Transformers: Trinity Trinity Cast (Bots)

Autobot Bumblebee

Citizen, this is a private Rescue Bot facility that must be…a Stark Iron Privileges card? That idiot, Stark, gave you a…?! Say, that is a nice, shiny SHIELD badge you got there. Okay, all chips on the board, Stark DIDN’T invent me. I’m 127 of Construction Batch B. I come from another planet, Cybertron. Don’t bother asking me for the coordinates, I’m not sure how to translate them to ones you would understand. Besides, even if I did, I’m not so sure I want you to visit my dead homeworld. Yeah, my people, the Autobots, fought a war against the Decepticons and we all lost. Cybertron’s incapable of supporting life and I’m the last Autobot. If you find a blue jet with a purple symbol on its wings, that’s the last of the Decepticons, Thundercracker. We both crash-landed here four million years ago and I woke up when the sorceror, Yen Sid, found me and accidentally reactivated me. All I could tell him, originally, was my Identifier, B-127, and how I ended up here. Cybertron’s means of creating life, the Allspark, blew up and both of the Autobot and Decepticon flagships, carrying the last survivors, were caught up in the explosion. My old boss, Optimus Prime, had the Asgardian King, Odin, swear to come to our aid and that honorless, promise-breaking, glitch-spawned Scraplet let us die! So…yeah, I don’t hold the Asgardians in high regard.

Transformers: Trinity Trinity Cast (Bots)

Stark Industries Bumblebee

Ladies and gentlemen, if I may borrow Spider-man’s phrase, this is your friendly neighborhood Anthony Stark of Stark Industries. I’ve been doing some reflecting for a bit and remembered where my dad got his start. He invested and invented in new types of technology, one of them being a prototype hovercar. Now, Dad was in a habit of destroying the files on old projects, more so during World War 2. His birthday is coming up, so I figured I’d follow in his footsteps in a bit. Now, you know me, I LOVE cars. My only downside is…I can’t design a car worth spit. But, I know someone who does, and he’s got a whole team to help as well. Ladies and Gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to introduce the Bumblebee! Now, this particular car DOES have a Stark Industries spin on it, it’s actually a Robot in Disguise! The first of Stark Industries Rescue Bots, programmed to respond to a variety of emergencies and assist in any way it can! Or, rather, SHE can. I modeled the robot mode after my lovely wife.

Kamen Rider Vortex Kamen Rider Vortex Movie Cast

Lord Mickey Mouse (Kamen Rider Lux)

Kamen Rider Lux! The light of imagination shall show the way! 

Basing a Rider Form around Mickey is easier than basing one around an Inkling.

Kamen Rider Vortex Kamen Rider Vortex Movie Cast

Lord Mickey Mouse


Who’s the leader of the club

That’s made for you and me?

M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E!

Hey there, hi there, ho there,

You’re as welcome as can be!

M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E!

Mickey Mouse, Mickey Mouse!

Forever let us hold our banner high!

High, high, high!

Who doesn’t know that song? This rodent has tried every single job imaginable before settling in as mascot and head honcho of Disney! One thing he’s not a fan of? Xenophobic megalomaniacs, which is, unfortunately, what Shocker Rift sent in the form of a Drone Dalek to find the Source of War in his universe.

After a shaky alliance with the Dalek and assisting Michael and his team in defeating it, he became Kamen Rider Lux, a new ally for Megumi and her friends.

Kamen Rider Vortex Kamen Rider Vortex Movie Chapters

Chapter 7

Me and my group had arrived in Main Street USA. Given that we were in an area where cartoons and people worked together, I felt no reason to hide. Alesandro looked around, a little on edge. “Alesandro, relax,” I urged. “We’re safe right now.”

“It’s not us I’m worried about, Michael,” replied Alesandro. “It’s Shocker Rift. What if they recruited the villains from here?”

“Then we kick their asses,” grunted War. “I don’t see an issue here.”

“With respect, it’s more than that,” replied Charline. “What if the villains find your Source?”

“Now THAT is a reasonable concern,” I conceded. “Kit-10, scan the area. See if you can find the Source.”

“I’ve been doing that since we got here,” reported Kit-10. “Haven’t been able to find it yet.”

“Then how do we get to it?” asked Hiroki.

“We need to get to a place with sensors Kit-10 can hook up to,” figured Irina.

“So where shall we find this place?” asked Gandalf.

“The best way to do that,” Discornia declared, “is to ask a policeman.”

“A guardsman,” I translated for Gandalf. We found a policeman. “Excuse me, Officer,” I called. “Where could one go to find advanced technology?”

“All the weird stuff’s at the castle right now,” replied the officer as he pointed with both fingers. Just then, an explosion occurred at the castle and someone flew out carrying something.

“Kit-10, did you get a good look at the flying thing?!” I quizzed.

“Well, the person himself, yes, but not the object he was carrying off,” replied Kit-10. “The person goes under the alias ‘Green Goblin’, real name: Norman Osborn.”

“Why would the Goblin attack Disney Castle?” pondered Hiroki.

“Hold on, we may get answers,” called Kit-10. “It looks like Spider-Man is swinging into action. He just knocked the Goblin off his glider and managed to get him into a dumpster. The Goblin’s dropped whatever he was carrying off and…it’s just vanished in midair.”

“Teleport?” I asked.

“The flash surrounding it sure made me think so,” confirmed Kit-10.

“Maybe we should talk to Spider-Man and the Goblin,” suggested Charline.

“Good idea,” I agreed. “Let’s go!” We headed off to the ally the Goblin landed in to see that he was already out of the dumpster and webbed to a wall while Spider-Man was questioning him.

“So, again,” muttered Spider-Man in a disbelieving tone, “Mrs. Doom kidnapped you, then her husband strapped you to your glider, programmed it to attack Disney Castle, programmed your suit to grab X, then you were compelled to fly back to Latveria with X.”

“Well, it doesn’t sound believable when you say it like THAT!” hissed the Green Goblin.

“One glaring flaw in your alibi makes it unbelievable,” replied Spider-Man, “you’re wearing your old suit! The gloves and boots don’t exactly have computers! How could they grab anything against your will?!”

“Excuse me, are we interrupting?” I called as we approached.

“Just a fat lie,” replied Spider-Man. Iron Man then flew towards us with Mickey Mouse on his back.

“Anything?” asked Mickey.

“That depends,” replied Spider-Man. “If a lie is something, then yeah.”

“Good thing you installed that retrieval teleporter on X,” praised Iron Man.

“Thanks, Dad!” bid Spider-Man. We then ALL looked at Spider-Man in stark confusion. “…Why is everyone staring at me?” asked Spider-Man.

“You just called Iron Man ‘Dad’,” replied Irina. “You said ‘Thanks, Dad’.”

“What? No, I didn’t!” denied Spider-Man.

“Spider-Man, do you see me as a father figure?” asked Iron Man.

“No, if anything,” answered Spider-Man, “I see you as a bother figure because you’re always bothering me!”

“Boy!” snapped Gandalf. “Show your father more respect!”

“I didn’t call him ‘Dad’!” insisted Spider-Man.

“No, Spidey, it’s okay,” replied Iron Man. “I take it as a compliment.”

“It’s all right,” supplied Kit-10. “I once called Pup-X5 ‘Dad’ once, and we’re about to tie the knot.”

“Guys, jump on that!” urged Spider-Man. “A robot with psycho-sexual issues!”

“Counselling dealt with that problem quickly,” Hiroki replied, “but you calling Iron Man ‘Daddy’…”

“Hey, ‘Daddy’ is NOT on the table here!” hissed Spider-Man.

