” mused the princess as she fiddled with the controls. She then yanked on the large lever and the crystal time rotor went up and down with the struts’ tips going up and down in sync. As the TARDIS was in flight, the princess danced around the console, flipping switches and pressing buttons to keep the Doctor’s home steady. Soon, the time rotor stopped and there was a distinct thud. The princess then turned a monitor on in the wall and we saw the outside.

“That’s the barn Marty crashed into!” I revealed. And, soon enough, there was the DeLorean crashing through the barn.

“I can’t find the Imagin or Heather!” replied the princess.

“Then we may have beat them here,” Wyldstyle guessed. “Let’s get out of here and keep a close eye on Marty.”

“Right,” everyone confirmed as we left the TARDIS. It then took off on its own.

“Thank you!” the princess called to the winds. We then took off and followed Marty very closely as he improved his dad’s life and helped the Doctor Brown of this era rig up something from the town hall clock that would generate 1.21 gigawatts of power for the DeLorean to get back to 1985.

Kamen Rider Vortex Kamen Rider Vortex Chapters

Chapter 21

“You run out of things to hide behind yet?” asked Batman to Vortech. “Let’s settle this mano a Bat-mano!” Lord Vortech chuckled.

“As you wish!” he said. He raised his staff into the sky and started raising walls from the ground.

“The walls!” gulped Wyldstyle. “They look like the ones in the Gateway room!”

“I’m beginning to suspect,” mused Gandalf, “that the foes we’ve met thus far have been mere pawns.”

“You said it, old man!” confirmed Vortech. “Because I’m not even on the chessboard! I’m the hand controlling every single piece!”

“Hold on, are you Vortech?” asked Batman.

“LORD Vortech, if you please,” answered Vortech as his disguise disappeared. Batman, Wyldstyle, Gandalf, and Ichigō turned to me.

“That’s the enemy?!” yelled Ichigō.

“He wasn’t your concern,” I replied. “He’s the F.N.S’ priority, and ours alone.”

“Considering our homes are in danger because of him,” countered Wyldstyle, “I think keeping that kind of info from us is a grave error!”

“Enough talk!” called Sword Form Den-O. “Let’s do this!”

“Everybody,” shouted Den-O, Liner Form, “pile on!” The Imagin cheered, turned into balls of light, and entered Liner Form. He then took off the cell phone and pressed buttons.

“Momo! Ura! Kin! Ryu! Sieg!” it announced. He put the cell phone back on and swiped the pass over it.

“Climax Form!” called the belt. The face mask changed to Sword Form’s peach-like shape, but the outer shell split away, revealing an orangish-yellow underside. Rod Form’s visor attached itself to the right shoulder. Ax Form’s visor attached to the left shoulder. Gun Form’s visor attached itself to the chest. Wings popped out of the back.

“Ore-tachi…sanjou!” (dynamic way of saying “We have arrived!”) said Den-O in Momotaros’ voice. Rogue started laughing.

“What’s with the wings?!” he managed to get out.

“I wouldn’t laugh so hard,” answered Den-O in Sieg’s voice. It changed to Momotaros’ voice quickly.

“NO ONE ASKED YOU!” he shouted.

“What just happened?” I asked Sengoku.

“The Imagin can possess Ryōtarō to make Den-O’s different forms,” he explained, “or they can all pile on in and make the Climax Form.” Vortech decided to tip the scales in his favor and grew giant size.

“Uh-oh,” gulped Wyldstyle.

“You may have bitten off more than we can chew, Den-O,” observed Gandalf.

“No chance,” assured Batman. “I’m hungry!”

“Your mistake!” proclaimed Rogue. “Turretorg! Discornia! Your master summons you!”

“Shocker Nova! Fall in!” ordered Talon.

“Vortexons, if you please!” called Vortech. The enemy forces came through portals that opened everywhere. We were swarmed, as usual, and fought back.

“Time to use this in a fight,” I decided. I then went through the motions for Proto-Vortex “SUPER CHARGE!” I announced. I then bulked up and grabbed my new sword, charging the ranks of the enemy. After the goons were dispatched, Vortech spoke again.

“See my powers and quake!” He changed shape into a knight’s upper torso, complete with sword and shield. Judging from where the sword was, I’d say he was left-handed. He swung it in a circular motion, intending to bisect us through the waist, but we jumped out of the way. He then made a downward slash at us, nearly hitting Rogue and Talon.

“GIVE US SOME WARNING, WILL YOU?!” roared Rogue. Just then, an explosion in the sky occurred again, heralding the arrival of the DeLorean with a different driver. It was a teenage boy wearing an orange, 80’s down vest over a jean jacket. It was the main protagonist of the Back to The Future trilogy, Marty McFly!

“Whoa!” he called as he saw the battle below. “This is heavy!” The DeLorean collided with Vortech and knocked a Keystone transmitter out!

“You kept a transmitter on you?!” shouted Rogue. “YOU DUNCE!”

“Locate Keystone, activate!” I announced. “Initiate rift detection!” I found a rift crack near Vortech’s left, dodging his sword all the while. “Identify source of rift!” I pulled the crack open and found the source. “Locate help from D-C-C-0-M-1-C-5!” I exclaimed. The rift opened to reveal a plane with a bat motif. I don’t think I need to guess who designed and owned that plane.

“Batplane, fire on the giant!” ordered Batman. The Batplane fired a salvo of missiles at Vortech. He shrunk down.

“Dismiss help,” I called as I readied my sword.

“I see you’ve been practicing your newly found tricks!” roared Vortech. Just then, he formed an ice barrier.

“Elemental Keystone, activate!” announced Gandalf. “Element of fire, Royal!” I let fire surround my blade and let off a beam of fire melt the ice barrier. Vortech then turned into a giant version of his head while minions attacked us again. Turretorg fired off a salvo of missiles while Discornia dazzled us with her light show. Vortech’s head then spun around, binding us in chains. The DeLorean was still flying around, so it managed to buzz him and shatter Vortech’s concentration. He then turned into a hand, grabbed everyone, and tossed us onto the top of the clock tower’s scaffolding.

“Let’s move things on, shall we?” he asked. Lord, not more puns! After dropping us off, he turned into an eagle and flew around. Rogue took that opportunity to attack me. As we tussled, I managed to score some hits, knocking him silly. Something was off, though. Rogue wasn’t fighting back as hard as he usually does. There was a transmitter there, so I used my keystone to find help.

“Locate Keystone, activate!” I announced. “Initiate rift detection!” The source of the rift was near the edge of the scaffolding. “Identify source of rift!” I got the info on the dimension. “Locate help from N-1-N-J-A-G-0!” I shouted. A mechanical dragon attacked Vortech. They smashed through the scaffolding, making us fall through to the bottom. “Dismiss help!” I called.

“Enough play,” hissed Vortech. “I’m bored of you peasants.” He then formed a fire shield.

“Elemental Keystone, activate!” called Gandalf. “Element of water, Ichigō!” Ichigō sprayed water on Vortech’s shield while I fought Talon and Rogue. I managed to get them up against the wall.

“My GOD! That felt incredible!” I sighed.

“Oh HO!” chuckled Rogue. “Am I sensing an iota of pride?”

“It seems to be a curse in your blood, Hiro-Chan,” observed Talon.

“True, I am a prideful man,” agreed Rogue. “It only makes sense that it would pass on.”

“Chan?” I asked, hung up on the honorific Talon used.

