cast Journey Through Wonder

Dr. Henry Zhou (Kamen Rider Canopy)

Dr. Henry Zhou is one of the most brilliant surgeons in all of Beyond City. Unlike a surgeon, he’s not an arrogant bastard. Mama and Daddy Zhou didn’t raise no fool. During the Convergence, he became romantically interested in Sophie. Her shape-shifting abilities deadened any and all odd looks about the courtship and eventual wedding. He, Sophie, and their daughter live at 4786 Williams Street, Beyond City 778457. He’s a student of After Academy and Chizara University and works as a surgeon for the Mortal Coil Hospital. He prefers his usual job to his duties as Kamen Rider Canopy, but he’s not afraid to put his Vortex Driver on. His hobbies include hanging out in the trees in his backyard and reading a good book. He’s a Vortex Rider Medic when the situation calls for it and the situation with the Author calls for it.

Trinity Soul Trinity Soul Cast

Henry Zhou

Dr. Henry Zhou is a Snub-nosed monkey that was born and raised in Northern Imperia. His paternal Grandfather and Maternal Grandmother were immigrants from China, Chun-nan (Asia). He got his doctorate’s degree and became a family practitioner. When he was a child, he lost his left arm during an attack from the human terrorist group, MECH (Mechanically Efficient Champions of Humanity) and had it replaced with a mechanical prosthetic. Instead of swearing revenge, he dedicated his life to healing. He recently became accepted into After Academy and joins with his lover, Sophie, as Kamen Rider Canopy. Like I mentioned, Sophie and her friends are anthropomorphic personifications. They can become any species they want, lowering the chances of bestiality.

The Three Realms The Three Realms Cast


Doctor Marshii Borontho is the 35,000 year old Chief Medical Officer of the Endeavor with the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade. She’s willing to override the Captain if the health of the crew demands it. She hails from the warm waters of the Morgonthor Trench in the Under-realm. Her only living family is her sister. She has two husbands, Gorkon and Rootig, and five wives, Meitora, Mellinar, Fulldio, Bemfin, and Ballianma. She’s got 22 kids, 13 of them are her daughters and 9 of them are her sons. She’s got 2 granddaughters and 3 grandsons so far. She spoils her grandchildren rotten, as grandparents always do. She’s a tough old mermaid. To give you an idea, she’s Dr. McCoy from Star Trek. Don’t ask about how she built her legs. She didn’t.

“I’m a doctor, not an engineer!”

The Three Realms The Three Realms World Building

Marshii’s Bio Lectures: Category Specifics

One last lecture with old Doc Marshii, eh? Good. You may start your careers as doctors yet! Now, as I mentioned near the end of previous lectures, this will go into specifics of each scientific category. What that means is we’ll name the categories, find out which species fall under them, and figure out their life-spans.

Because of my species, we’ll start with the Taurs. There are no biological immortals, so we’ll start with those with a 50,000 year lifespan. Us mermaids fall under this category, as do the Cecaelia. Next up are the Nagas. Following that are the Centaurs. Last are the Driders. The other Taur species have a 35,000 year lifespan. That would include the Sconaks, half human; half scorpion. Next up are the Felindras, feline-based Taurs. Next are the Caneers, canine-based Taurs. Last, but not least, are the Shellinaks, shellfish-based Taurs.

Next up comes a category that is full of nothing BUT biological immortals, the Tweeners. These involve Ghouls, Vampires, Werewolves, and Zombies, whatever they originally were before they came back.

Coming up is one I warned you was a tricky category in my first lecture, the Humanoids. The biological immortals in this category would be the Elves and all Fae subspecies. Those that live for about 50,000 would be all Orc subspecies. Humans live about 30,000 to 45,000 years. Dwarves and Gnomes live about 40,000 years. Moliaks, mole-like humanoids, live around 35,000 years. Last come the Amazons, a jungle-dwelling hermaphroditic people taking a female shape that only live around 30,000. They look human, but their internal arrangement IS different and, as I said, they’re hermaphrodites.