“But, you DID call him ‘Dad’, Spider-man,” continued the Green Goblin, making us remember him.

“You, shut up!” snapped Spider-Man. “You’ve done nothing but lie since I webbed you up!”

“All right, all right, I WAS lying about Doctor Doom and his wife forcing me to take X,” admitted the Goblin. “They offered me dibs on studying it for our alliance. The ‘Dad’ thing, however? That happened.”

“AHA!” cheered Spider-Man. “He admitted his alibi was a lie! It was a trap! All part of my master plan!”

“Good work,” praised Iron Man, “son.” Spider-Man just sighed.

“That’s not gonna go away any time soon,” he muttered.

“So, what IS X?” I inquired.

“You wanna see?” offered Mickey.

“If it’s not too inconvenient,” I replied.

“We COULD use a fresh perspective,” mused Mickey. “Come with us.”

“I’ll take Gobby to jail,” declared Iron Man as he slung the Green Goblin’s cocoon over his shoulder and took off.

“I guess…I’ll just go back on patrol,” sighed Spider-Man. Just then, his phone rang. He looked at the number. “Oh no, Aunt May! I’m late!” he yelped. He pulled his mask up as far as his mouth and started talking to his Aunt while swinging on the rooftops. “Hi, Aunt May!” he began. “Sorry! I got into a scrape with the Green Goblin…” His voice finally faded away as he swung home.

“Follow me, please,” directed Mickey as he led us to the castle.

“Er, hello?” called War. “My Source?”

“The sensors at the castle should help me find it,” replied Kit-10. “In the meantime, the Castle awaits. Spit-spot!”

“…Did…you just quote Mary Poppins at me?” quizzed a confused War as she followed us. We were granted access to the castle and escorted to the main science bay where Dr. Banner was working with Professor Ludwig Von Drake.

“Professor…” began Mickey before he was interrupted by a an explosion that knocked Dr. Banner backwards and made him turn into the Hulk. The Hulk then hit a wall and massaged his head.

“…Ow,” he grunted. Professor Von Drake turned to us, smoking from being so near the explosion.

“May I help you with something?” he asked weakly.

“These people are here to see X and use our sensors to find some source,” explained Mickey.

“The ‘S’ is capital,” grunted War, “like Discworld’s Assassins.”

“Very well,” declared Professor Von Drake. “Dr. Banner, could you show the one needing the sensors to the necessary workstation?”

“Fine,” grunted the Hulk. Kit-10 followed the Hulk out of the room.

“Everyone else, follow me, please,” directed Professor Von Drake. He led us to a room that had a door on the other end and a workstation with a monitor near the door. “Now, to see if the cameras work,” muttered Professor Von Drake. He fiddled with the monitor before groaning in frustration.

“Mind if I take a peek?” offered Irina.

“Wear these,” directed Mickey as he tossed her a pair of heavy gloves. “The last person who touched it with his bare hands turned into ashes.”

“Got it,” replied Irina as she put the gloves on. The door opened to allow her access to X’s chamber. Once it shut, Professor Von Drake managed to switch the audio on. “Privet,” (Hello) greeted Irina. “Menya zovut Irina. Kak vas zovut?” (My name is Irina. What’s your name?)

“Ex,” was the reply. The tone…sounded hauntingly familiar.

“…Lights,” requested Irina.

“What?” asked Professor Von Drake.

“Lights!” repeated Irina. Professor Von Drake then keyed in a command.

“The lights SHOULD be on,” reported the Professor.

“They are,” replied Irina, “but now I wish they weren’t. It’s a Dalek. Shocker Rift casing, Drone Class if the color scheme is anything to go by.”

“Not what I wanted to hear,” I groaned.

“Good news, the Dalek is damaged,” continued Irina. “Better news, it’s unarmed. A perfect opportunity to destroy it.”

“What?! NO!” protested Professor Von Drake.

“Professor, with all due respect,” countered Gandalf, “that is not your decision to make.”

“Proceed with the Dalek’s destruction,” I directed.

“Spasibo,” (Thank you) bid Irina.

“Vortex Driver!” announced her belt.

“Henshin!” called Irina. The machinery of the wardrobe could be heard as it attached her armor to her. Professor Von Drake quickly opened the door to try and stop her but she was already in her Rider persona, Kamen Rider Climb. Professor Von Drake and Mickey tried to hold her back as I tried to get them out of the way. During our struggle, however, we all failed to notice a particle of light from Climb’s wardrobe land on the Dalek. It enveloped the killer and reactivated a few systems. We all stopped struggling when we heard it gurgle.

“Rift…particle…extrapolated,” it croaked. “Beginning…casing…regeneration!” It then started moving!

“EVERYONE OUT!” I shouted. We all managed to get out and seal the room.

“Why are you so panicked?” asked Professor Von Drake. “The lock has 387,420,489 possible combinations. It can’t get out.”

“That may be a drone Dalek, but it’s still a genius,” I argued. “It can calculate a trillion combinations in ten seconds flat!”

“It’s over ten seconds right now,” observed War.

“…You’re right, it should be attacking us by now,” I realized.

“It’s unarmed, remember?” reminded Climb.

“That plunger can crush a man’s skull!” I replied.

“A slow death, too slow for a Dalek,” countered Climb.

“Why do you talk about that ‘Dalek’ as if it is a bad guy?!” snapped Professor Von Drake.

“Since they aren’t native to your universe and since I’m the expert on their native universe, I’ll explain,” I began. “The Daleks are an alien race originally a humanoid race called the Kaleds. The Kaleds were at war with the Thals, embroiled in a nuclear war over control of their mutual home planet of Skaro. To try and break the thousand year deadlock, the Kaled Chief Scientist, Davros, accelerated the mutations of his species into their ‘Ultimate’ state. What he created, he placed in a metal war machine. Cue the Dalek Empire, spanning across time and space in more ways than one. Because of their liberal use of time travel, the Dalek Empire threatens to collapse under the weight of its own paradoxes.”

“…You mean…” gulped Mickey.

“That thing has something alive inside,” confirmed Alesandro.

“We have had one too many dealings with the Daleks,” muttered Gandalf.

“Well, it’s unarmed, as you say,” mused Professor Von Drake. “Perhaps we can reason with it?”

“Reason with it?” repeated Hiroki. “Professor, you DON’T reason with a Dalek. They can’t be reasoned with.”

“Nonsense,” dismissed the Professor. ‘Everything wants something!”

“Who is one of your more brilliant colleagues?” I asked.

“Shuri of Wakanda,” answered the Professor.

“And Wakanda’s population is?” quizzed War.

“6,000,000,” replied the Professor.

“All dead,” declared Charline. “If the Dalek gets out, it will kill every Wakandan. Man, woman, child, it makes little difference to the Dalek.”

“Why would it WANT to kill innocent people?!” snapped the Professor, still not believing us.

“Because we’re genetically inferior,” explained Discornia. “The Daleks hold the belief that they are the purest life-forms in existence. Any other life-form is an abomination that must be, as they so eloquently put it, exterminated. It’s the ultimate racial cleanser and now it’s loose!” The door then hissed as it opened to reveal the Dalek.

“Weapons!” I called as those of us who didn’t transform into our Rider personas readied our belts.

“Parlay!” barked the Dalek.

“…Pardon?” I quizzed.

“I invoke the right of Parlay!” replied the Dalek.

“…ARE YOU KIDDING?!” I shouted.

“Like you would know what Parlay means!” taunted Alesandro.

“I do!” barked the Dalek. “Neither side has a clear advantage!”