“We’re getting married after this mess is over,” explained Rogue.

“That’s not possible!” I declared.

“Considering things, I’d say it is,” argued Rogue.

“Really?” I hissed. “Because, from my vantage point, I see two dolts up against the wall!”

“And don’t think we don’t appreciate the efforts,” assured Rogue. “By a wide margin, you’re packing more of a wallop than when we met in my home dimension of K-A-M-3-N-R-1-D-3-R. However, you will never, EVER, defeat me with that form.”

“What are you talking about?!” I snapped. “I’m much stronger than you now!”

“Oh, yes,” affirmed Talon, “in raw power, you’re unmatched. Even Vortech over there,” she pointed to Vortech as the fire shield was doused and he formed his giant head, “would be given a run for his money. But, your suit is bulky, is it not? As is your weapon. Your suit has increased in mass. Your body can’t compensate, so, while we’re seeing a boost in speed, the trade up is slower combat speed. Hiro-Chan, could you put what I’m saying in simpler terms?”

“Your suit is so heavy,” simplified Rogue, “you can’t hit us.”


“…Pity,” sighed Rogue. That’s it! No mercy! I swung my sword, the dolts dodged. Rogue then shoved me into a castle, made of Lord Vortech! His castle form had turrets! They were firing!

“Locate Keystone, activate!” I announced. “Initiate rift detection!” I found it on the far side of the clock tower. “Identify source of rift!” I found out where it came from. “Locate help from M-1-D-D-L-3-3-A-R-T-H!” Trolls came out of a rift pushing a giant metal wolf suspended by chains on a scaffolding. I offer this quote from the original books.

“Great engines crawled across the field; and in the midst was a huge ram, great as a forest-tree a hundred feet in length, swinging on mighty chains. Long had it been forging in the dark smithies of Mordor, and its hideous head, founded of black steel, was shaped in the likeness of a ravening wolf; on it spells of ruin lay. Grond they named it, in memory of the Hammer of the Underworld of old. Great beasts drew it, orcs surrounded it, and behind walked mountain-trolls to wield it” (Tolkien 124).

I had to finagle the use of Grond with the Orc Captain and the commanding Olog-hai (more advanced Troll that can move in sunlight, like the Uruk-hai), but we reached an agreement that they would still please Sauron if Grond was used against Vortech’s castle form, as Sauron wanted to rule, not be ruled. The trolls positioned the battering ram towards Vortech. They pulled it back as the Orcs chanted “Grond!” over and over. It smashed into Vortech’s castle form, making him fall to the ground. The Orcs cheered, but Vortech was mad!

“Would you STOP using my own tricks against me?!” he snapped. He then tossed Grond and its operators into a portal. He then formed an ice shield.

“Element of fire, Den-O!” called Gandalf, still using his Keystone. Den-O then surrounded his own sword with fire.

“Hissatsu!” (Sure Kill) announced Den-O in Momotaros’ voice. “Ore no hissatsu waza…Cho Fire Climax version!” (My Sure Kill Attack…Super Fire Climax version!) He leaped into the air, made a fire circle, and got ready for his super-powered Rider Kick. The wings kept him ready and poised.

“RIDER KICK!” called Ichigō.

“RIDER PROTO-VORTEX KICK!” I shouted. We all made our kicks with Den-O’s fire attack and destroyed Vortech’s barrier. Vortech stumbled to the ground. He saw something fly off, then got an idea.

“Vortech Kick,” he laughed. He turned into a giant foot and managed to make a flying kick, hitting us all. Our transformations were canceled and the Imagin fell out of Ryōtarō. We all tried to cover our wounds. I won’t lie, we looked pitiful.

“He’s…too strong!” gasped Batman. “We…have to…find…another way!” My Keystone powers were still going.

“Initiate…rift…detection!” I gasped. I waved my hand on the ground in front of me and found a rift crack. Truth be told, I didn’t think that would work. “Identify…source of…rift!” I gasped. The information beamed into my skull. “Locate…help…from…K…A…M…3…N…R…1…D…3…R…” I said weakly. A rift opened and a shinkansen style train that generated its own tracks as it flew through the air came out. It came between us and Vortech’s team.

“The Den-Liner!” called Hiroki. The passenger car opened to let a woman in a train’s waitress uniform with a red streak in her hair be revealed.

“Come on!” she urged. “Quickly!”

“Let’s go!” declared Batman. With great pain, we entered the train. It took off into the air as a rift back to Vorton opened for us. Vortech had beaten us.

I stood below as the train flew into the rift. Rogue and I had canceled our transformations and laughed with Vortech. “That’s it!” he taunted. “Run along home! It’s a dangerous universe out here!”

“Kamen Riders, my rear!” I laughed, twirling in my new saloon dress. I think I’m gonna keep it. “Look at them run!”

“Leaving us to get a Foundation Element,” declared Hiro as he tilted his hat.

“Quite so,” agreed Vortech as he stopped laughing. “Now, let me see, if I were a Flux Capacitor, then where would I be hiding?” Then, in a fireball that usually heralded the arrival of a time traveling DeLorean, a flying steam engine flew overhead and landed.

“I think I’ll get it,” I volunteered.

“Just be careful,” warned Hiro. “You’re not exactly wearing a bustle.”

“If you happen to have one,” I asked. To my amazement, he did. After he helped me get it on, much to Vortech’s chagrin, no romance in his soul, I’d say, I headed into the main street. Doc Brown, his wife, Clara, his now 45-year-old friend, Marty McFly in cowboy gear, and his now grown, 20-year-old sons, Jules and Verne were on board. When they stepped out of the train’s cab, they saw what Vortech had summoned into Hill Valley.

“Is that Lady Liberty?” asked Clara.

“That’s the Sphinx!” said Jules.

“There’s a pirate ship!” observed Verne.

“Great Scott!” exclaimed Doc Brown.

“Doc, what did you do to the space-time continuum?!” yelped Marty.

“I did nothing!” protested Doc Brown hotly. He then started thinking. “Which isn’t to say that I might not do it at some point after now.”

“Does that mean we’re going…?” asked Marty.

“Back to the future!” confirmed Doc Brown.

“Excuse me,” I called, “could you tell a lady where your Flux Capacitor is?”

“What?!” yelped Doc Brown. “How do you know about the Flux Capacitor?!”

“Maybe she’s from the future,” guessed Marty.

“Oh no!” wailed Doc Brown. “This is terrible! Don’t worry, I’ll get you back!”

“I just need to look at the Flux Capacitor,” I assured. “I have an uncanny ability to look at any machine and make one like it from scratch.”

“Impressive!” praised Jules.

“It’s over in the lamp on top of the locomotive,” explained Doc Brown.

“Thank you!” I called as I pulled a stun gun on them and fired. They fell to the ground. I went to the front of the engine, clambered up, and set to work extracting it.

The Den-Liner dropped us back off at Vorton. The Owner, a mysterious man that has a habit of eating meals with a tiny flag in it and trying to keep it upright for as long as he can and stops eating when it falls, making a show of surprise, gave us a bag of studs for our trouble. He also gave me the Marty and Doc i.d tags. They copied over to all Vortex Riders. We left while Ryōtarō, the Imagin, and Hana, stayed on the train. It soon left through a rift back home. “The total number of studs in the bag is 105,000,” reported Vortoranii from my belt when the Den-Liner left. “We now have 830,000 studs.”

“Yeah,” sighed Wyldstyle. “I think running away was the right idea.”