Coming in next is the Anthro category. Leons, Lamias, Inus, Selans (Mega-sharks), Nekos, Minotaurs, Anrachnes (spider-based Anthros), and Dragons all live around 45,000 years. Yes, Dragons are part of this category. They can turn into humanoid versions of their usual bestial shape, hence why they’re under the Anthro category.

Myxies are next. No biological immortals here. Kitsunes, Harpies, and Satyrs live about 50,000 years. Gorgons live about 45,000 years. Fauns and Selkies live as long as 40,000. The shortest lived species that is classified as a Myxie race would be the Sphinxes, living around 15,000 years.

The Sentina are the easiest. They’re animals that live up to 25,000 years. As I mentioned before, they can communicate any medical problems like we do and can understand us just fine.

Blenders, as I mentioned, are a mix of species like an Inu mating with a Mermaid. As such, whoever has the slightly more dominant genes will give them the lifespan ranging from biological immortal to 20,000. My best friend’s lifespan, a Neko/Cecaelia Blender, has a lifespan of about 50,000 thanks to his father’s genes being slightly more dominant.

Elementals are next. These would be the Trolls, the beings of mud or lava or water or any other such element, the Dryads and Alarunes, the Ghosts and Spirits (involving Zephyrs and Genies), and the various Demon subspecies like Frostiks, Succubi and Incubi, Oni, Yokai, and Gargoyles. They live about 45,000 years.

The Formless are a little more long-lived. Minimum lifespan in that category is 40,000, and that belongs to Absorbintas, the fungus-based life-forms. Higher up are the Slimes, living about 45,000 years on average. Next up are the Chamelaks, life-forms that sink into and blend in with any material, living up to 50,000 years. Last up are the Luminarees. We call them something else. Wanna know? The Divine Ones! Yes, our Gods have a scientific classification. They’re the biological immortals of the Formless.

Last are the Arties. These are the artificial life-forms. Chimeras, living about 10,000 years, are one part while the Golems, only a 5,000 year lifespan, are the other part of this classification.

Well, that’s enough chit-chat! You’ve heard this old fish talk about the basics that make up her profession as a doctor, now let’s see how well YOU handle it! What sort of creature are you on this scale?

(Real World Author’s note. Now that all the lectures are done, I want you to make your own character and give the character’s scientific classification.)

The Three Realms The Three Realms World Building

Marshii’s Bio Lectures: Life-spans

Welcome back to Marshii’s Bio Lectures. Today, we’re gonna talk about the different life-spans of the species of the Realms. We’ll start off with the biological immortals. They can die by any death except old age. Tweeners, Elves, Luminarees and some Blenders fall under this category.

Next are those with a maximum life-span of 50,000 years. Some Taurs, like Mermaids, some Humanoids, some Myxies, and some Blenders fall under this category. Sometimes, you don’t age as gracefully! Look at me! I’m only 35,000, middle-age! Yet I STILL got the gene for getting silver hair and wrinkles early on! Ah, listen to me go on about my age. You’re here for a lecture, not a rant.

Coming up next are those that live up to 45,000 years. Anthros, Elementals like Falnii, some Humanoids, some Myxies like Gorfanth, and some Blenders fall under this category. Queen Elmpam and King Orbak are blessed with such a long life-span.

Those that have a life-span of 40,000 years are the rest of the Formless, some more humanoids like Malnar and Foresna, some more Myxies, and some more Blenders, like Lardeth and Arsha.

At 35,000 years, the rest of the Taurs belong in this category, like the Centaurs and Driders. Their hectic lifestyle is what contributes to this shorter life-span. However, there ARE a few in this category that break it.

The rest of the Myxies have a life-span of 25,000 years. These would involve Satyrs, Kitsunes, and others.

The remaining Blenders have a life-span of 20,000 years. Something in the genes didn’t allow them to enhance their life-span from the parent species. We’re trying to fix that now.