“You don’t have a gunstick, we have weapons to pierce your hide,” I argued. “I’d say WE have the advantage!”

“My shielding is online!” replied the Dalek. “I can cancel out any attacks, be they melee or ranged! When you tire, my shield will be down. Once you regain your strength and resume the assault, my shield will be restored and the cycle begins again!” I then sighed.

“Stalemate, then,” I muttered. “All right, we’ll hear you out.”

“Michael!” snapped Irina, remembering when she was put into a coma on Skaro.

“I don’t like it any more than you do,” I replied. I then turned to the Dalek. “Proceed.”

“You are looking for War’s Source and the Tarlaxian Scout ship!” began the Dalek. A statement rather than a question.

“Correct,” I answered.

“Both are believed to have been taken to the Eastern-European country of Latveria!” reported the Dalek. “Doctor Doom and his wife, Maleficent, intend to dissect the Tarlaxians within 103,984.8 rels!”

“…How long is a rel?” asked the Professor.

“Three Earth seconds!” answered the Dalek. Professor Von Drake then started calculating, first multiplying 103,984.8 by three, then dividing that answer by sixty, then dividing by sixty again to get 86.654 hours.

“These ‘Tarlaxians’,” he reported, “have three days, fourteen hours, 39 minutes, and fourteen seconds before they’re taken apart!”

“Latveria is also in possession of my weapon!” barked the Dalek.

“So, we go talk to Doctor Doom,” I guessed, “and convince him not to dissect the Tarlaxians while you grab your gunstick and then we’ll fight over the Source?”

“Correct!” replied the Dalek.

“…Done,” I answered.

“Not done!” barked War.

“Done,” countered Irina.

“The Daleks put you into a coma!” snapped War.

“It was Davros who put me into a coma,” argued Irina.

“Because that makes it SO much better!” growled War.

“We need the Source,” I countered. “Dalek, we agree to your terms.”

“Very well!” barked the Dalek. “We will proceed immediately! Immediately!” I called up Kit-10.

“Kit-10, there’s a change of plans,” I began. “Meet us in the hangar. We’re taking X to Latveria. Keep your stun blaster trained on it as X is a Dalek Drone.”

“…And why, pray tell, are we taking a Dalek to Latveria?” quizzed Kit-10.

“Its weapon, the Source, and the Tarlaxian Scout ship are located there,” I explained. “We have a truce until the Dalek is rearmed, then we proceed to fight over the Source.”

“A rather shaky truce,” muttered Kit-10. “On my way.” She ended the call.

“The hangar’s this way,” directed Mickey. He led us all through the castle to the hangar.

“While we’re walking, I have a question,” called Alesandro. “Did Maleficent REALLY marry Doctor Doom?”

“She did,” replied Mickey. “I wasn’t invited. Then again, it was a villains-only wedding. Iago DID get me footage of the…”

“SILENCE!” barked the Dalek.

“You’re not in a position to give orders!” I snapped as I advanced on the Dalek.

“KEEP AWAY!” yelped the Dalek as it reversed.

“I knew it,” I hissed, “you’re scared without your precious gunstick.”

“Can we please?!” snapped Mickey. “We’re here.” We had entered the hangar, united with Kit-10,  and boarded an aircraft with Mickey’s usual symbol on it. We boarded the vessel and sat down in various seats while Mickey took the pilot’s seat and Professor Von Drake took the Copilot’s seat. The Dalek just stood there, twitching all the while. “Could somebody strap X in?” called Mickey.

“That is not required!” barked the Dalek. “I will remain on the floor if we encounter turbulence!”

“How do you know?!” I snapped as I fastened safety straps onto Kit-10.

“…I am Dalek Drone 8872345!” declared the Dalek.

“You’re a murderous b*****d that feels only hatred,” I hissed as we strapped in.

“All flight checks complete,” called Professor Von Drake. “We’re cleared for departure!”

“Off we go!” cheered Mickey as he fired up the engines. The hangar doors opened and we took off, making a beeline towards Latveria.

Kamen Rider Vortex Kamen Rider Vortex Movie Chapters

Chapter 8

The Latverian Air Force didn’t take too kindly to our arrival. “Incoming aircraft, you are invading Latverian Air Space!” warned a heavily accented woman’s voice over the radio. “Turn back immediately or we will open fire!”

“Ignore!” barked the Dalek. “Proceed! Nothing must halt the mission!”

“…What was that?” quizzed the woman.

“For once, listen to the dust bin,” I urged Mickey. He terminated communications and we continued on our flight path. The Latverian Air Force then opened fire on us. We took a couple of hits before Mickey made a decision.

“It’s too hot for me to land!” he called. “You fellas need to make a drop towards Doom’s Castle! Professor, take over! I’m going with them!”

“Understood!” I called.

“Got it!” confirmed the Professor. He then took Mickey’s seat as the mouse opened the rear whilst we stood up. The Dalek turned towards the opening.

“Advance!” it barked.

“I give the orders around here!” I shouted. “Onwards!” We all shouted “Henshin!” and leapt out of the craft. Alesandro’s belt called “Open! Turn! Imagine! The Crossbow of Striker!” Alesandro took the image of a 17th century Spanish knight, adopting his Rider name of Kamen Rider Striker. We landed in the courtyard of Doom’s castle, all the soldiers leveling their guns at us. “I apologize for our abrupt entrance,” I began, “but we need an audience with Lord Doom.”

“My husband is away,” replied a cold, callous woman’s voice. Maleficent then stepped into the courtyard, drawn to her full height. “I rule here at the moment. State your business.”

“My Lady,” I explained, “it has been brought to our attention that you have this one’s weapon,” I gestured towards the Dalek, “on top of non-human prisoners and an orange crystal sphere.”

“What interest are they to you?” demanded Maleficent.

“They are very dangerous to anyone, especially one of your magnificence,” I explained.

“Flattery will get you flattened,” threatened Maleficent. “Suppose I refuse?”

“Then…one of our sides may live to regret it,” I sighed.

“I see,” replied Maleficent. “You have a lot of gall to just barge into Latveria like that. But, you temper it with showing me the proper respect. I must say, you seem much more worthy of being a king than Aurora’s father. I will not give in to rash impulses. Shall we discuss this over dinner?”

“We cannot delay!” barked the Dalek. “You will…!”

“Be quiet!” I snapped. “Show some respect! She is a ruler and requires a fair amount of manners towards her!” I turned to Maleficent. “Please excuse my compatriot, it comes from a culture that simply takes what it wants, showing no respect for other life. A bit of a god complex.”

“Just remind it of its place,” warned Maleficent. She turned to the troops. “Stand down. They are guests in this castle.” The troops obeyed and went back to their normal duties. “Follow me to the dining hall,” Maleficent directed us. As we all powered down into our civilian forms, we followed her to a magnificent dining hall. Chefs were serving up the dishes as we sat. The Dalek twitched as it watched us. “I must say, this brashness is unlike you, Mickey,” mused Maleficent.

“I apologize,” replied Mickey, “but when life is threatened, I can’t turn my back.”

“The knowledge we would acquire,” continued Maleficent, “would be very prized. How else can we obtain it?”

“Perhaps ask the Tarlaxians?” I suggested.

“They never talked,” replied Maleficent. “We had to resort to torture, but they still refused to speak.”

“Torture?” remarked War as she tore into a drumstick with her hands. “A mere test of resilience on Tarlax.”

“We could tell you,” offered Alesandro.

“Alesandro!” I admonished.

“Actually, a fair trade,” countered Charline.