“That wasn’t running away!” protested Batman. “That was a…tactical retreat!”

“Remind me,” countered Wyldstyle as Gandalf decided to examine the apparatus on the gateway, “what’s the difference?”

“There’s none,” affirmed the Brigadier as he and Rusty came up, having heard our arrival.

“Batman doesn’t run away!” protested Batman.

“Seriously?” I asked. “That’s the best defense for your fragile ego?”

“That’s not a difference,” observed Wyldstyle.

“Well, if you can’t see the difference,” hissed Batman, “then, maybe, that’s your failing!”

“You want to talk failing?” asked Wyldstyle. “Megumi’s a shining example!”

“Excuse me?!” I snarled.

“You didn’t tell us about Vortech!” explained Wyldstyle.

“She’s right,” agreed Batman. “You dragged us along for the ride! You knew about Vortech and how you got your belts! Why did you withhold that kind of information?!”

“You’re the last person to accuse me of withholding information!” I roared. “You’ve kept your countermeasures for the Justice League from your friends!”

“They’re gods among men!” protested Batman. “We need countermeasures!”

“You don’t need any for Vortech!” I argued. “This was supposed to be the F.N.S’ fight, not yours! Hongo decided to tag along and start us on this rift hopping insanity!”

“Ichimonji was kidnapped right before my eyes, in case you forgot!” shouted Hongo. “I’m not going to sit and wait while someone inexperienced in Kamen Rider matters goes off to rescue him!”

“Well, if you can’t just be patient in terms of rescue,” I hissed, “maybe that’s your failing!”

“Says the one that used the Super Charge so recklessly after Hongo said not to!” called Emily.

“Oh, don’t you start!” I growled.

“In case you didn’t notice,” Emily pointed out, “your new form is as bulky as me! I’m used to my body weight because I trained myself, which is why I move as fluidly as I do! You don’t have any training of that kind!”

“I beat Hiro with it once before, remember?!” I argued.

“That was in a dream world,” countered Emily, “where anything is possible! You caught him off guard, and he prepared himself for the next encounter! He toyed with you back in Hill Valley!” The argument was cut short as we heard machinery falling on itself. We whirled to see Gandalf holding the claws that usually rested at either side of the gateway ring and the apparatus with the antenna was on the main platform!

“Oh dear,” gulped Gandalf.

“Gandalf,” hissed Batman, “did you just break our only way out of here?!”

“Ah, well,” stammered Gandalf.

“No!” reported Rusty. “Gateway is still fully operational!”

“Then what are those parts for?” asked Batman.

“My Master Builder senses are tingling!” called Wyldstyle. She then took the parts, attached the claws to the apparatus, moved the antenna to a side, and put the purple disc on the top. It flashed and formed and glowed until it became a flying cube-like robot with two digited claw hands. It was the one that found Foundation Prime for Vortech and Hiro!

“Whew, thanks!” praised the robot. Then it hit me! He was the Gateway Guardian! He just deepened his voice when he was attached to the gateway. “Kind of hard to assemble yourself when your arms aren’t attached in the first place,” said the robot.

“The flying box appears to be speaking,” observed Gandalf. “How…odd.”

“This from a guy who hangs out with talking trees!” countered the robot. “I was worried that you guys hadn’t seen my S.O.S. signal.”

“You mean the video of you finding that place for Vortech?” I asked.

“That’s the one,” confirmed the robot. “I was supposed to be like the Vortex Drivers, but I didn’t want to be cramped in a belt. Kind of hard to do anything as a belt except transform your host. Dull, honestly. Although, it seems a former organic wanted to try for herself, right Vortoranii?”

“You haven’t changed a bit, old friend!” chuckled Vortoranii.

“My name’s X-PO,” introduced the robot. “Short for Experimental Portal Operator, and I’m the voice that’s been helping you find the Keystones.” Hypothesis confirmed. X-PO hovered towards Batman. “That’s different than the voice that tells you to dress up like a bat.” Batman snarled at this.

“So, you were the one that spied on Vortech,” I guessed. “He must have figured you out, hence, banishing you.”

“Yep,” confirmed X-PO.

“Our thanks for guiding us,” lauded Gandalf.

“You and your beard are welcome,” replied X-PO. “So, here’s the deal: now that the Keystones have been integrated into the Gateway device, you must gather the Foundation Elements immediately. It’s a ‘gotta-collect-them-all’ kind of thing.”

“Cut to the chase, casual robot,” snapped Batman. “Where’s Robin and the Kryptonite?”

“Right, Kryptonite,” recalled X-PO. “That’s one of the Foundation Elements identified on Foundation Prime. I believe I gave you a bit of explanation on them.”

“You only stated what some Foundation Elements are,” I reminded, “and who’s got them.”

“So, Lord Vortech really DOES have his grubby, Vortechy mitts on them,” hissed X-PO.

“The guy from the wild west, right?” asked Wyldstyle.

“Does he have our friends too?” quizzed Hongo.

“Well, if they possess Foundation Elements,” guessed X-PO, “and, judging by the kinds of friends you have, I bet they do, then, yes, they’re on Foundation Prime.”

“Then stop talking and open a rift there!” demanded Batman, wanting to rescue his son quickly.

“You’ve been there before,” I observed. “Get the F.N.S there and we’ll deal with Vortech and the hostage situation. These people need to get home.”

“No, we need to get to Foundation Prime!” protested Batman.

“This isn’t your fight!” I argued.

“Oh, yes it is,” countered X-PO. “You think those rifts leading you guys to their native dimensions was coincidence?”

“Wait, you wanted Hongo to follow us through the rift?!” I yelped.

“And Batman, Wyldstyle, and Gandalf,” confirmed X-PO. “Batman has his intelligence and gadgets, Gandalf has his magic and wisdom, Wyldstyle has her combat prowess and imaginative brain, and Hongo has his cybernetic powers. These have proven valuable to you guys. Overall, they should be thanked.” I then realized what was going on. X-PO selected the people that could help us on our journey while the Vortex Drivers found hosts that could utilize their powers. Dear Lord, I made a mistake.

“Minna,” I mumbled, “I want to apologize.”

“For?” asked Hongo.

“For not telling you sooner about what we know about Vortech!” I said, tearing up a bit. I felt so ashamed. “I should have trusted you sooner!” I broke down crying. Richard, Emmanuel, Lukas, Hiroki, and Emily gave me a hug.

“Maybe we shouldn’t have been so harsh,” Batman muttered to Hongo, Gandalf, and Wyldstyle. They raised an eyebrow. “I let my goal of rescuing Robin get in the way of my judgement. I thought Megumi didn’t care about us. Boy, was I wrong. She made the same mistake I’ve made of holding back info to protect your friends.”

“I’m not really innocent in that regard,” replied Hongo.

“We’ve all done it in the past,” observed Wyldstyle.

“True,” confirmed Gandalf. “I kept some things from the Fellowship and it led to us facing the Balrog in Moria.” I had spent my tears at that time.

“I’m sorry,” I mumbled.

“I think I speak for all of us when I say we all are,” assured Batman. “No more secrets?”

“No more secrets,” I promised. “Another reason I didn’t tell you everything was that I was thinking more about how to save Hiroki’s and my mom.”

“We all let our loved ones blind us to the team we have,” observed Emmanuel. “Let’s use that light to instead find the path forward instead of in our eyes.”

“Agreed,” I cheered. “All right, X-PO, get us to Foundation Prime!”