The Sentina only live as long as 15,000 years. Animals generally don’t live as long as most species, this is a fact. Sentinas get a longer life-span because they have the capability to identify, in our manners of speech, what the problem is so doctors can correct it.

Chimeras only live about 10,000 years. Being an artificial race, they don’t have the genes for a longer life. Like the rest of the Blenders, we’re fixing that. I feel an obligation to fix it as I benefitted from research that was conducted through the Chimeras’ suffering.

Last is the life-form that lives only 5,000 years, if they weren’t killed in battle. These would be the Golems, the shock-troopers for all Splitter branches. The only reason they don’t live as long is because we don’t have the research that made them. It’s the most well-protected of Splitter knowledge.

So, that’s the over-view of our life-spans. Next up is my last lecture on the specifics of each scientific category of species. It’s gonna be the dullest, I’ll warn you right now, but you better pay attention. Need I remind you of your assignment? See you soon.

(Real World Author’s note. Once all the lectures are done, I want you to make your own character and give the character’s scientific classification.)

The Three Realms The Three Realms World Building

Marshii’s Bio Lectures: Main Classifications

Well, well, well, decided to figure out some biology, did you? You’re asking the right woman. I’m Dr. Marshii Borontho, Lieutenant Junior Grade and Chief Medical Officer aboard the Realmfleet ship, Endeavor, registry CRS-2784, and you’re going to be finding out the different race classifications and which species belongs where. Today’s lecture is just gonna be the basic over-view on the classification system.

Each species is categorized by the common factors that unite them, whether or not they have animal features, whether or not they have a distinctive shape, and whether or not they’re alive. Yes, even the undead are involved. We usually call them Tweeners, they’re in between life and death. Zombies, Vampires, Ghouls, Ghosts, and other such haunts.

Next up will be Taurs, half humanoid, half animal. Us Merfolk are in the Taur category. Another, more obvious example, and a clue as to where we got the name, would be Centaurs.

The next classification is…tricky. I’ll explain in a later lecture. We put Orcs, Goblins, Elves, and Humans into this classification, calling them Humanoids.

Next up is the Anthros, animals that gained a humanoid shape through extraordinary evolutionary circumstances. Inus, Nekos, Selans, and other such life-forms fall under this category. The current Under-Queen is an Anthro.

We then move onto Myxies, a humanoid life-form with animal features. Satyrs, Harpies, and Kitsunes would be examples of a Myxie.

Next, we have the Sentina, animals that can think, reason, and communicate as other life-forms do. Talking horses, telepathic Cerberuses, and other such life-forms. The Under-realm Royal Family has a telepathic Cerberus, hence why I mentioned it.

Next up, Elementals. They’re life-forms usually characterized by, or made of, a certain element. Trolls, Dryads, Alarunes, Zephyrs, and Genies fall under this category.

Coming up, we’ve got the Formless. They have no definitive shape or gender, usually taking on some humanoid characteristics. Some examples are Slimes, Absorbintas, and Luminarees.

Next, we have the Blenders, life-forms that a mix of any species, barring Sentinas. Even though they communicate as we do, mating with a Sentina is still bestiality. Let’s say a Mermaid and an Inu mated. The child would have the Inu’s upper torso and the Mermaid’s tail.

Last is the Arties. They’re artificial life-forms like Chimeras or Golems. Because, long ago, they have proved they can be more than what they were made for, under Realmfleet law, they have the same rights as anyone else. However, recently, only Chimeras got the full extent of rights. Golems…only the three Splitter branches know how to make them. They’re only used as Shock Troopers.

I hope this gave you a basic understanding of how we’re classified scientifically. Next time, we’ll talk about the life-expectancy of each category. Later, we’ll talk about the specifics of each category. Once all the lectures are done, I want you guys to figure out where you place on the system. See you later.

(Real World Author’s note. Once all the lectures are done, I want you to make your own character and give the character’s scientific classification.)