“It IS the most logical option we have,” supplied Kit-10.

“And if you’re lying?” inquired Maleficent.

“Attach us to all the lie detectors you have,” replied Alesandro, “cast a truth spell, anything to assure you we’re not lying.”

“And yet a lie was fed to you, specifically,” chuckled Maleficent.

“…Perdón?” (I beg your pardon?) quizzed Alesandro.

“The instant you came in here,” explained Maleficent, “I’ve cast multiple truth spells around you lot and probed your minds. Alesandro, was it? Has Megumi ever tried to hide anything from her team before you joined?”

“No,” replied Alesandro.

“Michael, same question,” directed Maleficent. Unfortunately, my mouth was not under my control.

“Yes, she did,” I said. “Before we fought Vortech in 1885 Hill Valley, Megumi kept Batman, Gandalf, Hongo, and Wyldstyle in the dark about the true nature of the threat. When she learned that X-PO had actually sent for them, she had an emotional collapse.”

“…A lie, sí?!” pleaded Alesandro.

“…I’m sorry, but no,” sighed Gandalf.

“…You kept a secret from me?!” accused Alesandro. “I told you that I had trust issues within my family! I thought I could start with a new family with no secrets! I can’t begin to tell you how betrayed I feel!”

“Alesandro, I…!” I began.

“¡Cállate!” (Shut up!) roared Alesandro. “You don’t deserve to speak!”

“Oh, how things fall apart,” chuckled Maleficent.

“Madam, we’ve tried to be nice,” growled War, “but our patience is at an end! Hand over that which we seek or your castle will be destroyed!”

“You dare threaten me?!” challenged Maleficent. “In my own castle, you dare threaten the Mistress of All Evil?!”

“We know worse bad girls!” taunted War.

“Please! No!” I begged. “Let’s all calm down and…where’s the Dalek?! WHERE’S THE GODDAMNED DALEK?!” The damned thing scuttled off in search of its weapon!

“Mistress, the robot has entered the vault,” reported a soldier over the comms. “Somehow, it bypassed all the security codes and gained entrance. It’s moving towards me. I’ll stop it.”

“You can’t!” I warned. “Get out of there before it kills you!”

“…One of the guests?” guessed the soldier.

“It is,” replied Maleficent. “Ignore. It only has a plunger. On screen.”

“Yes, My Lady,” obliged the soldier. The screen showed the soldier approaching the Dalek.

“Stand aside!” barked the Dalek as it held its plunger towards the man’s head.

“What are you going to do?” scoffed the soldier. “Plunge my toilet?” The plunger then grabbed the soldier’s face and created a powerful enough suction to crush the man’s skull and dehydrate the skin until the soldier fell to the floor, dead.

“All soldiers, converge on the vault!” ordered Maleficent. “Kill the creature inside!” As more soldiers moved, the Dalek placed its plunger on a glass casing. It created a vacuum that cracked the glass until it shattered, revealing the signature gunstick of a Dalek. It floated towards the empty socket and installed itself into the Dalek.

“All systems operational!” reported the Dalek. The soldiers then arrived and leveled their guns. Someone shouted an order to fire, as if it would make a difference. The bullets and laser weapons had no effect. The laser fire seemed to be absorbed into the shields while the bullets, unbeknownst to people that didn’t watch Doctor Who, were dissolved. The Dalek then aimed its gunstick and said the one word I prayed I’d never hear during this mission. “EXTERMINATE!” The soldier was gunned down by the Dalek’s weapon, scrambling his insides as he fell. The rest fell the same way. Mickey gasped, never imagining such carnage. “The Dalek race is superior!” boasted the Dalek. “All shall bow before us!” Maleficent then shut off the visual link.

“Now do you see how dangerous that thing is?!” I snapped. “Now do you see why I was holding it back?! Even when it didn’t have a gun, it could still kill people and counter your spells! Not even your dragon form could destroy it!”

“What…manner of creature IS that thing?!” breathed Maleficent, the gravity of the situation dawning on her.

“I’d like to know that myself,” boomed a voice. There, holding himself high, clad in armor with a green tunic and cloak with cowl, and a face hidden behind a silver mask, was Doctor Doom, Lord and Emperor of Latveria. “It slaughtered my best soldiers as if they were nothing,” boomed Doom. “Those men and women were trained in dealing with all manners of threats.”

“Not the threat of a Dalek, Lord Doom,” I argued. “It’s an alien mutant from the planet Skaro, from another universe. It’s been genetically engineered and locked within a metal casing, conditioned to hate non-Dalek life-forms.”

“I was put into a coma by their creator, Davros,” Irina chimed in, “and he’s a man in a wheelchair!”

“Well, with super-powered experts on that creature, we may prevail,” mused Doom.

“By the skin of our teeth, if we’re lucky,” I replied.

“In the meantime,” declared Doom as he keyed in a command on a screen from one of his gloves, “Castle Doom is in lockdown. No one goes in or out. I will not have that Dalek kill any of my people.”

“A wise decision,” I praised. “Can you, at least, tell your men to stick to surveillance while we deal with it?”

“You ARE including my wife and I in this endeavor, I trust?” requested Doom.

“Wouldn’t dream of leaving you two out,” I replied, realizing I slightly lied. Maleficent’s spells must have worn off.

“All soldiers, report all observations on the enemy,” Doom ordered over the comms. “Do not engage. Repeat, do NOT engage! I will not lose any more men.” He ended the broadcast once he got the Dalek’s location from a soldier. “The enemy is moving towards the Foundry. We shall meet it there.” He led the way to the Foundry and we met the Dalek. “Dalek, I warn you!” called Doom. “You have killed too many of my people! If you do not leave, the sonic cannons lining the walls will tear you asunder!”

“Your sonic cannons have already been adapted to!” barked the Dalek. “Your threat means nothing! My mission of reconnaissance and conquest shall continue!”

“A Recon Dalek!” I breathed. “I’m honored! Tell me, what does Hiro want with the Sources.”

“The barrier shall be lowered!” replied the Dalek.

“I take it, you’re talking about the barrier surrounding Foundation Prime?” I guessed.

“Correct!” confirmed the Dalek. “With the Rift Loop collapsed, we need no longer fear Vortech!”

“The Rift Loop collapsed?” I quizzed. “What does that mean? The Doctor set up the Loop. All of her, in fact.”

“The Doctor failed to realize,” boasted the Dalek, “that Vortech’s presence made the Rift Loop unstable! With that gone, Vortech’s life signs vanished!”

“Hold on, are you seriously telling us Lord Vortech is dead?” asked Hiroki.

“Correct!” confirmed the Dalek.

“But, what could you…?” asked Charline.

“No more questions!” barked the Dalek. “Exterminate!” At that moment, I drew my Sonic Screwdriver and leveled it at the gun. A wisp of blue smoke came out, but nothing lethal.

“Nice try!” I laughed.

“Your sonic device will not save you!” barked the Dalek. “I am already adapting around it!”

“Yeah, you Recon Daleks have a tendency to do that,” I muttered.

“You have a sonic device?” quizzed Doom.

“Yep!” I replied. “Called the Sonic…” I stopped myself, figuring Doom would take issue with the name.

“Sonic what?” asked Doom.

“It’s just sonic!” I answered.

“Sonic what?!” repeated Doom.

“It’s just sonic!” I insisted. “I’m all sonic’d up!”

“Sonic device override!” announced the Dalek.

“SONIC WHAT?!” roared Doom.

“SCREWDRIVER!” I finally answer as I pointed it at a large thing held up by chains. The chains were undone and the thing fell.