“Wish I could,” sighed X-PO.

“I’m sorry?” I hissed. That wasn’t what I wanted to hear.

“Here’s the catch,” explained X-PO, “Foundation Prime’s location was wiped from my memory, along with all my important phone numbers and gluten-free recipes. It’s a real pain.” He eats? “But,” he continued, “with enough Foundation Elements, I may be able to recalculate the location for Foundation Prime. Also, as an added bonus, getting all of the Foundation Elements will stop Lord Vortech’s plan to collapse all the dimensions into one.”

“I trust one of you knows what that last bit meant?” quizzed Gandalf, the whole thing going over his head.

“I think so,” muttered Wyldstyle. “Collapsing all the dimensions is bad news, right?

“Oh, yeah,” confirmed X-PO. “REAL bad. To put it in a way that each of you would understand, it’s like if Sauron ruled all of Middle-Earth, or your entire world got glued together, or Shocker successfully turned everyone into cyborg slaves, or everybody in Gotham found out you’re actually Bruce Wayne.” Batman squirmed at this. “So, obviously, you have to collect all of these Foundation Elements.”

“But, we only know of a few of them,” countered Gandalf. “What are the rest and what purpose do they serve?”

“They’re important, unique objects,” answered X-PO, “found only in specific dimensions.”

“From what the Vortex Drivers recorded from you,” I recalled, “the Foundation Elements are the cornerstones of all of reality, keeping the fabric of the multiverse stable. Hence, Foundation Elements.”

“Like MetalBeard’s treasure?” asked Wyldstyle.

“Yes,” confirmed X-PO. “Lord Vortech desires them with all of his heart. When it comes to ruling the entire multiverse, the guy can be a bit of a hoarder.”

“All right, we’re in!” declared Batman.

“What are we looking for?” asked Wyldstyle.

“Look, I can only be so helpful,” replied X-PO, “but I CAN get you started. For there is one Element that’s known to all artificial intelligences, such as myself. The knowledge is buried deep in our kernel. Some consider it a myth, but I am now certain of its existence.”

“And?” I asked. “What is it?”

“A cake!” answered X-PO.

“…A cake?” I asked incredulously.

“A cake!” repeated X-PO. “A delicious, moist cake!” He then made an evil laugh, stopping himself soon after. “Whoa, that was weird! Alright, let’s get a rift open for you!”

“Not just yet!” I called. “As some people have pointed out, some of us have new forms that are currently cumbersome. I don’t wanna be caught with my dress down again. We need to train, and we need to do so quickly.” X-PO considered this.

“Well then,” he mused, “if we’re going to gather Foundation Elements with bulkier super forms, we’ll have to get you used to them in very little time, starting tomorrow!”

“How will we do that?” asked Irina.

“I think I know just what we need!” declared X-PO.

After Igura changed into her usual outfit, she joined us as I laughed with the rest of our allies. “You should have seen how Igura-Chan got the Flux Capacitor!” I boasted. “She was brilliant!”

“Just a few more Foundation Elements,” laughed Sauron, “and we can rule like royalty!” We all sighed as we dreamed of power.

“A single universe under our command,” muttered Ambassador Hell happily.

“Talking of your rewards?” asked Vortech as he approached.

“Indeed,” confirmed Saruman. “And of what we’ll bring to the single universe.”

“You know what would spruce things up in that universe?” asked Sauron. “Some Mordor landscaping, like Mount Doom.”

“How about the industry of Isengard?” quizzed Saruman.

“True, we can’t do anything without industry,” I agreed.

“And workers to get industry going,” supplied Ambassador Hell.

“And, of course,” interjected the Joker, “we should consider a holiday of anarchy and chaos.”

“And some form of police when there are people breaking the law when such a holiday isn’t in effect,” observed Lex Luthor.

“Would a full week of chaos and a full week of order alternating do?” asked Igura. Both Lex and the Joker grinned. “I thought so.”

“And the reward starting money for that universe!” I cheered. “Fifty million studs each!”

“Fifty million?” asked Two-Face. He turned to Vortech. “You said our starting money was twenty million!”

“And Hiro said that as well,” replied Vortech hurriedly.

“I heard him say FIFTY million!” growled Sauron.

“I thought YOU said you didn’t care about studs!” I protested.

“I don’t!” hissed Sauron as he gripped his mace. “I just don’t like to be cheated!”

“Now, everybody, calm down!” yelped Igura as she tried to keep the peace while our allies advanced on us.

“Calm down?” snapped the Joker. “Are you three trying to make your cheating us of our full share into a joke?! Because I don’t find it funny!”

“We’re not cheating anybody!” assured Vortech.

“Then where are the other thirty million studs?!” asked Sauron.

“There ARE no other thirty million studs!” called Igura. She turned to me. “Are there?”

“Er, no!” I lied. “Not really!” A Shocker Combatman made his usual noises.


“YOU’RE NOT GONNA GET AWAY WITH THIS, VORTECH!” shouted the Joker, no longer smiling.

“I COME HERE, RISK MY MEN’S LIVES,” yelled Ambassador Hell, “AND FOR WHAT?!” He cracked his red whip with the intent of beating Igura savagely. “YOU HAD THIS COMING FOR A LONG TIME, TRAITOR!”

“TRY IT!” taunted Igura. “NOVA…HENSHIN!” She transformed into Kamen Rider Talon and tackled Ambassador Hell. He shoved her off of him after she scored some punches to his face. He got up and then changed into his monster form. He was a bipedal rattlesnake monster with a snake head, a whip right arm, a five digited claw hand, and scales all over his body. This form was called Garagaranda. He swung his whip arm at Igura, who dodged.

“I’ll get him!” I declared as I loaded my i.d tag into my guns. “Henshin!” As I ran through the circle, the Joker tackled me. Vortech tried to get away, but Sauron hit him with his mace. It became a brawl between the two. Eventually, after a few clashes with their weapons, Vortech ducked a side swing from Sauron. The person it hit was in armor, right behind Vortech. The person stumbled backwards, making the fighting stop. I felt the blood drain from my face. It was War of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Vortech said to avoid them at all costs, since they were training one of two Kamen Riders that could beat him!

“Well,” grunted War, “since you’re hellbent on fighting, I see no reason to even give you a chance of backing out now while you can. I’ll see you on the battlefield.” She mounted her horse and charged off. Nobody moved. We were still as statues for a while. We then turned slowly to Sauron who, for once, had a stance that betrayed his fear.

“You idiot!” screeched Talon.

Kamen Rider Vortex Kamen Rider Vortex Chapters

Chapter 20

I stretched in my bed, the new dream I had being pleasant and restful. I got up and saw Richard stirring. Emily wasn’t in bed, must have woken up before us. Hope her dreams were restful. I stroked Richard’s hair and blushed. My mind wandered to a possible future with me as his wife, ruling a fairytale land. However, I suppressed such thoughts as Vortech was a more immediate priority. I came into my bathroom to wash my face. The door shut and I saw Emily in the mirror. “Why don’t you just tell my brother you love him instead of burying such thoughts?” she whispered. Curse her sharpness.

“Vortech is a more important priority,” I replied.

“Those feelings you have aren’t new,” she countered. “You’ve had them for a while, before we came here.”

“He’s more interested in the duties of being a knight instead of romance,” I argued.

“Are you sure?” asked Emily. I turned to face her, blinking. “I’ve seen the way he makes the goo-goo eyes at you.”