“Exterminate!” shouted the Dalek. Too late, the thing separated us from the Dalek.

“RUN!” I call. Doom knew the way to a safe room, thus he led us there. We spent the time catching our breath.

“…A sonic screwdriver?!” protested Doom. “That sounds a little contrived, even for Doom! Doom would never look at a screwdriver and say, ‘This could be more sonic’!”

“What, Doom was never bored?!” I mocked. “Doom, of all people, never had a long night or had a lot of cabinets to put up?”

“Did you just mock Doom’s habit of talking in the third person?!” snarled Doom.

“You sound ridiculous doing that!” I argued.

“Doom is currently panicked!” snapped Doom. “Talking in the third person helps Doom relax!”

“Can we save it?!” snarled War.

“You’re right,” I concede. “We have a very angry Dalek ready to kill us all. All right; assets, everyone. What do we have?”

“Most of us have transformation belts,” helped Hiroki.

“A good asset,” I replied.

“Doom and I know the layout of the castle,” offered Maleficent.

“A good asset,” I answered.

“Doom is a technological and magical genius,” boasted Doom.

“A good asset,” I concede.

“I have a magical key that functions as a sword,” supplied Mickey.

“A good asset,” I praised.

“I have the Elemental Keystone,” offered Gandalf.

“A good asset,” I replied.

“I’m a robot that can interface with any computer and I possess a stun blaster,” called Kit-10.

“Good assets,” I remarked.

“Wait a minute,” called Discornia, piping up after a while, “I have my awesome powers of light and sound, if I may boast, and I just remembered something wicked about the Source, if I may boast.”

“That’s right!” recalled War. “The Dalek is in danger if it touches it!”

“It is?” I quizzed.

“The Sources amplify the feeling attached to the aspect they signify,” explained War. “Death causes grief, Pestilence brings hopelessness, Chaos sparks uncertainty, Famine induces resentment…”

“And War inspires anger!” I realized. “The Dalek IS in danger! Now that’s enough good assets to form a plan! Doom, can you allow Kit-10 to guide the Dalek to the Source?”

“I’ll need to input various passwords,” replied Doom as he revealed a computer terminal for Kit-10 to interface with.

“That will make the work easier on me,” assured Kit-10.

“Excellent!” I praised. “Now, once the Dalek spots the Source and is close enough…”

The Dalek was guided to the Source and clapped its eyestalk on it. “Source located!” it cheered. “Beginning retrieval!” It then moved forward. Once it was in the center of the room, I noisily entered in my Rider persona of Kamen Rider Battle. It heard my steps and turned towards me.

“Don’t shoot! Don’t shoot!” I called.

“Exterminate!” it squawked. It then fired only for the shot to be absorbed by a shield Doom had erected once the Dalek got to the center of the room.

“If the Doctor wasn’t that daft, why should you assume a companion is?” I taunted. Everyone then joined me. Those that had a Rider persona had changed into it.

“Hide behind your shield!” barked the Dalek. “You and your associates, you have failed!”

“Dalek, I’m giving you one chance!” I snapped back. “Leve this universe at once!”

“You are not my commander!” replied the Dalek. I sighed.

“I tried,” I muttered. “I really gave it a chance. You all saw it, right?” The general consensus was yes. “Now, we’re fast enough for this plan to work, correct?” There was a bit of mumbling before Doom responded for everyone.

“Possibly,” he stated.

“Well, THAT needs work!” I hissed. “All right, everyone, Catchphrase time!

“Kamen Rider Climb! Mountains are a warrior’s best friend!”

“Kamen Rider Sengoku! You shall get a taste of Feudal Japan!”

“Kamen Rider War! This battlefield is mine!”

“Kamen Rider Battle! For friends and family, I shall be victorious!”

“Kamen Rider Herald O! I bring news of your defeat!”

“Kamen Rider Striker! None shall delay victory!” called Alesandro.

“I am Gandalf the Grey! Prepare to see some fireworks!”

“I am Discornia, the Dazzling Dancer!”

“I am Kit-10! You shall fall before my claws, both digital and physical!”

“All shall bow before Doctor Doom!”

“You shall be ashes at the feet of Maleficent, Mistress of All Evil!”

“I’m Mickey Mouse! The light of imagination shall show the way!”

“The Dalek race is supreme!” boasted the Dalek.

“DOOM! NOW!” I called. Doom keyed in a command and dropped the shield. We then spread out as the Dalek fired on us.

“All shall be exterminated! Exterminate!” shrieked the Dalek. Mickey stopped by a door and heard something pounding on it from the other side. He used his Keyblade to unlock it and revealed…the crew of the Tarlaxian scout ship! The crew was as follows, Captain Bladriga; a male that had multiple blades for his limbs and digits, Commander Crabordii, a female that was based on a hermit crab, and Lieutenant Draknarg, a male based on a western dragon. They seemed to be recovering from injuries and I remembered Maleficent saying they had resorted to torture to no avail. Mickey had cast a healing spell and helped them recover faster.

“Thank you!” bid Bladriga.

“How do we know he’s not part of some elaborate…?!” snarled Draknarg. He was interrupted by one of the Dalek’s shots flying over his head. “Okay, bigger priorities,” muttered Draknarg as he drew his blade. His crewmates did the same as Crabordii waved Mickey over.

“You might need this,” she offered. “A little extra protection.” The object was a Chronicle Driver! Mickey looked at it in awe, then equipped it onto his waist. It formed the belt strap automatically.

“Chronicle Driver!” it announced. He then fished out an Armor Auto-bio and pointed at his enemy with both his pointer and middle fingers. He then turned the hand sideways as if the fingers were a key.

“Henshin!” he called before inserting the Armor Auto-bio into the shelf and pressing it down into the buckle.

“Open! Turn! Imagine!” announced the belt. “The Keyblade of Lux!” Mickey’s armor attached itself to his little body, even his tail and head, and he stood proud after the eyes flashed, indicating the transformation was a success. Mickey examined himself briefly before drawing his new Keyblade and leaping into the air.

“EYES SHUT!” he warned. We all shut our eyes while the Dalek foolishly looked up.

“LIGHT!” announced Mickey as he summoned a bright light. I heard a crack, then the Dalek screamed.

“VISION IMPAIRED!” it screamed. “ENTERING SIEGE MODE!” When I was sure the light had died down, I noticed that the Dalek was different. Its sensor spheres, eyestalk, speech indicators, and armaments had retreated into the casing with covers over the holes while the collar around the neck had slammed shut, covering the neck. It didn’t move, most likely too focused on fixing the eyestalk.

“NOW!” I called. Striker and Doom grabbed the Source and attached it to the Dalek’s backside while Kit-10 and War used a small laser each to weld the Source to the casing. The Dalek started twitching.

“What did you attach to my casing?!” it demanded as it disengaged Siege Mode.

“I must say, the Siege Mode thing is smarter than your usual screaming about your blindness and firing wildly,” I mused, not answering as the Dalek’s dome and newly repaired eyestalk whirled violently around to identify the object on its back.

“What did you attach to my casing?!” the Dalek demanded again. “My…hatred…is reaching…unacceptable tolerances!”

“War’s Source amplifies the emotions and feelings associated with her aspect,” I explained, repeating the lecture Discornia and War gave. “Since you Daleks are born with hatred and anger towards the existence of non-Dalek life-forms, it’s making that hatred go through the roof until you want to destroy everything with no reason and no sense of purpose, even yourself! A blind killing machine! In other words, the Dalek Factor cranked up to eleven!”