“He what?” I yelped. He’s making lovey eyes at me?! How did I not notice?! At that point, I heard a knock.

“YO! ROSE BUSH!” called Richard to Emily. “ARE YOU DONE?! SOME OF US NEED SHOWERS!”

“Just a sec!” I replied, then covered my mouth.

“My Lady?!” yelped Richard, embarrassed. “Er, take your time!”

“Come in here, actually,” I requested. “I want to ask you something.” Richard stepped in. “Richard, I need to ask this so I can concentrate on Vortech. Emily said that you made eyes at me, eyes of love.” Richard glared at his sister. “Does she speak the truth?” Richard sighed, letting his guard drop.

“Yes, my Lady,” he responded.

“Good,” I answered, “because I have those same feelings.” Richard brightened at that. “However,” I continued, “intimacy will have to wait until we beat Vortech.” He frowned at that.

“Dude,” protested Emily, “not cool!”

“I need to focus our efforts onto cleaning this mess up and getting our loved ones back,” I explained.

“Oh, very well,” muttered Richard.

“I failed the Bechdel test for THAT?!” wailed Emily.

“Let’s just get ready for the next dimension,” I suggested.

“Not even a kiss?” protested Emily.

“Emily, why are you so hell-bent on trying to hook me and Megumi up?!” asked Richard. “This isn’t the first time you tried to pull this stunt! Can’t you just let us discover things ourselves?! Why are you so insistent…?”

“Because I don’t want you to end up like Paw Paw!” exclaimed Emily.

“Paw Paw?” I asked.

“Our dad’s father,” replied Richard. “And, why mention Paw Paw?”

“Do you know why he married Maw Maw?” asked Emily. I guessed that was Paw Paw’s wife. “Because he was told to marry her,” continued Emily. “His heart belonged to someone else, but his parents wouldn’t hear of it. He suppressed his emotions and followed his parents’ wishes, like a ‘good man’. Now, jealousy eats away at him since Dad didn’t marry the girl Paw Paw told him to marry. If anything, he proved what just obeying parents totally does to you.”

“Hence, why Dad says that a human who just follows orders…” guessed Richard.

“Is no true human at all,” finished Emily. I then considered my own lifestyle. Contrary to most Japanese people, I didn’t have much in the way of being told to follow orders. Mom just influenced where I should direct my scrappiness. I could understand where their parents came from.

“I can understand your intentions,” remarked Richard, “but, in this instance, I must invoke Mom’s rule of ‘Let people make their own mistakes’.”

“As do I,” I agreed. Emily shuffled her feet. “Still, I do appreciate the attempts. Let’s just put this to bed for now.”

“All right,” she mumbled.

“Now, Richard,” I declared, “if the ladies could have our privacy.” Richard took the hint and left as we got dressed. Emily apparently had a clothes ritual too. I never knew that.

  1. Put the top part on while going up from kneeling to standing.
  2. Put the non-connected sleeves on while going from kneeling to standing.
  3. Step into the dress part, then pull it to the waist going from kneeling to standing.
  4. Put her rose hair ornament on while kneeling, then twirl the ribbon while standing up and twirling herself.

As I watched that, I arched an eyebrow. “Did I inspire you in any way?” I asked.

“Yep!” confirmed Emily. “I kneel, then stand to emulate the flower I’m obsessed with.”

“You’re growing and blooming like a rose?” I guessed.

“Exactly!” she said. After I did my dress ritual, we left the bathroom and joined everyone in the cafeteria.

“Good morning!” I called pleasantly. Everyone reciprocated. It really felt like a good morning, since that collective nightmare Hiro caused was gone. We ate our breakfast and headed to the Gateway Room. Elphaba, Rusty, and the Brigadier had set our destination because they found a power signature there.

“It’s in a dimension called B-A-C-K-T-0-T-H-3-F-U-T-U-R-3!” reported Rusty.

“Everyone ready?” I asked the rest of the Vortex Riders. Everyone confirmed their readiness.

“Good luck,” called the Brigadier.

“CHARGE!” I rallied as we ran into the portal.

We ended up in a Western setting. I swear I could hear Oh, My Darling Clementine somewhere. We exited the alley we landed in. A chicken popped out from Gandalf’s hat. He jammed his hat down to avoid Batman seeing it, then took it off to have an egg pop out. It landed on the ground intact! The mama chicken then flew out of the hat, flapping its wings and squawking like mad! Wyldstyle checked her scanner. “Any luck finding the power signature?” asked Batman. Wyldstyle shook her head as a long beep came from the scanner.

“It doesn’t even look like they’ve got electrical power!” reported Wyldstyle.

“Good grief, you’d think they’d have telegraphs!” I complained. “Last I checked, those needed electricity!”

“Well now, ladies,” called a voice in a thick cowboy accent. We jumped and turned to see a heavyset gentleman in a top hat and carrying a mayor’s ribbon on his person. “I assure you,” continued the Mayor, “we most certainly DO have power of the electrical persuasion! Behold, the town light-bulb!” He pointed to the single street lamp in the town. “And of course, we have telegraphs, my Chinese lady friend!”

“I’m Japanese, you twit!” I snapped. Seriously, it’s not that hard to keep straight! The street lamp’s bulb then went out.

“DAGNABBIT!” shouted the Mayor as he threw his hat to the ground.

“Are you in charge here?” asked Batman.

“Indeed!” confirmed the Mayor as he retrieved and dusted off his hat. “Mayor Hubert, at your service!”

“Have you seen anything…weird…around here?” asked Batman. I opened my mouth to counter Batman, but Mayor Hubert beat me to the punch.

“Well,” he whispered. He leaned in closer to Batman. “I do see a lady dressed in britches and a man in a dress!” Wyldstyle and Emmanuel heard that and made noises that showed their contempt for that comment. Before she could get any further, Wyldstyle’s scanner picked something up. She discreetly motioned her head in the direction of the power signature. Batman and I caught that and winked.

“We’ll just…take a look around,” commented Batman. “Thanks.”

“Oh, er,” stammered Mayor Hubert, “then, enjoy our fair town!” He then headed into a crowd blocking the streets. “I’m afraid it’s a little congested today!” As he left, the Marshal came up on his horse.

“Who are you?!” he demanded.

“You know, where I’m from, it’s only polite to introduce yourself before you ask questions,” I replied.

“I’m James Strickland, the town Marshal,” he introduced himself. “Now, who are you people?”

“I’m Princess Megumi Hishikawa,” I replied. “These are my friends, the Vortex Riders.”

“You guys don’t look like you’re from around here!” guessed Marshal Strickland. “Not by a long shot, no sir! Prove yourself to these good folk, and maybe they’ll accept you. Meanwhile, I have to go deal Stinky Lomax.” He charged off on his horse.

“Help out the citizens and get information,” mused Batman. “Sounds simple enough.” We headed over to a sign near a train station. An old man was trying to pose in front of it. It read “Honest Joe Statler’s Fine Horses, sold, bought, and traded.”

“Joe’s the name!” called the man. “Joe Statler… or… ‘Dishonest Joe’ as they call me. I’m trying to become a straight-edge business man I need a change of image. ‘Honest Joe’, I’m thinking! Say, you strange…strangers…wouldn’t mind helping me complete my sign, would you? I need my photograph taken, but the photographer’s gone to see what’s going on down the main street!”

“Oh, we can help!” I replied. “Now, where’s the camera at?”

“Er, that’s another problem,” stammered Mr. Statler. “I don’t have a camera, per se. Can you wrangle one up for me?”