“Gandalf! Maleficent! Doom! Now!” I called. Doom activated a shield around the Dalek as it fired blindly. Maleficent and Gandalf used their magic to reinforce the shield.

“And a little more power,” called Gandalf. “Elemental Keystone, activate! Element of lightning, all allies!” We were all surrounded in a cyan aura and felt an electric charge tingle through us. Us Vortex Riders spun the wheels on our belts while Mickey and Striker pressed the button on top of their belts and War rotated her belt’s sword a full 360⁰ before pressing down again.

“Final attack!” called the Vortex Drivers.

“Final Pen Stroke!” announce the Chronicle Drivers. We all leapt into the air as Gandalf, Kit-10, Discornia, Doom, the Tarlaxian crew, and Maleficent fired a stream of lightning at the shields.






“RIDER STRIKER KICK!” announced Alesandro.

“RIDER LUX KICK!” shouted Mickey. We all then performed a flying kick at the shield as the rest stopped their attacks. The Dalek was still violently firing until its own shields came down and it exploded, scattering its gooey remains all over the inside of the shield. The only things left intact were the skirt section and the Source. Doom turned the shield off so we could get a look. A rather nasty smell assaulted our noses, coming from the dead Dalek. Crabordii braved a look and gasped.

“I thought the internal creature was underdeveloped with vestigial limbs and sensory organs, almost ameboid,” she recalled.

“This one seems altogether different than what you just described,” remarked Doom. “This one has functional appendages with some form of mechanical prosthesis grafted into its body.”

“Davros must have dusted off the plans for his old Imperial Daleks,” I mused as all of us Riders cancelled our transformations.

“I think I’m going to be sick,” groaned Maleficent.

“Now, at the risk of sounding rude,” snarled Doom as he turned to us, “a good number of men and women died at that creature’s hand! You brought death into my castle! Take your Tarlaxians and your Source and get out!”

“…Understandable, Lord Doom,” I replied.

“May I come with you?” asked Mickey. “I think I’d need some training for my new Rider form.”

“If you wish, then very well,” I answered. “What did your Chronicle Driver say when you transformed?”

“I think it said ‘The Keyblade of Lux’,” recalled Mickey.

“Then that makes you Kamen Rider Lux,” I explained as I took out the communicator. War held the Source and examined it for any damage. “Vorton, we’re ready to return,” I called. “Mission accomplished. Mickey Mouse will be joining us as well as other Tarlaxians”

“Good to know,” replied the Doctor’s voice.

“Doctor?!” I yelped. “What are you doing on Vorton?”

“Are you familiar with Rose Tyler?” asked the Doctor as the portal opened.

“Your first companion after the Last Great Time War,” I recalled. “You two had a romantic attraction towards each other. Why? Did she find you again?”

“No, but a clone of her did,” explained the Doctor. “Do you mind talking to her when you get back?”

“Of course,” I promised. “See you later. Michael out.” I hung up and we went into the portal, arriving back on Vorton after a minute. The Doctor and Megumi greeted us. “Where’s the Rose clone?” I asked.

“This way,” directed the Doctor. She led me to a spare room where the Rose clone was watching the first Dalek episode of the revived Doctor Who. It was the scene within Van Statten’s cage. The 9th Doctor spoke.

“What the hell are you here for?” demanded Nine.

“I am waiting for orders!” replied the former last of the Daleks.

“What does that mean?” asked Nine.

“I am a soldier!” barked the Dalek. “I was bred to receive orders!”

“Well, you’re never gonna get any!” hissed Nine. “Not ever!”

“I demand orders!” screamed the Dalek.

“Excuse me?” I called. The Rose clone shook as I had apparently startled her.

“You…are new,” she ventured as she paused the video.

“I’m Michael Archer, Kamen Rider Battle,” I introduced myself. “I take it you don’t know what or who you are?”

“…No,” muttered the Rose clone. Que the awkward silence.

“So…how are you doing?” I asked.

“Nothing…feels…right,” mumbled the Rose clone.

“Maybe if you had a change of outfit…?” I offered.

“That’s not what I meant,” answered the Rose clone. “Besides, I don’t feel like changing out of my outfit. It’s mine, not hers.” I guessed the “her” was the original Rose Tyler.

“I believe I understand,” I assured her as I sat on the bed next to her.

“…The Doctor thinks I’m Rose’s clone,” muttered the Rose clone.

“I don’t suppose you have any leads on that?” I asked.

“No one does,” sighed the Rose clone.

“Do you have a name?” I inquired. “I mean, it would only cause the Doctor heartache in both of her hearts if we called you ‘Rose’.”

“The Doctor suggested ‘Daisy’,” grumbled the Rose clone.

“A little on the nose, even for the Doctor,” I mused.

“I don’t know who I am,” sighed the Rose clone. “Every name I’ve been given feels wrong, even ‘Rose’. I suppose it’s because I’m NOT her.”

“You’re not required by any law to be Rose Tyler,” I assured her. “Be your own person.”

“But I need to conform somehow,” mumbled the Rose clone. “If I’m not her, then I need to know who I am. On the other hand, if I AM a clone, then who cloned me?”


I had retreated into my quarters on Vorton and took off my Chronicle Driver, tossing it onto the dresser. I needed to be alone. I looked at the calendar and saw the day circled. “Feliz cumpleaños, Tío,” ( Happy Birthday, Uncle) I sighed. Just then, the door chimed. “Adelante,” (Come in) I called. Mickey came in.

“You live in an AWESOME place!” he praised.

“Gracias,” (Thank you) I mumbled. Mickey noticed my mood.

“Is everything okay?” he asked.

“No, not really,” I muttered. “I’m thinking of leaving the FNS.”

“…I think I have a guess why,” mused Mickey, “but could you tell me so I can see if I was right?”

“I came from a totally dysfunctional family that always kept secrets,” I explained. “My uncle was the only one I could rely on. When he died, I felt like I had to get away. After Academy and the FNS gave me a fresh start. I thought I could get away from secret keeping, but what I heard in Doom’s castle gave me horrible flashbacks! Is it wrong that I feel angry at the FNS?”

“No, in this instance,” replied Mickey, “your feelings are legitimate.”

“It’s just…I’m not sure I want this kind of life!” I continued.

“Where will you go?” asked Mickey.

“I’m not sure,” I answered.

“While I’d be saddened at the implication that my arrival in all of this would mean I replaced you,” sighed Mickey, “I do know some areas in my domain that could use you.”

“I appreciate that,” I bid. “Let me think it over.”

“I WOULD strongly suggest that you talk to Megumi before you go,” urged Mickey.

“…Why?” I hissed.

“Because, if you don’t,” answered Mickey, “you’ll be leaving with no feeling of closure.” He left my room on that note.

Kamen Rider Vortex Kamen Rider Vortex Chapters

Chapter 51

I shook my head to clear the impact. My surroundings were…colorful, to say the least. It seemed like an American street in the 20’s. An elderly man came up. He wore a straw hat and a sash that said “Mayor” on it. He was bright and cheerful. “Good Morning!” he cheered

“…Good Morning,” I replied. “I am Hiro Adachi, who are you?”

“I’m Christopher George Weaver!” introduced the man. “The mayor of Main Street, USA!”

“USA?” I repeated. “I’m in America?”

“You look new,” remarked Mayor Weaver. “Are you moving in?”

“I’m…not going to be staying long,” I answered.

“That’s a pity,” sighed Mayor Weaver before putting on his happy face. “Well, in any case, enjoy your visit!” He headed off to his car where his wife was waiting.

“Really, now, Christopher,” she remarked as they pulled away, “don’t you think he needs a doctor?”