“Dishonest Joe is right,” I thought.

“Maybe a Master Build is needed,” mused Batman.

“Batman, we’re trying to blend in!” protested Haitao.

“We’re a bunch of people in fancy clothes and other costumes,” countered Richard. “I think a Master Build is the least of our worries.”

“Yes, our clothes are a little anachronistic for this area,” muttered Michael.

“That box needs to be opened,” observed Wyldstyle.

“I see a grapple hook,” I called. I then got out my i.d tag. “Batman, need any help?” I asked.

“Let’s do it,” replied Batman. “I want to see what Proto-Vortex is capable of.”

“Henshin!” I announced. I then put my i.d tag into the slot and jumped into the circle. I still ended up in my Royal suit. I then started the Super Charge sequence. “SUPER…!” Someone grabbed my arms. I looked down to see the owner’s face. “Hongo-san,” I asked. “may I have an explanation?”

“I wouldn’t go using your Super Charge form so recklessly,” explained Hongo. “You may not realize it, but there is a weakness in that form.”

“What weakness?!” I asked. Hongo said nothing as he released my arms. Batman looked at Hongo, guessing why he would say that. I stared, not getting an explanation of any kind, then resigned myself to staying in Royal form. I swapped out my i.d tag for the Batman one.

“Batman Steel!” announced my belt in Vortoranii’s voice. I helped Batman open the box. Wyldstyle then used the parts inside the box, panels of a pile of boxes, and a camera light fixture to make a giant camera. She then jumped up onto the giant camera as Mr. Statler posed for the picture. Wyldstyle then took the picture and waited for the printout.

“Oh, darn it!” hissed Mr. Statler as he looked at the picture. “I think I blinked and I have something stuck in my teeth! That’s gonna be a terrible picture! Thanks anyway.”

“That’s one,” I observed. “Maybe another one can help?” Then we heard an Irish voice cry for help. The poor person looked like he was stuck head first in manure! Ugh! I saw a Keystone transmit…SHIMATTA! (Japanese word for when someone makes an error) “Who’s got the Locate Keystone?!” I asked. Everyone checked, but none had the Locate Keystone. “No!” I wailed. I face palmed with my left hand. I can’t believe we came here so unprepared!

“Er, my Lady,” quizzed Richard, “do you mind wiggling your fingers in front of your face?”

“What,” I muttered as I did so, “is this some obscure game Americans like to…?” I did a doubletake when I looked at my hand. On it was a Keystone gauntlet! “All right!” I cheered. I then ran through the instructions a few times, then decided to use my new powers. “Locate Keystone, activate!” I announced. “Initiate rift detection!” As I walked, my hand went greener and greener until a crack of white light appeared. “Identify source of rift!” I said. I then mimed pulling the sides of the rift crack open. My gauntlet then beamed the information of the crack’s origin into my head. “Locate help from T-H-3-L-3-G-0-M-0-V-1-3!” I ordered. A crane with a claw attachment then went through the crack.

“That’s from my home!” called Wyldstyle.

“And a solution presents itself!” I cheered.

“Allow me,” rasped Batman. Given that some of his crime fighting involves crane operation, I allowed him to help the man out. The crane swung around to hover over the man in the manure. He was then deposited away from the manure pile. He ran off to get himself cleaned after thanking us. “I don’t even want to know how this happened,” said Batman.

“Dismiss help!” I called. The crane then went into the rift it came out of. The crack then disappeared.

“Excuse me!” requested a man. He wore a Train Ticket Officer’s uniform. “Can you help me out?” asked the Ticket Officer. “I’m a spot of bother, you see. The train is stranded at the station and cannot continue on its journey.” Some of the tracks were missing! “Do you think you could help fix the track?” continued the Ticket Officer. “The supplies should be around here somewhere.”

“Allow me to fix it,” replied Gandalf. He found the rails and railroad ties (railway sleepers in the U.K.) and then examined the track ahead to gauge the measurements. While that was going on, Richard and Emily were geeking out over the train. They identified it as a 4-4-0 wheel configuration tender engine in the “American” style, a classic train used in westerns. A famous engine of that style was The General, a train that was stolen by Union spies during the Civil War in an event called the Great Locomotive Chase, or Andrew’s Raid, an attempt to cripple the Confederate Rail network. The Union spies were eventually captured, but not before damaging a vital Confederate Rail route called the Western and Atlantic Railroad. While the spies were captured, some were executed, the attempt was a success since Confederate forces couldn’t get warnings out along the route quickly enough, the Union spies cut the telegraph wires. Gandalf had fixed the tracks with his magic and the train proceeded on its way. The Ticket Officer was startled by the whole business.

“Er, I’ll pretend I didn’t see that strange heebie-jeebies nonsense,” he gulped, “as you’ve done us a good turn. Thank you kindly.”

“How do you get into these messes?!” asked a woman’s voice. We whirled around to see a woman in a miniskirt shouting at a man being hung upside down on a roof. Five humanoid monsters were shouting at him as well, a red one with an Oni appearance, a blue one with shell-like skin, a yellow one with a single horn in front and the body builder’s body, a purple one in a trench coat, a Japanese dragon’s head, and a pair of headphones, and a white one with a wing-like appearance to his head.

“Who are these guys?” I asked Hiroki.

“They’re the main cast of Kamen Rider Den-O,” explained Hiroki. He walked up to them. “Excuse me,” he called. The monsters and woman turned. “Can we help you at all?”

“Sure,” shrugged the Oni. “Before we start, I’m Momotaros, the leader of the Imagin with Ryōtarō Nogami up there.” he pointed to the upside down man.

“Can someone get me down?” asked Ryōtarō pitifully.

“Allow me,” called Hongo. He jumped up and untied Ryōtarō, holding on to his feet so he doesn’t make a splat landing. Hongo then jumped down and let Ryōtarō go.

“Poor guy has the worst luck in the world,” muttered Momotaros. “Kame-yarō (Turtle Jerk) over there,” he pointed to the blue monster, “is Urataros.”

“A pleasure to meet you,” purred Urataros as his pointer finger tilted my chin upwards. My response? I bent the finger backwards. I got a womanizer vibe from him. Momotaros started laughing.

“I’m already spoken for,” I hissed. Not entirely true, as Richard and I hadn’t formally declared we were boyfriend and girlfriend, but I didn’t want to give the guy a chance.

“I understand!” yelped Urataros. “Now, could you let go, please?!” I released him. He tended to his finger.

“Kuma (the bear) over there is called Kintaros,” growled Momotaros as he pointed to the yellow monster.

“Your strength would have made anyone cry,” answered Kintaros in a voice that made him sound like he was from Osaka in the Edo period, still used today under the dialect name Kansai-ben. “I am thoroughly impressed.”

“Hanakuso Onna (Nosy Woman) over there,” introduced Momotaros, pointing to the woman, “calls herself Hana.”

“Watch it!” snarled Hana with a slight bit of hate in her voice.

“And Hanatare Kozō (Snot-nosed Brat) is Ryutaros,” finished Momotaros.

“I’m not a brat!” whined Ryutaros in a childish way.

“And you forgot me, retainer,” called the white monster.

“Like you need to be introduced, Teba-Yarō! (Chicken Wing Jerk)” snapped Momotaros.

“Hardly the attitude of a hero,” mused the white monster.

“Are you kidding?!” screeched Momotaros. “Like a pompous idiot like you can be a hero!”

“Momotaros, Zu ga takai!” (Your head is high!) proclaimed the white monster. He then pointed at the hotheaded Momotaros and he shrunk the guy down to four inches. “Apologies, Hime,” (Princess) said the white monster as he walked towards me. He knelt as if addressing royalty. “I am Sieg, Prince of the Den-Liner.”

“The train of time,” explained Hiroki.

“And who is he?” asked Sieg. Momotaros then grew back to his usual height.

“This is my brother, Hiroki,” I replied. I introduced everyone to the Imagin, as Momotaros and his monster friends were called. Ryōtarō was surprised to hear we were Kamen Riders.

“So, you’re the first one?” asked Ryōtarō to Hongo.

“I am, indeed,” confirmed Hongo.

“Hey, guys!” I interrupted. “Main Street’s clear!” The people had decided to clear traffic.

“Moving on!” cheered Wyldstyle. She turned to the crew of the Den-Liner. “Wanna join us?”

“Sure,” replied Hana. “Anything to get out of this place. We have Imagin to get rid of.”

“I thought the monsters over there are Imagin,” I mused, pointing to Momotaros and the others.

“They’re useful,” replied Hana. “They help Ryōtarō become Kamen Rider Den-O.”

“Ryōtarō’s a Kamen Rider?” I quizzed, looking at the poor guy.

“He’s proven to be a capable warrior,” replied Hana. Suddenly, thunder clapped.

“Another rift?” asked Wyldstyle.

“A storm?” asked Gandalf. All of a sudden, a fireball spat something out before it disappeared. The object landed in front of us after some clumsy flying.

“No,” answered Batman, “a DeLorean.” The DeLorean was tricked out with something that made it spark. The driver, an old man with frizzy hair and a lab coat, stepped out.

“Well now,” asked Gandalf, “who’s this?”

“Great Scott!” yelled the man.

“Gandalf,” introduced Gandalf, taking what the man said out of context. “Pleased to meet you, Scott.”

“What?” asked the man.

“Gandalf, ‘Great Scott’ is just a saying,” I explained. “His name is Doctor Emmet Brown.”

“When am I?!” asked Doc Brown.

“‘When’ are you?” asked Batman. “Did you hit your head?” He looked up at a sign that advertised a town festival on Saturday Night, September 5th. It promised Food, dance, and games and all proceeds would go into the clock tower’s construction. “You’re in Hill Valley,” answered Batman. Doc Brown looked around and saw the construction of the clock tower going on.

“Oh, no no no!” he wailed. “This is terrible!”

“I don’t know,” countered Wyldstyle. “It has a certain old-timey charm to it.”

“This could destroy the space-time continuum!” cried Doc Brown. “I don’t belong here, not now!” A caravan was blocking the path and let some rubble fall onto the DeLorean. “Quickly!” yelped Doc Brown. “You have to help me move my car!”

“Yeah, a DeLorean in 1885 is a little anachronistic, ain’t it?” I muttered.

“1885?” asked Batman.

“Doctor Brown used a DeLorean,” explained Haitao, “to make a machine that can go into the past or the future.”

“Another time-travelling Doctor?!” said Batman, exasperated.

“Great Scott,” gulped Gandalf.

“Great Scott, indeed!” agreed Doc Brown. “Quick! We need to move the DeLorean as soon as possible!” He turned the key, but the engine wasn’t making a promising sound. “Start! START! Start, you silly car! If people see this DeLorean in 1885, then…oh my!” We started cannibalizing parts from the caravan to see if we could turn the engine manually. It turned over and started purring like a kitten. “Success!” cheered Doc Brown. “I knew it would work eventually!” He turned around to go down Main Street. “Thanks!” he called to us. “Now, I’ll head off to the mines! Watch out for Mad Dog Tannen! He has a bit of a reputation if my history of Hill Valley is correct!” He sped off to the mines. As he did, we wandered down the main street, with Momotaros looking bored, if you can call that permanent scowl bored.

“What’s the matter with you?” I asked.

“I’m itching for a fight and no one wants to fight me!” he snarled.

“Not everything needs to end in a brawl,” I replied.

“This coming from a lady who wants to punch her father’s mug,” muttered Richard.

“That’s different,” I hissed. That’s when I noticed the townsfolk shutting their windows and taking cover as a cowboy with a huge mustache came up the street.

“I think that might be the Mad Dog the Doc mentioned,” gulped Wyldstyle.

“It appears to be in human form,” observed Gandalf. “Is it a skin-changer?”

“I think ‘Mad Dog’ is just a name,” explained Wyldstyle. The scanner beeped like crazy at the Cowboy. Batman and I saw it and started puzzling things out. As we did, a man ran out of a saloon. Another person was flung out of the saloon with the flinger stepping out.

“Nobody calls me Mad Dog!” snarled the man. “‘Specially not some duded-up, egg sucking gutter trash!” The poor man was the one we rescued from the manure. Judging by his face, I’d say it was Seamus McFly, the ancestor of the protagonist for Back to The Future, Marty McFly.

“Help! Anybody?!” called Seamus. The strange cowboy then sparked some purple lightning from his hand. That was the cue for Hiro in robber getup and Igura in a saloon girl dress to come out and fire.

“Y’all just move along before one of you gets hurt,” called Hiro in a terrible Texan accent. Mad Dog Tannen started laughing. “Yeah, the accent’s terrible,” muttered Hiro in his usual accent. “Here’s something you might understand.” He then fired on the people at the saloon. Mad Dog and Seamus took off in opposite directions.

“Whoever Hiro and Igura are with, whoever that is,” rasped Batman, “they’re the source of the power signature.”

“Yes,” confirmed Gandalf, “I can feel it.”

“This universe ain’t big enough for two teams!” called the cowboy in a voice that made me freeze.

“Then why don’t you take Hiro and Igura and leave?” I shouted.

“Because we have business here, Megumi,” hissed Hiro.

“Business that I reckon you’re fixing to meddle with!” continued the cowboy.

“Then it looks like we’ve got ourselves a reckoning!” declared Batman. Both sides charged towards each other with Batman leading our side and the cowboy leading the other. Both leaders bent down as if they were about to draw pistols.

“Batman,” muttered Wyldstyle, “you know you don’t have an actual gun, don’t you?”

“Besides, that’s the form I’m responsible for,” muttered Ryutaros.

“Why don’t we all transform?” I suggested.

“Now THAT’S something I like!” cheered Momotaros. The Imagin and Ryōtarō took out belts and strapped them on. The Taros brothers, as Momotaros and his other similarly named friends call themselves, had the same belt design as Ryōtarō. It had a circle in the center with an L-shape at a diagonal facing the arrow on the right side of the buckle and had four colored buttons on the left side, going from red, to blue, to yellow, to purple downwards. Sieg’s belt had a gold wing design on the front. Ryōtarō took out a flip style cell phone and pressed some buttons before attaching it to the circle part of his belt, unfolded. They took out passes and pressed their respective color buttons as we took out our i.d tags and Hongo struck his Henshin pose. Hiro loaded his i.d tag and Igura put her hands on her belt’s wings.

“Rider…” began Hongo.

“Nova…” announced Igura.

“Henshin!” called all Riders, both good and evil. We all transformed. I heard the Den-O belts say, “Sword Form”, “Rod Form”, “Ax Form”, “Gun Form”, “Wing Form”, and “Liner Form”.

“Kamen Rider Rogue. Stand and deliver!” began Rogue.