“He seemed all right to me,” assured the mayor. They disappeared and I ducked into an alley to raise Foundation Prime.

“Mayday!” I hissed into my comms unit. “Mayday! Mayday! This is a distress call! This is Hiro Adachi, resurrected!” I was met with static. “Damn!” I swore. “I need a Foundation Element’s power to boost the signal!”

“Found one,” reported the Rogue Driver. “Keep walking. I’ll get you there.” I shrugged, then walked down the street. Various cartoon characters were running by alongside humans. I then saw a large castle, white with blue roofs. I was told to go there. Near the portcullis across the moat, I saw a boy with spiky brown hair, oversized yellow shoes, and a goofy expression talking to a woman with blood-red hair, a teal sea star in her hair, and wearing a sea-green dress. She was accompanied by a raven-haired man in princely regalia. “The boy has it,” confirmed the Rogue Driver.

“Excuse me!” I called to the trio. They turned to see me.

“Who are you?” asked the boy.

“Where I’m from,” I chided, “it’s bad manners to ask questions before introducing yourself. In any case, that’s irrelevant. You have an object of immense power?”

“Er, yes, the Keyblade,” stammered the boy.

“Readings of this ‘Keyblade’ match those of a Foundation Element,” reported the Rogue Driver.

“Excellent!” I cheered. I then drew one of my pistols. “I’ll be taking the Keyblade, then.”

“Whoa! WHOA! Okay!” yelped the boy. He then summoned a large key with a yellow guard. “See? Here it is! FIRAGA!” He swiped at the air and threw a large fireball at me! I got out of the way and fired back. It ended in a shoot-out as we circled. The girl didn’t do so, so I wrapped my free arm around her and held the gun to her head.

“Hand over the Keyblade or her dress is stained with something grey, brain-matter grey!” I threatened. Then, it happened. She screamed, making me wince slightly, then…apparently, she wears heels as one of them punctured my foot! I released her and dropped my gun to grab my left foot and hop around in pain saying “ITAI!” loudly. She ran as fast as she could in her heels and dress and buried herself in her raven-haired friend’s arms.

“That was his wife you threatened!” snarled the boy as he charged at me. I grabbed both my guns and put my i.d tag into the Rogue Driver.

“Henshin!” I announced. I fired, making a red circle with my suit’s profile going sideways, and leapt through the circle. I became Kamen Rider Rogue once again and turned my pistols into their Shōtō (short sword) mode. I clashed with the boy again and again, until I “accidentally” loosened my grip on the swords. They were knocked out and the Keyblade was about to strike, but I grabbed the shaft. “Your blade is connected to you, no?” I remarked. “Let’s fix that!” I sent a surge of energy through the blade and it ran through the boy. After a few seconds, I wrestled it from the boy’s grip and stood over him.

“That won’t be in your hands for long!” boasted the boy. He held his hands out and waited for something. Nothing happened. “WHAT?!” yelped the boy.

“I severed your connection with the Keyblade,” I explained. “You’re unarmed and useless!”

“Give that back!” shouted the boy as he leapt onto my arm. I swatted him aside.

“Hello! Rogue Driver!” called a voice over the comms I missed hearing. “I detected a surge of energy! What’s going on?”

“My sweet eagle,” I replied, “your tiger is back!”

“Hiro-Chan!” cheered Igura. “Where have you been?! I’ve been looking all over the multiverse for you!!”

“Well, I’ve been denied access to Foundation Prime,” I answered. “Can Vortech give me a lift? I have two things of value to him.”

“I’m afraid he’s away,” replied Igura. “But, I can get you home!” A portal opened and I limped into it at top speed.

Vorton’s current atmosphere was tense, I won’t lie. We tried various methods to take our mind off the danger that Hiro presented. I toured Vorton and found various training exercises and recreational activities going on. In the Battle Arena, Hongo was training some Stormtroopers in riding speeder bikes. “All right,” he called, “on your bikes!” The troopers mounted their speeders. “All you need to do is weave through the trees and get to the other end, then turn around and return here. On my mark! 3! 2! 1! GO!” Three troopers took off, one’s bike exploded, and the last one didn’t go. The rider altered some settings, then found himself and the bike flying into the air. Hongo face-palmed. A rider crashed into a tree. One rider found himself turned around and crashed into the other rider. Hongo saw me. “Vader said these were the Empire’s finest,” he muttered. I commed someone.

“Requesting a cleanup and medical crew in the Battle Arena,” I called. The rider that went flying landed, hard. I then headed to the firing range to see Fred training some troops.

“Men, we may not see eye to eye, but you ARE the backbone of your Empire!” he declared. “Show me how you hit those targets!” The troopers readied their blasters and fired for a bit. “CEASE FIRE!” roared Fred. “Why are you idiots shooting from the hip?!”

“Permission to explain, sir!” requested a trooper.

“Permission granted!” answered Fred.

“Sir, the armor doesn’t let us aim, sir!” reported the trooper.

“Bulls**t!” swore Fred. He was wearing armor in his size. “I can easily…what the?” He couldn’t lift his gun up to line up his sights.

“I hate to say, ‘I told you so,’ sir,” snarked a second trooper.

“Then don’t!” snapped Fred. “What about spinal movement?”

“Sir, permission to demonstrate spinal movement!” requested a third trooper as he engaged the safety of his gun.

“Permission granted,” replied Fred. The trooper dropped his gun and tried to bend over, no dice. “So, none,” remarked Fred.

“I hate to sound needy, sir,” called the last trooper, “but our peripheral is practically nonexistent.”

“Is it now?” asked Fred as he put his helmet on. “Why, yes! Yes, it is,” he confirmed. He then took off the helmet. “So, we can’t aim, can’t see out of the corner of our eyes, can’t bend over…”

“And our armor is made of a material that is so weak, we literally die in one hit,” supplied the third trooper.

“That explains why you guys are losing,” commented Fred. I left that room and looked into another room to see Linda going through a drill with three Stormtroopers.

“So, you guys are supposed to be policemen as well as soldiers?” she muttered. “I gotta say, military police make me twitchy and our own boys in blue are near enough. Okay, here’s the situation: you’ve got orders to identify drivers on the street.”

“Why?” asked a trooper.

“What do you mean, ‘why’?!” snapped Linda. “You’re searching for someone or something!”

“How will we find the thing we’re looking for if we don’t know what it is?” asked the second trooper.

“NOW, we’re asking the real questions,” joked the third trooper.

“Seriously?!” called Linda “Fine, you’re looking for…” she then picked up an R9 Astromech, “this droid, right here!”

“Found it,” remarked the first. “Job’s done.”

“No! Come on!” shouted Linda. “Look, you’ve got orders to stop drivers and search for a droid. I will drive this speeder around the course, you stop and identify me. Are we clear?”

“Eeeyup!” replied the third trooper. Linda put the Astromech into the speeder, started the speeder, and went halfway around until the second trooper stopped her.

“Good day,” she greeted.

“How long have you had that droid?” asked the trooper.

“About a year now,” replied Linda.

“I’m gonna need to see your identification,” requested the trooper.

“I don’t think there’s a need for that,” answered Linda. The trooper then tried to be funny.

“We don’t need to see her i.d right now,” he called to his buddies.

“I’m not hearing this!” growled Linda as the troopers giggled.

“Oh, but you are,” replied the joking trooper. “Move along.” At that point, I made my presence known and made the trooper bend over backwards to look at me.

“If you nitwits try this sort of nonsense during our final battle,” I whispered. “I will scour your universe to find you! Are we clear?!”