“Kamen Rider Talon. You’ve made a poor decision to go against Shocker Nova,” called Talon.

“Kamen Rider Outback! Better watch your backs, mates!”

“Kamen Rider Claw! My weapons shall turn you into ribbons!”

“Kamen Rider Swing! I’ll be taking your legs!”

“Kamen Rider Hunt! I shall always get my prey!”

“Kamen Rider Clash! A duel with me shall end in your defeat!”

“Kamen Rider Climb! Mountains are a warrior’s best friend!”

“Kamen Rider Gallop! My riding skills are unmatched!”

“Kamen Rider Sengoku! You shall get a taste of Feudal Japan!”

“Kamen Rider Royal! Evil will ultimately bow to me!”

“Kamen Rider Guard! None shall harm my friends, family, and lady!”

“Kamen Rider Touché! En Garde, thing of evil!”

“Kamen Rider Zhànshì! Try and stop my quest!”

“Kamen Rider Arch! My skills outdo Robin Hood!”

“Kamen Rider Kämpfer! Your defeat will be certain at my hands!”

“Kamen Rider Seeker! It’s not gold I seek, but your end!”

“Kamen Rider Battle! For friends and family, I shall be victorious!”

“I am Gandalf the Grey! Prepare to see some fireworks!”

“I’m Wyldstyle! Time to think outside the box!”

“I’m Batman! The Dark Knight rises!”

“I am the start of a group of warriors! I am Kamen Rider!”

“Kamen Rider Den-O, Sword Form,” proclaimed Momotaros. He had red armor with shoulder pads jutting out and a mask that looked like a peach was split from the top. He then pointed his thumb to himself. He then struck a pose with his legs spread out and his hands spread out. While that went on, he said “Ore…sanjou!” (dynamic way of saying I have arrived!)

“Kamen Rider Den-O, Rod Form,” purred Urataros. He had blue armor with antennae on each side of the head and a blue visor with orange eyeholes and samurai style shoulder pads. “Omae… boku ni tsuraretemiru?” (Loosely translated; Won’t you let me string you along?)

“Kamen Rider Den-O, Ax Form!” boomed Kintaros. His yellow armor was ridged on the front and had an ax head placed in between the triangular visor for the eyes. “Ore no tsuyosa ni, omae ga naita!” (Loosely translated; My strength has made you cry!) He then slammed his foot into the ground like a sumo wrestler and cracked his neck. It made a popping sound that made me wince. “Namida wa kore de fuitoke!” (Loosely translated; Wipe your tears with this!) he said as he tossed a hankie at Hiro’s team.

“Kamen Rider Den-O, Gun Form!” cheered Ryutaros. It looked like a set of speakers was on each shoulder and his mask looked like his usual face. He danced around as he said “Taosu kedo ii yo ne?” (Loosely translated; Mind if I defeat you?) He then leaned back and pointed at the enemy. “Kotae wa kii te nai!” (Loosely translated; Can’t hear your answer!”

“Kamen Rider Den-O, Wing Form,” called Sieg. His armor was white and the eyeholes looked like swan wings. “Kourin, man o jishite.” (Loosely translated; Advent, at the top of everything.)

“Kamen Rider Den-O, Liner Form,” stammered Ryōtarō. “Er…none shall stop me on my journey to the station of your defeat!”

“That was awful!” shouted Sword Form. The cowboy had had enough and drew his staff! It was Lord Vortech! He made a noise with his mouth that sounded like he fired a shot into the sky as a portal opened to drop the Daily Planet building onto the street! The globe on top fell and rolled towards us!

“Watch out!” called Batman as we all ran from the globe. No duh! The globe bowled us over!

“Goodness!” yelped Gandalf. Vortech then made a shotgun reload noise and then said “Boom,” as he opened another portal.

“MOVE!” I warned. We got out of the way as the Kwik-E-Mart from The Simpsons dropped in. Homer poked his head out and looked around. He saw us, screamed, and shut the door, running inside and causing a huge mess.

“This is a rather inconvenient store!” joked Wyldstyle. We all groaned. “Okay, in all seriousness, I see a Keystone transmitter and a chroma lock design on the front of the store. Let’s find the chroma discs.” I found the red one under a wagon from this dimension, Gandalf found the blue one in a dumpster belonging to the store, and with Arch in Batman Steel, both he and Batman yanked down the store’s sign to drop the yellow chroma disc. I noticed something.

“Guys, the chroma design doesn’t have blue!” I yelped. The design had a yellow left L shape, a red circle, and a green right L-shape.

“No problem,” called Wyldstyle. “We just combine blue and yellow.”

“You can mix and match colors?” I asked.

“Sure can!” confirmed Wyldstyle. “Hey, Momotaros, Urataros, Kintaros, want to use a Chroma lock?”

“This should be fun!” cheered Sword Form

“It sounds intriguing,” purred Rod Form.

“It would be bad not to try it,” said Ax Form.

“Chroma Keystone, activate!” announced Wyldstyle. “Chroma lock, reveal!” The design appeared on the ground, surprising the Den-Liner crew. “Let’s see, Chroma! Red! Den-O Sword Form! Chroma! Blue! Den-O Rod Form! Chroma! Yellow! Den-O Ax form!”

“What do you want us to do?” asked Ax Form.

“Jump into the paint blobs,” explained  Wyldstyle. “Then Sword Form goes into the circle. Rod Form goes into the right L-shape, and Ax Form first jumps into the left L-shape, then the right!” The three Den-O’s did as they were told and unlocked the Kwik-E-Mart. We ran through the place, startling the poor owner, Apu. We ended up going through the backway with Apu trying to sell us something at an exorbitant price. Not a chance. He still said, “Thank you, come again,” when we left without buying anything. We saw Vortech again.

“And now, for my next trick!” he called. He summoned one of the statues of the Argonath in Middle Earth and a giant aircraft carrier that could fly! It crashed, blocking the path again.

“Oh, the poor Valiant!” wailed Battle recognizing the airship. “UNIT of 2015 will be so disappointed!”

“Never mind that!” dismissed Wyldstyle. “I can master build something!” She made a giant cannon and fired on part of the aircraft. She then made a ladder that ran up a building out of the rubble. She climbed up the ladder and found a transmitter. “Up and over, guys! This is just what we need!” said Wyldstyle. We came up. Batman decided to use his Keystone.

“Shift Keystone, activate!” he announced. “Cyan, on the roof of the building across from us! Yellow, on the roof we’re on! Magenta, on the top of the aircraft wreckage! Shift! All allies! Magenta!” We got to the top of the aircraft carrier and jumped over the other side.

“Oh, you’re still here?” mused Vortech. “Very well then!” He summoned the Sphinx, the Statue of Liberty, and a pirate ship to block our path. “As you can see,” said Vortech, “nothing is safe from my reach!” The ship seemed to be familiar to Wyldstyle. She got a look at the name before it caught fire.

“The Sea Cow?” she gulped. “That’s MetalBeard’s ship! Oh no, this isn’t good!”

“How are we gonna get past that?!” snapped Sword Form.

“With the Elemental Keystone,” explained Gandalf. “Elemental Keystone, activate! Element of water, Ichigō!” Hongo doused the flames, allowing us safe passage over the roadblock. Vortech and his cronies were hiding behind an electric coil. “Element of lightning, Royal!” I zapped the coil with lightning, making it explode in the enemy’s face. They retreated as we climbed the Sea Cow and pursued them.