“Crystal!” yelped the trooper. I released him and they tried again while I left. I remembered that I had an appointment and headed to the Gateway room.

“X-PO, I need a rift to the Ghostbusters of 1984,” I called.

“One rift, coming up!” replied X-PO. I headed to the Ghostbusters’ universe and wound up in front of Ghostbusters HQ. I knocked on the door and heard that it was okay to enter. Sludgiona was in a barrel reading a magazine next to a red-head named Janine, also reading a magazine.

“Hey!” I said, as cheerfully as I could, noticing the awkward silence. “How are things?”

“Slow, business-wise,” muttered Janine. “That’s fine though, since the boys are still trying to help Sludgiona here. Despite appearances, she’s very tidy and neat. A really valuable temp here.”

“Has Egon found your universe?” I asked Sludgiona.

“No,” she sighed. “Have any of your people?”

“No,” I admitted lamely.

“Figures,” she mumbled as she grabbed a soda.

“Look, we’re going to find it,” I assured. “It’s just that the multiverse is big and the maps we have are totally different, given that one is from Tarlax 13 and the other is from Vorton. We will find a common reference point and…”

“I didn’t ask you to come here to nag about that,” interrupted Sludgiona after she sipped her drink.

“Then, why did you ask me to visit?” I asked.

“I…” she was struggling to find the words. “I wanted to apologize.”

“…For what?” I asked.

“For…for everything! For fighting you, even after you freed me!” answered Sludgiona. “I don’t know, maybe I should’ve asked for help a while ago.”

“…Apology accepted,” I replied.

“Maybe if I asked you to help, I wouldn’t be stranded here!” cried Sludgiona.

“Stop,” I directed. Sludgiona looked confused. “I was the one who destroyed your declamation chip.”

“Might as well have been me,” mumbled Sludgiona.

“The only mistakes we’re responsible for are the ones we make ourselves, even in an emotional state,” I countered. “I was the one who let her zeal to free the multiverse influence that decision, and it was still the wrong one. We’ve all made mistakes in the past and we’re gonna make many more in the future. The only thing we can do is pick up after ourselves, learn from those mistakes, and move on. We can play the blame game after we died.” Sludgiona gave a sad smile.

“Those are…sagely words,” she mused.

“Is there…anything I can get you?” I asked.

“Not right now,” replied Sludgiona. “This dimension is starting to grow on me. I’ll talk to you later.” A little terse, maybe, but she meant it kindly. I summoned a ride home and toured Vorton again when I came back. Vader was taught Poker by Richard and learned quickly.

“Raising by 2,000,” declared Vader as he put 16,000 studs into the pot.

“Is that a joke, my lord?” asked a Stormtrooper.

“Do I joke that often?” asked Vader.

“I call,” replied Mr. Babineaux. His son, Emmanuel, was looking on.

“He has him!” he cheered to himself.

“Who has who?” I asked, startling Emmanuel. He recovered quickly.

“Papa, he has Richard, how you say, on the ropes,” he replied. I looked at Mr. Babineaux’s studs.

“What was the buy-in?” I asked.

“500,000 studs,” answered Emmanuel.

“He’s down to a quarter that now!” I observed.

“Not for long,” boasted Emmanuel. “He’ll get the pot.”

“What makes you so sure?” I asked.

“…Well…Poker is a…very deep…and involved game,” floundered Emmanuel. “Papa’s strategy will become apparent in a minute.”

“…You have absolutely no idea how Poker is played, do you?” I asked.

“…Non,” replied Emmanuel. “But, I HAVE gained a new appreciation for the game.”

“When?” I asked.

“When Papa started playing it as much as he goes to church,” answered Emmanuel. “He will be victorious and defeat Vader!”

“Vader’s gonna be tough to crack,” I observed. “Besides, Richard’s on a roll. For the past month, he’s won 202 Poker games of varying styles, even his weakest, Texas Hold-em.”

“Perhaps a wager is in order?” asked Emmanuel.

“I don’t want to bet against a man’s father,” I replied.

“Well, if the Queen is too afraid,” taunted Emmanuel. He only uses my position like that to try and get a rise out of me. It always works, I don’t know why!

“Name your stakes!” I declared.

“Loser buys the winner’s drink,” offered Emmanuel.

“It’s a bet!” I agreed as we shook hands. We then looked on. It was Mr. Babineaux’s bet.

“All in!” he answered.

“I’ll take you up on that,” called Richard as he went all in.

“Blast!” hissed the trooper. “I fold!”

“I fold as well,” replied Vader.

“Pretty bold move to go all in when you’ve lost three quarters of your buy-in in previous rounds,” mused Richard.

“Are you afraid a Frenchman cannot cover his bets?” taunted Mr. Babineaux.

“Perish the thought,” assured Richard. “I just hate to kick someone when they’re down. Let’s see ‘em because I think you’re bluffing and will lose!”

“Well, if it’s the rough stuff we’re doing,” answered Mr. Babineaux, “take a look!”

“A full house? Unbelievable!” gasped Richard.

“And there was no cheating from him,” reported Vader.

“Très bon!” cheered Emmanuel. He turned to me. “I’m a great lover of Chateau d’Yquem from Sauternes. That nectar is one of the gods!”

“I see I have gained a fan!” called Mr. Babineaux.

“Well, I hate to disappoint your fans,” countered Richard.

“…Quoi?” (What?) asked Mr. Babineaux. Richard revealed his hand. “A ROYAL FLUSH?!” protested Mr. Babineaux.

“And HE wasn’t cheating either!” remarked Vader.

“Good thing we folded, my Lord,” observed the trooper.

“203 straight games,” I counted. Emmanuel was red in the face. “Frenchmen don’t like losing?”

“No, we don’t!” confirmed Emmanuel.

“Well, we still have a bet,” I reminded him. “Oddly enough, I’m more preferable to Scotch Whiskey.”

“I will need to visit Scotland to get it,” replied Emmanuel.

“Oh, you can get it when this whole thing is over,” I assured. Emmanuel gave me a look. I left Emmanuel to fume and speak with his father to head back to the Gateway room. I noticed that the Brigadier was with Elphaba and Chell, but no Rusty. “Rusty still getting used to two legs?” I asked.

“Oh no,” replied Elphaba, “she’s just in the Simpsons’ universe.”

“By whose authority?!” I demanded.

“Ms. Sheela’s” answered the Brigadier. “She went with Rusty and Team 10 to investigate a…Plumber…distress call in that universe.”

“You know, I’m getting a little sick and tired of people going on little excursions behind my back!” I snapped. “Maybe I should just make a time-clock!” That was when the gateway opened. “Well, look who decided to…WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!” Sheela and her team were battered and bruised! They had two new guys. One of them was a young man, the other was a tall humanoid. It had a purple face with four eyes making the shape of a square on its angle, horns lining the face, no visible mouth, a white body with four red eyes on the chest, wings folded onto the shoulders connecting to the chest eyes, and black feet, lower legs, and left forearm. His right arm was colored green and ended in a vine like pattern on the upper arm. “And who are these two?” I asked.

“My name is Kazuraba Kōta,” panted the guy.

“And I am Reinrassic III, seventh son of the Noble Highbreed House of Derazza, direct descendant of the Pure Blooded High Order of Rarsect, and current Atasian Supreme,” introduced the alien.

“Reinrassic…Reiny?!” I yelped. “You’re the Highbreed Ben helped out?”

“Atasian,” corrected Reiny, “and, yes.”

“Everyone to the medical ward at once,” I ordered. “I want to know what went on.”